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Come one, come all, old aliases no longer seeing use due to lost PbPs, abandoned concepts, outdated jokes, vanished forumites, and changing community policies. Come and kick up your feet, lean back in a squeaky old rocking chair, and sip some old fashioned lemonade, and let's reminisce in a completely forum-legal and appropriate manner about the Old Days, how's that sound old chaps?
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I just can't be true to the character anymore.
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♫Can you hear them?
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well, that's no surprise
Can you see them?
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal
It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Their flesh is peeled...♫
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Am I even gonna be a thing in the new edition?
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Everything is just too mainstream now.
I remember when I cared about this comic.
No one likes a good smurfing anymore.
I can't keep up a good performance with this guy.
Many shubs and zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the belly of the Sloar that day, I can tell you!
There's something happening here...
what it is ain't exactly clear.
Oh, hey character concepts I never actually played.
I left my heart in San Francisco...
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Now I'm just somebody that you used to know...
I will not make any more posts! I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own!
No one expects the Chemist Inquisition!
I was ok at first, but the last few seasons have been pretty bad.
I don't even remember this character.
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Kobold Cleaver used to tell me things, terrible things.
Now he's gone. but the terrible things are still there.
Never actually made this one. Ah well.
Think this lasted a single session. Shame.
I used to stand for something.
My world fell to a bunch of rowdy horsefolk who wanted to eat my shadowy heaven because they couldn't understand how not to be violent. But they will learn... some day. Heheheh.
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Also didn't do anything with this one.
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Vriska Serket wrote: I remember when I cared about this comic. th0se were the days.
th0ugh I still p0p up, fr0m time t0 time. usually t0 make time j0kes.
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ghost poster wrote: Now I'm just somebody that you used to know... Your time may be up again soon, my good fellow. Pip pip!
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No one talks to me, anymore.
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With a new edition coming out who will still argue about my crushingly soft hands.
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There's just not a lot of demand for me these days.
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I AM THE LAW- I mean, a one note joke.
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And I'm a missed opportunity.
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Just don't let them take me again
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I've been cancelled? Son of a mare!
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
That's because you didn't have a real mom! Now suck it up and f~~*ing obliterate something will ya!
Well, I'm waiting....
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I obliterated all the things so fast you didn't see it!
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
UFO Guy wrote: Just don't let them take me again Gotcha!
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After being played to the end of Strange Aeons on Tabletop, I'm mostly a curiosity...
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Rose Blackburn wrote: After being played to the end of Strange Aeons on Tabletop, I'm mostly a curiosity... Much like me in War For the Crown
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Travis Walton "UFO Guy" wrote: Just don't let them take me again I keep telling you, we've already reached the limits of what anal probing can teach us! Stop calling, it's getting a little weird!
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Son of Black Leaf wrote: I miss my mom. NOOOOO!