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I did not intend to start an argument in this thread and I apologize for doing so.

on that note, if the issue is a balance issue then i concede to the fact that it shouldn't be done unless you want to screw with the balance of the setting you are running.

thank you all for your input. i learned a lot from here.

So what I am seeing is that there is no way to apply feats to armor like you can with weapons? So it would be up to the GM and to look over the crafting rules to achieve something like this??

zza ni wrote:

2 things to note:

to gain a weapon's special ability one must be attacking with the weapon. not just holding it (unless said otherwise in said ability), this was ruled in the defending weapon FAQ, as such to gain the weapon training feat from a weapon one must actively attack with said weapon.
This is a very important limiter to the ability to pay for feats!
It is more then reasonable for a GM to say you can't get this on an armor since it will make gaining the feat a lot easier (as merely wearing the armor is using it). from the wording of the faq it seem the ability will function for the entire round as long as in any part of it the weapon is used to attack, not just at the exact time of using the weapon.
that also stand for putting the ability on armor spikes. the mage would have to attack with them to gain the feat, which might limit his ability to cast spells at the same round (would require swift\free action casting or attacking, or a way to do both like spell combat).

mithral armor does NOT count as light for proficiencies, as such using a medium mithral armor without being proficient will get you the normal penalties for using the armor without proficiency (might not be that bad to a caster, i think it's mainly gaining the armor check penalties to attack rolls, depending on the spells used that might have little effect on the caster. ) you might also want to look this up.

from the mithral special material information:
"Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. A character wearing mithral full plate must be proficient in wearing heavy armor to avoid adding the armor’s check penalty...

So what you're saying is... if a wizard wants to wear breastplate... the breast plate needs to have light and medium armor prof feats and arcane armor training and mastery? then a wizard could wear it instantly?

Nah... what i'm looking for is arcane armor training, mastery on the armor so my arcane spellcaster can wear the armor without using my own feat slots... lol also does mithril breastplate count as light armor for proficiencies??

So I am trying to do something very specific.. Is is possible to add combat feats or others to armor like the Training Enchantment for weapons?

Hey guys... I bet this question has been done before but I am kind of dense so I have a question..

Arcane Pool- Swift action gives a +1 to the weapon you are holding. But here is my question. Can i use multiple points to add multiple effects to the weapon at a time?

example: You are lvl 3 and have a 20 int. you are about to fight a cr 4 thing and your healer is down. you are holding a a mw scimitar and you use your arcane pool
(swift action) to add +1 and keen to your weapon. then you use your standard action to use your pool again to use pool strike and add fire damage toy your attack.

is that legal?

Hey there everyone! Ok... I want to be a DM for hire. So What I plan to do is purchase the new one shots like Sundered Waves for pathfinder second edition and then remaster them to follow the new rules and verbiage of the remaster. I've already tried a test run of the campaign and I've received glowing reviews from my friends and new players about my support for those new players and how I ran the game. Some of the feedback I seem to get is more visual aids like props for the players to understand some of the puzzles. (if you have ran this you'll know what I am talking about.)

In this economy I do not have the fundage to just grab myself a 3D printer so i can start inviting people to play for money. I am looking for STL files for the props I am looking for or someone to help me (either for free or a price) come up with the STL files as I possibly have a friend willing to print off the actual pieces. If you want to help please let me know.

Once I have all the pieces I kind of want to run a session to show case the pieces and to show how the players use them to solve the puzzles. Keep in mind I have no idea how to get that off the ground either but I want to try.

Hey all.

OK, I am GMing for a pathfinder game and our crew wants to start a merc guild. This is fine and I am all for it. The problem is, that I have no clue what is needed to start, run, and maintain a guild. I understand the rules of the game and will be using Downtime from Ultimate Campaign, and my own homebrew Combined Leadership rule, as no one took leadership lol. So fellow nerds I turn to you.

1) What is needed to start a guild?

2) What is the structure of a guild?

3) Are there fees to join?

3) Are there monthly fees?

4) What do these fees cover in terms of the guild?

5) How do the players get a cut from jobs done?

6) How do "secret menus" work?

7) What checks do I have make behind the scenes to ensure smooth game play once everything is set?

This guild will be a merc guild so I understand it will be doing any job they can get for a while before they can build a name for themselves.

Azothath wrote:

From a RAW perspective it is 8hrs per day.

There are DC adjustments and Feats as well as Familiar archetype and a few rules(like cooperative crafting) to increase productivity/progress.
Otherwise it is just a flat control (Game Balance issue) on crafting rates.
Players have been trying to get around an 8 hr workday for years to no avail.
GMs tend to waive their magical GM Caveat wand when it comes to NPCs but if PCs are watching, like Schrodinger's cat, the GM magic won't happen.
There IS one legal way, a pocket dimension with the accelerated time attribute so things can happen faster in that little corner of the multiverse compared to the Prime. Ofcourse at that point you could just cast Fabricate...

not that high enough level lol. this is an NPC (srry for not mentioning this) this is for the PCs to start a guild and they gave this dude a purpose so now he wont stop working lol

Does it help that said character was an android/ awakened contruct?

Hey guys!!

Ok I have an NPC that doesnt need to sleep. They are a crafter looking at repairing homes and building an INN. Now normally the working day is 8 hours long. Now hear is my question because i am math dumb... If a building takes 16 days to build and you work 8 hours a day, how long would it take if he worked 24/7 at a steady pace uninterrupted? He also has the Endurance Feat lol

Name Violation wrote:

depends on the bonus.

generally they apply in the order most beneficial to the crafter

list the actual bonuses/sources

you can get crafting down to ridiculously fast things with the a valet familiar (Cooperative Crafting feat) and a wizard discovery (Arcane Builder) then add the +5 to the dc to craft faster (crafting rules)

ok i will edit post with all bonuses :)

first off i am not using any official classes. i am using the artisan from
drop dead studios (new fav crafting class), next i am a secondary gm and this "character" is meant to have the PCs gain equipment they dont have and has not shown up yet. (we roll random loot to make it seem more interesting). now here is the build

currently the class offers:
1) 5% reduction in all crafting costs
2) 25% reduction of crafting cost as a Craftsman Technique
3) 25% reduction of crafting time also as a Technique

Character currently has Brew potion, Wonderous, Arms and Armor

and for a trait he has spark of creation. 5% reduction in cost

As this character increases in level then his bonuses increase. We intend to use him when the PCs are in downtime and for the PCs not have to worry about crafting anything as we discovered early in game that it is a pain and we are dealing with ppl not willing to learn the math.

I like doing things by the book and this NPC will help the PC's alot but I have something planned with him so i want to properly track the wealth he gains from the PCs

hey all! ok so i have a stupid question... when crafting and adding bonuses to reduce costs or time whats the order in which i add them. I know i dont add them all at once because then it would be super OP. So what is the order in which i add these bonuses?

traits+feats+class features or any other order?

sounds good!!! thanks guys

Hey all. I have questions abut the rules about adding vampire to an enemy. When it comes to wording a little perspective is all i need thanks.

You can turn an existing living creature into a vampire using the following steps.

Increase the creature's level by 1 and change its statistics as follows.
It gains the undead and vampire traits, and usually becomes evil.
Increase AC, attack bonuses, DCs, saving throws, and skill modifiers by 1.
Increase damage with Strikes and other offensive abilities by 1. If an ability can be used only a small number of times (such as a dragon's breath weapon), increase the damage by 2 instead.
Reduce HP by the amount listed on the table.
The vampire gains fast healing and resistance to physical damage (except silver) as indicated in the table. These abilities are the reason the vampire has less HP.

Now when for the damage increasing by 1 does it mean 1 step or literally just adding 1 to the damage counter? EG I make a 8 lvl swashbuckler and he is using a rapier does it go from d6s to d8s or does it go to 1d6+1?

Hey all... It's been a while on here. Hope everyone's been cool especially WoC crapping the bed lol. Anyways to the meat of why I'm here... My partner and I are trying to come up with a campaign setting and new planet for the pathfinder rule set. That means new races, new gods, new lore, and fancy new rules for magic. The magic part is why i am here.
First off let me say that magic in our world is VERY tangible. You can touch and even taste the stuff that allows casters to function. This what I am trying to build. It would come in multiple states like liquid, solid and gas. The gas is really easy to explain as it allows casters to cast spells. it's the other states that I am struggling with as we want this world to feel like will can accomplish anything and I am struggling with making it FEEL like that. Right now I have a rough draft of a magical material and what it does. Could you guys look at it and tell me what you guys think?

Incantum Stone:
Value varies.
1)Focus. The item can be used as a focus to enhance the Caster Level of the spell being cast to overcome Spell Resistance. The user can gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Caster level checks if the item is over 500g, +2 at 2000gp, +3 at 4500gp, +4 at 8000gp, and +5 at 12500gp. The value of the does not decrease when casting spells in this way.

2) Can be used to cast a spell or spell like effect to accomplish a goal or task. You do not have to be spellcaster in order to use this effect. A user you need to pass a UMD DC equal to 5x2(Spell level). However this effect reduces the cost of the stone equal to: 75gp × HD of user × Spell level. The spell effect is up to GM discretion depending on the UMD check.

3)Spell components. You can use the item in pace of expensive spell components. When used in this way the stone would slowly shrink in size and value. This can take away from the other uses of the stone. Example: you want to cast resurrection and need the 10000gp in diamonds. And you have a 15000gp rock. The value of the rock would now be 5000. You would be able cast less spells, your bonus to dcs goes down from +2 to +1 and the amount of attuned spells you can cast is greatly reduced.

Lastly the stone can be used to boost the abilities of the user. For a very short while the user can get a massive Boon in physical abilities. For 1 minute the user gains:

+2 HD









This effect reduces the cost of the stone by 2500gp. When using this effect, the time it takes to channel your will changes. If you are healthy it will take a full round action, if grazed it will take standard action, if wounded it would take a move action, if in critical condition it would take a swift action. Also, if you use the stone while you are injured you will heal the 2HD. While at full health the 2HD will be provided as temporary hit points. You can only use this effect in 1 minute increments.

If your stone is worth more than 1000gp and you try to use any of these effects and it brings the cost of the below any of these thresholds, those effects will not work.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:
The Samurai... I was wondering if the Samurai can use the katana 1 handed or 2 handed...

Also, please indicate where classes like this come from. As far as I know we haven't published a samurai class yet. If you're homebrewing the class, take a look at how the rogue's proficiencies are listed for an example of how to potentially add these iconic weapons into a class that otherwise just grants simple or martial weapons.

That said, a samurai SHOULD be able to use it 1 handed, otherwise all those Kurosawa moives... and history... are lying.

I am sooo sorry. I am looking at PF 1E and from Advanced Class Guide. I am so sorry for the confusion.

Samurai are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus the katana, naginata, and wakizashi. Samurai are proficient with all types of armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields).

I know Katana are martial weapons and used 2 handed normally... does the wording above mean they can use katana 1 handed?

Again I am soo sorry for the confusion.

James Jacobs wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:

Hello James!

Ok i have a very simple and stupid question for you. Say for example your class gives you proficiency with simple and martial weapons, then it begins to list additional weapons like bastard sword or katana... now am i to assume that this class can only use these weapons martially (2 hands only) or can use them with special training (exotically and 1 handed)???

Unless it also says something like "You treat these weapons as martial weapons" then nope, you don't gain proficiency with them. The class lists your proficiencies specifically on the first page, so if they're not there, you don't get proficiency. There's feats and archetypes that can adjust this, as can your GM if they want.

But without a specific example of what class you're asking about I can't really reply, and even then it's best to post rules questions to the rulebook board or ask your GM. I'm not on the design team and shouldn't be regarded as an "official source" for rules clarifications UNLESS you're a player in my game. Being your GM trumps what the book or anyone at Paizo might say.

The Samurai... I was wondering if the Samurai can use the katana 1 handed or 2 handed...

Hello James!
Ok i have a very simple and stupid question for you. Say for example your class gives you proficiency with simple and martial weapons, then it begins to list additional weapons like bastard sword or katana... now am i to assume that this class can only use these weapons martially (2 hands only) or can use them with special training (exotically and 1 handed)???

Hey guys... I was perusing the pfsrd website and I came across the Artificer class. tificer/#TOC-Salvage

I also found

for those of you into the Eberron world like I am. They also had their own conversion of the old 3.5 Artificer made for the setting.

Well... When I was looking at these 2 classes I found this I liked and didn't like and I tried to make my own version of it. I'm just wondering if it seems balanced to everyone. Here is my version of the class:


1: Elbow Grease, Infusions, Artificer Knowledge, Scribe Scroll

2: Bonus Feat, Rugged Craftsman

3: Craft Wonderous Item

4: Brew Potion

5: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Retain Essense

6: Elbow Grease increase

7: Metamagic Science

8: Craft Wand

9: Forge Ring

10: Bonus Feat, Elbow Grease increase

11: Craft Rod

12: Craft Staff

13: Improved Metamagic Science

14: Bonus Feat

15: Jack of all trades

16: Skill Mastery

17: Master Smith

18: Bonus Feat

19: Exceptional Artisan

20: Extraordinary Artisan

Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (average 105gp)

Class Skills:

The artificer’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Perception (Wis), Linguistics (Int), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Hit Dice: d8

BAB: Medium

Saves: Good Fort and Will, and Poor Reflex

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

Artificers are proficient with all simple weapons, all crossbows, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields). If the campaign allows for firearms or siege weapons, artificers also also proficient in these weapons as well.


An artificer casts infusions, which are like spells but are neither arcane nor divine. Like spells, artificers have a limited number of infusions per day, based on their level. Similar to other spellcasters, artificers get additional infusions per day based on their Intelligence attribute and regain their infusions per day after a normal 8 hours of rest and 15 minutes of concentration. Like sorcerers and bards, artificers can cast any infusion he knows without preparing them ahead of time, classifying him as a spontaneous spellcaster. However, given how limited his selection is, he automatically knows all infusions on the infusion list of any level he is capable of casting. Should an artificer encounter some rare or ancient infusion that does not appear on the normal infusion list, he can learn it by studying it for 8 hours and making a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 20 + the infusion level. However, this is specifically not intended for artificers to reverse engineer normal spells to become infusions.

Infusions, like spells, are subject to concentration checks, using the same DCs as normal spellcaster and using his Intelligence modifier to the concentration check. Likewise, infusions have components (verbal, somatic and material) which must be met when casting an infusion. However, the somatic components are simple enough that artificers do not suffer spell chance failure from light or medium armor or from any shield, except tower shields. While rare, infusions that have saving throws have their DC equal to 10 + the infusion level + the artificer's Intelligence modifier. Infusions can be modified by metamagic feats spontaneously with the same alteration to the casting time as sorcerers. Like spells, infusions are identified using Spellcraft checks with same DCs.

Where infusions differ from spells is that no infusion qualifies for spells when making magical items or activating items, even if they are functionally similar when cast. For example, even though Light appears as both a spell and an infusion, the artificer does not have Light for the purposes of making magical items or activating a wand of Light.


An artificer automatically knows all 0-level infusions that appear on the infusion list, but unlike normal infusions, they do not require spell slots and can all be used repeatedly. In all other aspects, they act as normal infusions.

Artificer's Knowledge:

Unlike normal spellcasters, artificers count as both casters and manifesters for the purposes of creating magical and psionic items. Likewise, they can create spell trigger, spell completion, power trigger and power completion items without having the ability to cast the necessary spells or manifest the necessary powers. They still need the necessary item creation feats, but the artificer can continue the item creation process with only a working knowledge of each spell or power needed. When an artificer puts their first rank into Knowledge: Arcana, they are considered to have a working knowledge of all 0th arcane spells from any arcane spell list. The same is also true for Knowledge: Religion and 0th divine spells from any divine spell list and Knowledge: Psionics and 0th level psionic powers from any power list. For each additional two ranks placed into a given skill, the working knowledge of the associated spell or power list increases by one level, to a maximum of 9th level spells or powers at 19 ranks.

When determining the spell or power level of a spell or power that appears on multiple lists, search the spells and powers list that have the full 9 levels of spells or powers first (i.e. sorcerer / wizard, cleric / oracle, druid, witch and psion / wilder). If the desired effect is on one or more of those lists, the artificer has the choice of which list to take it from, notating the spell or power level and, in the case of spells, whether it is arcane or divine. If, and only if, the desired effect is not located on any of those lists, check the spells and powers lists that only have 6 levels of spells or powers (i.e. bard, summoner, inquisitor psychic warrior, etc). If the desired effect is on one or more of those lists, the artificer has the same choice. If, and only if, the desired effect is not located on any of those lists, check the spells and powers lists that only have 4 levels of spells or powers (i.e. paladin, ranger, etc). If the desired effect is one or more of those lists, the artificer has the same choice. If, and only if, the desired effect is not on any of the above lists examined, then the artificer is free to duplicate from whatever spell or power list remaining. The choice of exactly which list the spell or power is taken from will determine the spell or power level mimicked and, in the case of spells, whether or not the effect is arcane or divine.

If an artificer needs a spell or power that he does not have a working knowledge of, he can still duplicate it with a successful Use Magic Device check with a DC equal to 20 + twice the spell or power level. Other item creation requirements can also be substituted as well, with the exception of the caster or manifester level. The artificer makes another Use Magic Device check, with the same DC as what is needed to emulate the needed class features, ability scores, race or alignments. Only one check per requirement is allowed.

All other aspects of item creation remain following the same rules for item creation (feats required, time, cost, etc). The artificer uses his caster level as either the caster level or manifester level for comparing to the item's requirements. After all Use Magic Device checks have been made, the normal Spellcraft check to actually create the magical or psionic item still needs to be made to see if the item is successfully created. If a spell or power is required for the item creation (like that for scrolls, wands, dorjes, etc) and it is not successfully emulated, the entire item creation process (time and construction cost) is wasted.

Thus, attempting to create a Minotaur Belt (a Wondrous Item with a CL of 4, requiring Bull's Strength and Feather Step) has a normal Spellcraft or Craft DC: 19 for someone that did not met either spell prerequisites. However, an artificer that does not have a working knowledge of either spell can make two UMD checks (first for Bull's Strength at a DC of 24, second for Feather Step at a DC of 22) to lower the final Spellcraft or Craft DC to just 9.

Elbow Grease:

The artificer gains a +2 bonus to all Craft checks. This bonus raises to +4 at 6th level, and +6 at 10th level.

Bonus Feats:

As an artificer progresses in level, he gains item creation feats as bonus feats. He does not need to qualify for the specified feats listed, but does for any bonus feat he gets to choose.

In addition to these specific feats, at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter, artificers gain an additional bonus feat chosen from the following list: any metamagic feat, any item creation feat not already listed (like Craft Construct), Attune Magic Weapon, Extra Ingenuity, Extra Rings, and Wand Mastery or any Combat Feat which he qualifies for.

Rugged Craftsman:

At 2nd level, when an artificer is crafting magical items while adventuring on in a dangerous environment, he gains the full benefit of 4 hours per day, rather than the normal 2 hours of work for 4 hours of effort. The amount of gold piece value achieved per hour is still based on the normal 8 hours per day and divided normally. The artificer can also create multiple magical items in single day, provided that the total gold piece value is still within his gold piece limit per day for enchanting.

Retain Essence:

At 5th level, an artificer gains the ability to salvage the gold piece value from an enchanted item for the sole purpose to create a new enchanted item or further enchant an existing magical or psionic item. In this sense, 'magical' and 'psionic' are interchangeable. The artificer must spend 8 consecutive hours with the item and he must also have all of the necessary item creation feats to create the item he is salvaging. After the 8 hours, the item, including the mundane item the enchanted was original placed on, is destroyed and the artificer now has a collection of reagents with a gold piece value of the construction cost of the enchanted item, which is usually one half the base price of the magical item. See the specific magical item for any unusual requirements in its creation.

This collection of reagents weighs one quarter of the original item and can be used by anyone that has the necessary item creation feats from the original magical or psionic item. These reagents never include talismanic components, like dragonshards or any part that is unique to a specific magical item.

For example, if an artificer with the Craft Wondrous Item feat recovers a Handy Haversack that he needs to convert, he spends 8 hours with the item to break down the item and recovers 1,000 gp worth reagents (the construction cost to make the item in the first place). Those reagents can then be used toward the cost of making any magical item, provided that whomever is making the item has the Craft Wondrous Item feat in addition whatever feats needed for the new item.

Attempting to salvage a cursed magical item can be done, but if the item is not identified as cursed before being salvaged, the artificer must make a Will save with a DC of 10 + the item's caster level or suffer a drawback (as per Corebook, pg. 538) and the cursed item is remains intact. If the cursed item is a specific cursed item, failing the initial Will save also means the artificer is wielding or wearing the cursed item, replacing whatever he might have been wielding or wearing at the time.

Magical items with Hit Dice can be salvaged using this class feature, but the item must be controlled by the artificer for the entire 8 hours, otherwise the item will automatically attack the artificer. Also, if the item is less than full hit points, the amount salvaged is less than it would normally be. If the item's hit points are less than full but more than its Hit Dice, the artificer can salvage 2/3 of the construction cost to make the magical item, rounded down. If the item has equal or less hit points than Hit Dice, but has at least 1 hit point, it can be salvaged for 1/2 of the construction cost to make the magical item. A magical item that is destroyed (either by conditions or 0 hit points) cannot be salvaged. Likewise, if destroying the item would be dangerous, like an Elemental Bound item, the artificer must deal with that situation at a randomly determined time during that process. Any combat that arises from a salvage attempt assumes that the artificer starts the first round of combat prone, but not surprised.

Artifacts (both major and minor), as well as magical items that do not have gold piece value, like living constructs, cannot be salvaged.

Metamagic Science:

At 7th level, an artificer gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell trigger item (such as a wand). He must have the appropriate item creation feat for the spell trigger item he is using. Using this ability expends additional charges from the item equal to the number of effective spell levels the metamagic feat would add to a spell.

Improved Metamagic Science:

At 13th level, an artificer gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell completion item (a scroll, for example). He must have the appropriate item creation feat for the spell completion item he is using. The DC for the Use Magic Device check is equal to 20 + (3 times the modified level of the spell).

Jack of All Trades:

At 15th level, the artificer has picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills. They may use any skill untrained aside from Knowledge skills.

Skill Mastery:

At 16th level, an artificer can take 10 when making Spellcraft or Use Magic Device checks, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. This ability circumvents the normal rule that a character may not take 10 on a Use Magic Device check.

Master Smith:

At 17th level an artificer is truely a master at his art. When he wants to craft an item, an artificer uses 1/10gp value of armor, shields and weapons to determine how much time it takes to craft mundane items, and he requires only half the normal amount of time to enchant magical arms and armor.

Exceptional Artisan:

When determining the time you need to craft any magical item, reduce the final base time by 25%, rounding up to the nearest whole hour. This discount does not stack with any other discount to construction time, but does work with improvement in GP per day rates. Thus, if you normally craft wondrous items at 1,300 gp per day and you are making an item that has a purchase price of 5,200 gp, this feat will allow you to craft the item in three days, instead of four days normally.

Extraordinary Artisan:

When determining the construction cost you need to craft any magical item, reduce the final base price by 25%, rounding up to the nearest whole gold piece. This reduction does not apply to any special component cost of the item. Use the original base price when determining the time needed to create the magical item. This discount does not stack with any other reduction in construction cost.

So let me know what you guys think!! I also grabbed some inspiration from the Soul Forger magus archetype!!

Hey all i was just perused through the rules for modifying monsters (new to the edition) and i just want to know if it's possible to add class levels to a monster to up it's power? or how easy it would be if it is possible?

Coidzor wrote:
Garion Beckett wrote:
Now what I am looking for is someone that can take over command of a bunch of undead if i go down
In what sense? As in literally cast Command Undead on mindless undead or use the Command Undead feat to get them in a control pool?

Both? I will eventually be able to control 5HD+Cha per caster lvl after lvl 8 so i need someone to be able to take over lol

For context.. my GM is my girlfriend. We are allowed to control our cohorts as we please. they are intended to be backups if our mains die, but they are still going to be cohorts none the less.
I was thinking dirge bard and antipally.. but wasnt sure which route i should go.. and as for the gravewalker what would you gestalt her with?

Hey Everyone...

Ok I am in a gestalt evil game and I am playing a dhampir necromancer. The whole point of the game is to try and take over the world. We are currently lvl 6 in the shackles and trying to lay low and work towards getting a ship of our own so we can go where ever we want. I am trying to plan long term and will be taking Vile/Undead Leadership at lvl 7. Now what I am looking for is someone that can take over command of a bunch of undead if i go down and maybe someone that can make stuff... i have a part 2 of the question coming up. the only thing i dont want is for my minion to be a better necro than me. i am a wizard/dread necro (i can provide link to show the class)
So i guess my requirements are:
-Not as adept as me in undead control
-Able to craft things (possibly golems)
-Try to keep it paizo only.. gm doesnt like 3rd party

hey guys. i have a question. for one of my players i want to build an unorthodox spellbook. they want it to be a bracer where they can store their spells magically. eventually my players will gain mythic and this item will be an artifact. So i want to build this item so i know how much character wealth to take away from the player.

I am thinking a bracer made of ??? and i want it to be able to store spells as a spellbook, and if used with say a bracer of armor the bonus will work.

Does that make sense?

Lelomenia wrote:

Normally effects that double (or triple, if there are any) add to your critical multiplier instead of multiplying your critical damage.

I.e., lance deals x2 damage on a charge, but on a crit you end up with x3 + x2 = x4. Foe biting appears to be written as an exception to this, ‘doubling the total damage of a crit’.

So i would say (with a x2 crit weapon)
Perfect Strike non-crit: x2 damage
Perfect strike crit: x3 damage
Foe biting non-crit: x2 damage
Foe biting crit: x2 doubled = x4
Perfect strike foe biting non-crit: x3 or x4 (general rules would be x3, but Foe Biting appears to be at least partially an exception)
Perfect Strike Foe Biting Crit: x3 x2 multiplied = x6.

Note that some damage isn’t multiplied on a crit but is multiplied by Foe Biting, so that damage will have a lower multiplier and be handled separately.

My I dm you my build and sword set up so you can see my whole damage output??

Hey guys it's me again!! OK this question is about Mythic Abilities and how they work and how they work with each other.

The ability in question is:

Perfect Strike (Ex):You can expend one use of mythic power as a standard action to deliver a perfect strike. A perfect strike attack is made using your full base attack bonus. If the attack hits, it deals double the normal amount of damage, and this damage bypasses all damage reduction and hardness. If the perfect strike is a critical hit, increase the critical multiplier for the attack by 1 (so a ×2 weapon deals ×3 damage). Damage that isn't multiplied on a critical hit isn't multiplied on a perfect strike. Perfect strike can be used in conjunction with any champion's strike if you expend uses of mythic power for each ability separately.
Now for the question. If I crit, is the damage doubled and crit? Or is it one or the other?
Now here is the follow up situation. Add in:

Foe-Biting: When this item deals damage, its user can use mythic power to double the total amount of damage it deals. If the attack is a normal attack, the bearer can expend one use of legendary power to double the total amount of damage. If the attack is a confirmed critical hit, the bearer must instead expend two uses of legendary power to double the total damage. Damage from weapon special abilities (such as flaming) and precision-based damage are also doubled.

Now... how would the math go for a regular hit and a crit?

Hi. I am going to be playing in a high lvl game and I have questions about stacking abilities and feats that would heighten a weapons critical multiplier. 1: do they stack?

If they do stack I can get a katana to have a range of 15-20 x5 at lvl 20 (with mythic)

Hey all. So I love gestalt games. I think they allow characters a whole level of customization that normally wouldn't be possible. However in my most recent rise in a game. I am finding the action economy for gestalt characters to be a little shallow...
So I am looking for an opinion. What would you the masses think about gestalting actions as well between the classes.
Now every character still gets the different types of actions: full round, standard, move, swift/immediate. But in the case of mixing to classes together at the same time, you could have 2 class features that use up a swift action that you want to take advantage of. For example you are a Inquisitor/Warpriest, and you want to activate your judgement and your sacred weapon ability. Normally that would take 2 rounds of swift actions which for some big fights you wouldn't have time to do in a major fight. So instead you could activate both abilities in the same swift action.

Would that be too powerful or would that just simplify everything?

Claxon wrote:

I just like to know it's coming. Otherwise it just feels extremely frustrating.

That sounds like spoilers lol. But if that is how you have fun then all the power to you!

As for the DMPC portion of it. There are only 2 players and most of the decisions will be in their hands. I am only building him for a few reasons: 1) For support so they don't die. 2) Use him to lead them towards things i would need to progress the game. 3) Play using rules that I thought would rot on my shelf...

Claxon wrote:

I just want to say, you should be up front with your players about this, and hope they can separate player knowledge from character knowledge because this is the kinda thing that could potentially get to rage quit a campaign.

Mostly because it will either come across as a GM gotcha, where you hid everything so well that there isn't a clue that the players could have had to avoid going so far down a path to their own doom or it's so super obvious that the player characters should know not to engage with the crazy person and then your entire plot line is derailed.

For me as a player, I basically have to know the plot is on rails for us to unwittingly be helping our ultimate enemy or else I'm probably going to nope out as soon as things seem culty and weird or I'm going to be upset when you spring the gotcha and I feel like I had at no point a chance to know and prevent it.

I know my players. We've been friends for years. One of my players wanted to build a concept of her own in of my last games, so I know she'll be down for a twist and as for the other player. I'm sure he'll be down for the idea.

Plus if you are going to betray a character in game I tend to have a backup plan that will make the situation not impossible.

Like i said this is going to be a DMPC so the others will do the majority of the fighting and if they really need help with damage he would through a spell their way to level the playing field but other than that he would be a guide and consultant lol
if i wanted full or medium BAB i'd go bloodrager or magus at the very least.
With arcane and divine ability to debuff and the odd time willing to absolutely wreck the opposition i think it could be fun...

Actually.. Vanilla Oracle. Curse: Aboleth Mystery: Heavens or Dark Tapestry. Then maybe Sorc with aberrant bloodline?

I like option A... my idea is building an HP Lovecraft kind of character hell bent on releasing his master from his prison. He would help the party defeat Cthulhu's agents on the world and find an artifact would "strengthen the seal" but at the last second betray the party by setting Cthulhu free and offering himself to his master to achieve power...

As for classes i dont know how many people are joining but i had an idea for gestalt and mythic. i was thinking oracle and something else..
Cthulhu's worshippers are philosophers and artists.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Well, they could be unknowingly leading the party to their doom... as a Sleeper Agent created by an Alchemist of at least 12th level, they aren't a bad guy until they have been activated.

The party just assumes they are crazy, since medical advancements have yet to catagorize or understand multiple personality disorders in this universe...

Then, you maximize Bluff so even if they think they catch you... you can lie your way out of it.

I have rules for multiple personalities... i was just trying to avoid that kind of aspect. I guess my main question is can an insane person have complete legitimate thought process and WANT to deceive people for an insane goal?

Hey all. I am thinking of setting up a game where the main bad guy is Great Cthulhu. The basis of the whole game is that the New gods and old gods battle in the heavens over the material plane. and on a worldly scale the gods pick champions to fight their agents on their home worlds.
Now this group is going to be relatively small due to the size of my friends pool, and possible interested players in my area and covid lockdown. So my idea is get Golorion's mightiest heroes together and get them to fight the forces or chaos and madness...
however i want to inject an evil DMPC into the mix that will function as possible light support and quest giver to lead the party in the right direction and towards their doom at the same time.
How would you play a character that devotes his life to the Sleeper, who is insane, and knowingly helps/sabotages a party at the same time?? How rational would his thought process be? How would he hide his intensions if probed by magic??

hey all! how many class lvls can a skeletal champion have to to be appropraite for a lvl 7 pc with leadership??

David knott 242 wrote:

If you are creating a "Big Bad", you are the GM and can freely have a Nightwing ally with any spellcaster of an appropriate power level.

But if you are building a Nightwing-like Eidolon, definitely use the APG version rather than the one in Pathfinder Unchained. Take the most obviously useful evolutions from the Undead eidolon model in Ultimate Magic (which is duplicated on the Eidolon page of

You need it to be size Huge and have the Fly evolution, along with the Ability Increase evolution as often as necessary to increase any ability scores that are obviously too low. Resistance, Spell Resistance, and Damage Reduction evolutions to duplicate the defenses of a Nightwing (especially for attack forms that your PCs are likely to use) are also good ideas.

Then look at Minor Magic and related evolutions that grant suitable SLAs -- of course, you won't get many of the ones you really want that way. However, you could max out the Eidolon's Use Magic Device bonus (including giving it the Skilled evolution for that skill) and give it a wand with whatever spells you really want it to be able to cast. Alternatively, select spells for the Summoner that match things that a Nightwing can do, leaving the Eidolon free to tear apart foes physically.

If you want your Nightwing to perform negative channeling, you can give it VMC Cleric in place of some of its feats. There is some debate whether this is rules legal, but since you are the GM yourself, you should have no problem doing this unless you have denied one of your players permission to do something like that.

Variant Multiclass rules right?? That is a great idea!!

Hey guys!! first thing... i dont play summoners. I have an idea for a real cool Big Bad and i wanted advice on how to set up his companion. ing/

I was planning on modeling his edolion after the nightwing nightshade for reasons. now how would you build it keeping to most of the orginal abilities as possible.

Note: Use everything you can to build it and dont worry about evolution points. if you need more than the base amount from the class, let me know how many times you had to add evolution points.

thank you for the help i will credit you in my campaign.

Ryze Kuja wrote:

Download the Combat Manager app to your laptop/computer. It lets you choose any monster/NPC you want, adjust their stats/CR, add whatever templates you want, all with a couple clicks of a button. Like, in less than 30 seconds, you can take a normal, unmodified CR8 Human Fighter, add templates like Vampire, half-dragon, half-celestial, and half-fiend templates, then boost their HD and make this guy into a CR21. It auto-populates all their stats, SLA's, spells (if any), and abilities, so then copy paste it to an Excel or Word Document, and presto, instant BBEG. It's literally 30 seconds.

I ran a 2-year Evil Gestalt campaign a couple years ago, and Combat Manager was a godsend. You can't really throw normal CR monsters at a party full of Gestalts, but you also can't have them fight something that's 7 CR's above their APL either. So what I did was take monsters/NPC's that were appropriate CR and boost their CR via HD using Combat Manager. So while my party was lvl 8, I would choose lvl 8-9 NPC's and boost them to CR11-12, rather than throwing actual CR12 monsters at them.

It worked great and saved me countless hours of prep work.

Tell me more!! is it free, can i print my monsters, is compatible for tablets so i can build on the go?

Perfect!! thanks!!!

not tedium.. just showing how powerful this necromancer big bad is..
i still want to know how strong this potentially make a single undead monster, because even if i were to use just stronger undead, there will be a time where i will run out of undead in the beastiary and need to amp up the power anyway...

Still trying to keep away to see how DIFFICULT a monster would be.. i know from experience that gestalt adds about 1.5 to the average party level.

I do want fast lvling :) we are going to use the fast xp gaining and eventually they will have mythic as well. but eventually they will be powerful enough to get swarmed by these. so right now though you would say that this would be a +4CR to a single skelly?

Hey Hivemind!! I am about to run a OP gestalt game and it will be heavy undead, monster, and demon/devil enemies. I am trying to create a template that I can add to most undead to make them more difficult.

+12 Strength and Dexterity, +6 hit points per HD
+4 Channel Resistance
+1d6 cold damage
+2 Natural Armor
+10ft Enhancement to all speeds
Explodes for 1d6 negative energy per 2 HD

I just want to know what kind of increase to CR this would do to any undead.

avr wrote:

If their spell list includes a lot of those touch-range spells like bestow curse (or if they're expected to use charnel touch offensively) then they probably want d8 HD & 3/4 BAB. If they're to be purely a back rank master of undead then more skill points and wizard-HD are fine.

It looks like that spell list is heavy on wizard spells including some conjuration. What sort of criteria were you looking at using?

Perfect that justifies my vision so far of what i want and that is perfect!

As for the spell list as i stated before i was thinking evil oracle mastermind. Undead enhancing and buffing, maybe debuffing the enemy with diplomacy and bluffing into joining his ranks.

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Hey James! Ok i have an interesting question. When a powerful demon is defeated on the material plane, it is banished and cant come back for 100 years. Now does that mean they are locked in the abyss for that 100 years or can they travel to other planes besides the material?

As well what would happen if a demon were to be somehow convinced to throw it's very nature aside and change it's alignment to be something else?

Edit: My vision for this character is an evil mastermind and master of undeath. He would be able to control the undead and as well as convince others to walk towards the path that leads to undeath.

Hey guys! Long time no see!
Ok I am in an evil campaign and my GM in her good graces let me use a fan made conversion of the Dread Necromancer from 3.5 Heroes of Horror.

First off... What are your thoughts on this class?? There are thoughts after the original post about giving it a better BAB because of the HD and I want to know if you think maybe giving it the d6 HD and giving the class more skills points instead. The post hasn't been looked at since 2013 and want a new look at it. I'm just looking at the class itself and not the new spells proposed.

Second.. I have a vision about giving this class a primarily Divine spells dirived from the Cleric/Oracle spell list. The reason I am thinking this is because in 1E the Dread would almost be called an Oracle archetype. Especially with the ability to Channel Energy later on. I don't want to turn it into an archetype but.. what I want help with is the spell list. I want to see what it would look like with an all divine spell list (except for the fast learning :P)

Thanks for reading and let me know!

Ok i am a GM and running skulls and shackles and i gotta know... do the NPCS in the Adventure Path lvl on their own or do i have to keep track of their XP?

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