Beauties of the sea, what be Her name?

Skull & Shackles

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My crew settled on captain.

The ships goblin rogue worked and pushed for "The Salty Goblin"

The captain suggested "The Shackles Key" which I thought was clever.

They ended up with "The Wave Dancer."

Interesting. My party also chose the name "Wavedancer" though as 1 word and no article. It fits because the captain is an undine Oracle of the Waves, and the first mate is a kitsune ninja with dervish dance who plans to go into Shadowdancer.

Thats cool.

Crimson Cogward said when he heard the name, "Wave Dancer" sounds like a bunch of school girls named our boat after the ship the mythical carebears sailed across the hot chocate ocean."

After having been molested (ahem : naval personel trying to storm their Xebec ) by the Rahadoumi Convoy Escort "Finder's Keepers"(yeah a rough translation^^), they took over said schooner.

They are currently considering to rechristen her, but also intend to keep the ship mostly in its original colours and shape (possibly including the name ) to wreck havoc on Rahadoumi slave trade..

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Naming process was interesting. Our group tossed around names such as New Hope, Predator of the Deep, Ocean Wrath, Dawnbreaker, Enterprise, Millenieum Falcon[/]... but finaly they settled for [i]Wrath of the Dawn.

Silver Crusade

We named our first ship the Wandering Disaster. Our two other ships are the Ace of Waves and Blood & Brine. The Screaming Barnacle was outvoted.

Dark Archive

My group that consists of mostly of thirtysomething men and women, decided that the Man's Promise should be renamed the Mourning Wood...this was surprisingly the suggestion of one of the female players who is really goofy and well seeing as she happens to also be the captian of the group everyone decided that it was a good name....they also paid to have a figurehead made for the ship which they decide should a man straddling the bowspirit betwen his yeah

We rechristened The Man's Promise to The Infidelity. At this point our fleet is fairly large and there are a bunch of other names, but that is the one that stands out.

We renamed The Man's Promise to The Kraken's Breath.

The fact that we (the players) were getting schnockered on Kraken spiced rum might have had something to do with it.

Not surprisingly they named their ship "Le briseur de chaines" (the chains breaker), since they're quite good and up against slavery, it made sense!

Haladir wrote:

We renamed The Man's Promise to The Kraken's Breath.

The fact that we (the players) were getting schnockered on Kraken spiced rum might have had something to do with it.

See, now that's roleplaying!! ;D

Scarab Sages

Sadly we almost went with the "Miley Cyrus" after much discussion over names and our rogue joking after the barbarian said think of somethign really scary blurted out "Miley Cyrus". Eventually though we settled with "Besmara's Bedprice"

My group just finished "Wormwood Mutiny" last night, and moved on to "Raiders of the Fever Sea". While at Rickety's Squibs, the players had a good discussion of possible names for the former Man's Promise. They finally settled on Bonewrack's Revenge, after the island where they staged their mutiny.

Liberty's Edge

After we struggled to save our keg of beer from a watery grave at Rickity Squib's, we christened our ship The Drunken Naga

After a long discussion of names a good party should have and avoid, mans promise was renamed black dagger.

I believe our group has settled on Dead Man's Promise.

Dark Archive

Lostlittlenomad wrote:
I believe our group has settled on Dead Man's Promise.

Ooh, I like that. May have to steal it for our campaign.

Marik Whiterose wrote:
Lostlittlenomad wrote:
I believe our group has settled on Dead Man's Promise.
Ooh, I like that. May have to steal it for our campaign.

Feel free. :)

My group's ship is called the Luska, named after the lightning-spitting three-headed sharktopus detailed in the bestiary of the first book. They had a figurehead made, but rather than go for a luska they for whatever reason opted to have a carving done of the ship's (now deceased) navigator and cleric of Besmara, Thomas Pining. They call it 'The Pining'.

Our ship is the infamous Honest Merchant. We are dishonest pirates, but honest slavers.

Kind of like the OP's ship name, mine is the same name I used on half a dozen ships in half a dozen campaigns since 2e... the Scarlet Harlot.

I even named the PC's schooner in Rite Publishing Curse of the Golden Spear trilogy for Kaidan (PFRPG) the same thing (I wrote the original outline for the 3 modules before Jonathan McAnulty wrote the final).

With over a hour long RL debate on tactics, the PCs managed to take the dominator as their own. So far the old captain is still tied up, but the first mate was offed later by an irate PC. The now Commodore being the devote desnan that she is named it Starknife.

After carefully considering several names, my alcoholic PCs settled on the "Rum Amok." Now that they've captured another ship (the Truewind), they've decided to ditch the former Man's Promise.

Their second most favorite name will now go to the ship formerly known as the Truewind... The Gay Barge. They are now carefully selecting their crew to find as many women and/or prostitutes as possible.

Other names they considered:

Woman's Revenge (or similar play on 'Man's Promise')
Briny Banshee
Polar Vortex
Tortilla Ship
The Dead Alewife

The Black Ladies Bounty, the captain was a cleric of Besmara. Instead of naming it directly after the goddess (we kind of feared she'd show up and strike the name off the ship) we used one of her alternate titles.

Steel Dawn is our ship's name.

Other names in the running included Shadow of Regret, Morning Walker, and as incentive to actually pick something before the next session... BATTLESTAR GOLARIA.
I even made a flag for that one... but the rest of the party got their act together.

Battlestar Golaria would have been an awesome name!

So my PCs have settled on renaming the mans promise to The Reavers Revenge.

They wanted just the Reaver, but liked the Revenge part for what they plan on doing to Harrigan for press ganging them.

I had suggested while they where stuck on a name to call the ship The Chopper.

So when they needed to get back to ship they could yell "Get to da choppa!" in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice. Oh well.

Grand Lodge

The Raging Queen from the Saturday Night Live sketch "The Adventures of Miles Cowperthwaite".

SNL Transcript

My party went with Venom, in honor of the fact that the barbarian had been poisoned to hell and gone by the giant wasps and the naga at Rickety's Squibs, as well as because they have a poison-loving alchemist as navigator.

And the sorcerer was denied the captainship because his name is Tekele (pronounced Teh-keel), and none of us thought we could ever refer to "Captain Tekele" with a straight face (or without a Muskrat Love joke).

Ours is called Besmara's Consort. Running theory is if she doesn't like it she'll sink us to the bottom of the ocean. We've had great victory in piracy so far, so she must be cool with it (until she's not).

Grand Lodge

haruhiko88 wrote:
The Black Ladies Bounty, the captain was a cleric of Besmara. Instead of naming it directly after the goddess (we kind of feared she'd show up and strike the name off the ship) we used one of her alternate titles.

Shouldn't that be The Black Lady's Bounty?

A sharp-eyed PC noticed that there was another nameplate beneath the one that read Man's Promise. A bit of fiddling allowed for the viewing of the ship's original name Motley. Looks like they may be going with that as the name for the ship. [cue Motley Crue jokes]

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Capt Bria Tharen wrote:
After capturing the Man's Promise, we renamed her Besmara's Booty

!? That's the very name my players have settled on! I'm thinking that in a pinch it may earn them a grace-of-Besmara rescue if required, after which she may just take all their loot. ("What? It's my booty. You said so yourself.")

We finally got additional ships to accompany our original Wrath of the Dawn. Our captain stayed on his own ship and others got their own but still visit and travel on our first ship.

Other three ships are:
Shadow of the Ocean, commanding officer is human fighter/shadowdancer
Phoenix, commanding officer is half-orc druid with bird companion.
Efreeti's Fist, commanding officer is qinggong/four winds monk who uses efreet style and fire based attacks.

My group has gone with Demon's Kiss. The captain is a bastard son of Arronax Endymion and their parting was less than amicable, thus he felt it necessary to voice his enmity in this manner.


I'm looking forward to the future encounters revolving Endymion, the player (a fellow Pathfinder GM) graciously did not read ahead in the AP, so he's unaware of the excitement in his future.

The Black Magga (formerly mans promise)
my pcs have aquired quite a few ships and are about to rechristen four of them so I'm stealing everything in this thread as ideas and giving credit where it is due.

I realy love this forum but for some reason it took me a while to register.

Every time our gaming group gets their hands on a ship they christen it the same thing.

The Grim and Perilous

I'll be quite surprised if they dont do the same this time around.

In a nod to the nature of naming a ship 'one of ours' which I think is hillarious...
And in honor of Agrajag in his plant reincarnation from Douglas Adams...
I'd like to have a ship named 'Oh no not again'...

After trawling through about 50 names we finally settled on:

The Pointy End

(although we use the Unfinished Business when peacefully acting like traders, and the Black Stiletto when . . . um . . . not sure, but we have a Gnome with a shoe fetish who designed the flipping 3 sided name plate)

Also we were keen on Plunderstruck, as the boarding song writes itself thanks to ACDC.

My group settled on "The Butte Fucher"... It's French.

Uri Meca wrote:
Capt Bria Tharen wrote:
After capturing the Man's Promise, we renamed her Besmara's Booty
!? That's the very name my players have settled on! I'm thinking that in a pinch it may earn them a grace-of-Besmara rescue if required, after which she may just take all their loot. ("What? It's my booty. You said so yourself.")

I approve!

Ours is named "The Brine's Bane"

The Anna May.


Sovereign Court

The Kraken's Fury

We haven't taken over the ship yet, but I'm planning on two suggestions: "The Seab$#!+" and "The Cold Heart"

Sovereign Court

I'm thinking those of us with ship stats should put them here... this way DMs can come and grab some stats on the fly if they ever need to throw an additional encounter as part of the AP or for home campaigns... (stats to follow in next post)

Playing a game now with a flying ship crewed by evil creatures. It's called "Good intentions."

Sovereign Court

KRAKEN'S FURY: (Master Gunner Featherline at the helm)
Colossal modified sailing ship
Sailing Checks +15 (+16 upper hand)
Initiative +4
AC 15 (Ship), Touch AC 2; Hardness 9
AC 27 (Wheel); Hardness 5
AC 19 (Sails); Hardness 0
HP 1620+81 (sails 360) (wheel 25)
Max Speed 90 ft. (wind); Accel 30 ft.
Saves +19
CMB +21; CMD 31
Ramming Damage 10d8
Two Light Ballista +3 (Sulzaia level 4 witch or Erwin level 4 ranger; +7 - 4 nonproficiency; 19-20 x2 crit), 3d8, range 120 (Hardness 5, 50 HP); Crew 1, Aim 0, Load 2
One Heavy Ballista +4 (Marine +4; 19-20 x2 crit), 4d8, range 180 (Hardness 5, 100 HP); Crew 3, Aim 2, Load 3
One Standard Catapult +10 (Master Gunner Featherline Targeting Bonus +14 - 4 nonproficiency; x2 crit), 6d6, range 200 ft. (100 ft. min.) (Hardness 5, 100 HP); Crew 3, Aim 2, Load 3
(10) Heavy ballista shots
(15) Light ballista shots
(25) Standard catapult shots

Min crew 20 (-10 to sailing checks if crew under 20)
Total Crew: 32 (19 + 4 from Rickety's + 6 from Elten Baide + 3 from Truewind)
PCs: 6 (Bronn, Erwin, F@@%waite, Sulzaia, Narsius, Uerra)
NPCs: 7 (Kroop, Sandara, Rosie, Conchobar, Narwhal, Owlbear, Grok)
Pirates: 18
Marines: 1 (Ballista)

UPON BOARDING THE SHIP: NPCs, Pirates and Marines are busy fighting the crew, while the PCs fight the following elite pirates, each CR 3 and worth 800 XP each: (stats available upon request)

Captain Bronn, Male human Ranger 2/ Rogue 1/ Gunslinger 1
Master-at-Arms Erwin, Male human Ranger 4 with Rotgut, Parrot Familiar
Ship's Wizard Sulzaia, Female small tiefling Witch 4
Master Gunner Featherline, Male half-elf Rogue 2 (pirate) / Gunslinger 2 (siege gunner)

Upgrades List:
Smugglers Compartments
Silk Sails
Wood Plate
Sturdy Hull
Broad Rudder
Rapid Deploy Sails

Total approx ship worth: 22400gp
Plunder resale: 11 plunder points

After several rounds of shooting down ideas (serenity,good ship venus,defiant etc) the kobold captain struck on an idea the group likes our ship is the Dragons Thorn with a green dragon figurehead wearing a bramble crown, and the sturdy hull upgrade being wooded "scales" on the hull painted green to match.

Based upon my party's pathetic offensive capabilities, they chose to christen their ship the Wind's Endurance. As their captain is a follower of Cayden Cailean, their flag is something on the order of a black background with a hound holding a beer stein, standing on a white cloud.

Our group has 2 ships: the Red Wake (Grim Reaper figurehead, black flag with shark emblem), and the Wasp (yellow and black paint, wasp figurehead, black flag with yellow wasp skull and bones that emulate Calostrias symbol).

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