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Falzord Whitehair's page

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Full Name

Falzord Whitehair


N Gnome Elemental Sorcerer (Water/Ice)/1; HP 8/8| AC:14 t:14; ff:11; | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2;


| CMB -2; CMD 11 (8ff) | Spd 20 ft. | Init +2 | Perc +3 | Acro +3| Stealth +6 | SensM +0 | Conditions: none










Cayden Cailean

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Falzord Whitehair

Falzord Whitehair
Male Traveler Gnome Elemental Sorcerer 1
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 bonus vs. [language-dependant], glyph, symbol or writing-related spells
Defensive Abilities defensive training
Speed 20 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +0 (1d4-1)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d6/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1/day—arcane mark, comprehend languages, message, read magic
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 6/day—elemental ray (1d6 cold)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (4/day)—color spray (DC 14), mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, light, mage hand
. . Bloodline Elemental (water)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats Dodge, Eschew Materials
Traits affable, restless wayfarer
Skills Acrobatics +3, Bluff +7, Climb +1, Diplomacy +3 (+5 to gather information.), Knowledge (arcana) +9, Linguistics +4, Perception +3, Profession (Circus Performer) +4, Spellcraft +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan
SQ bloodline arcana (change energy damage spells to match bloodline energy), magical linguist[APG]
Combat Gear alchemist's fire (2); Other Gear crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, quarterstaff, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk, grappling bolt[UE], mess kit[UE], mirror, powder[APG], silk rope (50 ft.), soap, spell component pouch, string or twine[APG], waterskin, 14 gp, 3 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Bloodline Arcana: Elemental (Ex) You may change any energy spell to use Cold energy.
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Elemental Ray (1d6 cold, 6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals damage to foe.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Magical Linguist +1 effective level for [language-dependent], glyph, symbol, or writing-related spells. +2 save vs. these spells.


Falzord grew up in the circus with his best friend and sister, Nash, where his parents would use their icy magics to perform great illusions and displays of beauty. As he got older he discovered he and his sister were inherently able to deal with the elements of water and ice much more than illusory magics. His parents explained that their family line stems from the frozen north and that over generations, their magic became tied to the cold.

Recently, as the circus passed through southern Taldor, it was attacked by bandits. Falzord attempted to fight off the bandits but was knocked off his wagon unconscious during the struggle as the caravan tried to escape. He woke up a day later, in the cage of a Qadiran slave caravan with several halflings and a human named Adam, who was tending his wounds. Thankfully, no one else from his circus, especially his sister, was in sight. Falzord hoped that they had escaped, but there was no way to tell. After several days of travel, with help from his fellow captives and his innate magical ability, they escaped from the slavers. Falzord has now arrived in Heldren, the first town he came across, where he has said goodbye to his fellow escapees as they head in their own directions. Having no idea where his family could be heading or even if they are still alive. He is now at the Heldren Inn, unsure how to make his way in this world or go about finding them.

5 Min background:

5 points
1. Grew up in a travelling circus
2. excelled at ice magic and found out from his parents that his family line stems from northern Gnome tribes generations ago.
3. Strongly opposed to slavery since almost being sold himself after his traveling circus was attacked.
4. Loosely follows the teachings of Cayden Cailean, doing whatever you want (providing it does not cause harm to others), fighting for just causes, and enjoying the drink.
5. Having no idea where his family could be heading nor even if they are still alive, he is now unsure how to make his way in this world.

2 Goals
1. Find out the fate of his family, in particular his sister Nash.
2. Find a new place in the world outside of the circus

3 connections
1. His younger sister and best friend, Nash.
2. Adam, the friend who tended his wounds whist being transported to a slave market.
3. The owner of the Qadiran slave caravan (Wil come up with further detail about this if needed)

2 secrets
1. Blames himself for not being able to protect his sister better.
2. Unknown to him (kept secret by his parents) – His parents are direct decedents of winter witches. They joined the circus together to escape Irrisen and had a family together.

3 memories
1. Falzord and his sister using their magic to play pranks on the other members of the circus, such as freezing food as it was being eaten.
2. Gnomish children in a small town laughing at them and calling them Bleachlings – feeling ashamed of his white hair. Thinking he was a freak.
3. The image of falling from the Circus wagon with bandits chasing after before being knocked out when his hit the ground.

1. Fears that his sister has been sold into slavery as part of a different caravan and that he will never see her again.

1. Falzord arrived in Heldren only a day ago, the first town he came across, where he has said goodbye to his fellow escapees as they head in their own directions. Having no idea where his family could be heading or even if they are still alive. He is now at the Heldren Inn, unsure how to make his way in this world or go about finding them.

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