Any advice for how to play a Wizard?


So, This is probably a dumb question and I am very sorry for comming here and asking something this dumb...

But I always loved the idea of the mighty spellcasters, I love magic users in stories and when I play video games I always pickmagic users. I know Pathfinder wizards are nothing like video games, But I still want to give it a try.

Though I realise, I am very dumb and probably dont have the right mindset for wizards, And I was wondering how do you play one well? You dont have enough spells per day to fling a spell for every turn of every combat, So what do you do when not flinging spells? What do you do at low levels? How do you avoid feeling like a useless burden to the party when you are hiding under the table cus you used your 2 spells per day? How do you know what spells to prepare?

Edit: I thought I should add, This is not for any currently planned character or campaign, This is just for some future ponderings. I love the idea of the powerful caster, But I dont know how to but want to try it in the future...

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Wands. Wands are one of the main keys to a successful Wizard, IMHO. Admittedly, this requires either a GM willing to put Wands out there, or the Feat and game-time to create your own.

They other key is to not build a 'blaster' wizard. If you're thinking video-game with fireballs and lightning storms, you won't do well. Your job is battlefield control, and buff/debuffs. This can be done via summons, walls and globes, or visibility (clouds and the like).

The key to debuff is to take at least 1 debuff spell per save type, and use Knowledges to know what which to use... You find which 'save' that monster is worse at and have a vs Reflex, vs Will and vs Fort for dealing with them.

That's a simple answer, the true answer is so much more complicated that it really takes years of practice to get it right... and even then, it's not always for just anybody. :)

Sphynx wrote:

Wands. Wands are one of the main keys to a successful Wizard, IMHO. Admittedly, this requires either a GM willing to put Wands out there, or the Feat and game-time to create your own.

They other key is to not build a 'blaster' wizard. If you're thinking video-game with fireballs and lightning storms, you won't do well. Your job is battlefield control, and buff/debuffs. This can be done via summons, walls and globes, or visibility (clouds and the like).

The key to debuff is to take at least 1 debuff spell per save type, and use Knowledges to know what which to use... You find which 'save' that monster is worse at and have a vs Reflex, vs Will and vs Fort for dealing with them.

That's a simple answer, the true answer is so much more complicated that it really takes years of practice to get it right... and even then, it's not always for just anybody. :)

Thanks, I worry a lot about everything, And I worry that I dont have the mindset to play a wizard or full caster. I like being useful to the party and worry I'l end up picking the wrong spells and then just end up being a burden to the party...

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Well, at least at low levels, it depends on your Arcane School. If you're an Evoker for example, you get an okay attack option based on your intelligence modifier. You also get a similar but slightly worse option as a Universalist. Honestly though, the fact of the matter is that wizards aren't incredible at low levels. You get a few spells off, but then it's usually acid splash and light crossbows for the rest of the day.

On not feeling like a burden, there are some really underused cantrips, especially if your GM is the fun type. Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, and Mage Hand are all really fun to use for RP stuff or pre-combat distractions if your GM is the type to let that sort of thing happen.

Choosing spells can be pretty hit or miss when you're too low-level to cover your bases properly, but I'd recommend having one non-attacking spell almost always, your choice but having some utility every day is hugely helpful.

One last note, for my 2cp, higher level wizards aren't all that different from video game wizards. Past a certain level (things start looking up at 5) wizards are pretty objectively the best class in the game. They have the best spell list, the most options, and some pretty ridiculous power past low levels.

Hope this helped a little!

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You'll have your single spell per day, of course. To that, you'll add 1-2 bonus spells (per your ability score modifier), and of course however many spells you can scribe into scrolls at the start. To those you'll add your cantrips, and it's worth pointing out that Daze is viable for at least a couple of levels.

For a good deal of your character's career, scrolls and wands can be used for standard combat spells, allowing you to either be more versatile with combat spells, or to mix it up with buff spells, or to simply be more utilitarian with the spells your character will memorize.

While you're at it, take a page out of the villainous wizards from fantasy novels, movies, etc., and hire henchmen. At the most basic level, a trained hireling (which includes "a guard or mercenary warrior") costs just 3 silver pieces a day. You're not worried about them killing anything for you. You're essentially paying 3 sp per person that can be reasonably placed between you and a melee attack, per day.

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