Unkillable bad guys and build ideas


Ok so first off when i say unkillable i mean "seamingly unkillable". I have an idea for a campaign setting using old characters from a ridiculously high level gestalt 3.5 game i was running, and basically i want to make those characters into the bad guys of the campaign.
We have a ghost bard/sorcerer, human dread necromancer/no idea what to gestalt, a succubus magus/same issue, a vampire rogue/something(archer), and a drow shadowdancer.

Here is what i need help with. The succubus was originally a paladin of slaughter/hexblade. With that she had a nightmare cauchemar mount. What classes and feats would give me this mount legit?

The simplest and least cheating way to make a villain hard to kill is to give them an invisible life oracle ally. Shield Other, Life Link and Channel can be a strong combination. And your players may take a while to realize the villain is getting outside help. If your players are really dangerous, then just add extra invisible healers.

But how do I give an NPC a Nightmare Cauchemar as a mount legally?

Most easily a nightmare ally. Whether hired or talked into it or because they work for the same cause. The succubus presumably has notable social skills.

The leadership feat could probably do if she's high enough level too.

Garion Beckett wrote:
But how do I give an NPC a Nightmare Cauchemar as a mount legally?

NPC isn't a player. Why are you worried about 'Legal'? Rule of Cool always works for enemies.

Your former PCs are now MONSTERS. Do not worry about the small stuff, just make sure they are appropriately tough for the encounter.

Meirril wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:
But how do I give an NPC a Nightmare Cauchemar as a mount legally?

NPC isn't a player. Why are you worried about 'Legal'? Rule of Cool always works for enemies.

Your former PCs are now MONSTERS. Do not worry about the small stuff, just make sure they are appropriately tough for the encounter.

But I do have players that are sticklers for rules. If i can show that I can beat them, or trap them, or do plot related things while using the rules then it makes the experience (for me) that much better.

Some of my players can also be very player vs GM so this is also why I do this. I take it as a challenge and therefore i revel in it. But for the other players that just play for the story, they won't really care as long as the story and the play is enjoyable.

Garion Beckett wrote:
Meirril wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:
But how do I give an NPC a Nightmare Cauchemar as a mount legally?

NPC isn't a player. Why are you worried about 'Legal'? Rule of Cool always works for enemies.

Your former PCs are now MONSTERS. Do not worry about the small stuff, just make sure they are appropriately tough for the encounter.

But I do have players that are sticklers for rules. If i can show that I can beat them, or trap them, or do plot related things while using the rules then it makes the experience (for me) that much better.

Some of my players can also be very player vs GM so this is also why I do this. I take it as a challenge and therefore i revel in it. But for the other players that just play for the story, they won't really care as long as the story and the play is enjoyable.

Well, if you are going to insist on doing this "by the book" try planar binding. A Cauchemar is a 14 HD creature and included on the list. You'll need Greater Planar Binding (8th level spell) to do it. If you want the character to be a cleric/oracle or shaman you could also use Greater Planar Ally instead. Still means casting an 8th level spell somehow. Could be from a scroll.

The best gestalt necromancers are going to be cleric/wizard that maybe dip into a PrC that favors undead, like Agent of the Grave. I honestly find that using archetypes offers more limitations than it does advantages. If you take 5 levels of Agent of the Grave make the Necromancer a Lich.

For a succubus that is a magus...where do you want to take this? Swashbuckler will make her very stabby. Inquisitor would let you buff yourself as a swift action. Wizard/psychic/mesmerist would give you more charm options.

Making the vampire rogue that wants to do archery into a ranger with favored enemy human makes sense. Well, other than wasting all of that precious blood. Maybe instead of an archer, make it one of those non-lethal knock out builds? Rogue/Magus could be absolutely frightening. Especially if the group has a simulacrum coven of Hags to cast Non-Detection on the group each day. Now your Magus can invis up and alpha strike anyone then slip away with invisibility, or go ham with improved invisibility.

And for a drow: cleric if female, wizard if male. Classic.

Meirril wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:
Meirril wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:
But how do I give an NPC a Nightmare Cauchemar as a mount legally?

NPC isn't a player. Why are you worried about 'Legal'? Rule of Cool always works for enemies.

Your former PCs are now MONSTERS. Do not worry about the small stuff, just make sure they are appropriately tough for the encounter.

But I do have players that are sticklers for rules. If i can show that I can beat them, or trap them, or do plot related things while using the rules then it makes the experience (for me) that much better.

Some of my players can also be very player vs GM so this is also why I do this. I take it as a challenge and therefore i revel in it. But for the other players that just play for the story, they won't really care as long as the story and the play is enjoyable.

Well, if you are going to insist on doing this "by the book" try planar binding. A Cauchemar is a 14 HD creature and included on the list. You'll need Greater Planar Binding (8th level spell) to do it. If you want the character to be a cleric/oracle or shaman you could also use Greater Planar Ally instead. Still means casting an 8th level spell somehow. Could be from a scroll.

The best gestalt necromancers are going to be cleric/wizard that maybe dip into a PrC that favors undead, like Agent of the Grave. I honestly find that using archetypes offers more limitations than it does advantages. If you take 5 levels of Agent of the Grave make the Necromancer a Lich.

For a succubus that is a magus...where do you want to take this? Swashbuckler will make her very stabby. Inquisitor would let you buff yourself as a swift action. Wizard/psychic/mesmerist would give you more charm options.

Making the vampire rogue that wants to do archery into a ranger with favored enemy human makes sense. Well, other than wasting all of that precious blood. Maybe instead of an archer, make it one...

The succubus will be the big bad so thinking of making her a new demon lord i have everything i need for that, but full levels in magus hexcrafter and gestalted with antipaladin. All of the npcs mentioned are previous characters from an evil game i ran as a first time gm. Now i want my players to fight against their old evil characters all leveled up and super powered lol

Melkiador wrote:
The simplest and least cheating way to make a villain hard to kill is to give them an invisible life oracle ally. Shield Other, Life Link and Channel can be a strong combination. And your players may take a while to realize the villain is getting outside help. If your players are really dangerous, then just add extra invisible healers.

Or any friend at all scrying on the BBEG who has a Bracelet of Friends.

Or a Ratling Familiar who readies action to DimDoor the villain to safety.

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The description of Nightmares and nightmares cauchemar says that they are intelligent creatures that never serve as mounts, but will allow themselves to be ridden as "willing partners in destruction." So you could just make the Nightmare Cauchmar not a Mount at all, but rather another NPC.

Not related to your specific examples, but when it comes to unkillable...

Take a look at the Implacable Stalker Nightmare Lord Bogeyman...

High level baddies could use the spell Clone to become recurring villains who just never seem to stay dead.

Spirit Jars with Magic Jar can also provide similar shenanigans.

Reincarnated druid?
Each week, they will be attacked by a random humanoid, and they will have a hard time figuring out that they are fighting THE SAME enemy...

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