Howl of the Wild Errata Thread

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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pg. 18 Coral Athamaru armor has a "Strength value of 16" should read "Strength value of +3"

pg. 151 Concert Frog's jaws attack deals 2d11+11 damage. Likely should be d10s.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kelseus wrote:

pg. 18 Coral Athamaru armor has a "Strength value of 16" should read "Strength value of +3"

pg. 151 Concert Frog's jaws attack deals 2d11+11 damage. Likely should be d10s.

Athamaru's mechanics sidebar (that little bit with the Ancestry HP, Ability Boosts & Flaws, etc) seems to also be missing their Hydration entry despite one of their ancestry feats implying they do in fact need a daily Hydration dip just like Merfolk or (most) Azarketi.

Speaking of Merfolk, their Shore Gift feat seems to omit mentioning how it interacts with their Hydration dependence.

HenshinFanatic wrote:
Speaking of Merfolk, their Shore Gift feat seems to omit mentioning how it interacts with their Hydration dependence.

I'd assume it be just like the Azarketi, even if you have legs, just go take a dip once a day. Although removing the Hydration would be a nice extra benefit.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

P.91 Surely a kangaroo is a medium creature, not small?

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xalpha wrote:
P.91 Surely a kangaroo is a medium creature, not small?

You'll notice that Bear is also small and they can be 5' taller than kangaroos: don't forget, the entry is for a young animal companion. When you take Mature Animal Companion, "if your companion is Medium or smaller, it grows by one size."

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The prismhydra, a level 16 creature, only has an AC of 30. I think it is a copy-paste with the AC of the Tyrafdir, the previous hydra-like creature (lvl 11)

If we keep the moderate AC both the previous and next hydras have, the prismhydra should be around 38 AC

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just noticed this while reading through my recently arrived physical copy, but are the Amphisbaena Handwraps (page 106) supposed to lack fundamental runes despite being 3 levels higher than the base version of Handwraps of Mighty Blows?

p. 32: the Ponygait Centaur heritage has an unconditional +1 circumstance bonus to reflex. Could totally be intended, but it felt a bit strong for a heritage, so I'm noting it here in case the conditions for the +1 were left off.

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(P.93) The Giant Wasp animal companion has an ability that seems like it should be one action, not two.
The ability "Darting Stab" seems similar to the Dromeasaurs "Darting Attack" where you can step 10 feet and attack or attack and step 10 feet as a single action.

The riding was has the ability Darting Sting or sth like that and allows to fly 15 feet and attack or attack and fly 15 feet, but its listed as 2 actions.

That would kinda make no sense to me because you would spend to actions to move less than you could if you just spend an action to move and then to attack, since the wasp has a 40 feet fly speed.

The Thlipit contestant's powerful lash feat is either not supposed to be an action, or is missing a duration of it's an action to grant your lash a higher damage dice and sweep.

p. 158, the Ascendent Griffon has no reach listed for any of its melee attacks, even though it's a huge creature.
Again, not sure if this is intended or not but most huge creatures have a reach of at least 10 feet if I remember rightly.

The Merfolk's Siren Song ability doesn't really work as printed. Fascinated is basically going to end on the next PC's turn because of the "any hostile action from anyone" clause, and the best case for the ability is not exactly crippling to begin with.

Yes I really wonder what the point of the fascinated condition is. It's 95% a waste of space. They should fix it or retire it.

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