Drogon Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds |
William Ronald Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana |
I bet life is going to be hard .. er, interesting for PCs who worship Lissala.
Well, some may view it as a schism within the faith, paralleling the problems that exists in Qadira with the worshippers of Sarenrae. Of course, Lissala could be allowing both sides to fight it out in order to determine which one is most worthy of her support. After all, why would Lissala favor the incompetent?
It does sound very interesting.
William Ronald Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana |
Can I also take a moment to applaud you all for laying the foundations of Season 4 in the adventures that are resolving Season 3's sub-plots/plot arc? I really enjoy this level of attention to detail and continuity in writing; it helps to truly make this feel like a 'Living' campaign.
As I have done a LOT of GMing this year, I appreciate the connection as well. So, I think that a sense of continuity in events helps the sense of continuity in the campaign and that we are playing in the same world. (Yes, I realize that Golarion is designed to be modular so that someone who does not like Numeria or Ustalav (as examples) can ignore them. Yet events in one place can and should have an impact elsewhere in a living campaign.)
Lazeril |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I bet life is going to be hard .. er, interesting for PCs who worship Lissala.
Well it's thanks to you that I paused in my journeys to be able to wait and deal with this unfortunate problem.
What all of you must understand is that I follow the ways of the goddess from the early empire, when her worship stood for hard work and proper reward. When confidence, passion, zeal, efficiency, and drive were prime qualities and before the decadence of the late empire, the needlessly overabundant mortification of worship just before the fall. Thanks to those fey and their blasted binding, I may be a long long time from home, but at the very least, I can effect a return to Lissala's old ways and true glory. When we find cultists, I will appeal to them as a priest of Lissala to embrace her true path, and we will save however many we can. If the others refuse to talk with their fellow clergyman, there will be no choice but to fight. The true qualities of Thassilon's glory shall never be able to return to this world without a cleansing of the last fragments from the Empire's corrupt death gasp.
Ellestron Makkarios |
Don Walker wrote:I bet life is going to be hard .. er, interesting for PCs who worship Lissala.Well it's thanks to you that I paused in my journeys to be able to wait and deal with this unfortunate problem.
What all of you must understand is that I follow the ways of the goddess from the early empire, when her worship stood for hard work and proper reward. When confidence, passion, zeal, efficiency, and drive were prime qualities and before the decadence of the late empire, the needlessly overabundant mortification of worship just before the fall. Thanks to those fey and their blasted binding, I may be a long long time from home, but at the very least, I can effect a return to Lissala's old ways and true glory. When we find cultists, I will appeal to them as a priest of Lissala to embrace her true path, and we will save however many we can. If the others refuse to talk with their fellow clergyman, there will be no choice but to fight. The true qualities of Thassilon's glory shall never be able to return to this world without a cleansing of the last fragments from the Empire's corrupt death gasp.
It is indeed a task that I do not envy for you. The pride of those who follow your faith but who follow heretical teachings will be difficult to over come. Still, I am certain that you will find your fellow Pathfinders willing to work with you. An appeal to faith, reason and self interest might be a good route. For some, however, I fear will walk the path of destruction that has been followed by so many before them.
Rogue Eidolon |
I can only imagine what will happen if a worshiper of Lissala makes it to Round two of the Special at Gen Con. EPIC!
Sadly, Lazeril is an Oracle of Lore, so even if he was the right level to play with the rest of my Gencon group, his table wouldn't make it to round 2 if they had to carry his Knowledge-check-making but combat-questionable butt through Part 1.
Kyle Baird |
Kyle Baird wrote:I can only imagine what will happen if a worshiper of Lissala makes it to Round two of the Special at Gen Con. EPIC!Sadly, Lazeril is an Oracle of Lore, so even if he was the right level to play with the rest of my Gencon group, his table wouldn't make it to round 2 if they had to carry his Knowledge-check-making but combat-questionable butt through Part 1.
I wonder what a skill monkey loving, Bard/Oracle of Lore playing person would do if they wrote a scenario...
I've said this before, only the best Pathfinders will make it to round two.
Rogue Eidolon |
Rogue Eidolon wrote:Kyle Baird wrote:I can only imagine what will happen if a worshiper of Lissala makes it to Round two of the Special at Gen Con. EPIC!Sadly, Lazeril is an Oracle of Lore, so even if he was the right level to play with the rest of my Gencon group, his table wouldn't make it to round 2 if they had to carry his Knowledge-check-making but combat-questionable butt through Part 1.I wonder what a skill monkey loving, Bard/Oracle of Lore playing person would do if they wrote a scenario...
I've said this before, only the best Pathfinders will make it to round two.
Heh, perhaps your teasers are accurate for Special Part 1, but a leveled up to 7-8 version of Lazeril wouldn't be able to pull his own in-combat weight in Rats Part I, for instance. We'll see--I'm guessing people in the 5-6 group would prefer my level 7 Archer or Cleric to a level 5 Lore Oracle, but perhaps the stars will align in terms of the strangers at the table. I know I'm going to have a Sorcerer and an Oracle of Battle going in with me, so it's somewhat harder to justify an Oracle of Lore as the third PC...That said, I'm very interested in Lazeril playing scenarios where there's something interesting to do involving Lissala, particularly if her initiates would be willing to parlay with a fellow clergyman.
To be perfectly honest, I planned to mostly play him in Season 4 with a GM I know to be good at dealing with facets of his character such as extremely high Knowledge checks (at a con to save time, I would imagine the temptation is probably to say that despite a 50 on the check, the character doesn't know fact X if it isn't on the list of facts) and the fact that he worships Lissala (a GM who knows me can prep the scenario knowing this going in, and a con GM can't. I don't want to make a GM have to figure it all out on the fly).
Now the special is certainly an exception, and I'd be eager to play with Laz if I thought I wasn't going to screw everyone up at my table. Is the auction for Gencon during the Special or is it con-long? If we can only auction with our PC in the Special, I'm afraid that's a dealbreaker for me sending Lazeril in.
(I'm so indecisive. You should have seen how much I agonized once I found out I was signed up for Portal of the Sacred Rune at Gencon which has Lazeril-friendly stuff but no way to level him to 7. I nearly dropped my game. I also was still deciding who to play at the Grand Convocation right up to the door)
Shivok |
This is the same reason why I havent played Eldarius of Thassilon in 3-26. He is also a worshipper of Lissala and I wonder if he would turn on the party to make them fail or at least hinder them somewhat.
I wasnt aware you could be an Oracle/Cleric/Inquisitor of Lissala. She 's not on the approved list of Gods available.
Am I mistaken?
I'm especially looking forward to this season and the theme.
I would hope that the scenarios and the 'season objective are not in some haphazard format.
Here's to season 4!
Rogue Eidolon |
This is the same reason why I havent played Eldarius of Thassilon in 3-26. He is also a worshipper of Lissala and I wonder if he would turn on the party to make them fail or at least hinder them somewhat.
I wasnt aware you could be an Oracle/Cleric/Inquisitor of Lissala. She 's not on the approved list of Gods available.
Am I mistaken?
I'm especially looking forward to this season and the theme.
I would hope that the scenarios and the 'season objective are not in some haphazard format.
Here's to season 4!
Oracles don't get their power from any deity. Lazeril is just also a priest of Lissala in addition to being an Oracle of Lore, since a character of any class can be a priest
Shivok |
Shivok wrote:Oracles don't get their power from any deity. Lazeril is just also a priest of Lissala in addition to being an Oracle of Lore, since a character of any class can be a priestThis is the same reason why I havent played Eldarius of Thassilon in 3-26. He is also a worshipper of Lissala and I wonder if he would turn on the party to make them fail or at least hinder them somewhat.
I wasnt aware you could be an Oracle/Cleric/Inquisitor of Lissala. She 's not on the approved list of Gods available.
Am I mistaken?
I'm especially looking forward to this season and the theme.
I would hope that the scenarios and the 'season objective are not in some haphazard format.
Here's to season 4!
Too bad because I was hoping that Eldarius and his newfound Princess of Lust (raised female Thassalonian found in the Godsmouth Heresy module)
could start the ascension of the New Thassalonans....muahahahahNow that I think about it a great boon for the season would be " Lissalan Convert - You have are recent convert to the Goddess of Runes." When you gain cleric/Inquisitor levels you may choose Lissala as your goddess."
Mark Moreland Director of Brand Strategy |
Can someone direct me to an Additional Resource that allows Lissala as a legal deity for the campaign? I checked for it before we dove into the Lissala plot line and as far as I could find she wasn't ever sanctioned in any legal sources, but if someone who has a PC worshiping her might have found her listed somewhere I didn't, it would be good to keep on hand when we get deeper into the Pathfinder Society vs. Lissalan plot lines later in the season.
Azkadellia |
I traveled to Absalom to join the Pathfinder Society specifically to get away from that wretched city of Riddleport where I lived my entire life, and now they're going to turn around and send me back. Just friggin' wonderful. *rolls eyes*
OOC: I'm actually looking forward to having a Varisian character for some of these adventures. Could make life interesting.
Rogue Eidolon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Can someone direct me to an Additional Resource that allows Lissala as a legal deity for the campaign? I checked for it before we dove into the Lissala plot line and as far as I could find she wasn't ever sanctioned in any legal sources, but if someone who has a PC worshiping her might have found her listed somewhere I didn't, it would be good to keep on hand when we get deeper into the Pathfinder Society vs. Lissalan plot lines later in the season.
Hey Mark--I'm not a master of the additional resources page by any stretch, but it looked to me like clerics and inquisitors of Lissala are not legal (since the Gods and Magic section of addt'l resources says "all of the gods listed on the inside front cover are legal choices for clerics" and she isn't on the inside front cover, but worshippers of Lissala are (since the Lissala religion trait Loreseeker from Faiths of Corruption is allowed, and that requires Lissala as a patron deity). If you guys consider that a mistake and want Lazeril's deity out of there, I can change him to just generally venerate the seven virtues of rulership. He's an oracle so he's not mechanically changed by his choice of deity or philosophy.
EDIT: Interestingly, I think if I'm wrong about Lissala, then it also means that everyone who is currently worshipping Aroden with their non-clerics is technically illegal as well. I know I've seen a small but noticable number of those.
Adam Daigle Director of Narrative |
Shivok |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
EDIT: Interestingly, I think if I'm wrong about Lissala, then it also means that everyone who is currently worshipping Aroden with their non-clerics is technically illegal as well. I know I've seen a small but noticable number of those.
I dont think you're wrong a PC can worship whatever they want, just the actual spellcasting clerics/inquisitors would be an issue since they are not allowed in any book or additional resource for PFS at that point we leave fluff andd delve into game mechanics.
Dragnmoon |
Religion: Characters can elect to worship any deity listed in a table of gods in the Core Rulebook, The Inner Sea World Guide, Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods and Magic, or any other source listed as an official Additional Resource.
In this context, worship has been defined as anyone that decides to pick a deity for their character. To pick a Deity it needs to be legal no matter what class you are.
I know it has been requested that the whole section be re written to open it up more, especially the restriction of within one alignment step of their chosen deity.
Damon Griffin |
There's no PFS chapter in my [immediate; within 75 miles] area and I pretty much never get to cons, so I haven't given much attention to PFS play. I am interested in soaking up as much information on Varisia, especially the ruins and history, as possible.
With that in mind, I'd like to ask a couple of Total Noob questions:
Looking at the product lists for Seasons 2 and 3, should I expect 26 scenarios during the Year of the Risen Rune, all focused on Varisia in some way (not merely chancing to take place there?)
To what extent, if any, are the serially numbered scenarios within a season considered chronological, either in terms of linked plot development (a la adventure paths) or simply in terms of expected character level? Might I see 3-01 for levels 8-9 and 3-14 for levels 4-5?
I'd be treating any scenarios I picked up as mini-gazetteers or drop-in adventures for my campaign, not used for officially sanctioned PFS play.
Shivok |
There's no PFS chapter in my [immediate; within 75 miles] area and I pretty much never get to cons, so I haven't given much attention to PFS play. I am interested in soaking up as much information on Varisia, especially the ruins and history, as possible.
With that in mind, I'd like to ask a couple of Total Noob questions:
Looking at the product lists for Seasons 2 and 3, should I expect 26 scenarios during the Year of the Risen Rune, all focused on Varisia in some way (not merely chancing to take place there?)
To what extent, if any, are the serially numbered scenarios within a season considered chronological, either in terms of linked plot development (a la adventure paths) or simply in terms of expected character level? Might I see 3-01 for levels 8-9 and 3-14 for levels 4-5?
I'd be treating any scenarios I picked up as mini-gazetteers or drop-in adventures for my campaign, not used for officially sanctioned PFS play.
Yes you would get 26 Scenarios but they all wont be focused on the Year of the Risen Rune. I think for season 3 there were about 1/3 of the scenarios were aligned somewhat into the season theme. Usually these scenarios will have an icon in the front that designates them as such.
As for picking them up as mini gazeteers some scenarios may describe areas within Varisia but I'm not sure if they're considered canon or not. They may be used for PFS only.
The last question would be for Paizo to answer.
Mark Moreland Director of Brand Strategy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Looking at the product lists for Seasons 2 and 3, should I expect 26 scenarios during the Year of the Risen Rune, all focused on Varisia in some way (not merely chancing to take place there?)
To what extent, if any, are the serially numbered scenarios within a season considered chronological, either in terms of linked plot development (a la adventure paths) or simply in terms of expected character level? Might I see 3-01 for levels 8-9 and 3-14 for levels 4-5?
We plan to release 26 scenarios over the course of Season 4 with some additional exclusive content available to participants in the organized play campaign or attendees of conventions. Of these, it's looking like around 20 of them will be set in Varisia. Some will simply be set there and could be easily moved somewhere else (one taking place in Sanos Forest, for example could be moved to any number of fey-heavy locations without much work on the GM's part; something set in a ruined Thassilonian temple in which the PCs face a bunch of casters using sin magic, not so much).
We will have a very tight metaplot for Tier 7–11 that will deal most closely with the theme of Year of the Risen Rune, while lower-level scenarios will touch upon the main plotline as well as handle other interweaving plot lines and will culminate in their own tight plotline concluding the season and leading directly into Season 5 in early summer 2013.
The metaplot assumes all adventures take place in chronological order, but most of them are modular enough that they can be put in any order (the tight plots mentioned above are more akin to adventure paths, however). Because we need to make sure to offer new content for players of all levels across the entire season, we generally offer a low-level and a high-level scenario each month; scenario numbers indicate only release order, not level.
Don Walker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Can someone direct me to an Additional Resource that allows Lissala as a legal deity for the campaign? I checked for it before we dove into the Lissala plot line and as far as I could find she wasn't ever sanctioned in any legal sources, but if someone who has a PC worshiping her might have found her listed somewhere I didn't, it would be good to keep on hand when we get deeper into the Pathfinder Society vs. Lissalan plot lines later in the season.
I believe Lissala is legal via the PFS blog on 2/17/2011 as it is listed in Additional Resources and Lissala is listed with her domains in that blog.
Todd Lower |
This is meant as joking and not trying to cause issues.
Read this about picking deity (is why I normally put None if not cleric) and could not help but think about having to get access to worship a god through a Chronicle Sheet and how hard that could make things.
Was there supposed to be a link or reference here?
Robbgobb |
Robbgobb wrote:Was there supposed to be a link or reference here?This is meant as joking and not trying to cause issues.
Read this about picking deity (is why I normally put None if not cleric) and could not help but think about having to get access to worship a god through a Chronicle Sheet and how hard that could make things.
I was reading this topic and I couldn't help but think about how it would be crazy if one had to play something that opened up the ability to worship specific deities. No link to anything.
Shivok |
I believe Lissala is legal via the PFS blog on 2/17/2011 as it is listed in Additional Resources and Lissala is listed with her domains in that blog.
I think the blog just gave the sub-domains of all deities for use and Mike made the blog legal so that the PC's of legal gods (as described in the Additional Sources portion on the Inner Sea Guide) are able to use sub-domains.
Thats my take on it.
I'd like to hear from Mike or Mark on the subject.
Kyle Baird |
Unfortunately with less than a week before the Paizo crew leaves for Gen Con and ~1 day left to finish the develoment on 6 scenarios, I doubt Mike or Mark has the time to weigh in on something like this. The best bet is to assume that just because Lissala's subdomains are listed it doesn't grant PCs access to worship her.
Besides, Lissala worshipping PCs would be.. weird.. for Part 2 of the special, especially if they've forgotten her tenets.
Tamago RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Mark Moreland wrote:Can someone direct me to an Additional Resource that allows Lissala as a legal deity for the campaign? I checked for it before we dove into the Lissala plot line and as far as I could find she wasn't ever sanctioned in any legal sources, but if someone who has a PC worshiping her might have found her listed somewhere I didn't, it would be good to keep on hand when we get deeper into the Pathfinder Society vs. Lissalan plot lines later in the season.I believe Lissala is legal via the PFS blog on 2/17/2011 as it is listed in Additional Resources and Lissala is listed with her domains in that blog.
My interpretation of this would be that if a PC were somehow able to use Lissala as a legal deity through some other means, the blog would allow him to use the Devil, Language, Leadership, Memory, Thought, and Wards domains as well. However, I don't think that the post itself makes Lissala a legal deity.
Rogue Eidolon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Unfortunately with less than a week before the Paizo crew leaves for Gen Con and ~1 day left to finish the develoment on 6 scenarios, I doubt Mike or Mark has the time to weigh in on something like this. The best bet is to assume that just because Lissala's subdomains are listed it doesn't grant PCs access to worship her.
Besides, Lissala worshipping PCs would be.. weird.. for Part 2 of the special, especially if they've forgotten her tenets.
And if they remember her tenets? ^_~
What about her religion trait being legal? Also, while I now see the ambiguity here and will readily admit it could go either way, the one thing I'm completely sure of is that if non-cleric Lissala worshippers are illegal, so are Aroden worshippers, even with Faithful Arodenite trait or anyone else who takes the trait Devotee of a Dead God. Given the number of players playing non-cleric characters who are clinging on to worship of Aroden, this would have a pretty large effect. While it would be quite sad, I'll be happy to change Lazeril to worshipping the seven virtues of rule if it becomes necessary, but I suggest that at least a clarification be made to keep those crazy Arodenites legal (unless they were never intended either and people just didn't say anything).
Until the clarification, I won't make the final changes Lazeril yet, though I'll respect any GM's decision if they go the other way, since I can see the ambiguity. And Kyle, if you don't want him in the Special, I'll go back to my original planned PCs instead. Besides, I'm sure I wouldn't have made it to Round 2 anyways.