How to create a character that doesn't kill or destroy?


Hi guys! I am looking for a mechanical build of a character that is based around the idea of:

Being the best at capturing enemies, not harming/destroying them.

And I mean: capturing -everything-. Also having a way to hold/contain them.

Plus, if possible, I'd like to have ways to support and buff our party, while being able to nullify/dispell threats.

I already have a roleplaying idea around this character, I just need the mechanics to fit it.

Any idea how to pull that off? I'd love to run a character up to lvl 12 (society) without having to have to kill or destroy anything in it's career.

Grand Lodge

Valiant wrote:

Hi guys! I am looking for a mechanical build of a character that is based around the idea of:

Being the best at capturing enemies, not harming/destroying them.

And I mean: capturing -everything-. Also having a way to hold/contain them.

Plus, if possible, I'd like to have ways to support and buff our party, while being able to nullify/dispell threats.

I already have a roleplaying idea around this character, I just need the mechanics to fit it.

Any idea how to pull that off? I'd love to run a character up to lvl 12 (society) without having to have to kill or destroy anything in it's career.

I've seen some people make characters geared for grappling, pinning, and tying up monsters. It has it's limits, but can be effective in some situations. Also, you could choice to use non-lethal weapons or unarmed strikes. I believe they used a monk or brawler class.

Sounds great! I'm just wondering how to capture (all) enemies, like the ones you can't grapple or are immune to non-lethal strikes. Plus, how to hold them.

Any advice there?

Play a druid, you get access to some great area control/denial spells (wall of thorns can end fights on it's own...)

On top of that, you can wild shape into something like a giant octopus, and grab all sorts of people, you will need a container, but then you can also have your animal companion to help out, at least with watching the prisoners

You also can take blades of Mercy trait for non-lethal damage (if you go for the knockout, and are using claws, or a sword if you go with another class)

If not weaponnof peace is a catch all trait, but not as good

Also look at the enforcer feat, extra debuff :D

Just beware, that you might be trying to catch but others won't be really... not unless you get the whole group going. There isn't really a way you can stop other characters from killing them.

I see 3 main builds, from the materials that I know.
Oracle of X (I like life)
Mesmer (lots of archetypes)
Bounty Hunter Slayer. (martial. lots of dirty tricks and cpature tactics)

Then employ nonlethal weapnos an the feats that boost it (others lsited most of them). Those who are immune to nontethal, use a normal weapon and stabalize them or heal them if need be.

Mesmer's can force debufffs through a lot of immmunities and the like. Pretty sure there are several archetypes that would help

Oracles have all the 9th level spells that are strong for it

Ah. an outside random build concept is 2 or more bounty hunter, caster X, Arcane Trickster. Either more bounty or more caster depending on what you want.

[spoilers=I rambled a bunch before. but i'll keep it here anyway for ya]
I'd go Oracle of Life. Or at least, Oracle of something. I'd go with life though. WIth that much heals it might be easier for allies to go along with not murdering them all-because they'll be in less danger)

Then the blugener or mercy blade line.
Though I would actually do this with Shikigami style but i'm weird and love improvised weapons. and love the idea of basically self creating the Japanese "capture spear" that they use to fend off bladed weapons and such. It is shaped like a Y sorta.

but basically smack people with nonlethal blunt object, causing debuffs. While also dropping debuffs on them and buffs.

Oracle of life. Pai Ze archetype, and dual cursed. You can really foul up enemies that way and capture them. Also they have most of the normal "hold/capture" spells and such. You can keep allies alive, and you can heal enemies you want to save etc. There are probably other good oracle mysteries that would fit too. There is that one that makes colour spray useful.

Including things like.. airbubble. Bubble them and toss them, tied up, into an elsewhere bag or portable hole. refresh their air once in a while.

Basically. You can't capture everything very easily.. but you can get the tools at least. You could knock them out with nonlethal, and for those immune you can knock them down with lethal damage then stablize them or even heal them if need be.


Ah. ALso. I would read Mesmer and its archetypes. Mesmer can force various debuffs onto the enemy,even many with immunities in fact.
They have various damage buffs as well. which will work with the nonlethal attempts.

I would also consider potentially dipping a level or two into Bounty Hunter Slayer.
If only for the proficiency and boosts to things like throwing nets, and boosts to ranged dirty tricks.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think the key element that is missing is some sort of magic item that can hold a very large number of captured foes indefinitely.

If you want to pummel people into unconsciousness, so you can tie them up and have them stand trial or whatever, an avenger vigilante can do *very* well at this. Indeed the vigilante talent "take 'em alive" is so strong that it was banned in PFS because it's way too good for a single talent.

Stack lethal grace, fist of the avenger, and take 'em alive eventually culminating in mad rush and you can pummel pretty much anything into unconsciousness with your (possibly gauntleted) fists.

Order to the Pentinent Cavalier has an oath not to kill, but at 2nd level he can hogtie a Grappled opponent, not pinned.

Build a Grapple character, Tetori Monk maybe, around that...

Cavalier-2/Monk-9 you can deny Freedom of Movement and only need to Grapple to tie something up.

Cavalier-2/Bloodrager-X could work for a Rage/Enlarge Grapple build, too.

Cavalier-2/Bloodrager-1/Monk-9 gets you Bloodrage and Enlarge and the ability to deny Freedom of Movement and tie up a Grappled opponent.

Bloodrager AND Monk give you Fast Movement so you can chase people down, tackle them, and tie them up...Freedom of Movement be damned. You can Enlarge to tackle/tie up larger enemies.

Invest in Equipment Trick (Rope) and the obvious Grapple feats available via Tetori Monk. Maybe that robe of endless threads or whatever it is called.

PossibleCabbage wrote:

If you want to pummel people into unconsciousness, so you can tie them up and have them stand trial or whatever, an avenger vigilante can do *very* well at this. Indeed the vigilante talent "take 'em alive" is so strong that it was banned in PFS because it's way too good for a single talent.

Stack lethal grace, fist of the avenger, and take 'em alive eventually culminating in mad rush and you can pummel pretty much anything into unconsciousness with your (possibly gauntleted) fists.

All very good ideas! Any additional ideas around capturing things like shadows and other incorporeals...and elementals?

How to capture those? And what to keep them in?

The Entrap Spirit Spell can put incorporeal creatures and haunts in a mirror for hours. Psychic magic classes only, a Tranquility discipline Psychic is probably the way to go if you want a spellcaster that focuses on nonlethal captures.

David knott 242 wrote:

I think the key element that is missing is some sort of magic item that can hold a very large number of captured foes indefinitely.

Pretty sure you can stick anything that fits, in to any of the elsewhere pockets. You just have to take care of the Air.

Portable Hole. for instance makes a pretty wonderful prison. If you Air bubble, air crystal, or any number of other options for an atmosphere.

I'm not sure if you can Cast Rope Trick inside of one. The rules are a bit odd. I think you can. but it is inexassible due to the rules about elsewhere shutting down elswhere.

To add to the psychic comment.
I think Psychic Duels work on a loot of things and offer ways to bind someone. Both via the winning the duel. AND because while they are dueling.. your friend can walk up tie them up, put a bag on their head.

I have a build that is great at Grappling and Tying Up opponents.


Generally, when she runs into things that she can't Grapple, she shoots exploding arrows. Exploding arrows are cool.

Valiant wrote:
I'm just wondering how to capture (all) enemies, like the ones you can't grapple or are immune to non-lethal strikes.

Well, being immune to nonlethal damage doesn't do a thing from keeping you from getting Grappled. and Tied Up. And honestly, there aren't too many things that can't be grappled: Swarms, incorporeal undead, and people under the influence of a Freedom of Movement dweomer.

You actually can grapple oozes, but ewww!. I think the GM would have to adjudicate if you can Tie Up using a clay pot. Maybe you can Move it into a clay pot...

Incorporeal Undead could be Grappled if you have some trick. I'm thinking you need a Ghost Touch Amulet of Mighty Fists. Paizo Publishing made a special ruling for me that made it so that the AoMF does not affect Grapple Checks normally, but this character has a Tentacle. Tentacles are used for Grappling, and the AoMF does enhance Tentacles. A GM might allow you to Grapple an IU if you were under the infuence of Mage Armor or were wearing Ghost Touch Armor. You should be able to Tie Up a Ghoste with a Ghost Touch lasso, Dwarven Dorn Dergar, or net.

For a swarm or someone under the influence of Freedom of Movement, I think it's time to reach for the Exploding Arrows. I guess you could use Poison Arrows or Stinking Arrows or something. Maybe shoot Arrows with Dispelling Bombs until one knocks down the FoM Spell.

Valiant wrote:
Plus, how to hold them.

The escape DC = the Grapple Manevuer Check if the Grapple rolled a 20. That's wicked high. The issue now is getting good rope. Hemp Rope has a Burst DC of 23, Silk Rope: 24, Spider Sild Rope: 25, Steel Chain: 26, Mithril Steel Chain: 27. Adamantine Steel Chain doesn't have a burst DC, so maybe it is technically impossible to burst. But there is no market price listed for Adamantine Chain, so maybe it is impossible to buy. You can get an Adamantine Weapon: an Adamantine Dwarven Dergar is essentially a 10' long chain.

There is the Robe of Infinite Twine. You can never have too much Rope or twine anyway. There is Iron Rope, which, upon speaking a command word, the Rope turns into iron. So tie them up, then turn the rope into iron.

If you Enlarge while carrying your Adamantine Chain, it doubles in size along with you, so your bicycle chain turns into anchor chain. That MIGHT increase the burst DC.

The Sage from Champions of the spheres.

Play a spell caster and take the feat Merciful Spell. Since Merciful Spell does not increase the level of the spell all damage from your spells can be nonlethal. Spell caster also have a lot of spells that can directly incapacitate a target without doing any damage. Between doing nonlethal damage and incapacitating your targets you should not have any problems capturing enemies.

The hard part is going to be containing them especially at lower level. One you are high enough to be able to create a demi-plane keeping prisoners is not going to be that difficult. Before that your options are limited and you may need to use magic items to accomplish this. The spell Shackle from Adventurer’s Guide is probably the best low level for this purpose.

A wizard would probably be best for this. Make sure you don’t take Enchantment as one of your opposed schools. Until you are high enough level to create a demi-plane, enchantments may be the best way to control your prisoners. Dominate Person will allow you to control a humanoid.

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Bloodvine rope: DC 30 to burst. A lot cheaper than mithral chains too.

There is a Weapon Enchantment called Merciful. +1 Equivalent, does +1d6 Damage, but all the Damage done by the Weapon is Nonlethal.

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