Negachaotic Teenage Slaadhead |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Are you still going on about the Hulk serum? I told you, I didn't drink it!
I don't know which possibility is more frightening: Professor Hulkey Santa or Flex Monktallo Santa.

Limeylongears |
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Styx have never crossed my radar at all - again, they're one of those bands who have a pretty low presence in these parts. Will have to check them out...
Listening to 'Pieces of Eight' now, on Cal's recommendation - it has a definite US '70s prog feel it to it so far, i.e. very strong Yes influence (the vocalist sounds quite a bit like Jon Anderson, though his lyrics actually make some sort of sense), but cleaner and a bit more accessible (also hear a less flamboyantly psychedelic Todd Rundgren in places / less heavy Rush / bit of Procul Harem / bit of Jethro Tull ... maybe).
Yep, lotta Yes in there.

DungeonmasterCal |

Limeylongears wrote:Styx have never crossed my radar at all - again, they're one of those bands who have a pretty low presence in these parts. Will have to check them out...Listening to 'Pieces of Eight' now, on Cal's recommendation - it has a definite US '70s prog feel it to it so far, i.e. very strong Yes influence (the vocalist sounds quite a bit like Jon Anderson, though his lyrics actually make some sort of sense), but cleaner and a bit more accessible (also hear a less flamboyantly psychedelic Todd Rundgren in places / less heavy Rush / bit of Procul Harem / bit of Jethro Tull ... maybe).
Yep, lotta Yes in there.
The one prior to this, "Grand Illusion" is pretty much along the same lines. The two before that, "Crystal Ball" and "Equinox" are fairly pop oriented, while the 4 preceding those aimed for more a prog feel, I think.

Feros |
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I think we should all be wary of Santa Monkey. He's evolving, becoming more intelligent, and possibly more dangerous. Soon his simian visage will grace the walls of buildings in every city of the world. I suspect a capuchin coup is in order.
Could a capuchin coup count as counting coup?

Ragadolf |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

DungeonmasterCal wrote:I think we should all be wary of Santa Monkey. He's evolving, becoming more intelligent, and possibly more dangerous. Soon his simian visage will grace the walls of buildings in every city of the world. I suspect a capuchin coup is in order.Could a capuchin coup count as counting coup?
I'm still just STARTING my first cup of coffee for the day, so I'm still a little bleary eyed.
But I first read this as CAPPUCCINO coup, and I was all-in!
(Sweet, sweet caffeine for everyone!)
Now,... yeah I'm back to being slightly concerned about the imminent rise of our (hopefully benevolent) simian overlords,...

Ed Reppert |
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"Elke, Ripple Creek's psychotic demolitions expert, has a nuke. The problem with Elke having a nuke is that Elke will use it." -- Michael Z. Williamson, Do Unto Others

DungeonmasterCal |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pfft! You guys had your chance. Monkey time!
Never eat Cheerios while viewing a Santa Monkey post. They hurt.

All Yesterday's Parties |
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You sank my morning coffee cup!
If I just watched my coffee mug sink into the top of my desk and vanish, I'd start drinking morning bourbon.
Also: Rose, there was room on that door stroopwafel for two!

Thomas Seitz |
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So today's one shot for BuckhannoCon is in the books. It wasn't the greatest thing in terms of having the sound system pretty much block out me and the player communicating...but it did allow me to have THREE different attempts at running basically the same game over. With very different results. So that was good.
Right now am very tired but glad I got run some games.

Drejk |
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Mrra T'loq, the first princess of the Crossriver Marshes. Yeah, another princess...

Ragadolf |

Orthos wrote:Frog princess! Awesome.My first idea was a princess (or a prince) that was reincarnated as a grippli. But I already done prince(ss) that become something else, so I went with something else that became princess...
Well, That IS new. ;)
Like the feats too. I think they sound good.

Ser Humpty Dumpty, Paladin |
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"Ms. Scint, make sure you pay attention when you read my essay. I used some great words."
"...did you use them correctly?"
"Uh, yeah?"They did not.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things.""The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all."

Ed Reppert |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Some years ago I heard a tale about a midshipman at the Naval Academy who made an error on a book report. Writing of Don Quixote's sidekick Sancho Panza, the midshipman referred to his "burrow". The report came back with this comment from his professor: "'Burro' is a four-legged beast of burden. 'Burrow' is a hole in the ground. As a future Naval Officer, you are expected to know the difference." :-)

DungeonmasterCal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

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I love that website. Also, check out "Grandiloquent Word of the Day". I get a new one every evening in my Facebook feed.