Do Razmiran nonbelievers lose their abilities?

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Normally, a cleric who loses faith loses power associated with that faith.

The Razmiran Priest archetype says that if you take Cleric Dedication, that it must be for Razmir.

But what if my Razmiran Priest loses faith (if indeed he ever truly had it)?

Could I play an ex-Razmiran Priest that continues advancing via Razmiran Priest and Razmir cleric feats? Or would I have to stop taking them, or even lose access to what I had?

Is it possible for me to worship another deity as an ex-Razmiran Priest, or does the limitation imposed upon Cleric Dedication prevent that?

If your Razmiran Priest loses faith then the GM should give you some form of retraining that you will use to remove everything that is linked to Razmir.

It's not something that should be handled by the rules but through player-GM discussion.

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