Are there any non-magical ways to sneak a shield into places?


I was thinking if there was any way to be a sword and boarder zealot vigilante while still being able to hide my main weapons on myself. If this isn't possible then what other options do i have that can give me the same effect?

How big of a shield are you talking about? A Buckler is fairly small so you might be able to hide it. A small shield also might be able to be concealed somehow. A large shield is going to be difficult to hide.

You could try placing the shield in a hidden location if you know you are going to need it. If you have followers of some sort, they could possibly hold a shield for you. If you are posing as a common laborer, you might be able to hide it among other gear.

Magic would make it a lot easier.

Dark Archive

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Shield gauntlet style?

As far as i know, if without any magical means, you can't hide big item with sleight of hand skill, so either you stealth yourself together with your shield, or you try bluff the guardian...

Scarab Sages

I'm inclined to agree there's times/exceptions e.g. stuck under a cart you could hide a shield but by its very nature big thing that stops you getting hit its not easy to conceal. At least without magic in some form. A sword cane works because the blade is slender enough to be slotted into a sheath designed to look like a walking aid. For a shield to serve its intended purpose that's not really viable.

Shield gauntlet style still seems the most non magical way to me. Assuming they let you wear a gauntlet.

There isn't anything else mundane I am aware of. That said. A Gm might allow a buckler (unworn) to be hidden via sleight of hand. Off hand. I feel like a buckler and a hand crossbow are both probably about the same level of awkward to me.
Strictly speaking it is up to a GM to decide if a buckler is a small object. A buckler is as heavy as many of the light weapons that are valid for it. So I would imagine it would be allowed. Mind you, taking it out, and then equipping it will be heavy action cost. and buckler won't count as as shield for some specific uses.

You can hide a small object (including a light weapon or an easily concealed ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow) on your body. Your Sleight of Hand check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone observing you or of anyone frisking you. In the latter case, the searcher gains a +4 bonus on the Perception check, since it’s generally easier to find such an object than to hide it. A dagger is easier to hide than most light weapons, and grants you a +2 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it. An extraordinarily small object, such as a coin, shuriken, or ring, grants you a +4 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it, and heavy or baggy clothing (such as a cloak) grants you a +2 bonus on the check.

I don't know where you are sneaking into so I will assume it is some sort of black tie event.

Dress up as a butler and put your shield under a tray of hors d'oeuvres.

If your shield is too big for that have it baked into a cake and wheel it in on a cart.

If you don't have time to bake a cake just fill the shield up with fruit and carry it in. If anyone asks why you have a broad sword on your belt it is because you need it to cut the pineapples.

Some great ideas, but the issue is that shields come in all sizes and shapes (and material), so it's hard to get a one-size-fits-all answer. A round shield could possibly pass as a serving tray. A buckler is probably small enough to look like a (thick) plate or be concealed under a cloak in the small of your back or elsewhere.

A square heater shield might pass a food tray or board or you can lay it on a wheeled cart and it might resemble just an overhanging upper shelf (or not if covered by a sheet like room service in movies where someone hides under it to sneak into a room. A tower shield is probably too big to be disguises as anything other than a door, which would be probably require you to be disguised as a carpenter coming to replace one in the building already or possibly a stretch or platform to carry in some artwork, like a stature or artifact or even a veiled performer, dancer, or entertainer, where the thing you're carrying attracts all the attention instead of what it's standing on.

Not a lot you can do with this heart-shaped heater or kite shields other than maybe hide them in a heavy portrait from behind the picture or disguise them as an awkward such frame.

I'm thinking a bit more medieval James Bond myself. You'd have to invest the coin, time, and crafting skill, but with enough time and resources a masterwork clock could be made with multiple slats or plates sewn inside. When whipped of and flicked in the appropriate technique (probably a standard action at least) the pieces can be made to interlock and become a shield. The heavier/sturdier/higher AC the shield, the greater the penalty applied to the stealth/disguise/slight of hand/bluff check for the clock/cape to pass scrutiny.

Alternatively, carry an open umbrella. The handle is a sword-cane, and the umbrella itself is or conceals a shield.

Depending on the culture, other disguises could be oversized hats, or avant-garde style tunics with ridiculously over-the-top shoulder pads and/or lapels.

Power of Suggestion

Found a trait that might be useful if you want to "hide" it by bluffing

happykj wrote:

Power of Suggestion

Found a trait that might be useful if you want to "hide" it by bluffing

Oh this is really good...there's just one question though, what would i suggest that it would otherwise be?

Get them drunk enough and it can be anything.

Sysryke wrote:

I'm thinking a bit more medieval James Bond myself. You'd have to invest the coin, time, and crafting skill, but with enough time and resources a masterwork clock could be made with multiple slats or plates sewn inside. When whipped of and flicked in the appropriate technique (probably a standard action at least) the pieces can be made to interlock and become a shield. The heavier/sturdier/higher AC the shield, the greater the penalty applied to the stealth/disguise/slight of hand/bluff check for the clock/cape to pass scrutiny.

Alternatively, carry an open umbrella. The handle is a sword-cane, and the umbrella itself is or conceals a shield.

Depending on the culture, other disguises could be oversized hats, or avant-garde style tunics with ridiculously over-the-top shoulder pads and/or lapels.

"@$!&$@(+!?" AUTOCORRECT!!! Cloak, not clock! Hopefully that was obvious from context . . . . I'm a half wit, not a complete moron

Scarab Sages

Sysryke wrote:
Sysryke wrote:

I'm thinking a bit more medieval James Bond myself. You'd have to invest the coin, time, and crafting skill, but with enough time and resources a masterwork clock could be made with multiple slats or plates sewn inside. When whipped of and flicked in the appropriate technique (probably a standard action at least) the pieces can be made to interlock and become a shield. The heavier/sturdier/higher AC the shield, the greater the penalty applied to the stealth/disguise/slight of hand/bluff check for the clock/cape to pass scrutiny.

Alternatively, carry an open umbrella. The handle is a sword-cane, and the umbrella itself is or conceals a shield.

Depending on the culture, other disguises could be oversized hats, or avant-garde style tunics with ridiculously over-the-top shoulder pads and/or lapels.

"@$!&$@(+!?" AUTOCORRECT!!! Cloak, not clock! Hopefully that was obvious from context . . . . I'm a half wit, not a complete moron

Actually no it wasn't at least for me. I read that more in a home ground/preperation sense. You walk around in formal wear then if needed you whip the clock off the wall and whip it around transforming it into a shield. Well it made sense visually to me.

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The Dueling Cape Deed feat (accessible through Amateur Swashbuckler feat if u don’t want to dip in the class) allows you to use a cape or cloak as a buckler. It only takes a move action to wrap it around your arm to use it this way so the action economy isn’t too bad. Most places will allow u to wear a cloak so it’s pretty feasible.

absolutely - if you break it into pieces and eat it you can cart it about pretty much anywhere.

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