Classes that could fit a dhampir / vampire theme?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

I feel like Magus could be cool but it seems it kinda sucks in 2e? Thamaturge also sounds cool and useful and very flexible. I could see Champion as well but since there are no non good champions yet, I'd hold off on that class.

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I don't think Magus sucks. Starlit Span is one of my favorite subclasses in the entire game.

Thaumaturge, Rogue, Sorcerer (Imperial, Shadow, Undead), Witch, Psychic all feel immediately on-theme for various parts of the dhampir fantasy. Arazni is a very fitting deity for Clerics and Champions who resent their undead heritage, and does have Holy followers. Druid is a sneaky pick, as Dracula does a lot with command over and transformation into various animals. Ranger and Gunslinger both offer versions of the badass dhampir vampire-hunter with a cool crossbow.

Oh he likes being a Dhampir just fine. He doesn't hunt vampires specifically at all but if he came across one being very evil he'd kill it. He's a hedonistic sort who is fine with being a dhampir (and a tiefling) he even drinks blood from time to time but not from the non consensual or outside of combat.

Magus sucks from the pov of a pf1e player, cuz it's not mad busted lol/is more restricted.

A sorcerer would be my first thought. The Undead bloodline. Or maybe even go for something more 'charming' like fey with some refluffing?

I want him to be able to use a sword, he may possibly fight like alucard does in Castlevania, which says magus or thamaturge to me.

Laughing Shadow Magus would be my thought for a magus.

A Monk even could be an idea, maybe? Monastic weaponry to use a sword, they're speedy, Ki Moves..

I'll admit not knowing much about Alucard tho--Considering when I think of him I think of the old old old old old pixel video game which was pretty limited lol. I haven't really played a game or consumed any other media of it since I was like. 5. So I'm just throwing ideas at a dart board (and missing).

Also a bit confused on this:

I could see Champion as well but since there are no non good champions yet, I'd hold off on that class.

There are non good champions. Tyrant, Desecrator, and Antipaladin.

Twiggies wrote:

Laughing Shadow Magus would be my thought for a magus.

A Monk even could be an idea, maybe? Monastic weaponry to use a sword, they're speedy, Ki Moves..

I'll admit not knowing much about Alucard tho--Considering when I think of him I think of the old old old old old pixel video game which was pretty limited lol. I haven't really played a game or consumed any other media of it since I was like. 5. So I'm just throwing ideas at a dart board (and missing).

Also a bit confused on this:

I could see Champion as well but since there are no non good champions yet, I'd hold off on that class.
There are non good champions. Tyrant, Desecrator, and Antipaladin.

Yeah but not for neutrals. And evil champions are usually not seen as PC territory. I need neutral champions. TN, LN, CN.

Scarab Sages

One of my PCs is a dhampir/vampire gymnast swashbuckler who Grapples then Drinks Blood from almost every opponent.

Alucard is a magus. I don't think that would be a controversial take (he is well versed in both martial combat and magic, as well as inteligent. All things that a magus is. I even think his videogame counterpart is even closer to the magus, with the laughing shadow's focus spell being one of the most common Alucard moves).

I don't know why you think magus sucks tho. Its the best nova damage dealer in the system and a solid martial overall. If you don't want magus for whatever reason, any class fits really. A vampire / dhampir has a very broad range of abilities that are associated with them to the point I could easily see any class as a dhampir and it would fit nicely.

exequiel759 wrote:

Alucard is a magus. I don't think that would be a controversial take (he is well versed in both martial combat and magic, as well as inteligent. All things that a magus is. I even think his videogame counterpart is even closer to the magus, with the laughing shadow's focus spell being one of the most common Alucard moves).

I don't know why you think magus sucks tho. Its the best nova damage dealer in the system and a solid martial overall. If you don't want magus for whatever reason, any class fits really. A vampire / dhampir has a very broad range of abilities that are associated with them to the point I could easily see any class as a dhampir and it would fit nicely.

I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

NECR0G1ANT wrote:
One of my PCs is a dhampir/vampire gymnast swashbuckler who Grapples then Drinks Blood from almost every opponent.

And if they dont have blood? Like a construct, something non tangible, ext?

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Oni Shogun wrote:
NECR0G1ANT wrote:
One of my PCs is a dhampir/vampire gymnast swashbuckler who Grapples then Drinks Blood from almost every opponent.
And if they dont have blood? Like a construct, something non tangible, ext?

That's likely why they said almost.

Oni Shogun wrote:
I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

What you're probably thinking of is the fact that lots of cantrips that used to be attack rolls in the legacy version now call for a save in the remaster, so they don't technically work with Spellstrike. TBH that's only an issue if you aren't allowing legacy cantrips, something I personally don't see the reason for, though it is totally another load a possible GM coming to grips with the system would need to navigate.

That being said there are still a couple you can use, though the damage selection is more limited than previously for sure.

Oni Shogun wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:

Alucard is a magus. I don't think that would be a controversial take (he is well versed in both martial combat and magic, as well as inteligent. All things that a magus is. I even think his videogame counterpart is even closer to the magus, with the laughing shadow's focus spell being one of the most common Alucard moves).

I don't know why you think magus sucks tho. Its the best nova damage dealer in the system and a solid martial overall. If you don't want magus for whatever reason, any class fits really. A vampire / dhampir has a very broad range of abilities that are associated with them to the point I could easily see any class as a dhampir and it would fit nicely.

I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

So, you don’t know?

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Honestly, there have been so many vampires in fiction, I wonder what could be a class that doesn't fit a dhampir/vampire theme...

Oni Shogun wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:

Alucard is a magus. I don't think that would be a controversial take (he is well versed in both martial combat and magic, as well as inteligent. All things that a magus is. I even think his videogame counterpart is even closer to the magus, with the laughing shadow's focus spell being one of the most common Alucard moves).

I don't know why you think magus sucks tho. Its the best nova damage dealer in the system and a solid martial overall. If you don't want magus for whatever reason, any class fits really. A vampire / dhampir has a very broad range of abilities that are associated with them to the point I could easily see any class as a dhampir and it would fit nicely.

I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

Funny I never played one in 1e but the 2e Magus is my favorite class by far. The only studies I haven't played yet are starlit and twisting tree. In the remaster off the top of my head for cantrips you have gouging claw, ignition, telekinetic throw, needle darts, phase bolt and slashing gusts. That's exclusively from the remaster. And they updated the rest of the cantrips for use in the remaster

Liberty's Edge

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Oni Shogun wrote:
Twiggies wrote:

Laughing Shadow Magus would be my thought for a magus.

A Monk even could be an idea, maybe? Monastic weaponry to use a sword, they're speedy, Ki Moves..

I'll admit not knowing much about Alucard tho--Considering when I think of him I think of the old old old old old pixel video game which was pretty limited lol. I haven't really played a game or consumed any other media of it since I was like. 5. So I'm just throwing ideas at a dart board (and missing).

Also a bit confused on this:

I could see Champion as well but since there are no non good champions yet, I'd hold off on that class.
There are non good champions. Tyrant, Desecrator, and Antipaladin.
Yeah but not for neutrals. And evil champions are usually not seen as PC territory. I need neutral champions. TN, LN, CN.

It's not long until you get your wish, there are a variety of options for non-sanctified Champions coming in PC2 at the beginning of August! :)

Ranger could work well for vamp/dhamp, especially if you're leaning into the "control animals" side of things. Heck - dhampir even has a feat specifically for animal companions

Undead sorc or harm font cleric leans more over toward the gothic/religious iconography, and gives you a ready source of self-heals.

Undead Summoner is similar, and nicely represents the idea that you might have a single powerful servitor that you've crafted, poured power into, or received from a patron and bound to your service.

Arazni certainly works for undead who resent the fact that they were made undead, but she's also pretty cool with undead followers in general, and she's got a bunch of recently driven-out Gebbite expatriates who have reason to be in tune with both her old "elegant undead aristocracy" theming and her more recent and until recently subversive "I have been deeply wronged and I will never forgive" theming.

I agree with alucard being a laughing shadow magus, that is the most fitting, with monk making a good second fit skill wise, but hard pressed to get a really fitting weapon (that is until we maybe get the remastered monastic weaponry)

otherwise you could use swashbuckler (mobile combat with flashy maneuvers), weapon thaumaturge (looking for weakpoints and striking with 'magically' enhanced attacks), classical fighter (straighup martial superiority) or champion (really hard to hit them) with possibly an archetype (aldori duelist?) for a fitting weapon


Ignoring whatever issues there are with magus, I tend to take two directions with my typical vampires.

Normally, I tend to conceptualise vampires as the dominant, controlling types, which would fit something like a school of mentalism wizard, where you use magic and your vampiric charm to control your opponents. Depending on how hard you are willing or able to push reflavouring, a sorcerer with a bloodline like Hag or Fey could also achieve this.

The other option to me is some kind of stealthy night-hunter character, for which rogue obviously comes to mind, though monk or laughing shadow (even though magus is off the table for you), could fit this well.

Back on the topic of Magus, I've played a laughing shadow before and I really struggle to see how it could "suck". It worked perfectly fine. If you think it would fit your character, it'd reccomend going for it.

Liberty's Edge

Perpdepog wrote:
Oni Shogun wrote:
NECR0G1ANT wrote:
One of my PCs is a dhampir/vampire gymnast swashbuckler who Grapples then Drinks Blood from almost every opponent.
And if they dont have blood? Like a construct, something non tangible, ext?

That's likely why they said almost.

Oni Shogun wrote:
I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

What you're probably thinking of is the fact that lots of cantrips that used to be attack rolls in the legacy version now call for a save in the remaster, so they don't technically work with Spellstrike. TBH that's only an issue if you aren't allowing legacy cantrips, something I personally don't see the reason for, though it is totally another load a possible GM coming to grips with the system would need to navigate.

That being said there are still a couple you can use, though the damage selection is more limited than previously for sure.

Not using the pre-Remaster PF2 cantrips makes taking Expansive Spellstrike near compulsory IMO.

Apart from that, Magus does not suck.

I could also see a Warpriest (ie frontline) Cleric fitting for a dhampir/vampire.

The Raven Black wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Oni Shogun wrote:
NECR0G1ANT wrote:
One of my PCs is a dhampir/vampire gymnast swashbuckler who Grapples then Drinks Blood from almost every opponent.
And if they dont have blood? Like a construct, something non tangible, ext?

That's likely why they said almost.

Oni Shogun wrote:
I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

What you're probably thinking of is the fact that lots of cantrips that used to be attack rolls in the legacy version now call for a save in the remaster, so they don't technically work with Spellstrike. TBH that's only an issue if you aren't allowing legacy cantrips, something I personally don't see the reason for, though it is totally another load a possible GM coming to grips with the system would need to navigate.

That being said there are still a couple you can use, though the damage selection is more limited than previously for sure.

Not using the pre-Remaster PF2 cantrips makes taking Expansive Spellstrike near compulsory IMO.

Apart from that, Magus does not suck.

I could also see a Warpriest (ie frontline) Cleric fitting for a dhampir/vampire.

Funny enough the only studies I'd use expansive spellstrike with are the 2 studies I haven't tried. Spellstriking isn't the only way to get in AC so you can still target just about any weakness

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You'd think a class that sucks would be perfect for a vampire character.

There's been enough different vampire tropes and characters by this point that the only class I don't see quite vibing with vampire is kineticist, and I'm sure someone could come up with a build to prove me wrong there too.

not the best class but swashbuckler has A LOT of bleed damage

Perses13 wrote:

You'd think a class that sucks would be perfect for a vampire character.

There's been enough different vampire tropes and characters by this point that the only class I don't see quite vibing with vampire is kineticist, and I'm sure someone could come up with a build to prove me wrong there too.

Not Fire, Wood, or Water. Wind/Metal, maybe? Flight, invisibility, creepy whispering in your ear from miles away, and then hurling around (and wearing) pieces of rusting metal hidden away behind a thin veneer of prettier, more precious stuff.

I don't think I've ever seen something like that used anywhere by any specific vampires, but you could certainly work the *theme*.

Sanityfaerie wrote:
Perses13 wrote:

You'd think a class that sucks would be perfect for a vampire character.

There's been enough different vampire tropes and characters by this point that the only class I don't see quite vibing with vampire is kineticist, and I'm sure someone could come up with a build to prove me wrong there too.

Not Fire, Wood, or Water. Wind/Metal, maybe?

Oh, I dunno, the "half vampire antihero vampire hunter" is a pretty common fantasy trope. A Dhampir wood kineticist who can summon wooden stakes at will and do vitality damage with their wood blasts would make an excellent one of those.

Liberty's Edge

Water can be reflavored as blood IMO.

The Raven Black wrote:
Water can be reflavored as blood IMO.

You'd have to reflavor it pretty heavily. Possibly water/metal?

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Water can be reflavored as blood IMO.
You'd have to reflavor it pretty heavily. Possibly water/metal?

Insert "You have a lot of iron in your blood" joke here.

Those are the two elements I'd go for, myself, with air as a possible third if I was looking to pick up some vampire-like flight. Void and aether would be my first picks, but we'll need to wait to see if/when they show up in the game again.

So there isn't a blood mage class or a blood magic in pathfinder? I remember D&D having blood mages or something though.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Oni Shogun wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:

Alucard is a magus. I don't think that would be a controversial take (he is well versed in both martial combat and magic, as well as inteligent. All things that a magus is. I even think his videogame counterpart is even closer to the magus, with the laughing shadow's focus spell being one of the most common Alucard moves).

I don't know why you think magus sucks tho. Its the best nova damage dealer in the system and a solid martial overall. If you don't want magus for whatever reason, any class fits really. A vampire / dhampir has a very broad range of abilities that are associated with them to the point I could easily see any class as a dhampir and it would fit nicely.

I think magus sucks cause people keep saying it does cause it doesn't have some specific abilities in 2e that would need to be "legacy content"? Something about lacking cantrips?

No, if anything they got buffed-- they no longer depend on int mod for cantrip spellstrike damage, Ignition's melee option is a straight upgrade on Produce Flame IIRC, and there's a solid handful of other options for spellstrike cantrips on the arcane list (Needle Darts, Gouging Claw, etc.)

They also benefitted from the focus point adjustments, as they can conflux more, with being able to Force Fang repeatedly as the most obvious (but not only) tactical application, for a straight DPR increase.

They 'lost' Shocking Grasp Spellstrike, which was only a negligible gain on the Horizon Thunder Sphere Spellstrike, so they didn't lose much of anything. Likewise, they 'lost' Ray of Frost, because Frostbite is save-oriented, but Ray of Frost wasn't exactly a great Spellstrike option to begin with.

A few more Spellstrike friendly cantrips would be appreciated, but Magus are in great shape.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Oni Shogun wrote:
So there isn't a blood mage class or a blood magic in pathfinder? I remember D&D having blood mages or something though.

Not a Dragon Age style Blood-Manipulation Mage.

I'd say metal in general is very metal (pun intended) so it kinda fits most edgy or villan-esque concepts as is. A vampire that uses rusted metal that they create from thin air has a very post-apocalyptic vibe to me somehow (don't ask me why, it kinda makes me think of post-apocalyptic for some reason).

Oni Shogun wrote:
So there isn't a blood mage class or a blood magic in pathfinder? I remember D&D having blood mages or something though.

A mage who focuses on manipulating blood with their magic? No, not really.

The sorcerer is really themed around using the magic "in their blood," though. They even have a class feature called Blood Magic that gives you benefits when you use your specific spells. IIRC there is a feat that lets you also take damage to buff your spells somehow, though I forget how.

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