Some more APG errata suggestions

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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I'm just making a new thread, simply because I couldn't find the main APG errata thread for some reason. I'm probably just blind, so please tell me if you could find it ^^.

Anyway, I was checking out the poisoner archetype and noticed that the dedication is literally just a worse alchemist dedication. I doubt that is supposed to be the case.

What both have in common:
- basic alchemy benefits (infused reagents feature, advanced alchemy, Alchemical Crafting skill feat)
- reagents equal to your level
- advanced alchemy level 1 with no automatic increase

The poisoner dedication gives no further benefits, but instead limits what you can make to only poisons. You also need to be trained in Crafting to take it.

The alchemist dedication has somewhat more demanding requirements, as you need to have 14 INT. However, it also provides a lot more:
- 4 additional formulas
- trained in Crafting & bombs
- trained in class DC
- no limit to type of alchemical items you can produce (not technically an additional benefit, but should be mentioned for contrast)

So yeah, that's kinda unfair in my opinion.

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An archetype isn't balanced solely on its dedication feat.

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breithauptclan wrote:
An archetype isn't balanced solely on its dedication feat.

That's true, but feats should still be balanced according to their level. And in cases like this, where you have two feats that are so similar and thus directly comparable, one should not be objectively much worse.

Doesn't Poisoner have an option to make poison DC equal class DC at like level 10 like Snarecrafter?

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There are some feat splits much worse than this. As it is, there's one other thing that you're not including in the comparison. The alchemist archetype unlocks alchemist archetype feats. The poisoner archetype unlocks poisoner archetype feats. There are entirely reasonable builds that might prefer one or the other.

I'm not saying that things would be objectively worse if the poisoner dedication was buffed a bit, but it's not at the "utter unalloyed travesty" level that would really demand errata.

By contrast, I would offer up a comparison between Murksight (Witch 8) and Storm Born (Druid 1). Perhaps a comparison between Visual Fidelity (Inventor 6) and Deadeye (Gunslinger 12)?

What about Bastion dedication vs just taking Reactive Shield? Student of Perfection vs Ki Strike?
Feats cannot be evaluated in a vacuum... when you can take them and the options they open up is an important consideration too.

(Personally I hate this "Feat+" Dedications...)

Those are both level 2 feats instead of level 1 feats.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Guntermench wrote:
Doesn't Poisoner have an option to make poison DC equal class DC at like level 10 like Snarecrafter?

it does not, only a toxicologist can do that

Kekkres wrote:
Guntermench wrote:
Doesn't Poisoner have an option to make poison DC equal class DC at like level 10 like Snarecrafter?
it does not, only a toxicologist can do that

And to be fair, Alchemist Archetype no longer has access to get Powerful Alchemy either. When Powerful Alchemy was wrapped into the class features of Alchemist, the feat that would make it accessible to the Archetype was also removed.

Kekkres wrote:
Guntermench wrote:
Doesn't Poisoner have an option to make poison DC equal class DC at like level 10 like Snarecrafter?
it does not, only a toxicologist can do that

Well that's unfortunate.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:

There are some feat splits much worse than this. As it is, there's one other thing that you're not including in the comparison. The alchemist archetype unlocks alchemist archetype feats. The poisoner archetype unlocks poisoner archetype feats. There are entirely reasonable builds that might prefer one or the other.

I'm not saying that things would be objectively worse if the poisoner dedication was buffed a bit, but it's not at the "utter unalloyed travesty" level that would really demand errata.

By contrast, I would offer up a comparison between Murksight (Witch 8) and Storm Born (Druid 1). Perhaps a comparison between Visual Fidelity (Inventor 6) and Deadeye (Gunslinger 12)?

Murksight versus Storm Born is so painful. Level 8 instead of 1 and it's significantly worse as a feat on top of that.

Yes, please give Poisoner a feat to get DC = Class DC. Not only do you get lower level poisons with worse effects than normal (fair for an archetype) but their DCs area also balanced for that lower level giving you a quadratic negative scaling and just makes them completely unusable imo.

All I want from the next APG errata is acknowledgement that a Major Ghost Charge should have a +3 Item Bonus to the Strike.

ottdmk wrote:
All I want from the next APG errata is acknowledgement that a Major Ghost Charge should have a +3 Item Bonus to the Strike.

Oh wow, I never noticed that XD

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ottdmk wrote:
All I want from the next APG errata is acknowledgement that a Major Ghost Charge should have a +3 Item Bonus to the Strike.

Oh, there is a lot more in the APG that I would like to see fixed than just that.

The APG is where Witch came from.

breithauptclan wrote:
ottdmk wrote:
All I want from the next APG errata is acknowledgement that a Major Ghost Charge should have a +3 Item Bonus to the Strike.

Oh, there is a lot more in the APG that I would like to see fixed than just that.

The APG is where Witch came from.

I haven't gotten every question answered from the core yet. :P

But, yeah... witch. And Ancient Elf Eldritch Tricksters.

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Path of Iron from the Martial Artist archetype doesn't limit the kind of strikes it can do.

So you can have a stride+3 MAPless strike with a Longbow, gun, or Greataxe.

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Speaking of Ancient Elf, it's not an APG option, but it would be nice if Ancient Elf's age cutoff were higher than 150 years. The current cutoff of 100 years was explicitly added to prevent half-elves from taking it, but they actually live to 150 years or so, so a layman's reading of the current wording (without having read the FAQ page) makes it seem like a 110-year-old half-elf would be as eligible to take it as they would be to take Ancestral Longevity or Ancestral Linguistics.

Edit: Speaking of Martial Artist as well, it gets access to Stumbling Feint, even though it can't use it without also taking the monk MCA.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Not the most pressing but I’d appreciate any clarification on the intent of what “mitigate” means for Oracle curses.

More than anything though, I want Life Link to have its heightening improved. It’s primed to neatly heighten +2 instead of awkwardly heightening at 3rd then at 6th and 9th. I’m biased though. Life Oracle is my favorite single entity in the game.

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