Merellin |
So, I was pondering and thinking, And started wondering, Are there any classes other then cavalier that gets a mount and can competently handle both the "Charge with lance" and the "Fight on foot" combats?
I think for mounted lance charges you only realy need the Spirited Charge line, And then you could dedicate the rest to on foot combat mayhaps.. But what classes get a mount and can mix like that other then the cavalier?
Mysterious Stranger |
If you don’t mind waiting till 5th level to get your mount a paladin works well. All you really need for Melee is power attack. So a human paladin can get everything he needs by 5th level. The paladins class abilities work with any weapon so including mounted or even ranged.
A hunter would also work. They also get spells to boost their mount and teamwork feats they share with it. Hunters can also get more exotic mounts. Not saying it has to be a tiger or you need a magic sword, but what the heck it does work.
avr |
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Nature fang druid; can get a mount and extra feats, buff spells work just fine mounted or on foot. May need a trait, alternate racial trait or feat to get proficiency with a lance.
Hunter; a little light on feats other than teamwork ones but those can be made to work mounted or on foot. Better buffs.
Sacred huntsmaster inquisitor or inquisitor w/chivalry inquisition; weak points of both of the above but they have an even better spell list to buff with.
Cinderlands adept kineticist; rather than a lance charge you're doing a fire kinetic blade charge. x2 damage rather than x3 is acceptable with a lot of base damage. Problematic with certain enemies, takes a while to get going. Still impressive.
Mad dog or mounted fury barbarian; light on feats but rage can make up for those to some extent.
Ranger with mounted combat style; Just enough feats to do both, buffs are limited but not terrible.
Yeah, all of those could work IMO.
gnoams |
There's a lot of different mounted archetypes, and even more animal companion archetypes. There's even a feat chain to get an animal companion (nature soul>animal ally>boon companion for a fully leveled horse). So you could do a mounted character of any class.
A few I can think of: there's 3 barbarian archetypes- mounted fury, shoanti burn rider, mad dog. fighter has the roughrider and the dragoon. ranger has the horselord, sable company marine. even the vigilante has one- mounted fury.
Steve Vermin |
well... I ride a Dragonfly? would that count?
OH! class is Hunter, so I'm Steve Vermin - Verminous Hunter - Small rider, but it took a few levels for the Dragon(fly) to get big enough to ride...
I am an expert with things in the wild, a hunter, tracker, and expert in survival skills. Along with "Huey", my Dragon Fly Vermin Companion, we provide the team with scouting and aerial support...
Sir Belmont the Valiant |
There's a Chevalier archtype that beefs up the mounted Paladin. Be aware that this is third party material.
Derek Dalton |
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I know you said other then Cavalier but I wish to point out a couple of things a couple of Cavalier archtypes allow you to keep Expert Trainer. Expert Trainer is needed to get Horse Master which allows your mount to go up by your total character level rather then Cavalier level. So at 4th level you can become another class. At 6th level you get Horse Master and your mount is your level. Another feat allows you to take Vermin or Plant companions as your mount. A bit weird but different. Other feats allow you to take a medium mount even if you are medium yourself.