Does the action of changing a feat provoke aoo?

Rules Questions

Hunters and Inquisitors have the class feature to replace the most recent bonus teamwork feat they learned with any other teamwork feat, as a standard action. If they do this when they're threatened by an enemy, do they provoke an attack of opportunity?

RAW answers if possible, thank you

Id say it does not provoke. They are basically just changing a feat. The entry does not specify it as a spell, or spell-like ability. Simply a standard action, most of which doesn't provoke.

I didnt check the hunter entry, but would assume it has the same wording.

That said, I dont know why you would want to switch out feats in the middle of combat. Once or twice, maybe. But I think this is more something to do between fights.

Doesnt say it does and it's mostly a mental action
I'd say no.

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Pathfinder is a permissive rule system, which means you can only do what something says you can do. Thus you can only make an AoO if some rule says that the enemy's action in question provokes AoOs. The abilities in question don't say so, and thus using them doesn't provoke.

the ability should be an ex or su neither of which provoke AOO so i would say no, however it is not listed for some reason, so it can be a GM call.

As Derklord says, the ability doesn't say it provokes an AoO so it doesn't provoke one.

only if you RP as an anime character

"so you think that if i can't see - you would win?
HA! i can adopt to any change...blah blah blah...
(two episodes later)
...and now i can fight while blind!!"

The ability should be clearly marked EX, which means it would not provoke.

Just like feats themself, abilities that are mainly feat-centric are often not categorized. Making the ability (Ex) would have made it explicit, but the default is to not provoke, so it's not needed.

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