Compilation of Pathfinder 2nd Edition Settlement stats

Homebrew and House Rules

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I'm going to compile all stated settlements here: Pathfinder 2nd edition stated settlement compilation

If you come across a stated settlement in an AP (I think Kintargo and Katapesh are in age of ashes, I'll have to go find them again) just link them here, please.

If you have yourself stated out a settlement, please dear lord link it in the thread bellow and I'll add it. This could solve a lot of uncertainty and work for GM's

Thanks to anyone who participates or comments!

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Mostly paraphrasing for these as no statblock was provided but information in text.

Breachill, Isger

Level 4. 1300 residents, mostly humans but also some dwarves, half-elves, half-orcs, goblins. Adventurer's Discount: Accomplishing a significant quest earns you a 5% discount of all items and services purchased in Breachill.

Source: Age of Ashes Player's Guide, Age of Ashes #1

Akrivel, Mwangi Expanse

Level 5. No merchants in the settlement but several clerics and healers. Citizens are mostly Ekujae elves.

Source: Age of Ashes #2

Cypress Point, Ravounel

Level 3. Small fishing town.

Source: Age of Ashes #3

Whiterock, Ravounel

Level 4. Small town near a quarry with 1500 people. The town’s center boasts little more than a general store, a farrier, a newly renovated shrine to Desna, a small civic building, and two taverns.

Source: Age of Ashes #3

Kintargo, Ravounel

Level 7. 12000 citizens. Lots of info in the gazetteer about various districts and points of interest.

Source: Age of Ashes #3

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Kovlar Settlement 5

Government council
Population 4,620 (99% dwarves, 1% other ancestries)
Languages Common, Dwarven

Religions Torag, other dwarven deities
City of Artisans Items of up to 8th level can be found in Kovlar, and armor and weapons of up to 12th lvel.
Primary Imports Meat, iron, wood

Primary Exports Armor, artisanal goods, weapons
Forgemaster Kelda Halrig (LN female dwarf) leader of the Anviller's Guild and Chief Councilor of the Court of Regents
Commander Grokar Hammersong (LN male dwarf) leader of the Guild of Arms
Fortunate Algera Kord (CN female dwarf) leader of the Gamblers’ Guild
Sentinel Frastin Stoneborn (LG male dwarf) high priest of Torag

Source: Age of Ashes #4

Thank you !!

EDIT: Added to the compilation, will do proper formating.

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Proper formating has been done for all the above, with some added notes drawn from the AP and online ressources.

I've also home brewed some slight powers for some of these cities.

If someone could copy paste the cities detailed in the mwangi expanse book, that'd be great.

I also wonder if Absalom, city of wonders finally gave us stats for Absalom?

Also anything from the extinction curse AP.

I can't look them up right now cause i'm a player in that AP

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Added Kerrick from EC (thanks to Soup d'état)

Added Katapesh as a level 13 settlement, need to houserule some things in there, will be bolded in italic.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Agricultural hub and headquarters to a grim guild of
executioners Government civic administrators overseen by the Gray
Population 4,990 (84% humans, 8% halflings, 3% gnomes, 3% elves, 2% other)
Languages Common
Rampant Suspicion No one in Litran knows who might be a Gray Gardener in disguise. NPCs are reluctant to make deals openly and begin with an attitude one step worse than usual toward everyone.

Babry Wrenolus (N male human bureaucrat 9) Finance Minister
Keznin Nevarmo (NG male tengu herbalist 9) Proprietor of Soul Mother’s Herbs
Otvald Gharmino (LN male human judge 11) High Magistrate
Raina Carlezio (CN female human duchess 7) Patron of the arts
Zintaya Calbieste (NE female elf advocate 14) Secretary of the Farming Cooperative

Source Night of the Gray Death

Hope settlement blocks coming to us outside of specific AP are still in scope.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Mercantile city-state where diverse interests rub shoulders
Population 3,885 (71% humans [predominantly Zenj], 8% elves [predominantly Mualijae], 5% orcs, 5% lizardfolk, 11% other)
Government representative council
Trade Hub Items of up to 11th level can be found in Kibwe with diligent searching. Items higher than 6th level, when found, are for sale at 90% + 2d10% of their normal price.
Languages Common, Mwangi

Abuyone Munme (LG female human) Council Representative for the Zenj Trading Alliance
Clatriani Orridik (LE male human) Bloodman of Bekyar Block and former slave-trader
Darvian Estabar (LN male human) Lord Magistrate of the East Mwangi Mining Company
Kosa Et (N agender elf) Council Representative for Whitemarks

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Added both settlements, thanks loreguard!

Added Absalom as a level 20 Settlement (sprinkled in some NPC's from AoE)

Added more info on Katapesh and some homebrewed special power

Made sure to forward to Nethys from AoN, they said they've had the skeleton for a while for settlements but data gathering has been a pain so this thread is a big help to them.

I'm still looking for the settlements from lost omens mwangi expanse if anyone has them !

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added Bloodcove, Jaha, Mzali, Nantambu, Osibu and Senghor tonight.

thanks to Soup d'État on Discord for the stats!

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Gotta say the list grew up a lot in less than a week.

Good Job there!

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Thanks !

Added Shraen Willowside, Vidrian and Usaro (thanks to soup d'état again!)

AFAIK can't find any settlement stats for any of the regions in book of the dead.

Please advise if you did.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

This is a project I did for First Edition, therefore it's frozen now, but have fun if it's helpful to you.

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VestOfHolding wrote:
This is a project I did for First Edition, therefore it's frozen now, but have fun if it's helpful to you.

Nice, thanks !

And damn... barely 9 Mill population worldwide? Thank aroden I usually just add zeros after populations to cities in my campaigns...

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^Well, that would explain how so many monsters could stay alive. On the other hand, I'm suspicious that the numbers may be too small across the board, because the count of Aquatic Elves is only 34, which is REALLY precarious for maintaining a population at all.

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Yeah exactly.

By comparison the black plague killed 20 million people just in medieval Europe.

In my campaigns I often take the population for metropolises and just add a zero at the end to make more sense.

A 310 000 population Absalom is nonsensical for such a big city. That's the population of a middling sized town at an advantageous positioning, not the city at the center of the world.

3 010 000 makes a lot more sense, specially when you consider how big it is.

9-10 million worldwide is near extinction levels. A much better, and more reasonable, count would be near a billion.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

For what it's worth, my project, and by extension yours, only looks at population areas that are defined in a published book. There are no doubt millions of people unaccounted for in other cities and settlements, or spread out in more nomadic or rural populations. Specifically I'm remembering one country in Tian Xia where the major populations are nomadic, and so not accounted for in settlement data. If I remember correctly an entire couple continents are barely accounted for as well.

AlastarOG wrote:

Yeah exactly.

By comparison the black plague killed 20 million people just in medieval Europe.

In my campaigns I often take the population for metropolises and just add a zero at the end to make more sense.

A 310 000 population Absalom is nonsensical for such a big city. That's the population of a middling sized town at an advantageous positioning, not the city at the center of the world.

3 010 000 makes a lot more sense, specially when you consider how big it is.

9-10 million worldwide is near extinction levels. A much better, and more reasonable, count would be near a billion.

A billion might be overdoing it the other way -- according to Wikipedia World Population Milestones and Wikipedia World Population (which approximately agree with what I have read elsewhere), Earth reached 1 billion Humans only in 1804, and was in the few hundred millions during the Middle Ages. So something around 100 million (which isn't too far off from what you would get by multiplying all the figures by 10, although Aquatic Elves would still be Critically Endangered) seems more likely to be right for Golarion.

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Indeed, however much of Golarion society, through the common use of magic, is much closer to 19th century in terms of emancipation and health as well as economic well being.

Nevertheless, for GM's reading this, a nice homebrew would be to put a bit more people in your metropolises, specially the ones considered to be cradles of civilisation (Katapesh, Absalom, etc.)

Added Korvosa, thanks to Soup D'état again!

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Good to have some free ongoing PF2e settlement Stat stuff available out there, AlastarOG and all of the various Contributors too. ;)

Lost Omens Impossible Lands added a handful of new settlements

Added Graydirge, Yled, Alkenstar City, Pagked, Sallowshore to the compendium.

Sorry it's been a while, was taking a break from forums and uploading my guides for mental health reasons.

Link me any towns you want me to add.

I might flag this to be repositionned to the advice forum, I don't think me adding Torch and Starfall in italics makes it homebrew.

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I did not add any settlements, but I did sort them by population and level.

Here's the results:

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AlastarOG wrote:

Yeah exactly.

By comparison the black plague killed 20 million people just in medieval Europe.

In my campaigns I often take the population for metropolises and just add a zero at the end to make more sense.

A 310 000 population Absalom is nonsensical for such a big city. That's the population of a middling sized town at an advantageous positioning, not the city at the center of the world.

3 010 000 makes a lot more sense, specially when you consider how big it is.

9-10 million worldwide is near extinction levels. A much better, and more reasonable, count would be near a billion.

Constantinople peaked at about half a million population, in 1000 and 1500 AD (considerably lower around the 1300s, both from plague and war.)

Paris in 1000 has about 20,000, climbs up to 300k before the Plague, drops to 200k after, and doesn't hit 500k until the 1700s.

Rome had a population of about a million during the Empire, which plummeted to 20,000 until the 1400s and didn't break 100,000 until the 1600s.

A 310,000 population Absalom makes sense, given that it's a medieval metropolis without an attached continent-spanning empire. A manorial economic system where 5 out of 9 people have to be agriculturalists to prevent mass famine simply can't support high population densities.

One thing to keep in mind is that the entire population of cities is supported by about an equivalent population of small villages surrounding it - that's where the food comes from. So while Paris in 1000 has about 20,000 residents, there's at least another 20,000 people in the surrounding countryside whose economic activity (i.e., farming) is required to support Paris. You can double the population of any given non-agricultural settlement in outlying farms, fishermen, huntsmen, and herders producing food. meline:_Roman_Empire%E2%80%93Modern_Age_(1%E2%80%931800_A.D.)

^That link doesn't work as directly copied and pasted, because it has a space inserted into Timeline -- try this.

PariahDog119 wrote:
AlastarOG wrote:

Yeah exactly.

By comparison the black plague killed 20 million people just in medieval Europe.

In my campaigns I often take the population for metropolises and just add a zero at the end to make more sense.

A 310 000 population Absalom is nonsensical for such a big city. That's the population of a middling sized town at an advantageous positioning, not the city at the center of the world.

3 010 000 makes a lot more sense, specially when you consider how big it is.

9-10 million worldwide is near extinction levels. A much better, and more reasonable, count would be near a billion.

Constantinople peaked at about half a million population, in 1000 and 1500 AD (considerably lower around the 1300s, both from plague and war.)

Paris in 1000 has about 20,000, climbs up to 300k before the Plague, drops to 200k after, and doesn't hit 500k until the 1700s.

Rome had a population of about a million during the Empire, which plummeted to 20,000 until the 1400s and didn't break 100,000 until the 1600s.

A 310,000 population Absalom makes sense, given that it's a medieval metropolis without an attached continent-spanning empire. A manorial economic system where 5 out of 9 people have to be agriculturalists to prevent mass famine simply can't support high population densities.

One thing to keep in mind is that the entire population of cities is supported by about an equivalent population of small villages surrounding it - that's where the food comes from. So while Paris in 1000 has about 20,000 residents, there's at least another 20,000 people in the surrounding countryside whose economic activity (i.e., farming) is required to support Paris. You can double the population of any given non-agricultural settlement in outlying farms, fishermen, huntsmen, and herders producing food. meline:_Roman_Empire%E2%80%93Modern_Age_(1%E2%80%931800_A.D.)

Thanks for the stats!

A small note is that to me settlement stats should account for those farming field populations around it ?

Another note would be that Absalom, at least as couched in the lore books, is a city that is much more developped than what a medieval city would be. Medicine is much more advanced (to the point where even deadly diseases like cancer and the plague can be simply erradicated) the terraforming that they can do is miles above even current engineering projects (for god's sake they redid an entire city district in under a year, this would be a decades long project in modern times) and their industry involves an abundance of high commodity items that is commonly being purchased by non traditional big buyers which helps to feed a thriving and varied bourgeois class (I,m talking about magic items and adventurers)

Considering all of that, I think comparing Absalom to Medieval era paris or antiquity rome would not be accurate, probly more to 19th century New york which would be around 2.6M

Added Jula from Hurricane's Howl

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

SEVENARCHES Settlement 4
N Town
Long-cursed River Kingdom and arboreous city of enigmatic druids.

Government Mayor and Oakstewards (elected leader and druidic oligarchy)

Population 4,340 (88% human, 5% fey, 4% gnome, 2% halfling, 1% other)

Languages Common, Druidic, Gnomish, Sylvan

Religions Erastil, Green Faith, Hanspur

Threats attacks from Gorgas, internal divisions, threat of the Obnubilate Curse return

Superstitious of Elves Sevenarches was long plagued by the obnubilate curse—a mysterious affliction that erased the memories of elves and half-elves before it killed them. The curse has recently been lifted, but the people of Sevenarches still bar elven characters from their settlement, afraid that any change to their longstanding ways might result in some unforeseeable catastrophe. Elves and half-elves caught by the kingdom’s guards are politely but firmly escorted to the River Kingdom’s border.

Esmet Silkenlock (female human) Mayor of Sevenarches

Dethenesthen Carcusian (male human ranger) Captain of the Underbrush

Leoti (female human druid) Voice of the Wind

From Gatewalkers AP

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Lepidstadt Settlement 7

N City

Scholarly settlement and home of Ustalav’s greatest university.

Government Council

Population 9,780 (98% humans, 2% other)

Languages Common, Varisian

Religions Pharasma}

Threats conspirators, grave-robbers and what they accidently awaken, hidden cults and sinister secret societies, scholastic experiments gone horribly awry, unexpected dangers hidden within shipments or among returning expeditions from distant lands

Occultist’s Haven Occult magic items, particularly scrolls bearing occult spells, are plentiful in Lepidstadt’s numerous bookstores and curio shops. Treat the settlement’s level as 10 for the purposes of availability for purchase for these types of items.

Notable NPCs
Acciani Viacarri (LN male human expert) Dean of Lepidstadt University

Alpon Caromarc (N male human alchemist) mysterious local aristocrat and former count of the region

The Beast of Lepidstadt (N male flesh golem barbarian) Legendary (and perhaps misunderstood) local monster

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Hey, I love this list. Using the data, what would you all think Magnimar's settlement block would look like?

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This doesn't seem to be updating any longer, but I'm a little annoyed about how scattered this information is given how vital it is for campaign building, so I'm gonna share one Mermut missed and the cities of Thuvia.

Settlement 6

LG, City

Insular, war-scarred trading hub whose glory days ended with the closure of the Worldwound.

Government Delegate (elected leader)

Population 28,590 (77% humans, 10% mixed-ancestry tieflings, 8% halflings, 5% other)

Languages Abyssal, Common, Hallit

Religions Gorum, Iomedae, Nocticula (as the Redeemer Queen)

Threats fanatical zealots, religious infighting, stray elements of demonic warfare

End of the Road With the end of the war to the west, Egede’s heyday is over, resulting in a poor local economy and inflated costs across the board. The Price of any item or service is 150% the usual amount. Characters can convince a vendor to lower their Prices by improving the vendor’s attitude to helpful.

Notable NPCs
Becka Rossum (LN female human shopkeeper 7) popular general store owner
Gaar Steelflare (LN male dwarf ex-crusader 5) zealous war veteran
Zolivelli Suth (LE female half-elf priest of Iomedae 6) high-ranking local church official

Settlement 12

LN, Metropolis

Largest Thuvian city and unofficial capital

Government elected leader (mayor)

Population 56,870 (65% humans, 15% dwarves, 8% elves, 5% halflings, 7% other)

Languages Kelish, Osiriani, Taldane

Religions Abadar, Gozreh, Nethys, Pharasma, Sarenrae

Threats Water Lords, Inner Sea pirates, divs

Alchemical Oasis As the home to many important schools of alchemy, Merab’s markets have much greater access to alchemical items. Alchemical formulae and items up to level 20 can be purchased there.

Notable NPCs
Ilepodus (LN male human prince 12) Patron of Merab
Maisa el-Aarfa (NE female elf merchant 9) Ringleader of a smuggling operation
Ulthiir (LG male half-elf champion 12) Leader of the Blessed Orchid
Yulinix (N male gnome alchemist 16) High Alchemist of Merab, leader of the Alchemists’ Guild

Settlement 10

LN, Metropolis

Militaristic port city ruled by might

Government Monarchy

Population 25,680 (60% humans, 15% half-orc, 10% dwarf, 5% gnoll, 10% other)

Languages Kelish, Orcish, Osiriani, Taldane

Religions Abadar, Gorum, Iomedae, Sarenrae

Threats Osirion border raids, Water Lords, civil unrest

Well-Armed Due to the military focus and a well-armed population, weapons, armor, and runes for each are available up to level 14.

Notable NPCs
Izaith Sandborn (NG nonbinary half-orc cameleer 13) Dean of the camelry program at the Royal Military Academy
Jhuniri (LN female dwarf general 12) Military leader of Aspenthar’s forces
Prince Zinlo (LN male human ruler 14) Supreme leader of Aspenthar
Vhuthir (LE male half-orc bandit lord 13) Water Lord of the Shining Sands Oasis

Settlement 8

CG, City

A vibrant riverside city devoted to the arts

Government Monarchy

Population 11,450 (50% humans, 25% elves, 10% gnomes, 5% halflings, 5% catfolk, 5% other)

Languages Elven, Kelish, Osiriani, Taldane

Religions Abadar, Brigh, Nethys, Pharasma, Sarenrae, Shelyn

Threats Water Lords, thieves’ guilds, divs

Artistically Inclined The incredible art scene in Lamasara means there are more opportunities for those interested in creative work. Earn Income tasks up to level 15 are available for any Craft related to the arts, as well as Performance.

Notable NPCs
Djamila bint Nacera (NG female half-elf cleric 10) High priestess of Shelyn at the Larksong Temple
Queen Zamere (NG female human queen 10) Queen of Lamasara, famed orator
Quinten Murrey (CG male human bard 12) Skilled performer with tales of his plane-hopping adventures
Silue Starbow (CN female elf guide 8) Proprietor of Starbow’s Tours, offering expeditions into the desert

Settlement 8

N, City

Magic-dependent city that manipulates nature to survive

Government Democratic collective

Population 5,932 (65% humans, 15% dwarves, 10% elves, 10% other)

Languages Dwarven, Kelish, Osiriani, Taldane

Religions Abadar, Gozreh, Nethys, Sarenrae

Threats Water Lords, spies trying to get to the Citadel of the Alchemist, harsh environment

Elemental Education Those wishing to learn elemental magic will find the Scrollspire well-stocked and its teachers welcoming. Spells with elemental traits up to level 12 are available.

Notable NPCs
Emir Guldis (N male human councilor 8) Former leader of Pashow and current city councilor
Lumi (N nonbinary elf elementalist 12) High Priest of Nethys
Shanouri al-Quaddam (NG female dwarf wizard 11) Protector of the shields
Ziralia (NG female human arcanist 12) Leader of Pashow, daughter of Prince Zinlo

Settlement 6

N, City

Environmentally harmonious riverside city

Government Democracy

Population 8,300 (60% humans, 15% dwarves, 10% elves, 10% gnomes, 5% other)

Languages Dwarven, Mwangi, Osiriani, Taldane

Religions Abadar, Brigh, Gozreh, Sarenrae

Threats Harsh environment, raiders from the mountains, out-of-control clockworks

Quality Resources Few can deny the fine quality of ore from Duwwor. Ingots of steel, silver, and adamantine up to high quality are always available, although all these materials cost 10% more than normal. Their purity makes them easy to work with; the Craft activity done with these materials takes 1 fewer day (minimum 1).

Notable NPCs
Gamplix Noraneanithar (CG male gnome inventor 12) Erratic creator of clockwork miners
Kharane (N male human fighter 12) Defender of Duwwor
Saadia (N female half-elf druid 16) Archdruid of the House of Resurgent Life

Was the combined document of settlement stats saved somewhere? I cannot see any link to it.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The link is in the first post. It is a hyperlink rather than just the url text.

This is it if you want it however. gIQ4/edit

Here is an updated link to the document:

Sorry for lack of updates, I came here to check if there were new settlements, I will update all the new ones !

Thanks for posting these guys, I check occasionally !

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Osprey Cove/Rusthenge:


Isolated fishing commune
Government Elders (communal)
Population 120 (85% humans, 15% other)
Languages Common, Varisian
Religions Desna, Cayden Cailean
Threats feuds with Iron Harbor, meddling from New Thassilon, seasonal storms
Friendly Commune While Osprey Harbor’s citizens look to a council of elders for advice, the citizens govern themselves in a cooperative communal style. The villagers are eager to help out each other, as success for one is success for all. While Earn Income checks are limited to 2nd-level or lower tasks, any attempt to Earn Income in Osprey Harbor gains a +1 circumstance bonus as a result of this neighborly help.
Elder Anlorgog (NG nonbinary undine ranger 2) helps direct village fishing efforts
Elder Bo-Mel (CG female dwarf farmer 3) helps direct village farming and construction efforts
Elder Johedia (CG female half-elf oracle 3) serves as the primary healer of Osprey Cove
Elder Ordwi (CG female human cleric 2) is the youngest elder, still settling into her new role
Elder Vandous (CN male human fisher 3) is the oldest of the village elders, a record keeper and historian

Iron Harbor/Rusthenge:


Remote Gorumite settlement
Government High priest (religious leadership)
Population 80 (90% humans, 10% other)
Languages Common, Varisian
Religions Gorum
Threats cult of Xar-Azmak, seasonal storms
Gorumite Village As one would expect from a village led by worshippers of Gorum, weapons and armor are easier to come by here. Treat Iron Harbor as a 3rd-level settlement for the purposes of purchasing weapons, armor, ammunition, and associated items.
Knurr Ragnulf (CN male dwarf ex-cleric of Gorum 2) leader of Iron Harbor
, currently corrupted by the cult of Xar-Azmak

Elsie (CN female halfling alchemist 3) local alchemist, baker
, and potential ally

HighHelm/Mantle of Gold:


Ancient dwarven city embodying the essence of dwarven culture in its architecture, arts, and social organization while gradually becoming more cosmopolitan.
Government Monarchy with a council
Population 41,527 (83% dwarves, 7% humans, 5% elves, 5% other)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Petran
Religions Torag, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Kols, other deities of the dwarven pantheon, the pantheon as a whole, Abadar, Pharasma
Threats orcs, aberrant horrors and monsters from the Depths and Darklands, infighting, natural disasters

Of Dwarven Make Uncommon dwarf items, including magic items, are common within Highhelm. Forged with Power Highhelm offers higher level access to weapons and armor thanks to the city’s forges; armaments of up to 17th level are available.

High Priest Arridor Orridus (LG dwarf cleric of Folgrit) Head priest of Folgrit and co-head of the Nine-Eyed Hammer, a powerful religious council
High King Borogrim the Hale (LN male magnate) Ruler of Highhelm and convener of the Gathering Council of leaders from other city-states in the Five Kings Mountains
Geralde Brightfist (LN female dwarf ruffian) Head of the Blacknoon Thieves’ Guild, Highhelm’s largest gang
Kaltan the Pike (LN male dwarf battlemaster) General of the Highhelm First Army
High Priestess Vanth Orridus (LN dwarf cleric of Torag) Head priest of Torag and co-head of the Nine-Eyed Hammer

The Court of Ether/Cult of the Cave Worm:


Subterranean city of corrupted fey
Government Queen Frilogarma (overlord)
Population 5,120 (64% gremlins, 21% redcaps, 11% pixies, 2% kobolds, 2% other creatures)
Languages Draconic, Sylvan, Undercommon
[b]Religions Eldest
(especially Count Ranalc and the Lantern King)
Threats Darklands monsters, chaotic fey, Cult of the Cave Worm
Queen Frilogarma (NE female lampad monarch) overlord of the Court of Ether
Meltek Blackscale (LE female kobold barkeep) public face of Bottom Feeder’s Inn and Tavern
Veavieve (CE female leprechaun occultist) secret leader of the Cult of the Worm

Hagegraf/Cult of the Cave Worm:


City of toil, capital of the hryngar nation, and the center of Droskar worship on Golarion.
Government King Kurindey Orgukagan (monarch)
Population 34,200 (77% hryngar, 8% xulgath, 5% half-orc, 3% caligni, 7% other)
Languages Dwarven, Undercommon
Religions Droskar (official state religion); secret cults of Brigh, Shelyn (outlawed)
Threats Darklands creatures, excessive taxation, and violent rebel attacks
Tax and Toil Hagegraf is a city of unending labor for citizens, and taxes, tariffs, and tolls for residents and visitors. Cost of living for characters visiting Hagegraf is doubled. Characters who become citizens of Hagegraf spend their downtime working for the state at 25% of normal income. Prejudice Hryngar NPCs begin with an attitude one step worse than usual toward non-hryngar characters, and two steps worse than usual toward dwarf characters.
Bronwyl Holloward (LE female hryngar wizard) superintendent of the Bureau of Magical Arts
Dhorri (N female caligni activist) proprietor of the Silent Forge and activist for rights and reform in Hagegraf
Golki (N male leaf leshy gardener) royal gardener personally responsible for all public devil’s ivy installations
Kilken the Daring (NG nonbinary half-elf firebrand) graffiti artist and secret leader of the Church of Shelyn in Hagegraf
King Kurindey Orgukagan (LE male hryngar monarch) king of Hagegraf and (honorary) high priest of Droskar
Narseigus (NE male hryngar wormcaller) sorcerer and advisor to King Orgukagan

I'll add them as well.

I'll also ping KaruiKage from the AoN team to let them know this doc is now 22 pages long if they want to import it into the archives.

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