Success Recall Knowledge & DCs

Rules Discussion

Isn't there a rule where if you succeed on Recall Knowledge doesn't the DC go up by like +2? I can not find the rule.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Yes, the difficulty increase for further checks on the same topic. Page 54 in GM Core or page 506 in CRB.

Additional Knowledge Sometimes a character might want to follow up on a check to Recall Knowledge, rolling another check to discover more information. After a success, further uses of Recall Knowledge can yield more information, but you should adjust the difficulty to be higher for each attempt. Once a character has attempted an incredibly hard check or failed a check, further attempts are fruitless—the character has recalled everything they know about the subject.

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I gotta say, I don't love that rule and ignore it for my own games.

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The problem of this rule is with feats that depends from RK checks to work.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Morgan wrote:
I gotta say, I don't love that rule and ignore it for my own games.

If Recall Knowledge had a slogan...

Liberty's Edge

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I completely disregard the "cannot try again if failed" rule on RK.

It cripples abilities that depend on it, as YuriP stated, it encourages the odd practice of targeting the other ghoul for your next RK after failing on the first one AND it makes it extremely easy to know you got wrong info from a crit fail.

Squiggit wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
I gotta say, I don't love that rule and ignore it for my own games.
If Recall Knowledge had a slogan...

I'd buy that on a t-shirt... :P

The Raven Black wrote:
it encourages the odd practice of targeting the other ghoul for your next RK after failing on the first one

I wouldn't say it's extremely odd when whole Monster Hunter feat branch completely relies on the process.

(And it's just the thing I remember)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
YuriP wrote:

The problem of this rule is with feats that depends from RK checks to work.

The Raven Black wrote:

I completely disregard the "cannot try again if failed" rule on RK.

It cripples abilities that depend on it, as YuriP stated, it encourages the odd practice of targeting the other ghoul for your next RK after failing on the first one AND it makes it extremely easy to know you got wrong info from a crit fail.

Note that the rules don't actually say you can't make more Recall Knowledge checks, just that you don't learn any new information for doing so. It works totally fine with most abilities that require repeated Recall Knowledge checks.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Note that the rules don't actually say you can't make more Recall Knowledge checks, just that you don't learn any new information for doing so. It works totally fine with most abilities that require repeated Recall Knowledge checks.

Heh. Good luck arguing that.

I'm still trying to convince people that taking the action and succeeding at the skill check roll qualifies for gaining Panache - which is literally what the rule says. But people still don't always believe that. They instead want to say that if the action gives no benefits because of immunities and the like, then the action actually failed... even with a successful roll.

Liberty's Edge

Ravingdork wrote:
YuriP wrote:

The problem of this rule is with feats that depends from RK checks to work.

The Raven Black wrote:

I completely disregard the "cannot try again if failed" rule on RK.

It cripples abilities that depend on it, as YuriP stated, it encourages the odd practice of targeting the other ghoul for your next RK after failing on the first one AND it makes it extremely easy to know you got wrong info from a crit fail.

Note that the rules don't actually say you can't make more Recall Knowledge checks, just that you don't learn any new information for doing so. It works totally fine with most abilities that require repeated Recall Knowledge checks.

Missed that. Thank you.

Ravingdork wrote:
YuriP wrote:

The problem of this rule is with feats that depends from RK checks to work.

The Raven Black wrote:

I completely disregard the "cannot try again if failed" rule on RK.

It cripples abilities that depend on it, as YuriP stated, it encourages the odd practice of targeting the other ghoul for your next RK after failing on the first one AND it makes it extremely easy to know you got wrong info from a crit fail.

Note that the rules don't actually say you can't make more Recall Knowledge checks, just that you don't learn any new information for doing so. It works totally fine with most abilities that require repeated Recall Knowledge checks.

I never noticed this. This can be a good way to deal with it.

Yet something like mastermind states "If you successfully identify a creature using Recall Knowledge" so if you fail you are unable to identify the creature anymore.

Dark Archive

Thaumaturges Tome also requires a success:
"While holding your tome, at the start of your turn each round, attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about a creature of your choice that you're observing. If this check succeeds , you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack roll against that creature before the start of your next turn."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can get a success and not learn anything new. The "successfully identify" verbiage of Mastermind is a little trickier. For that I see two possible interpretations:

1) You can only identify things once. Once they are known, that's it. In effect, abilities that are dependent upon successful identification can only wbe used once. This strikes me as the more potentially problematic of the two.

2) Once you identify something, it becomes known to you, so (barring a disguise or similar change) all future attempts to identify it are automatically successes. You probably don't learn anything new, per Recall Knowledge, but you identify it as the thing previously identified and therefore abilities dependent upon successful identification to trigger work just fine.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There are rather a lot of points of table variation in abilities like the Mastermind racket that you need to make sure you're on the same page with your GM about before playing a character that relies heavily on them, like how you'll handle different creatures of the same type.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
HammerJack wrote:
There are rather a lot of points of table variation in abilities like the Mastermind racket that you need to make sure you're on the same page with your GM about before playing a character that relies heavily on them, like how you'll handle different creatures of the same type.

Most indubitably, dude. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For a long time, that was exceptionally rough for PFS, where you have many different GMs. I was really glad to see the campaign rulings added, this last November.

HammerJack wrote:
For a long time, that was exceptionally rough for PFS, where you have many different GMs. I was really glad to see the campaign rulings added, this last November.

What was that ruling?

Captain Morgan wrote:
HammerJack wrote:
For a long time, that was exceptionally rough for PFS, where you have many different GMs. I was really glad to see the campaign rulings added, this last November.
What was that ruling?


[NEW - Nov '23] For the purpose of abilities that require successfully identifying a creature using Recall Knowledge (like the mastermind rogue racket), how do I know what creatures I have successfully identified?

Let us imagine that Robbie the Mastermind Rogue is attacked by three identical wolves: Alice, Bob and Charlie.

For the purposes of such abilities, a character is considered to have successfully identified a creature when they succeed or critically succeed at a Recall Knowledge check, regardless of what information they gain. If Robbie successfully Recalls Knowledge against Alice, their racket ability triggers against Alice, but not against Bob or Charlie. The information they gain would still be useful against all three.

If Robbie later tries to Recall Knowledge against Bob, they would use the typical DC, not an increased DC for a subsequent check against the same creature. Similarly, if Robbie is later attacked by two new wolves, the checks to Recall Knowledge would start at the typical DC.

In short, each creature is treated as a separate creature, even if they appear to be identical.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I totally forgot that they already FAQ'd this. *facepalm*

Thanks for sharing it.

Sovereign Court

So, that faq is all about “For the purpose of abilities that require successfully identifying a creature using Recall Knowledge”. Would you say then that “for the purposes of learning new information” you would use the increasing DC and stop after a failure or the incr hard DC? I think that’s my conclusion, but willing to hear otherwise. So a RK check might fail to learn new info about Wolf #2 because it didn’t beat the higher DC, but still beat the standard DC and so trigger abilities like mastermind?

Sovereign Court

Yeah, the purpose of that FAQ seems to be to unblock those kind of abilities, not to completely overhaul RK.

Talon Stormwarden wrote:
So a RK check might fail to learn new info about Wolf #2 because it didn’t beat the higher DC, but still beat the standard DC and so trigger abilities like mastermind?

Wait, what higher DC?

'If Robbie later tries to Recall Knowledge against Bob, they would use the typical DC, not an increased DC for a subsequent check against the same creature. Similarly, if Robbie is later attacked by two new wolves, the checks to Recall Knowledge would start at the typical DC.'
Yes, it's not actually in the book, but the intent seems clear to me. We've been always running it like this: no increased DC against new creature of the same type.

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Errenor wrote:
Talon Stormwarden wrote:
So a RK check might fail to learn new info about Wolf #2 because it didn’t beat the higher DC, but still beat the standard DC and so trigger abilities like mastermind?

Wait, what higher DC?

'If Robbie later tries to Recall Knowledge against Bob, they would use the typical DC, not an increased DC for a subsequent check against the same creature. Similarly, if Robbie is later attacked by two new wolves, the checks to Recall Knowledge would start at the typical DC.'
Yes, it's not actually in the book, but the intent seems clear to me. We've been always running it like this: no increased DC against new creature of the same type.

c'mon man. Read the whole post

>Would you say then that “for the purposes of learning new information” you would use the increasing DC and stop after a failure or the incr hard DC?

So when the player rolls RK against Bob (from the example in the FAQ I quoted) would you have them simply ID Bob and say "yep, that tharz a wolf arright" and give them the same info you gave for the first successful RK? Or would you give them NEW information even though they haven't beaten a higher RK DC that would normally be required to get more information about the same creature? Or would you do as this person asks and have the check be a two-tiered one; let them ID the creature type at the base DC ("For the purpose of abilities that require successfully identifying a creature using Recall Knowledge"), but require that the check beat a higher DC in order to get new useful information about the creature type?

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Baarogue wrote:

c'mon man. Read the whole post

>Would you say then that “for the purposes of learning new information” you would use the increasing DC and stop after a failure or the incr hard DC?

So when the player rolls RK against Bob (from the example in the FAQ I quoted) would you have them simply ID Bob and say "yep, that tharz a wolf arright" and give them the same info you gave for the first successful RK? Or would you give them NEW information even though they haven't beaten a higher RK DC that would normally be required to get more information about the same creature? Or would you do as this person asks and have the check be a two-tiered one; let them ID the creature type at the base DC ("For the purpose of abilities that require successfully identifying a creature using Recall Knowledge"), but require that the check beat a higher DC in order to get new useful information about the creature type?

But I did read the post. It's just a real headache to 'cashe' their answered questions and DCs at which they stopped the last time. Yes, this procedure could follow from the rules I guess, but it's so much easier just start anew each time and let players manage what questions they've asked and what they still want to ask. It could be even considered new circumstances - another creature of the same type. Even though when all of these creatures are right here right now it could be a bit cheesy.

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