Help me theorize a nigh unstoppable Inquisitor build.


Silver Crusade

As the title says, I'm looking to make an inquisitor that just can't be stopped. Or at least, not easily, and how to make it fun and effective to play from 1-17.

At the moment, I'm working with the following- his character sheet I'll list the general stuff for those not wanting to follow/look at the link/sheet. I'm also not sure of a good archetype to look at, if anyone has any ideas.

25pt buy
Level 17 ("end" game for most APs), 1 level of fighter(or Sohei monk), for martial weapons and heavy armor or crane style and better reflex save.

Iron will/Improved Iron will
Great fortitude/Improved Great fortitude
A +1 Defiant Weapon, powered by the Greater Magic Weapon spell. So, I can reroll fort/will 5 times per day.

Mithril Fullplate- Counts as medium armor so functions with Stalwart (a large focus of the build), and functions as +4 due to magic vestment
Heavy Shield- Again, functions a +4 due to magic vestment

Add on a ring of evasion and lightning/improved to ignore all spells on a save, and sitting around +28/22/28(heroism) for fort/ref/will, and 5 rerolls each per day. You'll be hard pressed to really run into any trouble outside of "no save" spells. That said, I'm thinking I can ignore most of the reflex save boosting, and make do with just the ring of evasion.

Now, what about just giving him the beat down? Well,

At level 17,I've got him sitting around 47 AC normally, (51 with judgement) Alternatively, I could take a level of monk (sohei?) to grab Crane Style for -2/+4 AC, which would bump the above to 55, and boost his largest weakness (Touch AC). As far as total AC goes, 55 is good, but I know you can do better, however I'm unsure of how to best increase it further (already having taken dodge/shield focus/armor focus)

Now, what if people just ignore him you may ask? Well, they could, but he is more than a minor nuisance. With only judgement and one short duration buff spell (divine power) one long(heroism) we are looking at- +39/+39/+34/+29 to hit, and about 1d8+26ish damage per swing. If need be, we can give the weapon bane, for 4d6+2 more damage and +2 to hit. Probably don't want to ignore.

rorek55 wrote:

Iron will/Improved Iron will

Great fortitude/Improved Great fortitude
A +1 Defiant Weapon, powered by the Greater Magic Weapon spell. So, I can reroll fort/will 5 times per day.

Just gonna put it out there - I don't think this works. At the very least you'd need to check with your GM.

Otherwise it looks pretty good. One problem I forsee is casting in combat. This a general problem for TWF or Sword-and-Board characters, as you have no free hands. Grab yourself a CLAWHAND SHIELD and it should solve some of that for you.

Speaking of Shields, I see you have Shield Focus, why not grab SHIELD BRACE so you can use a Bardiche (~+1 damage, +50% STR damage and Reach) or something. This would obviously beg for Combat Reflexes and/or Lunge, but while they're advantageous they're not necessary to get something out of a reach weapon. Of course if the Longsword is a thematically important part of your character you can ignore this suggestion.

Drop Dodge and you can go Unhindering Shield instead too and use a 2hander. This reduces your AC by 1 but amps your damage by a TON.

rorek55 wrote:
As the title says, I'm looking to make an inquisitor that just can't be stopped. Or at least, not easily, and how to make it fun and effective to play from 1-17.

I think you'd get a better feel for it if you plan 5 levels at a time then. The Defiant strategy will only start working when you can afford a +3 weapon, which doesn't come early with normal WBL.

If you're already eyeing Sohei I'd consider the Animal Domain (Feather subdomain if possible) for a mount. Dipping Sohei allows you to pick up Mounted Skirmisher as a bonus feat. Boon Companion at level 5 gives you a full progression companion.
You'd also be proficient with the Temple Sword (which is basically a monk longsword) for flurrying. Allowing you from an early level to move and full-attack.

Then you also have someone to get a better benefit from your teamwork feats. Escape Route, Lookout, Pack Flanking, etc.

One level of Unbreakable Fighter gets you Endurance and Diehard... which, I feel, could contribute to one possibly becoming nigh unstoppable.

I find it interesting that you have so many feats supporting your good saves, and yet a Ring of Evasion is all you are willing to spare for your already poor save. I also see nothing like Fey Foundling or Fast Healer... could have been a Half-Orc for Ferocity. Could have dipped Samurai instead of Fighter to get Resolve... things that generally help one keep going instead of being stopped.

What VM said. The obvious thing that will stop him (at lower levels, anyway) is a failed Reflex save. Entangle, Create Pit, tanglefoot bag, and Grease, for starters. He might be hard to kill, but not so hard to stop.

Silver Crusade

I could also just grab a light shield, I lose 1 AC, but don't have to worry about casting.

the shield brace things seem good, but as it stands, the feats are pretty spoken for, especially with me taking lightning reflexes (probably my new first save feat) But, until level 11 he doesn't truly get that "unstoppable" feel anyway. Since Stalwart is sort of what I wanted to base it around.

I went human for the extra +2 to a stat or extra feat, and the FCB of more spells known. Half-orc was considered heavily for ferocity or sacred tattoo (+2 luck to all saves)

Unbreakable fighter is interesting, as it would open up heroic defiance, but at that point you shouldn't need it. Perhaps a bit too hog wild.

As it stands, the build would still look the same, just if the GM says no to the greater magic weapon working with Defiant, I'd have to spend more gold on a weapon. Feats are pretty tight- Honestly, may just stash it away for a gestalt game if I ever get the chance haha.

(without bonus feats)
1- Dodge/shield focus
3- Lightning Reflexes, Shake it off
5- Great Fortitude
7- Iron Will
9- Improved Iron Will
11- Improved Great Fortitude
13- Improved Lightning Reflexes
15- free
17- free

Another thing you could do is go for a DEX based character using weapon finesse. That means you don’t need to boost your STR that high. It also boost your reflex save and initiative. The cash you save on the belt will allow you to purchase an amulet of natural armor. Use Celestial Plate Armor instead of Mithral Full Plate for the higher Max DEX to take advantage of your better DEX. Go for the level of Monk instead of fighter and pick up Dodge and Crane Style. Make sure to take at least 3 ranks in Acrobatics to get the extra AC bonus.

That should put you at AC 50 (touch AC of 26) with following saves Fort +26, Ref +24, Wil +28 and your Initiative will be +15. You will have a better chance to hit but do slightly less damage because unless you are playing in a mythic game getting DEX to damage when using a shield is next to impossible.

Grand Lodge

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A Character without weakness is fun to theorize, but not fun to play. Your GM or fellow players will complain or you will get borred. Embrace your faults. It is fun to fail sometimes.

Silver Crusade

*Khan* wrote:
A Character without weakness is fun to theorize, but not fun to play. Your GM or fellow players will complain or you will get borred. Embrace your faults. It is fun to fail sometimes.

There is nothing fun about dying to a death spell or failing a will save that renders you doing nothing for the remainder of the fight. Or being turned to stone.

A character can have plenty of faults outside of just being useless in fights.

Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the intent, and for many levels, he will be able to be stopped. However, I intend for him to become unstoppable, because hopefully, he has seen the consequences of being "stoppable" during the game to that point.

Faults are fun when they can be explored through RP, not when you end up skipping turns in a combat. Perhaps, with a couple of combat situations calling them to the fore front. But Its better if its the exception, and not the rule.

In all honesty this character does have weaknesses. It is focused so much on defense that its offensive ability is sorely lacking. When combat breaks out it will need to spend a couple of rounds buffing itself to before it is able to do much. Since both Bane and Judgements are swift actions they cannot be activated on the same turn. Its first round is going to be activating one of those and casting a buff spell. Without combat casting it is going to be fairly easy to shut down its spell casting especially with a mediocre Initiative bonus. Other than Flame Strike it has no offensive spells and little ranged combat ability.

As far as spell selection the character looks like it is trying to be a cleric instead of an inquisitor. Almost all of its spells are focus on combat and healing. There are a few utility spells but a even there I am seeing a lot of duplication. Other than True Seeing and a few spells to boost perception I am seeing no divination spells. Where is the Detect Thought to read people’s minds, or Speak with Dead to question witnesses or victims?

This character is far from unstoppable and does not look like they can do what inquisitors are supposed to do best. It’s an interesting exercise in game theory, but not really a playable character.

*Khan* wrote:
A Character without weakness is fun to theorize, but not fun to play. Your GM or fellow players will complain or you will get borred. Embrace your faults. It is fun to fail sometimes.

^---- This.

Silver Crusade

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

In all honesty this character does have weaknesses. It is focused so much on defense that its offensive ability is sorely lacking. When combat breaks out it will need to spend a couple of rounds buffing itself to before it is able to do much. Since both Bane and Judgements are swift actions they cannot be activated on the same turn. Its first round is going to be activating one of those and casting a buff spell. Without combat casting it is going to be fairly easy to shut down its spell casting especially with a mediocre Initiative bonus. Other than Flame Strike it has no offensive spells and little ranged combat ability.

As far as spell selection the character looks like it is trying to be a cleric instead of an inquisitor. Almost all of its spells are focus on combat and healing. There are a few utility spells but a even there I am seeing a lot of duplication. Other than True Seeing and a few spells to boost perception I am seeing no divination spells. Where is the Detect Thought to read people’s minds, or Speak with Dead to question witnesses or victims?

This character is far from unstoppable and does not look like they can do what inquisitors are supposed to do best. It’s an interesting exercise in game theory, but not really a playable character.

This character was built around functioning with a single spell cast in combat. (Divine power and/or righteous might) as herosim/freedom of movement/other buff spells are long lasting enough to have up save surprise encounters. Heroism is likely to last most of a dungeon, for example. His biggest weakness is touch attacks. And I'm fine with him having that weakness, but it makes sense he would take steps to cover for it.

Ranged combat is a weakness, albeit a minor one. Adding in an adaptive longbow is a surprisingly simple solution. Better yet, it still functions with all the buff spells we use. Thank you for reminding me about it!

For offense, I think his damage with judgement/divine power is perfectly acceptable. It's not world shattering, wasn't meant to be by any means as well, but swatting off 30-40 hp a swing isn't something even cr 20 enemies will sniff at. Save the ones with DR/-, those will prove bothersome. But surprisingly small number of enemies have that. (About 1/10-1/11th of their hp a hit on average) when was the last time you as a player got hit for likely 3/10ths of your hp in a turn and laughed it off as "inadequate" especially if your spells or attacks proceed to be ineffective. Now if you have a way to boost it without sacrificing too much, I'm all ears. Especially for the mid levels. As it would be on the low side here likely.

Why are you taking offensive spells as an inquisitor? If you want offensive spells play an arcane caster or an oracle.

For me, an inquisitor is someone that specializes on being self sufficient. Some may specialize in detective work, some in offensive spells after that (but why?) But they should be able to largely function alone before further specialization. Now yes, in a game you might skip out a few spells I picked up, especially if you have a cleric in the group. But that is not an assumption that is always the case.

Detect thoughts is useless in 80% of possible applications largely because 1. Low save DC, and 2. In most situations it could prove useful you cant cast it without raising suspicion. 3. You can't sense motive thoughts. sure it's useful other times, and sometimes useful to detect creatures in the next room. But again, scrolls are great for the last part. Well, maybe not great. But better than using a limited spell known and slot on it I think.

Why waste an entire spell known on speak with dead when I could simply ask a cleric for it? Or use a scroll? Especially when the focus is on making the inqsuitor of the variety that is sent to deal with dangerous threats.

All that said, the spell list was certainly a rush job. I picked spells I've found to be invaluable in many different games.

As for friends complaining.. I don't get that. Why would the other players complain? The GM, perhaps, but why should I buy into rocket tag? I've found that being unconcious or incapacitated in fights more boring than not.

Silver Crusade

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When I played an Inquisitor, I found Judgement Light very useful, since it has so many different possible effects, depending on which Judgements you have active (you will typically have 2 active, giving you 2 different effects). Overall, I found it to be my best 4th lvl spell. IMHO. the amount of versatility in that one spell is invaluable for a spontaneous caster.

Silver Crusade

went through and made some quick references for levels 6 and 12.

Starting Stat array of-
Str: 17 (due to +2 from human)
Dex: 16
Con: 13
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 07

level 6:
At level 6, if I went Sohei-
Sohei 1/Inquisitor 5 Human (FCB +3 hp, +2 spells known) ASI: +1 strength

AC:23 (25 w/shield, 27(29) when fighting defensively) (10+7armor(breastplate)+3dex+1NA+1Deflection+1dodge)
Fort: 11 6 base+ 1 Con+ 2 res+ 2 feat
Ref: 10 3 base+ 3 Dex+ 2 res+ 2 feat
Will: 8 4 base+ 2 wis+ 2 res

BaB: +5

1 handed: +11(+9 when fighting defensively)
Damage: 1dX+5, potential buffs- Divine favor (+3 hit/damage), judgement (+2 AC or attack or damage) Bane (5 rounds/day)

2handed: +11 (+9 when fighting Defensively)
1dX+7 potential buffs- Divine favor (+3 hit/damage), judgement (+2 AC or attack or damage) Bane (5 rounds/day)

Ranged: +9 (+7 when fighting defensively)
1d8+3 potential buffs- Divine favor (+3 hit/damage), judgement (+2 AC or attack or damage) Bane (5 rounds/day)

1- Dodge (monk), Crane Style, ???
3- Lightning Reflexes,
4- precise strike
5- Great Fortitude

1st level- 6 known
Divine Favor
Shield of Faith
Keep Watch
Heightened Awareness
Comprehend Languages
Disguise Self or Wrath or Cure light wounds

2nd level- 3 known
Resist Energy
See Invisibility
Lesser restoration (if no one else can prepare this) or Align Weapon(campaign dependent) or Confess

MwK longbow
+1 Weapon (2k)
Cloak of resistance +2 (4k)
Ring of protection +1 (2k)
Amulet of Natural armor +1 (2k)
Belt of Strength +2 (4k)
leaves a bit under 2k left as "spent on consumables or other variables"


level 12:

At level 12 +1 wis at 8, +1 con at 12.

AC:35 (39 when fighting defensively) (10+10armor(mithril breastplate)+5 shield+5dex+2NA+2Deflection+1dodge) AC can further increase by 3 (judgement), 2 (shield of faith)
Fort:+16, 9 base+2 con+ 3 res+ 2 feat, at least 2 rerolls per day
Ref:+15, 5 base+5 ref+ 3 res+ 2 feat
Will:+17, 7 base+5 wis+ 3 res+ 2 feat at least 2 rerolls per day

BaB: +9/4

Melee: (counting greater magic weapon)
1 hand
To hit: +18/13
potential buffs- Divine favor (+4 hit/damage), judgement (+3 AC and attack or +4 damage) Bane (11 rounds/day), divine power (+5 hit/damage +1 full BaB attack)

Divine Power+judgement(for hard fight)-
1d8+15 (or 18 if +3 AC is not needed) Heroism for further +2 to hit.

Ranged: -4 to hit and -3 damage from melee, unless you spend a 3rd level spell on greater magic weapon (4 in total that day)

1- Dodge (monk), Crane Style, Lightning Reflexes,
3- Great Fortitude
4- precise strike
5- Iron Will
7- Shield Focus, Shake it off (?)
9- Improved Great Fortitude
10- Teamwork feat
11- Improved Iron Will

1st level- 9 known
Divine Favor
Shield of Faith
Keep Watch
Heightened Awareness
Comprehend Languages
Disguise Self

2nd level- 8 known
Resist Energy
See Invisibility
Zone of Truth (pair with confess)
Spiritual Weapon
Remove Paralysis (if no one else prepares/has this) Detect thoughts otherwise
Align Weapon (campaign dependent really)

3rd level- 6 known (3 spent on buffs at start)
Magic Vestment
Magic Weapon, Greater
Dimensional Anchor
Remove Curse/Disease (only if someone else in the party doesn't have access to these)
otherwise- Dispel Magic, Cure Serious wounds, Nondetection and witness are all decent pick ups depending.

4th level- 3 known
Divine Power
Freedom of Movement
Invisibility, Greater
Judgement Light thank you, PCScipio

Belt of Phsyical Might +4 str/dex (40k)
+1 Defiant Weapon (18k)
Mithril Breastplate (4.7k)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (8k)
Cloak of resistance +3 (9k)
Ring of Deflection +2 (8k)
Headband of Wisdom +4 (16k)
4k left for Misc

Dark Archive

rorek55 wrote:

level 6:

At level 6, if I went Sohei-
Sohei 1/Inquisitor 5 Human (FCB +3 hp, +2 spells known) ASI: +1 strength...
BaB: +5

thats entirely wrong, you have a BAB of 3

Silver Crusade

unchained monk can be a Sohei correct? But you are partially right, its supposed to be +4 BaB.

One of the best offensive inquisitor spells is Blistering Invective. The fire damage is not really that important so the save is not that big of a deal. What is important is the ability to demoralize all enemies within 30’ of you. Take Signature skill Intimidate and you turn a second level spell into something that can shut down multiple targets. By 17 level I can have a half orc inquisitor with a +50 Intimidate. That is enough to have just about any character cowering for 1 round, Panicked for 1d4 and then frightened for the rest of the combat. Even if they make a DC 27 will save they are still shaken.

Searing Light is only 3rd level and does not allow a save. VS undead it can do up to 10d6 points of damage (10d8 vs undead vulnerable to light) . It’s a ranged touch attack and the inquisitor is a ¾ BAB class. If the inquisitor is DEX focused that makes it even better.

Divine Favor still takes a round to bring up. You are also factoring in Shield of Faith for you AC so that is another round before you are ready. So that means you are doing nothing until the 3rd round. You can cut that down to the 2nd round by eliminating Shield of Faith but then your AC is 4 points lower.

Relying an Bane and Judgments for everything is not a good Idea. Both of those are limited resources. When those are gone you are have no real offensive ability. So in a boss fight you will be ok, but wading through hordes of minions is going to be difficult for you especially at lower levels.

Your build comes online very late in the game and you may not survive to see it realized. This character would not survive in a campaign I run.

Dark Archive

rorek55 wrote:
unchained monk can be a Sohei correct? But you are partially right, its supposed to be +4 BaB.

from what i can tell, Sohei isnt RAW compatible with UC monk. it doesnt have the abilities it need to trade to be a sohei by default

rorek55 wrote:
unchained monk can be a Sohei correct?

Zero pre-unchained archetypes are legal for unMonk, and only a part of those released afterwards. Here is the full, exclusive list of archetypes aviable for unMonk.

Name Violation wrote:
it doesnt have the abilities it need to trade to be a sohei by default

That's irrelevant. The reason cMonk archetypes can't be used for unMonk is not incompatibility, but explicit disallowance: "Finally, with the exception of the monk, these classes should work with any of the archetypes from previous books as long as the classes still have the appropriate class features to replace." PU pg. 8

if your going for crane style defensive combat don't forget having at least 3 ranks in acrobatics (see special at bottom). it adds up for both fighting defensively and total defense. there is also a trait that add one more (i think 'Aldori caution'?)

i had a halfling sorcerer 1\unchained monk 1 (scaled fist)\ swashbuckler (dervish) rest who specked in defensively fighting while dealing a lot of damage with very high ac and touch ac. at level 8 he was at the 40-50 depend on melee\ranged and buffs. halflings have a feat that add 2 when fighting defensively and there the trait that add one more. all together with crane style, swashbuckler dodge and monk (and mage armor) he was nee untouchable.

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Well, here is what I made for you Rorek55. I left you plenty of feat slots for whatever else you'd want, but you shouldn't need much. I would focus on trying to get miss chance or smoke for concealment (as you have a ghost mask).

I gave you a deflect ray immediate action. A Free action 10ft difficult terrain to halt people early from hitting you or moving away
Have your made lower intelligent scores on bbeg and then use the kimono to warp him away from the battlefield.

Use your shackle at range to lock down two other characters. Wipe the board.

If you don't like spellbreaker, I was also looking at royal accuser.
If you have a crit rogue in your group, you may want to consider taking destruction domain instead.

You don't need super high saves if nothing can affect you. Lvl 20 you'll gain immunity.

+2 Str +2 Wis -2Cha
Titan Fighter 1/Spellbreaker Inquisitor 16
STR 20 (+2 racial)(+2 level)
DEX 16
CON 16 (+1 racial)
INT 12
WIS 14
CHA 7 (-2 racial)

STR 26 (+2 racial)(+2 level)(+6 enhancement)
DEX 22 (+6 enhancement)
CON 22 (+1 racial)(+6 enhancement)
INT 12
WIS 16 (+2 enhancement)
CHA 7 (-2 racial)

HP 16d8+1d10+102con+17fcb +ferocity +5fast healing
AC 39 (14armor+5shield+6dex+4deflection)
+2 vs rays. Deflect ray.

Saves (Immune: Critical Hits, Disease, Pain, Poison. +2 untyped vs divine spells. +4 untyped bonus vs arcane necromancy, +3 enchantment, +2 evocation, +1 divination spells. +5 luck bonus to a save 1/day)
Fortitude 24=12base+6fort+4resistance+2luck
Reflex 17=5base+6dex+4resistance+2luck
Will 19=10base+3wis+4resistance+2luck (roll twice take higher for mind-affecting effects)

Sample Attack
Enlarged+Righteous Might+Improved Vital Strike+magic weapon greater+wrath+bane
+42 (13bab+11str+1competence+7enhancement+5judgment+4luck+3morale-2titan) 17-20x

Sample Damage
15d6+13str+2d6+5judgement+7enhancement+3morale+4d6greaterbane (Ignores DR/Regen)

CMB +24 13bab+11str
CMD 44 13bab+11str+6dex+4untyped

Crystalline Form: Oreads with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus to AC against rays thanks to their reflective crystalline skin. In addition, once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat. This racial trait replaces earth affinity.

Mostly Human: A few oreads have appearances much closer to those of their human ancestors; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such geniekin appear to be human, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person). These geniekin do not automatically gain their associated elemental language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough). This ability alters the geniekin’s type, subtype, and languages.

Treacherous Earth: Once per day, an oread with this racial trait can will the earth to rumble and shift, transforming a 10-foot-radius patch of earth, unworked stone, or sand into an area of difficult terrain, centered on an area the oread touches. This lasts for a number of minutes equal to the oread’s level, after which the ground returns to normal. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.
Metamagic Master (Shackle)
Fate's Favored
1st-Level Inquisitor 1: Domain, judgment 1/day, orisons, stern gaze, strong-willed
2nd-Level Inquisitor 2: Cunning initiative, detect alignment, track
3rd-Level Inquisitor 3: Defense against magic, foil casting
4th-Level Inquisitor 4: Judgment 2/day
5th-Level Inquisitor 5: Bane, discern lies
6th-Level Inquisitor 6: Defense against magic
7th-Level Inquisitor 7: Judgment 3/day
8th-Level Inquisitor 8: Second judgment
9th-Level Inquisitor 9: Defense against magic
10th-Level Inquisitor 10: Judgment 4/day
11th-Level Inquisitor 11: Stalwart
12th-Level Inquisitor 12: Defense against magic, greater bane
13th-Level Inquisitor 13: Judgment 5/day
14th-Level Inquisitor 14: Exploit weakness
15th-Level Inquisitor 15: Defense against magic
16th-Level Inquisitor 16: Judgment 6/day, third judgment
17th-Level Fighter 17: Giant Weapon Wielder

Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Reach Spell, Heighten Spell, Divine Defiance

Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.

Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.

Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Knowledge (Aeon) Domain
You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.

Lore Keeper (Sp): You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.

Void Form (Su)
At 6th level, you can become semi-tangible as a standard action. While in this form, you are immune to critical hits and gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

You can use this power a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds need not be consecutive.
**Cast before going into an area of danger

Divine Favor
Align Weapon
Delay Disease** (immunity to disease)
Delay Pain** (immunity to pain)
Delay Poison** (immunity to poison)
Effortless Armor (move fast)
Ghostbane Dirge
Inheritor's Smite
Shackle (Reach)
Deadly Juggernaut
Keen Edge**
Magic Vestment (On armor/shield)**
Magic Weapon Greater
Shield of Fortification Greater
Shield of Wings **

Lucky Horseshoe 6800
Four-Leaf Clover 3750
Belt of Physical Perfection +6 144k
Ring of Evasion 25k
Celestial Plate Armor 25000
Kimono, Otherworldly (Reskinned if playing a male, or not :P) 67000gp
Bracer's of Sworn Vengeance 25000
Ring of Energy Shroud 19500
Baldric, Bane 10000
Ghost mask 8000
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 4000
Pauldrons Juggernaut's 40000
+4 Greatsword 32000 (If using Greater Magic Weapon, just spend this much on some cool abilities to boost damage instead)

I can understand wanting good defenses but there are better ways to achieve that than focusing all your effort on one or two things. The best defense is a layered approach that requires multiple ways to overcome it. This is not only more effective it is also more difficult to circumvent. One weakness this build has is that you have to decide to reroll before you know the results. As A GM it is not hard to create a spell caster that can boost the save past the point where a only a 1 fails. If I push it I can create a caster who can cast a spell with a DC 38 and maybe even slightly higher. And a player using a character like this will cause a lot of GM’s to pull out the stops.

Doing 30-40 points of damage at high level is not going to be enough to bring down the boss. Don’t forget that high level opponents have access to a lot of the same abilities the players do. When it takes you 10+ rounds to whittle down my HP I can afford to shrug it off and use Heal on round 6-7 to reset my HP. Arcane casters can use Wish or even Limited Wish for the same thing.

Getting spell resistance Is something that would help make the character unstoppable. It is also a 5th level inquisitor spells and gives you a 55% chance to ignore a spell cast by caster of equal level. The chance of it working is even greater if the caster is lower level than your own. It may not last all day but when used at the right time it will be worth more than all the saving throw shenanigans of the build.

As other have pointed out gaining a miss chance is also another good way to improve your defenses. A miss chance not only works on spells it also works on normal attacks to make that even more beneficial.

This character can be taken down by a 7th level NPC draconic sorcerer spamming magic missiles. Wind Wall can be used to negate any bow you use. I don’t even need a wand of magic missiles to do it The sorcerer’s normal allotment of 1st and 2nd level spells will give me enough magic missiles to take you down. His 3rd level spells are used for Fly and Wind Wall.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Divine Favor still takes a round to bring up. You are also factoring in Shield of Faith for you AC so that is another round before you are ready. So that means you are doing nothing until the 3rd round. You can cut that down to the 2nd round by eliminating Shield of Faith but then your AC is 4 points lower.

One trick to shorten the buffing time is to cast and hold the charge on your low duration touch spells before combat starts. Then you can simply let it discharge to gain the effect without losing your standard action.

It's a little trickier with Personal spells such as Divine Favor but still doable. You just need a familiar or companion that still has their Share Spells feature. Because when you cast such spells with Share Spells they are instead cast "as a touch spell", allowing you to hold the charge when doing so.

Silver Crusade

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I can understand wanting good defenses but there are better ways to achieve that than focusing all your effort on one or two things. The best defense is a layered approach that requires multiple ways to overcome it. This is not only more effective it is also more difficult to circumvent. One weakness this build has is that you have to decide to reroll before you know the results. As A GM it is not hard to create a spell caster that can boost the save past the point where a only a 1 fails. If I push it I can create a caster who can cast a spell with a DC 38 and maybe even slightly higher. And a player using a character like this will cause a lot of GM’s to pull out the stops.

Doing 30-40 points of damage at high level is not going to be enough to bring down the boss. Don’t forget that high level opponents have access to a lot of the same abilities the players do. When it takes you 10+ rounds to whittle down my HP I can afford to shrug it off and use Heal on round 6-7 to reset my HP. Arcane casters can use Wish or even Limited Wish for the same thing.

Getting spell resistance Is something that would help make the character unstoppable. It is also a 5th level inquisitor spells and gives you a 55% chance to ignore a spell cast by caster of equal level. The chance of it working is even greater if the caster is lower level than your own. It may not last all day but when used at the right time it will be worth more than all the saving throw shenanigans of the build.

As other have pointed out gaining a miss chance is also another good way to improve your defenses. A miss chance not only works on spells it also works on normal attacks to make that even more beneficial.

This character can be taken down by a 7th level NPC draconic sorcerer spamming magic missiles. Wind Wall can be used to negate any bow you use. I don’t even need a wand of magic missiles to do it The sorcerer’s normal allotment of 1st and 2nd level spells will give me enough magic missiles to take you down. His 3rd...

So, just to break down a few parts here.

1. Miss chance is worthless against caster enemies, why? True sight/seeing. How many Monsters/enemies have this as at will/constant above CR 13? Many. Glad that is out of the way. I do however, have both invisibility, and greater invisibility. For the times its needed.

2. If you start throwing around DC 38 spells (which, btw, at level 16 is still a good 50/50 for my inquisitor to ignore), why not simply kill the character with "rocks fall"? I admit Id be impressed to see your caster with those DCs, I've only managed around 33 myself.

3. Its not 30-40 damage a round. Thats 30-40 damage per hit (more if I blow a lot of resources) And, I'm hitting with most of my attacks, at level 16 with 1 short duration spell, and judgement (6/day), I'm hitting at a +37 give or take a few. My lowest to hit is ~27, which hits the average enemy CR for a CR 20 creature on a 3... the max CR for 20 it hits on ~13. You aren't teleporting, since I slapped you with dimensional anchor. Needless to say, barring enemies you build yourself to be hard to hit, I'm dealing a good 120 a round if I get a full attack.

1st and foremost... what level are you assuming I am at during this? 7? 12? 20? Its hard to refute you without any real scenario other than "This happens".

Spell resistance... the mess that it is. I can now use no spells on myself, or get spells from allies unless they beat my SR. Hm. Meanwhile, the enemy caster, who is likely 3-5 levels higher than us, who probably has spell penetration, laughs at me.

2nd why in the world, would I not heal myself with someone spamming magic missile? As a matter of fact, you could probably do this against most characters. What fighter would survive that encounter solo? What barbarian? What ranger? What... list goes on.

Some very EASY examples of how to win-
1. I cast....Invisibility into stealth. I very much doubt the caster will beat my stealth rolls with their terrible perception. When the wind wall drops, I fill them with arrows.

2. I... heal myself? Quite the surprise isn't it? Healing.

3. I... move away? Two rounds gets me out of his range, if he follows, I can return fire, if he doesn't, I wait until his spells run their course, then chase him down.

4. UMD a scroll of shield? Or, if you want the more paranoid thought process have a brooch of shielding in your pocket.

Silver Crusade

zza ni wrote:

if your going for crane style defensive combat don't forget having at least 3 ranks in acrobatics (see special at bottom). it adds up for both fighting defensively and total defense. there is also a trait that add one more (i think 'Aldori caution'?)

i had a halfling sorcerer 1\unchained monk 1 (scaled fist)\ swashbuckler (dervish) rest who specked in defensively fighting while dealing a lot of damage with very high ac and touch ac. at level 8 he was at the 40-50 depend on melee\ranged and buffs. halflings have a feat that add 2 when fighting defensively and there the trait that add one more. all together with crane style, swashbuckler dodge and monk (and mage armor) he was nee untouchable.

I'm playing a halfling aldori swordlord in emerald spire atm. Its been a lot of fun. Its a disgusting multiclass of kensai/weapon master/monk/paladin haha. At the end of it, I'll only be down 1-2 BaB from a full martial with AC 60+ and 3rd level spells. Maybe 4th, depending on what I feel like going for later and if we go to 20.

rorek55 wrote:
1. Miss chance is worthless against caster enemies, why? True sight/seeing. How many Monsters/enemies have this as at will/constant above CR 13? Many. Glad that is out of the way. I do however, have both invisibility, and greater invisibility. For the times it's needed.

100%. Many have this at this level. However, I do disagree that miss chance is worthless. You just have to use the methods that true seeing doesn't see. True sight/seeing doesn't work on smoke/smog/fog/etc, so that is the best path to head. That is why I put a ghost mask on my build for you. Most casters should have some sight obscuring spell and you can just live in this zone and dominate, or just throw out some smoke pellets yourself into each room you go into.

Sorry, I think my copy/pasting nixed what I was saying in my previous post.

If you have a large giant or something, a big bad evil guy and his minions, they sometimes cannot beat a DC20 Intelligence check. Have your caster prepare a spell to ensure this by lowering their intelligence. Then stuff them into your kimono.

Next, shackle their mage/archer, or both. With them restrained, you should have a rogue and maybe a backup fighter to contend with for you and your whole party to handle. You are immune to crits, so that likely nixes a ton of damage from the rogue and fighter.

Also, maybe swapping enchantment resistance for illusion resistance might be better, since there are some killing spells in that group. Anyways, I'm sure your feats selected will help in these regards.

In any case, I hope that made it clearer what the class can do. I'd love to hear your feedback, what you like what you don't, etc. :)

Silver Crusade

SmooshieBanana wrote:
rorek55 wrote:
1. Miss chance is worthless against caster enemies, why? True sight/seeing. How many Monsters/enemies have this as at will/constant above CR 13? Many. Glad that is out of the way. I do however, have both invisibility, and greater invisibility. For the times it's needed.

100%. Many have this at this level. However, I do disagree that miss chance is worthless. You just have to use the methods that true seeing doesn't see. True sight/seeing doesn't work on smoke/smog/fog/etc, so that is the best path to head. That is why I put a ghost mask on my build for you. Most casters should have some sight obscuring spell and you can just live in this zone and dominate, or just throw out some smoke pellets yourself into each room you go into.

That is true, I played a ninja that made use of smoke bombs and fogsight glasses once. It was great stuff with a reach weapon. Not to mention other times.

Counting on Invisibility is not a good defense considering See Invisibility is a 2nd level spell.

Magic Missile has a medium range so for a 7th level caster is 170 ft. I don’t think you are moving out of range in two rounds. There are other spells I could use that will achieve the same thing. Snowball is also a 1st level spell that gets no save. Spectral Hand allows me to deliver any 4th level or lower touch spell from medium range. That opens up the possibility of using shocking grasp. Stone call will do 2d6 and make the surrounding 40 ft radius into difficult terrain.

All the tactics I am using in this post can be done by a 7th level character who is built on a NPC array. Considering he is going up against a character 10 levels higher who is built on a 25 point buy should be a warning that your build is not as strong as you think.

The 38 DC was done by maxing out the casting stat, adjusting for age, with a +6 statboosting Item and tomes to get an additional +4 to the stat. Then add Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and a Varisian Tatto and the Metameric Focused spell. Depending on the spell I could also use elemental focus and greater elemental focus for an additional +2. It is pretty extreme, but so is your build. When you start to pull that type of stuff don’t be surprised when the GM starts going out of his way to counter it.

I am not sure the type of game you play in but I draining away a player’s resources with lesser encounters is pretty common in the groups I game with. The idea is for the GM to cause the players to expend limited resources so they don’t have them when fighting the boss. If you GM is only putting you against a few level appropriate encounters per day you experiences are a lot different them mine. At High levels I routinely throw mass numbers of lesser foes against my players to burn up resources. Usually the Bosses have a lot of lesser minions they have to wade through.

Silver Crusade

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

Counting on Invisibility is not a good defense considering See Invisibility is a 2nd level spell.

Magic Missile has a medium range so for a 7th level caster is 170 ft. I don’t think you are moving out of range in two rounds. There are other spells I could use that will achieve the same thing. Snowball is also a 1st level spell that gets no save. Spectral Hand allows me to deliver any 4th level or lower touch spell from medium range. That opens up the possibility of using shocking grasp. Stone call will do 2d6 and make the surrounding 40 ft radius into difficult terrain.

All the tactics I am using in this post can be done by a 7th level character who is built on a NPC array. Considering he is going up against a character 10 levels higher who is built on a 25 point buy should be a warning that your build is not as strong as you think.

The 38 DC was done by maxing out the casting stat, adjusting for age, with a +6 statboosting Item and tomes to get an additional +4 to the stat. Then add Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and a Varisian Tatto and the Metameric Focused spell. Depending on the spell I could also use elemental focus and greater elemental focus for an additional +2. It is pretty extreme, but so is your build. When you start to pull that type of stuff don’t be surprised when the GM starts going out of his way to counter it.

I am not sure the type of game you play in but I draining away a player’s resources with lesser encounters is pretty common in the groups I game with. The idea is for the GM to cause the players to expend limited resources so they don’t have them when fighting the boss. If you GM is only putting you against a few level appropriate encounters per day you experiences are a lot different them mine. At High levels I routinely throw mass numbers of lesser foes against my players to burn up resources. Usually the Bosses have a lot of lesser minions they have to wade through.

1. It is, I also doubt they will have see invisibility up, unless the GM is just being a dick. Which, it doesn't even matter, as if I can get to concealment(break LoS), I can stealth. So, usually will go- Caster flies in, casts magic missile. I shoot, they windwall, I invisibility then hide, they see invisibility but can no longer see me, since they don't have perception as a class skill or the ranks to put into it.

I have a movement of 30ft, a run action is 120ft, two run actions and I'm at 240ft. Out of your range. You can follow if you want, but I can now return fire.

Snowball is an attack roll, and with a touch AC of anywhere from 15-22(at level 7!), and a likely bonus of +7 to hit on the higher end, good luck. Also, I have resist energy. Though I do admit, levels 5-9 are probably when my character is at his "weakest"

If I'm on the 17 inquisitor, I can simply flamestrike them. Thats 15d6, your windwall does nothing. Hell, I could sit there, humor you and let you blow through ALL of your spells, and cast a couple Cure wounds.

OR, better yet, dispel magic on your fly spell and watch you splat on the ground.

I was coming at this originally as a level 7 character btw. level 7 could do what I responded with. At level 17, I have 0 concern for your level 7 sorcerer. Even if I am alone.

Honestly, I'd be much more worried for any martial character you threw this at. Does anyone in your group play martial characters if stuff like the sorcerer is common place?

Also, Uh, extreme? not really. I'm taking feats not abusing age mechanics and tomes.(sorry I'm not going for the squishy two-handed power attack intimidate build for you) I NEVER build with tomes, as I always assume tomes are rare, and even if you find them they are never the +4/5 variety. I also always leave some gold free for consumables/misc purchases that cannot be accounted for.

- group play-

I... yes? I mean, you could throw 20 fights at a party before you let them rest, that doesn't mean its fun... The great thing about this is, I -have- a party. I don't have to go nova in every single fight. As a matter of fact, in a large number of fights post level 11/12 I'm likely popping a divine favor tops(I have ~7-8 1st level spells a day). Maybe a round or two of bane if necessary OR, if it is a really large combat I pop a judgement since it lasts the -entire- encounter. If a player can't string their resources along, thats there fault. If the GM throws numerous cr+3 encounters as "attrition fights" thats their fault. I don't NEED my best to handle mooks/minions. All I -need- to have when we start the fight with the big bad is a divine power and a judgement. Now, you would WANT a few more spells, preferably your top end ones. But with the above + heroism (all easy to have, since heroism is lasting hours at this point) I'm hitting AC 40 on 2s with my first two attacks, on 4s with my 2nd, and 9s with my last. for ~35ish a whack. Or, about 230 every two rounds of full attack. Not accounting nat 1s or crits.

Now, I did state "nigh" unstoppable. As its impossible to be entirely unstoppable.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

...those are limited resources. When those are gone you are have no real offensive ability...This character would not survive in a campaign I run.

Your sorcerer shouldn't be relying on spells then I suppose.

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In all seriousness though, at the level 15+ range, this really isn't a build I'm too concerned about power-wise. It plays too fair to be broken at that range.

We're talking about a level range where even reasonably optimized summoning builds are doing quadruple-digit dpr consistently into 40+ AC and 15+ DR.

People are casting time stop in their timeless demiplanes to gain effectively infinite time and take a full 8 hour rest between combats with no consequence.

Coven + army across time + ring of tactical precision + emblem of greed is a thing. You can do arbitrarily large amounts of damage with it.

Unoptimized clerics are calling CR 20 outsiders for 20+ days at a time into the party bard's +10 bardic performance/flagbearer combo. The cost isn't that significant at this level.

This is not a remotely comprehensive list. Game balance sort of breaks down past level 13ish. It's a huge part of why PFS chooses to stop there. Most fights are decided by initiative rolls. That's why we call it rocket tag.

You're build here is using tactics I'd expect to see more in the 7-12ish range, which is fine tbh. That's where you spend most of your time playing in my experience.

Silver Crusade

And one of my biggest goals in the past few years is to see if I can break rocket tag. Haha.

With some minor success, surprisingly. In some cases.

rorek55 wrote:

And one of my biggest goals in the past few years is to see if I can break rocket tag. Haha.

With some minor success, surprisingly. In some cases.

Yeah fair enough. I've found success in just having a truce between all the players and GM where everybody just agrees to build sub-optimally. If you can manage that, high levels can be super fun.

Silver Crusade

I will say, the game holds together decently well bar the extremes up until about level 15-16. After that, if players want to, things can get silly.

That said, I've seen a lot of really silly builds pre 12 based around "gish" types.

Any consideration for being a Dwarf? Not only do you get +2 Constitution and +2 Wisdom (both of which you want for an Inquisitor), but you also get Hardy (which gives very good Save bonuses and the ability to qualify for Steel Soul) or Unstoppable (which gives different Save bonuses and bonus Toughness).

And by the way, just in case you didn't see it already, here is a modern Inquisitor guide.

One point of optimization you've forgotten is all of the teamwork feats you'll be getting. The guide linked above does go quite in-depth into it by grading all of the teamwork feats but there is one combo I'd like to mention.

Undine Loyalty trait + Lastwall Phalanx (or Shake it Off)

Going from "adjacent" to "within 10 ft" allows you to cover a lot of area, especially if you're mounted on a large creature. All of the "adjacent" feats suffer from awkward positioning so changing that is a great boost.

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I would take the Phalanx Catapult Teamwork Feat. That would make you pretty unstoppable.

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