Anybody interested in these campaigns?


I have been wanting to run a campaign and since I will have a lot of free time soon I was wondering if anybody is interested.

If there is enough interest I will make a new thread for the recruitment.

I currently have:
Rise of the runelords
Wrath of the righteous
Rappan athuk

Dark Archive

Either of the Pathfinder campaigns will definitely get a lot of attention, I have no earthly idea what the third one is, but I would like to toss in my hat into that demonic circle there. Tosses a wizard's hat into the summoning circle whispering abyssal heresies.

I would love to play in a Rappan Athuk campaign. Tried several times but no luck so far.

This is rappan athuk if you are interested at looking into it. Rappan athuk

I have been looking for a decent Wrath of the righteous game.

been in three failed ones

I would love either Pathfinder AP.

Wrath of the Righteous could be interesting

Dark Archive

Rappan Athuk could be fun!

RotR or Rappan would be neat.

There is an ongoing RotR recruitment. Personally I would like Wrath of the Righteous best. Just run whatever you like the best, there are pretty much always enough people interested.

All three have great potential, though I would love to throw in a vote for Wrath of the Righteous!

Wrath or Rise would both be great for me though I'd prefer Rise.

I've tried to get into agame of Rise of the Runelords for ages. Okease consider my application if you go that way, thank you!

Dotting for interest

I wanna give Mythic a try. Definitely the Wrath.

Wrath of the Righteous would be interesting I think..

I think I have had 4 or 5 wrath games fail so I would love to play that one. What kind of build rules are you comfortable with. Keep in mind Wrath requires lots of changes to keep it challenging.

Ashe wrote:
I think I have had 4 or 5 wrath games fail so I would love to play that one. What kind of build rules are you comfortable with. Keep in mind Wrath requires lots of changes to keep it challenging.

Yea if I do end up running a wrath of the righteous game I might end up lowering point buy to 15 and reducing mythic tiers/levels. Maybe even reduce loot and give downsides to perks given in the campaign. I'm still not sure what I would change nothing is set in stone yet.

Yeah...the whole point of WotR is to be amazing. Never mind if you're toning it down that much.

yea, WotR is one of those campaigns you shouldnt decrease the power of as it detracts from the whole point of it. Increasing power of enemies is always a thing but i don't know if that's a good idea either

I'd be overly enthusiastic to apply for a game of WoTR!!

Start small guys, start small! APs are a huge commitment (involving several years of online GMing) in PbP. My advice is to begin with a module and then try your hands at a whole Adventure Path. PbP can prove overwhelming to some, and starting small is usually the secret to avoid getting burnt.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Yeah...the whole point of WotR is to be amazing. Never mind if you're toning it down that much.

As of right now I have no plans to change anything in any campaigns those comments are really just scratch notes that hold no merit.

Scarab Sages

Waiting to see if i get into another RotRL game, but i am interested in the other two.

Mottied wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Yeah...the whole point of WotR is to be amazing. Never mind if you're toning it down that much.
As of right now I have no plans to change anything in any campaigns those comments are really just scratch notes that hold no merit.

Honestly, I think that AP is pretty badly written. It's amazing, and the plot is great, but the encounters are cakewalk.

Cakewalk does not a fun campaign make.

If I were to do it again, I'd cut out the mythic entirely & use themed gestalts instead. There'd be the Mage class which was Arcanist//Sage Sorcerer//Wizard, the Wildlord, which was a Ranger//Druid//Hunter, the Warrior, which was a Fighter//Barbarian//Brawler, a Cleric//Inquisitor//Warprist class, a Bard//Swashbuckler//Ninja and a knightly order of Paladin//Cavalier//Oracles.

The fights would still be too easy, but at least it'd not be as completely out of the whack as the actual mythic version is, and you could probably get away with doubling the number of mooks in each fight beyond level 3 to create a roughly apropriate challenge.

TwelvePointFivePercent wrote:
Mottied wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Yeah...the whole point of WotR is to be amazing. Never mind if you're toning it down that much.
As of right now I have no plans to change anything in any campaigns those comments are really just scratch notes that hold no merit.

Honestly, I think that AP is pretty badly written. It's amazing, and the plot is great, but the encounters are cakewalk.

Cakewalk does not a fun campaign make.

If I were to do it again, I'd cut out the mythic entirely & use themed gestalts instead. There'd be the Mage class which was Arcanist//Sage Sorcerer//Wizard, the Wildlord, which was a Ranger//Druid//Hunter, the Warrior, which was a Fighter//Barbarian//Brawler, a Cleric//Inquisitor//Warprist class, a Bard//Swashbuckler//Ninja and a knightly order of Paladin//Cavalier//Oracles.

The fights would still be too easy, but at least it'd not be as completely out of the whack as the actual mythic version is, and you could probably get away with doubling the number of mooks in each fight beyond level 3 to create a roughly apropriate challenge.

Yea that's why i'm putting so much thought onto which campaign to run which is why i'm taking so long. I should have something up by Monday at the soonest.

I'd be down for all three!

I'm most interested in the plot of Wrath, but Rappan Athuk would be a good chance to work my optimization muscles given the brutal dungeon crawl nature of the campaign. Either would be good IMO.

I would definitely love a wrath game!

Looks like Wrath of the Righteous is way out in the lead, Rappan Athuk a close second though...

Rappan Athuk would get my vote, with RotRL my second.

Silver Crusade

Either Rise or Rappan would be my pick.

Rappan all the way sick of failed wraths and in a good runelords. Would you allow 3pp?

Putting my vote in for WotR!

I'd be up for Rise or Rappan as well. Since Rappan is 3rd party, does that mean you'd be open up to other 3rd party material as well?

Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Rappan all the way sick of failed wraths and in a good runelords. Would you allow 3pp?

I would have to review but generally yes for rappan

djpika wrote:
I'd be up for Rise or Rappan as well. Since Rappan is 3rd party, does that mean you'd be open up to other 3rd party material as well?

For rappan I would accept 3rd party.

Possible idea for a starting date?

I'd love me some high lethality and "being dumb will be painful" Rappan Athuk.

That said, I'd second Rise too. Good classics are good.

EmissaryOfTheNorth wrote:

I'd love me some high lethality and "being dumb will be painful" Rappan Athuk.

That said, I'd second Rise too. Good classics are good.

You aren't wrong.

Azten wrote:
Possible idea for a starting date?

I would say towards the end of this week or beginning of next.

I am in a number of games but I may submit a character for this if it is Rappan, have always wanted to play in a Rappan campaign.

Mottied wrote:
Azten wrote:
Possible idea for a starting date?
I would say towards the end of this week or beginning of next.

Looking forward to it! I'll look to see if there is a character concept I can think of.

Wrath or Rise.

I've got a character that'd be perfect for Wrath, so I'd love to do that.

JDPhipps wrote:
I've got a character that'd be perfect for Wrath, so I'd love to do that.

would that be Uriel?

*perk* Wrath? I'd love to try to get in!

*casts vote for Wrath*

Sort of. It'd be using the same alias but not the same class or backstory.

Thank you for all the input's. I will be running a Rappan Athuk game and recruitment was just put up. Rappan recruitment

Sorry to the ones who wanted a different campaign to be run.

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