Failedlegend The Eternal Gish |
Pretty much the title at the moment im thinking Construct Rider Alchemist/Construct Caller+Synth U-Sum1(Visual = Clockwork Armor) VMC Clockwork Oracle/Evangelist of Brigh.
Oh and the GM is considering letting me replace alchemy with custom mechanisms from Investigators Engineer archetype https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/investigator/archetypes/pai zo-investigator-archetypes/engineer-investigator-archetype/ if not i thought using Syringe spears would be fun.
Any other ideas? Fairly open to class selection. (Note: first party is preferred)
LordKailas |
![Angvar Thestlecrit](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A9-Wizard_final.jpg)
it really depends on what you envision your character doing during combat and outside of combat.
For example the Constructed Pugilist could fit the idea of an "inventor/techy type" as they start with a bionic arm that they upgrade as they level. They aren't a caster type though, the idea is that they can charge into combat and beat people up using their robot arm.
I think once you decide on a playstyle it will be easier to narrow the focus down to something that has the appropriate flavor that you're looking for that works with the playstyle you want.
Scott Wilhelm |
My instinct for a good inventor character is Inquisitor. Inquisitors get a lot of skill points, and they have powerful magic, which means they can create magic items. Bards are likewise an obvious choice, and last I looked, there were some archetypes that caught my eye like Archaeologist and Archivist: lovely if you want to play a professor/inventor hero.
I like the Flotsam subdomain of Water. The caster with the Flotsam subdomain can reach into any pool of water (such as a bathtub or a bag of holding they keep full of water), and pull out almost any item they want (with the Broken condition). For similar reasons, I like the Halfling Feat Well-Prepared.
I like the Gnome Alternate Racial Trait where they are automatically proficient in any weapon they themselves craft.
I like Marvalous Pigments. You're going to want a Lyre of Building when you can get one, of course.
Failedlegend The Eternal Gish |
OOPS I meant gadgetry from scavenger not engineer (stupid forum not letting me edit OP) although the engineer archetype also gives some cool thematic abilities, it'll be a hard choice between switching to Scavenger+Engineer Investigator or sticking with Gadgetry+Construct Rider Alchemist. (Not to mention checking out your guys suggestions as mentioned below :D)
Pugilist sounds promising, don't want to go magic item creation route for inventor but I like the Archaeologist+Archivist idea ill look into that as well as the gnome racial trait and marvellous pigments.
For intention i was thinking of rising the construct and either throwing syringe spears (for good or ill effects) and/or an x-bow (feels more "gadget-like" than a bow)not to mention the bombs but the theme is more important than "Role"
Failedlegend The Eternal Gish |
Well I feel kind of dumb, I JUST realized that the clockwork mystery is 3rd party, lol.
Anywho after realizing this and looking through the various classes/archetypes mainly Jistkan Magus & Construct Pugilist were tempting but ultimately didn't feel right fluff-wise, I decided to stick with the Construct Rider Alchemist/Construct Synth "Armor" Summoner (not sure level spread) Utilizing Boon Companion..possibly for both classes (Alchemist Primary Class).
DM is still cool with me using the Gadgetry ability from Scavenger Investigator since it doesn't change anything mechanically. Unless I find something interesting ill be using an X-Bow as a weapon utilizing my "Armor" for physical prowess but basically play it like a normal alchemist.
Thanks for the help, I'll throw up a new thread once I have a better idea of the build and get more campaign details from the GM. No idea when that will be.
Ryan Freire |
Theres an investigator archetype that does clockwork gadgetry instead of potions for their spell effects.
edit: oh gosh, if your gm is ok with vetted third party material, the zeitgeist gears of revolutionhas both a feat and a 3 or 5 level prestige class that is exactly for you and not too setting themed.
Disposable Simulacrum (Theme Feat)
You pull out a pre-assembled gadget, tie it to your life force, and animate it so it can recreate one of your fighting techniques.
Benefit: You gain a contraption. When deactivated it weighs 5 lbs. and can fit in a pouch or pocket, but as a standard action, you may activate the contraption and place it in an unoccupied adjacent space, at which point it becomes a Small creature. The contraption has the same AC and saves as you, hit points equal to one-quarter your total, and the construct subtype. It has a speed of 20 ft., but only moves if you direct it.
You can deactivate the contraption as a swift action. If reduced to 0 hit points, the contraption is automatically deactivated and you must spend an hour making repairs before you can activate it again.
Choose a single task that you can normally perform as a standard action, such attacking with a specific weapon, casting a specific spell, or directing a mount. As long as the contraption is within 30 ft., you can spend a standard action to have the contraption perform the chosen task. Spells cast through the contraption count
towards your daily spell limit as though you cast the spell.
Since it is a simulacrum, the contraption does the task as if you were performing the action in its space. It uses your stats, and if making a weapon attack it even functions as if it had your weapon. At the GM’s discretion, it can also take closely related minor tasks, like reloading a ranged weapon, but otherwise the contraption
can take no other actions on its own.
Special: You can acquire only one theme feat.
The feat is a requirement for a 3 level prc that gives you a steam suit, that you can make medium or large
If you dig around the players guide has all the stuff on it...i think its on the trove too if you aren't put off by going there.
Failedlegend The Eternal Gish |
To clarify I meant that since I realized the clockwork mystery is 3rd party I CANT use it thus dropping the VMC Oracle, only reason shes ok with stealing the gadgetry "ability" is because its pure fluff. Normally she's more open to third party stuff but this campaign is for a new group so were sticking to 1st party for this one, I'm already "pushing it" by mixing construct caller and Synth (RAW they both modify the Eidolon thus normally cant be used together).
That said I'm totally keeping that in mind in case 3rd party stuff becomes available l8r, especially xince it's a prestige class as I could pick that up without "Re-speccing" my character.
Edit: Actually speaking of third party i was originally using the following class for the same character but different group
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/interjection-games/tinke r/
This thread/theory crafting is my attempt to do something similar but 1st party.
Zwordsman |
I know you want primary offical Paizo stuff primary. But it would be horrible of me not to mention MachineSmith
Honestly its so very fun gadget class, has temporary and crafted one. But doesn't go overboard on crafting. You also get a neat focus.
it fills a niche and can do several. its good stuff.
Its not badly balanced IMO either.
but it sounds like you've got a fair plan. Although construct collector I'm not sure how effective it ultimately is. I've not used it.
The other mention I was going to do was Occultist-but refluffing the implements. I[m making a Talisman Occultist, but i'm reflavoring all the talisman stuff as being based off Word/Symobls rather than magic magic. (half inspired by Konjiki no word master)
Zwordsman |
Oh speaking of that feat there.
Brillaint PLannar is VERY in theme IMO.
Prerequisite(s): Int 13, character level 5th.
Benefit(s): You can prepare for future contingencies without defining what those preparations are until they are relevant. As a part of this preparation, while in a settlement for at least 24 hours, you can take 8 hours and spend up to 50 gp per character level, which becomes your brilliant plan fund. While you have a brilliant plan pending, you are always treated as carrying 20 additional pounds of weight, even before you define your brilliant plan.
Once per day, you can take 10 minutes to enact a brilliant plan, withdrawing an item that would have been available in a settlement you visited or procuring a mundane service that your character planned ahead of time. Once you enact the plan, subtract the price of the item or service from this feat’s fund. Any item procured must weigh 10 pounds or less. Likewise, the GM must approve any non-magical service you gain by using this feat as being appropriate for the location selected.
Once you have spent all the money in your brilliant plan fund or procured 20 pounds of objects with this feat, you cannot use the feat again until you replenish your brilliant plan fund.
Dragonchess Player |
![Wil Save](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Wil-Wheaton-2.jpg)
With a little re-flavoring, the following classes can work as "inventor/techie" characters: promethean alchemist, relic hunter inquisitor, relic channeler medium, occultist, summoner (just an inevitable eidolon or the construct caller archetype), and psychometrist vigilante. There may be other options, as well.
CloudCobra |
I'll throw in my old build that is a decent all-rounder character regarding a Steampunk/Technology setting.
Fighter 4 (Opportunist/Trench Fighter)/Investigator 2 (Scavenger)/ Alchemist 14 (Tinkerer/Vivisectionist)
It's a little slow at the beginning and doesn't really start with the Techie side until Levels 4-6 (depending on how generous your GM is), but it holds its own in the early levels based on the usage of firearms and bomb chucking. Once you produce all the necessary construct upgrades and you can turn invisible and perform sneak attacks you'll become rather dangerous.
Steampunk Version:
Level 1 Protector of the People
Racial Heritage (Ratfolk) {Human bonus}
Improved Dirty Trick {Fighter 1} BAB +1
Level 2 Point Blank Shot {Fighter 2} BAB +2
Level 3 Precise Shot {Fighter 3} BAB +3
Level 4 (Gain Craft Construct w/ golem done){Invest. 1} BAB +3
Level 5 Splash Weapon Mastery {Fighter 4} BAB +4
Level 6 Brew Potion, Throw Anything {Alchemist 1} BAB +4
Level 7 Two-Weapon Fighting {Investigator 2} BAB +5
Level 8 Tumor Familiar {Alchemist 2} BAB +6/+1
Level 9 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting {Alchemist 3} BAB +7/+2
Level 10 Infusion {Alchemist 4} BAB +8/+3
Level 11 Rapid Shot {Alchemist 5} BAB +9/+4
Level 12 Extend Potion {Alchemist 6} BAB +10/+5
Level 13 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting {Alchemist 7} +11/+6/+1
Level 14 Syringe Stirge {Alchemist 8} +12/+7/+2
Level 15 Master Craftsman {Alchemist 9} +13/+8/+3
Level 16 Material Mastery {Alchemist 10} +14/+9/+4
Level 17 Craft Wondrous Items {Alchemist 11} +15/+10/+5
Level 18 Spell Knowledge {Alchemist 12} +16/+11/+6/+1
Level 19 Craft Magic Arms and Armor {Alchemist 13} +17/+12/+7/+2
Level 20 Wings {Alchemist 14} +18/+13/+8/+3
As the Tumor familiar I'd recommend a Valet to increase your crafting abilities (since Tumor familiars can't be Protectors anymore).
Numeria Version:
Use a Human with Frontier Survivor as racial trait. That will provide you with the Technologist feat.
Level 1 Protector of the People
Racial Heritage (Ratfolk) {Human bonus}
Improved Dirty Trick {Fighter 1} BAB +1
Level 2 Point Blank Shot {Fighter 2} BAB +2
Level 3 Precise Shot {Fighter 3} BAB +3
Level 4 (Gain Craft Construct w/ golem done){Invest. 1} BAB +3
Level 5 Splash Weapon Mastery {Fighter 4} BAB +4
Level 6 Brew Potion, Throw Anything {Alchemist 1} BAB +4
Level 7 Two-Weapon Fighting {Investigator 2} BAB +5
Level 8 Tumor Familiar {Alchemist 2} BAB +6/+1
Level 9 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting {Alchemist 3} BAB +7/+2
Level 10 Infusion {Alchemist 4} BAB +8/+3
Level 11 Rapid Shot {Alchemist 5} BAB +9/+4
Level 12 Extend Potion {Alchemist 6} BAB +10/+5
Level 13 Craft Technological Item {Alchemist 7} +11/+6/+1
Level 14 Syringe Stirge {Alchemist 8} +12/+7/+2
Level 15 Craft Technological Arms & Armor {Alchemist 9} +13/+8/+3
Level 16 Eternal Potion {Alchemist 10} +14/+9/+4
Level 17 Craft Cybernetics {Alchemist 11} +15/+10/+5
Level 18 Healing Touch {Alchemist 12} +16/+11/+6/+1
Level 19 Craft Robot {Alchemist 13} +17/+12/+7/+2
Level 20 Wings {Alchemist 14} +18/+13/+8/+3