Mendocino County, California

Gamer Connection

The Exchange

I will be hosting a Pathfinder Society game this Saturday, the 12th, starting at 4:00 PM at the local games and comics store, Crossover Comics and Games (formerly known as Gateway City Comics).

I will be running the Mists of Mwangi scenario, and we still have slots available.

I intend to run this as either a monthly or bi-monthly event, depending on turnout. Any and all in the area are encouraged to come and play.

I'll have my own characters ready to play, and you need not have a rulebook or extensive knowledge of the rules; all that is required is a willingness to play well with others and the ability to either learn quickly or accept what the others at the table tell you as fact.

The Exchange

*Shameless bump*

We had our first session this last Saturday, I'm in the process of goading the late-comers into getting their Society accounts set up so I can report it.

Had a lot of fun, with the PCs almost going down to the first fight in the Mists of Mwangi due to horrible dice luck. After some more exploration and paranoia, two of the group succumbed to the mists' influence and were only barely able to maintain control over themselves long enough to defeat the source of the problem!

We'll be playing the follow-up, Voice in the Void, next month, and still have room for more players! New comers are welcome, help us get our Northern California gaming scene active!

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