Adamarh |
I'm trying to make a Summoner character that is hiding in a big bag (or even a box), the character should be able to pass as an object or a pet.
How would you make such a character?
I tought of using a wyrmwood character cause its small and could be passed as a puppet but maybe there is a better fit for this

Pizza Lord |
I'm trying to make a Summoner character that is hiding in a big bag (or even a box)
Step 1. Get yourself a box.
Step 2. Cut a hole in that box.Step 3. Have her open the box.
I may be missing a step in there. Otherwise, get yourself a large enough sack, barrel, or box... and hide inside it.
Maybe you could convince your GM to allow you to play this totally legit and thoroughly-well-play-tested race.
It's 20 RP points, so pretty potent potentially.
Jokes aside, I don't know of many legal races that could turn into an object, and even if you could, I think your summoner mark will be visible on you somewhere (while your eidolon is out), so unless you're actually inside a box or sack or barrel, it'll be like, "Why's that bush got the same glowing sigil as that eidolon."

Adamarh |
The goal is to make it look like the Eidolon (which would be biped) is the character and the true character is either an object/trinket (if i use a construct race like wyrmwood) or the pet of the Eidolon (if i take a race that can shapeshift like kitsune or some small/tiny race that can pass as a pet)

TxSam88 |

The goal is to make it look like the Eidolon (which would be biped) is the character and the true character is either an object/trinket (if i use a construct race like wyrmwood) or the pet of the Eidolon (if i take a race that can shapeshift like kitsune or some small/tiny race that can pass as a pet)
Have you looked at the Synthesist archtype?

TxSam88 |

I'm assuming this is more for flavor than power. Otherwise, you could really just max your stealth. And then you'd be hiding around corners while your Eidolon does most of the work.
I've seen some posts lately abot how to mask the glowing rune on the Summoner's forehead, so I was thinking they were trying to hide the summoner somehow as to not be a paper target that dismisses the Eisolon when he goes down.

Adamarh |
Its more about flavor than power yeah and i know about synthesist but "fusing" with thye eidolon is not what i'm looking for.
Except Kitsune is there another race that can shapeshift into small form (fox for kitsune)
Cause hiding the summoner mark can be done with clothe or something else as long as its not an illusion made by magic. And for the archetype i'm think of going Soulbound Summoner so the mark will be somewhere else than the forehead.
What i want is more flavor than power, i want my group to think that my eidolon is my character and that my true character is either his little pet (if i'm in kitsune fox form ) or an inanimate object like a wooden puppet in case of a construct race like wyrmwood

I grok do u |
Creepy doll halfling?
Glassy eyes and porcelain skin make some halflings look more like dolls than living creatures. If they cease moving and pretend to be a doll while they aren’t being observed, they can use the Stealth skill without cover or concealment. A successful Stealth check still allows other creatures to notice the halfling; they just believe the halfling is a doll, similar to the freeze universal monster ability (without being able to take 20). In addition, they take no size penalty on Intimidate checks against larger humanoids. The racial trait replaces keen senses and sure-footed.
Have eidolon be protective and affectionate towards its doll, bit like "Of Mice and Men" Lenny-ish attitude, perhaps. Plus halflings have the right stats for summoner.

linnellaa |
I'm trying to make a Summoner character that is hiding in a big bag (or even a box), the character should be able to pass as an object or a pet.
How would you make such a character?
I tought of using a wyrmwood character cause its small Drive Mad
and could be passed as a puppet but maybe there is a better fit for this
The summoner can transform into an inanimate object like a rock, tree, or even a piece of furniture. While in this form, they are undetectable by normal means and can observe their surroundings without being noticed.

Joynt Jezebel |

You could have a Kitsune Summoner with this alternative racial trait-
"Superior Shapeshifter Some talented kitsune take more naturally to shapeshifting than magic, and develop that gift. They gain Fox Shape as a bonus feat at 1st level, ignoring its prerequisites. This racial trait replaces kitsune magic. "
This allows you to do what you want to, well in one way, from level 1.
If you want to take the idea further and in a somewhat deranged way, you can make the summoner a morphic savant, which gives you 3 eidolon forms of which you can have one a day.
The bipedal form can look like a kitsune [or other race] with a pet fox.
The quadruped form can look like a giant fox with a kit.
Maybe the serpentine form can look like a giant fox tail.

Sysryke |
How much leeway do you have from your GM? Are we sticking hard to RAW, or is there room for homebrew and/or 3pp?
I think most of the animalistic type races can get a shapeshift ability from somewhere. So, in theory, a Vannara could become a monkey, a Tengu a raven, etc.
There's a small or tiny sized 3pp Mousling race as well.
Alternatively, look at some of the archetypes of shifter or druid, if you aren't starting at level one. A single level dip into an early wild shaping archetype might help.
Lastly, there are some old 3.x rules for playing a Familiar that has survived it's master. Generally they are the same class as there master (minus 2 or 4 levels). If your GM is permissive though, you could tweak this. If you're okay to sacrifice traditional PC race stats and abilities, this could work. It could be quite cool (and a tad heart breaking) to play a familiar who missed their lost master so much that they become a Summoner who brings a facsimile of that master back from beyond the veil.
Never underestimate the power of a forlorn, magical, and determined raccoon.

Azothath |
there is a way but it is via a familiar and a spell, not really practical for low level or long term use.
You could use a different familiar but MIBS(Magic Item Body Slots)/worn magic items may be a pain in the butt and casting becomes an issue. Stick with humanoid as reduce/enlarge and other spells/abilities can adjust item sizes.
by Azothath

Azothath |
You can always play a high cost non-core Race like Android, Aphorite, Galthain, Ghoran, Shabti, Vine leshy, or Wyrwood.
There's Disguise skill for costumes. One example is a weird Aadam's Family look with box with holes for head, arms, and oblong ones for lower legs where you fold your humanoid body into the box sticking out head, forearms and elbows, and calves(so you can walk). A special outfit is made for the box. Then there are anime robot outfits. It's an unusual look and just a mundane costume.
The easiest way to appear as an object or pet is via illusion spells. It's just an illusion and concentration might be an issue.
The next step takes higher level spells and is mainly via necromancy using possess object or image and such.
The same can be said for higher level polymorphs (but your PC does not change creature type).
Druids have Change Shape (Su) for animal types. Again it takes some levels to make it useful.
As noted the summoner synthesist archetype melds with his eidolon at higher level, it is a broken class with a broken archetype. Unch Summoner has Leshy Caller archetype and Twinned archetype.

Valandil Ancalime |

The goal is to make it look like the Eidolon (which would be biped) is the character and the true character is either an object/trinket (if i use a construct race like wyrmwood) or the pet of the Eidolon (if i take a race that can shapeshift like kitsune or some small/tiny race that can pass as a pet)
That will work against npcs, but not vs your fellow players because "If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished."

Trokarr |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You would need to be a wyrwood to avoid your eidolon disappearing each night when you sleep. There is one unconventional way I can think of to have you appear as an object (subject to GM approval). You could dip 1 level into Oozemorph shifter to gain a fluid body and the compression ability. Then you could pour yourself into an appropriately sized hollow container. As a wyrwood you don’t need to breath eat or sleep so u could remain in the container, indefinitely perhaps.

Azothath |
poking some holes...
armor does not impede Knowledge(local) to determine race and racial attributes for humanoids (or other knowledge skills on various creature types).
ummm unless it's a diving suit I don't think outfits are water-tight, even the waterproof bag has serious time limitations (10 r, it's more "quick dip water resistant").
You've gone into Disguise (vs Perception) territory if using "dress up" to conceal or appear differently.
when getting creative you have to consider how the creative solutions work within the rules/mechanics.
Wyrwood is a unique race and likely needs GM approval. They also need Living Machine to avoid falling apart at HP:0 and trade away a lot of immunities. Knowledge(arcana){common skill} applies for constructs.
I'd assume they're solid constructs rather than gas, liquid, plasma, or bose-einstein fluid as those other phases involve special rules and that's not mentioned.

Trokarr |

To expand on my idea a little it was my thought that as a fluid bodied small creature with compression you could squeeze into a hollow object like a pitcher or small cauldron or box. Something with a lid that would keep you unseen from the rest of the party or npcs. An object that would block line of sight and effect that would keep you out of combat more or less entirely so being a relatively fragile construct would be less of a liability. As a construct you wouldn’t need to breathe so even air holes would be unnecessary and you wouldn’t need to sleep so your eidolon wouldn’t disappear at night. Being essentially locked in a lightless box would probably result in sensory deprivation eventually but that’s a separate issue.

tomhiddleston3 |
I'm trying to make a Summoner character that is hiding in a big bag (or even a box), the character slope game should be able to pass as an object or a pet.
How would you make such a character?
I tought of using a wyrmwood character cause its small and could be passed as a puppet but maybe there is a better fit for this
Start with a small creature design, such as a wyrmwood or a puppet-like figure, which can easily be mistaken for an object or pet. Decorate the bag or box with magical runes to signify its connection to summoning.
The character should have abilities like summoning small creatures from the bag to act as distractions or helpers, and creating illusions to make the bag appear empty or to disguise themselves.