OPC Log—4 Erastus 4716

Monday, July 4, 2016

Hello Pathfinders! I hope this blog finds you hale and hearty, having enjoyed a weekend of sun, and fun. Hopefully, the fun involved some roleplaying, particularly the next installment of the Seeker Arc, #7-26 All for Immortality, Part 2: All the God's Beyond. We are currently busy in the office wrapping up July's adventures, prepping for Gen Con, and generally surviving the chaos of the con season in full gear.

Necessary Headgear

At the PaizoCon banquet, I had the pleasure of modeling a knitted cap with the Year of the Stolen Storm logo. Lead Editor Extraordinaire Judy Bauer developed the pattern and knitted me a cap. An awesome gift from Judy, as my knitting skills don't extend past holding the needles and looking at the yarn. It is our pleasure to share the pattern with you. Please, if you do make one, remember to give creative credit to Judy!

Download the Hat of the Stolen Storm Knitting Pattern— 163kb zip/PDF

For those that weren't at the banquet, here you go:

Gen Con Events Going Fast!

For those that haven't decided yet whether to attend Gen Con in Indianapolis, Indiana, from August 4-8, I'll add an incentive to the pot. You can still purchase tickets for Pathfinder Society events.

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild offers quite a few of the Season 7 scenarios, as well as premiers of two special events and the first three scenarios in Season 8's Year of the Stolen Storm. As an incentive for getting up early, anyone attending the first session of Pathfinder Society game every day (8:00 AM on Thursday/Friday/Saturday and 9:00 AM Sunday) will get an extra token to use at the prize table. Prizes this year include gift certificates to paizo.com, hardcover rulebooks, Map Packs, boons, and a few surprises.

Some of our early morning offerings:

Or check out Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild's Season of the Runelords. Grab some tickets, start first thing Thursday morning, and play through the ENTIRE season's adventures in one go. To help you out, click here to see the event event on the Gen Con website.

Also on offer, lots of seminars and panels featuring Paizo staffers. A list of these can be found by searching "Paizo" on the Gen Con website. Featured events include Pathfinder Adventure Path Q&A, The Art of Pathfinder, Aunty Lisa's Story Hour(s) and Pathfinder in Space (Starfinder Panel).

Upcoming Pathfinder Society Pawn Set

The Pathfinder Society Pawns Collection releases at Gen Con and includes art for many of the character archetypes for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, as well as frequently occurring monsters in the Roleplaying Guild scenarios. A few of the pawns are for NPCs and monsters that haven't had art before.

Illustration by Ekaterina Burmak

My favorite pawn is Raheli, the samsaran witch from the Adventure Card Game Witch Deck. With her flowing gowns and blue skin, she presents an otherworldly creature with awesome power. Go team witch!

Illustration by Ekaterina Burmak

Tanis' favorite is Angban, from the upcoming Gunslinger Deck. In her words, "He's dope. He is a portable turret and the ultimate expression of dwarves artifice."

Illustration by Dion Harris

Linda's favorite is Valais Durant, a memorable character from two different Pathfinder Society scenarios. I don't want to spoil anything, but her personality is as eclectic as her appearance. She's one of my all-time favorite NPCs, and with the new art on this pawn, she's sure to make a memorable entrance.

What pawn do you want to see most?

Until next time—Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Dion Harris Ekaterina Burmak Gen Con Gen Con 2016 Pathfinder Pawns Pathfinder Society Year of the Stolen Storm
Dark Archive **

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope the otyugh is sporting some stylish headwear in the Pawns collection.

Also, kinda curious as to how the prize table with work. I seem to recall last year that there was only the opportunity to roll for boons, but it was my first year and I was new to the whole thing.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Can you buy tickets without a badge?

The Exchange 3/5

I spy a Kurshu the Undying pawn!

Looks like Krune made it in too. Awesome.

I have to keep editing this but I see Nikolai in there too. This is an easy purchase this pawn series is amazing.

Dataphiles 3/5

Pretty excited that Tup the Terrible is on the list, and am also hopeful that the Otyugh is perhaps wearing a hat of disguise or some other equally fashionable headgear.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

I. At have to actually buy a pawn set, now!


As awesome as a PFS pawn set is, it seems odd to mix the ACG and RPG together. I have seen very little overlap personally.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I wonder if someone could make a Valais mini without falling afoul of copyright issues... *hinthinthint*

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I wonder if someone could make a Valais mini without falling afoul of copyright issues... *hinthinthint*

As far as I understand, it's fine to take an image and use it to make a mini for your own use, as long as you don't distribute.

I'd already made a Valais mini using the art in Thralls. But this picture is full-body...


For me the link for the knitting pattern just returns to this blog page. Can someone else confirm if it is a common issue, or just me?



The Exchange 3/5

Jim Torbet wrote:

For me the link for the knitting pattern just returns to this blog page. Can someone else confirm if it is a common issue, or just me?



It is linked to this page.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Argh! New official stuff, I've got to update the renders for Valais again! ;)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

I do believe deep market deception is a 3-7 not a 1-5 as currently listed. Also congratulations on making VL Jim Torbet .

I can also recommend deepmarket deception as a scenario I thoroughly enjoyed playing it

Is there stats for Raheli? If so, where can I find them?

Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

I've gotta agree with Tanis, Angban is pretty damn awesome. I can already see the lines of Dwarven musketeers in my head now XP

The Exchange 5/5

"Angban, from the upcoming Gunslinger Deck." I really like this one. Though I am going to mix his name up and call him An-Bang!, but that is just my Dyslexia I'm sure...

I run a GunTank now in PFS, with a Tower shield. Originally I was going to run him as a Dwarf - but I couldn't figure out how to load the gun! so I built him as a Tiefling, so he could hold the gun with his tail...

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Valais Durant for the win!

Grand Lodge 4/5

The ratfolk gunslinger is pretty cool too.

The Exchange 5/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
The ratfolk gunslinger is pretty cool too.

Tiefling I could do even without a boon (at least when I was making him). Ratfolk? "Not Available" for me...

Grand Lodge 4/5

Play the card game. ;)


Thanks for posting on Independence Day! Hope everyone at Paizo had a good one.

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jim Torbet wrote:

For me the link for the knitting pattern just returns to this blog page. Can someone else confirm if it is a common issue, or just me?



Sorry about this! The link should be working properly now :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Raheli is gorgeous, as are the others! That pawn set looks very nice indeed.


1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

*peers at the morning events highlighted*

GAHHHHH! I played three of those at PaizoCon!!! GAAHHHHH!!!!

...and the only one I haven't I'll be volunteering the first eight hours of that day... No, I don't want to change my volunteer hours...



Jeff Cook wrote:

Also congratulations on making VL Jim Torbet .

Thanks Jeff. I'll see you in a couple of weeks at PaizoCon UK.

Chris Lambertz wrote:

Sorry about this! The link should be working properly now :)

No worries; thanks Chris. I wasn't sure if you should point it out here or on the Website Feedback thread, but since I was on this page, posted here.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

*peers at the morning events highlighted*

GAHHHHH! I played three of those at PaizoCon!!! GAAHHHHH!!!!

...and the only one I haven't I'll be volunteering the first eight hours of that day... No, I don't want to change my volunteer hours...


There are more morning sessions. Watch our social media sites for more hot ticket options or check out www.gencon.com.


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