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I'm interested! I have a Swashbuckler ready to go.
2. Family is average run off the mill commoners
3. Trained by himself with weapons and dance to become a performer
4. Started adventuring partially for glory, but also to make a difference where he can
5. Hates buracracy and the upper class elite that don't care for the poor

The Emerald Duke |

OK, so working on the crunch, but the character I want to submit is Vandar Kalpetal, a nomadic halfling fighter (tactician archetype).
1) I'd like 5 points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
1. He was born and raised as part of a traveling caravan of merchants. The caravan comprised of a several halflings (including his parents and two siblings), a pair of half-orc barbarian bodyguards, a half-elf hedge wizard, an eccentric gnome inventor obsessed with firearms, an exiled dwarf smith, and a human family that functioned as the group's leadership. Their route typically went as far south as Qadira and as far north as the River Kingdoms (though typically only as far north as Druma).
2. Due to his family moving so much, he was never able to receive proper militia training as such. To compensate for this he would study the guards of whatever town or city the caravan was stopped at as they trained. He also would spend his money on books of strategy, history, and tactics to read during their travels from place to place. As such, he has a wider grasp of knowledge than your average fighter, but is untrained in some key skills that many would have at this point in their careers.3. His family was deeply involved in the Bellflower Network, assisting "harvests" liberated by harvesters in Qadira and parts of Taldor ease their way to Andoran. He did not learn of this until he was almost an adult. The other caravan members were aware of this though, and had done their best to help his parents keep it from him. His older sister knew before he did, and his younger sister still does not know (though his parents have promised that they will tell her when she is "old enough to understand").
4. He is a quiet worshiper of Milani, goddess of devotion, hope, and uprisings against oppression. He follows mostly due to the principles he has learned (from his parents, the other caravan members, and even the books of philosophy and history he has read over the years) and not due to any particular desire to seek out tyrannical rule to oppose it. That said, he would do so without hesitation should he find himself in a place to do so. His basic philosophy is that if Milani wishes it of him, she will guide him to the fight he can do the most good at.
5. Born from his love of learning, he has a deep love of languages and maps. He is always on the look out for a new language to learn, and will not rest in pressing the source until they agree to aid him in learning it. Additionally, he has been responsible for keeping the maps of where the caravan has been (and when it was last there) since he was 12, and had been making cruder records of these details at an even younger age.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
1. I would love to see him learn enough knowledge to be able to write his own treatise on combat tactics, history, language, culture, or some combination of the above. At the start of the adventure he has a lot of book learning and observations, but little practical knowledge. (While everyone in the caravan would help defend against the occasional wild animal or bandit, the bulk of the defense was provided by the bodyguards and the wizard.)
2. I would like for him to be able to solidify his allegiance to either the church of Milani or the Bellflower Network. Perhaps both, as they aren't mutually exclusive.3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC.
1. He keeps his family's affiliation with the Bellflower Network, and his devotion to Milani, a secret from most people. He is not ashamed of either, but he recognizes the risks of making that knowledge public.
2. Something that he does not know is that his parents were originally slaves themselves before being freed by the Bellflowers. When freed they had to leave behind their original two children due to separation of lodgings. They presume that they were killed in retribution for the escape, but they do not know for certain... thus they have never told any of their current three children the fact they have/had two older brothers.4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. Only one should be a rival.
1. Alisa Elisagibs: The Matriarchal human leader of the caravan his family is part of. Almost as short as a dwarf herself, with steel grey hair and a no-nonsense attitude, this tough old woman has carefully guided them all for most of her adult life. She values learning, courage, honor, family, and a good deal.
2. Je'sso "The Mad": This flamboyant gnome is constantly tinkering on something, usually his gun. He taught Vandar the finer points of engineering whenever he wasn't nose-deep in a book on tactics. Though most certainly eccentric (what gnome isn't) he is an affable character that would give you the shirt off of his back if it would fit you.3. Sarah Kalpetal: His younger sister, and the apple of his parent's eye, Sarah is the only one in the family with any magical talent. Five years younger than Vandar, she has an infectious smile and a laugh that spreads like wildfire. She is currently learning what she can from Dominick, the hedge wizard in the caravan.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
1. Learning that his parents have been involved in the Bellflower Network put much into perspective for him. It also solidified his quiet faith in Milani.
2. Once when he was younger the caravan happened to be in a position to provide aid to one of the Qadiran Horselords. While traveling with him, Vandar learned everything he could from the man, listening to stories for many moons. The one lesson he remembers most from those stories was that numbers do not mean everything, especially when facing a better force fighting for their homes.3. He remembers the only time his caravan visited Absalom. This was when he was about 13 or so, and he remembers getting lost in the libraries there, spending hours pouring over old tomes. One in particular on the frozen land of Irrisen he can still recall to this day, as the fantastical (and horrifying) descriptions of life there gave him nightmares for months. (It did not help that the book had magical illustrations that moved.)
6) What a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.
On a practical, daily level, he is paranoid about not knowing where he is or how to get back. Hence all of the maps and studying of them. On a more irrational fear (though only due to the region he is in and the improbability of actually encountering one) he is afraid of the Winter Witches. He secretly has terrors that they will mistake him for a child and abduct him in the night.
7) Why are you in Heldren? Are you from here or passing by? What brought you here and/or has kept you here?
He would be in Heldren with his families caravan, passing through to provide and take supplies. Given they pass through Taldor on a regular basis, it is entirely possible that they are there to deliver goods folks ordered, or to pick up commissioned items requested the last time they were in town. Typically they stay in a town for about a week or two to rest, do business, and resupply before setting out again.

The Emerald Duke |

Still working on gear and appearance, but figured I would submit the bulk of my crunch for Vandar to back up the five minute background. Most of it should be explanatory, but don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Obviously I will create an alias for him if selected.
STR: 10 (baseline 12, -2 from racial)
DEX: 15 (baseline 13, +2 from racial)
CON: 12
INT: 14
WIS: 14
CHA: 15 (baseline 13, +2 from racial)
Skills: (Background skills Italicized)
- Craft: Maps (Bonus = 6)
- Diplomacy (Bonus = 6)
- Knowledge: Engineering (Bonus = 6)
- Knowledge: Geography (Bonus = 9)
- Knowledge: History (Bonus = 6)
- Knowledge: Local (Bonus = 7)
- Linguistics (Bonus = 9)
- Sense Motive (Bonus = 6)
- Survival (Bonus = 9)
Weapon Finese - Use DEX modifier instead of STR modifier on attack rolls with light melee weapons (and others as noted in their description, such as the rapier and the sword cane).
Restless Wayfarer (Campaign) - +1 to Knowledge: Geography and Knowledge: Local checks. One of these is a class skill for you (Knowledge: Local). Additionally pick one bonus language (Kelish) to add to known languages, does not count toward total known.
Weathered Emissary - +1 to Linguistics and Survival checks, Linguistics is always a class skill for you.
Racial: (Halfling modified to fit the Nomadic Subtype.)
+2 DEX & CHA; -2 STR.
Small: +1 size bonus to AC & attack rolls, -1 size penalty to CMB & CMD, +4 size bonus to Stealth checks.
Fleet of Foot: Replaces Slow Speed and Sure Footed. Normal base speed is 30 Ft.
Polyglot: Replaces Keen Senses and alters Halfling Language (see below). +2 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, always a class skill. Begin play being able to speak Common, Halfling, and one other language of choice (Varisian) in addition to normal bonus languages from pool outlined below.
Wanderlust: Replaces Halfling Luck and Fearless. +2 racial bonus on Knowledge: Geography and Survival checks. When casting spells or abilities that provide or enhance movement, treat caster level as one higher than normal.
Weapons Familiarity: Proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in the name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Begin with Halfling and Common and Varisian (see Polyglot above for alteration). Bonus languages due to intelligence may be selected from Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin. (Dwarven and Gnome selected.)
Class Abilities: (Fighter with Tactician Archetype.)
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and all shields except tower shields. (Modified by archetype to exclude heavy armor and tower shields.)
Bonus Feats: A fighter may draw upon combat feats, skill focus, or any teamwork feat at every even level. The first level bonus feat is replaced by Strategic Training (see below).
Strategic Training: Gains 4 skill points + INT modifier per level instead of the normal fighter 2 + INT. Additionally, Diplomacy, Knowledge: Geography, Knowledge: Nobility, Linguistics, and Sense Motive are all added to the class skills pool. This replaces the Bonus Feat normally gained at 1st level.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Varisian, Kelish, Gnome, Dwarven, Elvish.

The Emerald Duke |

Just checking back in. Do we know when applications are closed?
Unknown, have not heard from the GM on this thread in a bit, though ghosting his account shows he has been active in his other games... probably just busy with life and whatnot. (Gods know I have been.)
@GM Relic: I sent you a PM a day or so back with a question I had about gear. I only mention it here because I have noticed that since the layout change it isn't always apparent when you get pms anymore.

The Emerald Duke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Think I have compiled an accurate list of all applicants (including a few that have withdrawn, though I have marked both that they have and linked to where they have). If I missed you and you are still following this recruitment thread let me know. Should be in the order of actual application (hence me currently being on bottom as the last applicant so far).
Fjeor (Withdrawn here.)
Bob the Ranger
Lagedottir the Unmovable
Herok Crane (Withdrawn here.)
Vivarri Eldrasi
Najusk Thilm
Urrock Stonebreaker
Zufani (background)
Steffan Calathes
Egil Forkbeard
Sweeny Evermoon
Vandar Kalpetal (background) (crunch)

The Emerald Duke |

Hm... it has been over 2 weeks since we last heard from the GM here... and neither of the PMs I sent to him got a response (again, not sure if that is more due to him just not noticing them after the changes they did to the layout here or if it is him ignoring me... I would hope it was the former). He has been active in his running games (keeping roughly to the expectations he outlined in his initial recruitment post) so it isn't like he was abducted by aliens... probably.
I hate to ask this, but if anyone following this thread is actually in one of his other games, could you give him a spoiler reminder about this thread? (Probably best to put it in the discussion page.) I would do so myself but given I am not in his other games I would probably come off as being rude to their players.

GM RelicBlackOUT |

Hello. I am extremely sorry for my absence. There is no excuse for, I should have said something sooner.
Last week I received word that my father needed to go in to get his heart checked out and it turned out that he had 99% blockage in one artery and 80% in another.
I should have checked in before dropping off the face of the earth, but to be honest the games and such on here hit back burner for the most part.
I do plan on continuing this AP, would it be possible to give me until next Monday the 8th to select a team? I will go through and mark those who are still interested and not have those who withdrawn their application.
Once again I am extremely sorry for this lacking on my part. There is no excuse for dropping off the face of the earth.

GM RelicBlackOUT |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Think I have compiled an accurate list of all applicants (including a few that have withdrawn, though I have marked both that they have and linked to where they have). If I missed you and you are still following this recruitment thread let me know. Should be in the order of actual application (hence me currently being on bottom as the last applicant so far).
Fjeor(Withdrawn here.)
Bob the Ranger
Lagedottir the Unmovable
Herok Crane(Withdrawn here.)
Vivarri Eldrasi
Najusk Thilm
Urrock Stonebreaker
Zufani (background)
Steffan Calathes
Egil Forkbeard
Sweeny Evermoon
Vandar Kalpetal (background)...
Duke I will use this as a building list. Thank you for this work that you have done here.

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Sorry you're going through that. I hope things ease up for you.
If you're still accepting applicants, I'd like to submit Egil Forkbeard, Skald 1
I was accepted into a game a couple months ago, the GM and players basically posted introductions, and then the GM never came back. I'd love another shot at this.

GM RelicBlackOUT |

Hey guys I hate to do this but more complications with my father have come up and I don’t think I will be able to run this game for the time being. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I cannot take on the extra responsibilities of this game currently with my fathers health issues. I hope you all understand. I do wish that once things settle down that I will be able to fully run this AP. Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

MorphiusLink |

Hi Relic. I hope everything starts to get better with your dad.
Dotting for interest if/when this plans to recommence.
I have only done PbP twice before (PFS games), but really enjoyed it as my family committments prevent me from attending F2F games very often and I love the idea of a whole AP.
I will update with Character submission soon.

MorphiusLink |

Ok , I have a Gnome Elemental Sorcerer, Falzord that I'd like to submit.
Falzord grew up in the circus with his best friend and sister, Nash, where his parents would use their icy magics to perform great illusions and displays of beauty. As he got older he discovered he and his sister were inherently able to deal with the elements of water and ice much more than illusory magics. His parents explained that their family line stems from the frozen north and that over generations, their magic became tied to the cold.
Recently, as the circus passed through southern Taldor, it was attacked by bandits. Falzord attempted to fight off the bandits but was knocked off his wagon unconscious during the struggle as the caravan tried to escape. He woke up a day later, in the cage of a Qadiran slave caravan with several halflings and a human named Adam, who was tending his wounds. Thankfully, no one else from his circus, especially his sister, was in sight. Falzord hoped that they had escaped, but there was no way to tell. After several days of travel, with help from his fellow captives and his innate magical ability, they escaped from the slavers. Falzord has now arrived in Heldren, the first town he came across, where he has said goodbye to his fellow escapees as they head in their own directions. Having no idea where his family could be heading or even if they are still alive. He is now at the Heldren Inn, unsure how to make his way in this world or go about finding them.
5 points
1. Grew up in a travelling circus
2. excelled at ice magic and found out from his parents that his family line stems from northern Gnome tribes generations ago.
3. Strongly opposed to slavery since almost being sold himself after his traveling circus was attacked.
4. Loosely follows the teachings of Cayden Cailean, doing whatever you want (providing it does not cause harm to others), fighting for just causes, and enjoying the drink.
5. Having no idea where his family could be heading nor even if they are still alive, he is now unsure how to make his way in this world.
2 Goals
1. Find out the fate of his family, in particular his sister Nash.
2. Find a new place in the world outside of the circus
3 connections
1. His younger sister and best friend, Nash.
2. Adam, the friend who tended his wounds whist being transported to a slave market.
3. The owner of the Qadiran slave caravan (Wil come up with further detail about this if needed)
2 secrets
1. Blames himself for not being able to protect his sister better.
2. Unknown to him (kept secret by his parents) – His parents are direct decedents of winter witches. They joined the circus together to escape Irrisen and had a family together.
3 memories
1. Falzord and his sister using their magic to play pranks on the other members of the circus, such as freezing food as it was being eaten.
2. Gnomish children in a small town laughing at them and calling them Bleachlings – feeling ashamed of his white hair. Thinking he was a freak.
3. The image of falling from the Circus wagon with bandits chasing after before being knocked out when his hit the ground.
1. Fears that his sister has been sold into slavery as part of a different caravan and that he will never see her again.
1. Falzord arrived in Heldren only a day ago, the first town he came across, where he has said goodbye to his fellow escapees as they head in their own directions. Having no idea where his family could be heading or even if they are still alive. He is now at the Heldren Inn, unsure how to make his way in this world or go about finding them.