PF1 So... any plans to complete the Additional Resources?

Pathfinder Society

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Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

The last PF1 update was in April. So that's at least 4 volumes of an AP that are unsanctioned as well as Chronicle of Legends.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

I admire yer optimism

3/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Dayton

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This topic has been covered in depth on various other threads.
In short: yes they plan to finish AR for everything in PF1 in the time honored tradition of "Soon"

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Allen Snyder wrote:

This topic has been covered in depth on various other threads.

In short: yes they plan to finish AR for everything in PF1 in the time honored tradition of "Soon"

And it never hurts to poke the bear.

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Matthew Morris wrote:
And it never hurts to poke the bear.

Do you split your party, too?

Grand Lodge 3/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Ireland—Newtownabbey

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Matthew Morris wrote:
Allen Snyder wrote:

This topic has been covered in depth on various other threads.

In short: yes they plan to finish AR for everything in PF1 in the time honored tradition of "Soon"
And it never hurts to poke the bear.

I think you may have been lied to on the whole harm arising from poking a bear front.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

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CrystalSeas wrote:

Do you split your party, too?

Page One of the Xathos of Varisia Guide to Ensuring Fun for the GM While Tormenting Players GMing says in big, bold letters:


In fact, it is Page One.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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CrystalSeas wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
And it never hurts to poke the bear.
Do you split your party, too?

When I'm GMing? I encourage it. *WEG*

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Matthew Morris wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
And it never hurts to poke the bear.
Do you split your party, too?
When I'm GMing? I encourage it. *WEG*

Bumping this for a status update.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Yes, it's another bump.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I am just guessing, but I think the updating of the PFS1e AR is likely tied to the same challenges of updating web content.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It’s still ‘SOON’tm

It’s the holidays, earliest we’d see it would be the 2nd and most likely midmonthish because post holiday issues will pop up..

I just hope the post holiday fallout is small and non stressful

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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And yet another bump...


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As a reminder: this kind of thing is why some of us aren't playing PFS2, and why we stopped buying PF1's books.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Thomas Graham wrote:
It’s still ‘SOON’tm

Hey! That's my line ;)

1/5 *

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Thurston Hillman wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
It’s still ‘SOON’tm
Hey! That's my line ;)

need I point out that responses like this aren’t going to increase the goodwill of the comunity?

Silver Crusade

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medtec28 wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
It’s still ‘SOON’tm
Hey! That's my line ;)
need I point out that responses like this aren’t going to increase the goodwill of the comunity?

Speak for yourself.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Given how some reactions will be or can be expected, if it's the reason I guess, I won't blame them for electing to radio silence instead. No voice is sometimes better than a "bad" voice as public expectation vs staff expectation don't always positively check each other.

Silver Crusade

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And I rather they still be able to be people and interact with us instead of absolute silence just because certain things aren’t done.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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medtec28 wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
It’s still ‘SOON’tm
Hey! That's my line ;)
need I point out that responses like this aren’t going to increase the goodwill of the comunity?

And deadfaced seriousness will?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

9 people marked this as a favorite.

And apologies if I offended. My intent was to try to bring some levity in here, especially since SOON(TM) is something that I've been learned to use in abundance in Starfinder-land. My means of community interaction tends to rely more on levity and a bit of self-deprecation in order to keep communication lines open.

As far as communication goes, rest assured that the Pathfinder team is working to resolve these issues as quickly as they can. In fact, if they appear quiet, it's because they're working on a ton of stuff that will hopefully be out to all of you... well... SOON(TM)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Thurston Hillman wrote:

And apologies if I offended. My intent was to try to bring some levity in here, especially since SOON(TM) is something that I've been learned to use in abundance in Starfinder-land. My means of community interaction tends to rely more on levity and a bit of self-deprecation in order to keep communication lines open.

As far as communication goes, rest assured that the Pathfinder team is working to resolve these issues as quickly as they can. In fact, if they appear quiet, it's because they're working on a ton of stuff that will hopefully be out to all of you... well... SOON(TM)

I imagine having three times to volume of ..say season 5 or 6, with the same amount of folks (give or take) makes for a heavy work load. Add in that at any time 1 or 2 members of the Organized crew out at a con makes you guys very very busy. You got 3 lines of scenarios (PF 2, SF and the Card Game).

Thursty you guys are WAY busy.

1/5 *

TOZ wrote:
medtec28 wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
It’s still ‘SOON’tm
Hey! That's my line ;)
need I point out that responses like this aren’t going to increase the goodwill of the comunity?
And deadfaced seriousness will?

Dead faced serious responses with actual information, absolutely they would.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

So how did Thursty do? Did your goodwill increase?

1/5 *

TOZ wrote:
So how did Thursty do? Did your goodwill increase?

I appreciate Thursty’s response, but “They can’t answer because they are working very hard.” Is not what I would call actual information.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Then you understand why he led with humor.

1/5 *

TOZ wrote:
Then you understand why he led with humor.

Nope, he nailed it, I found the fact that he was joking about the fact that there has been zero movement on the project was offensive.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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So there is no way to make you happy for now.

1/5 *

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
So there is no way to make you happy for now.

Not true, I’d just like them to keep to their timelines, or give a candid explanation as to why th8ngs are delayed. Sanction was “a few weeks away” in September. Then over the past few months it’s been “SOON”, then beginning of the month it was “by the end of the month”, and nothing since then. How about a simple, “This is the roadblock, and we expect it to last until X, if not, this is our next best work-around.”

Silver Crusade

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Because if they do you or someone else will still complain and constantly demand something, which is what led to the “just chiming in to say we’re still working on this but no updates” that was so demanded and didn’t actually change anything.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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medtec28 wrote:
How about a simple, “This is the roadblock, and we expect it to last until X, if not, this is our next best work-around.”

As mentioned, this is just more ammunition for complaints. “You said it would be done on X, why aren’t you using the promised workaround?”

1/5 *

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
medtec28 wrote:
How about a simple, “This is the roadblock, and we expect it to last until X, if not, this is our next best work-around.”
As mentioned, this is just more ammunition for complaints. “You said it would be done on X, why aren’t you using the promised workaround?”

Seems legit to me, instead of being all in on a technology that seems to be failing them.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I’m afraid I don’t follow.

1/5 *

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I’m afraid I don’t follow.

Constantly waiting on the website or tech team to post what has allegedly been done for months. Seems, we should have a work-around by now.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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What he means is that this cobbled-together-spaghetti-code-website is becoming too much of a liability. Paizo is bleeding revenue because of it. Even if today it's fixed, tomorrow it's going to need a 27th layer of duct tape.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Here's a quick test:

"Like" this post if you've ever had a purchasing decision that was negatively influenced by the delays in website maintenance or sanctioning.

Silver Crusade

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Oh oh tests yay, here's another.

Who avoids playing PFS because of the PFS community?

1/5 *

Rysky wrote:

Oh oh tests yay, here's another.

Who avoids playing PFS because of the PFS community?

Trying to understand why you are here and commenting if this is truly your opinion?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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I have to admit, I generally love everything Rysky types, but that one confuses me.

I love the Community. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. Obviously there are individuals who I feel different about. But I can say the same of work, family and even friends.

Silver Crusade

A counterpart to the test you posted.

I've never steered away from PFS due to what they allowed/banned or how long it took to get sanctioned material*, but any time a want started to warm in me to try it out I'd come across the PFS boards and that want would immediately get burnt out. Not having options doesn't make me not want to play PFS, the people I'd possibly be playing with did.

How many other people do you think are like that, that end up not participating after seeing what it's like here? I'm odd in that I stay I realize.

*during P1 waiting and looking over what was allowed and how as they sanctioned it was something I looked forward to for various reasons.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Part of the problem is also how some non-PFS players are snobs about Organized Play, I can see it in other parts of the forums (I do have a specific name in mind which I won't name here for reasons) and they make no efforts to hide it, which in part is the reason some PFS players are way more heavy-handed than it should be. So that works both ways.

Anyway in every environment, there's circumstances and players/GMs I'll like, and others I don't. I'll treat every case individually, and won't judge the system as a whole.

I speak just for myself, and others will react their own way but knowing that nothing is perfect, I make the most out of what the system allows, and modifying when the new material is finally vetted. Losing time to mumbling on what I couldn't do because of delays would do a disservice to my enjoyment of the game, and I have something else to do.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 *** Premier Event Coordinator

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If you are using the presence of a few very passionate people in the message-boards as the deciding factor of getting involved in OP, you might want to reconsider. The VAST majority of actual play does not follow the the themes present online. Most people are plenty cooperative at the table, and you'll find that even the most obnoxious posters are much less so in person. I cannot speak to online play since I don't frequent that venue, but live-play is generally not accurately represented by the message-boards. That's not to say you might not experience a turd or two from time to time, but that is the price we pay for having an open and inclusive community. The hope is that over time those people will either correct their behavior or be drummed out because no one wants to play with them. Overall the PFS/SFS community is by far the best organized play group I've ever been associated with. No one is going to like every rule or decision, but what it boils down to is just playing a game with like-minded people and for that, I posit OPF is second to none.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

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For whatever its worth my recollection is that the posters I find most obnoxious tend not to be anyone I recognize from Org play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Davor Firetusk wrote:
For whatever its worth my recollection is that the posters I find most obnoxious tend not to be anyone I recognize from Org play.

If anything, the worst obnoxiousness I found is during home games or PbP where players too often stick to their mindset and refuse to adapt/compromise/else. One has to do so in PFS to some degree, and that's great in my eyes. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, and not everybody wants to do so. It's fine, but.


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Rysky wrote:

A counterpart to the test you posted.

I've never steered away from PFS due to what they allowed/banned or how long it took to get sanctioned material*, but any time a want started to warm in me to try it out I'd come across the PFS boards and that want would immediately get burnt out. Not having options doesn't make me not want to play PFS, the people I'd possibly be playing with did.

How many other people do you think are like that, that end up not participating after seeing what it's like here? I'm odd in that I stay I realize.

*during P1 waiting and looking over what was allowed and how as they sanctioned it was something I looked forward to for various reasons.


I don't want to get things too far off-topic but I did want to say that I'm sorry that visiting this section of the forums has put/is putting you off of giving PFS/SFS a try. For what it's worth, I agree with the three previous posts - the majority of PFS players that I've encountered, both live and online, either don't visit this section of the forums at all or they do so sparingly and usually don't post often. While I believe that the vocal minority who do post here often mean well and genuinely want the best for Organized Play, they are not representative of the PFS player base as a whole.

I've seen you about enough to know that you do non-Society PbP. If you'd ever like to give Society PbP or PbDiscord a try, we'd love to have you :)


Grand Lodge 4/5

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Some of the recent posts in other topics make me think that while I don't agree with Rysky's point of view about PFS, I can easily understand where it comes from ... can't say I blame at all.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

No PF1 Additional Resources/Campaign Clarification updates yet

The Exchange 4/5

Nefreet wrote:
What he means is that this cobbled-together-spaghetti-code-website is becoming too much of a liability. Paizo is bleeding revenue because of it. Even if today it's fixed, tomorrow it's going to need a 27th layer of duct tape.

that's why i had hoped they had started a whole new board for pf2. i would be ok with have 2 logins.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Any luck on the replay voucher thing working?

If they can't use a tech solution by now, time to go with a non tech solution.

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