Hmm |
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You're doing great, Dan!
1/23 - The Shadow Plane with Jason Keeley
1/30 - Joe Pasini talks about.... (TBD!)
2/6 - Chris Sims talks about... (TBD!)
2/13 - Owen K.C. Stephens talks about.... (TBD!)
2/20 - Amanda Hamon Kunz talks about... (TBD!)
2/27 - Robert G. McCreary talks about... (TBD!)
Questions about the Shadow Plane
1) Are there any happy locations in the plane of Shadow? Looking at Signal of Screams, the Shadow Plane is a grim and horrible place. But when we visited the Shadow Plane in True Dragons of Absalom, there were some bright spots. In the time of Starfinder, is it all Velstracs, Fiends and tortured souls, or are there communities where a sunny gnome might get a good drink in a tavern or two, enjoy friendship and community? Or is it all doom-and-gloom?
2) What cosplay will Jason Keeley come up with this time to represent the Plane of Shadow? Enquiring gnomes want to know.
Questions about the Upcoming Schedule
Will Joe Pasini be talking about monsters he has known and loved?
Dan Tharp Marketing Manager |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Will Joe Pasini be talking about monsters he has known and loved?
Updated Schedule:
1/30 - Joe Pasini talks about the planet, Liavara (Expect monsters, geography, and lore!)2/6 - Chris Sims talks about... (TBD!)
2/13 - Owen K.C. Stephens talks about.... (TBD!)
2/20 - Amanda Hamon Kunz talks about... (TBD!)
2/27 - Robert G. McCreary talks about... (TBD!)
Hmm |
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Questions about Liavara
1) The Dreamers are descended from regular Brethedans who underwent 'psychological and physiological' change. Does this change still happen to visiting Brethdans? If one were to leave Roselight without armor, would they become Dreamers too? (If so, does anyone know what causes this change? If it's inherent in the atmosphere, I'm imagining brethedans selling vials of Liavara's air to each other as a controlled substance.)
2) Melos seems like such a nice moon. If the Dirindi were looking for new places to settle, why didn't they go there instead of toxic Osuro? Ooh... Is there a haunted house vibe on Melos keeping settlers from staying?
3) Arkanen sounds like a crazy place to live with its yearly dip into Liavara's clouds to gain atmosphere. How does the yearly atmosphere cycle affect the local populace of the Dirindi and Sazurons who live there?
4) How well do Dirindi and Sazurons get along? With the university, and joint governship of the moon, they have to interact, so what is their relationship?
5) Hallas, the forbidden planet! What a great adventure hook! Is this something that you are planning to sketch out, or leave as 'terra incognita' for homebrew GMs to play with?
6) Tell us about Nchak now that it's dealing with an influx of shirren and haan immigrants. How do individualistic shirren and sometimes rowdy haan deal with the more hive-minded Hylaxians? Is there tension, or is all harmonious in the house of Hylax?
Kishmo |
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I'm hoping to hear more about how the Dreamers themselves interact with the galaxy at large. It sounds like the Brethedans are pretty protective of their prophetic cousins and keep the planet like a big reserve for them. But, then there's also, like,
Is there some kind of process or mechanism through which organizations can "loan" out Dreamers to come out and play? It would be fascinating to hear about who else has their own basement-Dreamers, what they've done, how they've shaped history, and all that. I'd imagine there's probably also an incredibly dangerous yet incredibly profitable black market for kidnapping and smuggling Dreamers out of Liavara for less-than-savoury ends, too! Hrm, that sounds like an adventure just waiting to be written...
(When I started writing this post, my mental image of Dreamers was akin to the Guild Navigators from Dune - perfectly unknowable aliens with their own inscrutable purposes and means, hanging around in bizarre high-pressure gas tanks, who for unknown reasons and perhaps even unknowingly, happen to help out us mere mortals from time to time. But, now, I'm thinking maybe they're more like The Dude - hanging around in various organizations' basements wearing comfy pants, who every so often spout off some prophetic nonsense, just to watch the lesser beings scurry around trying to make sense of it, so the Dreamers can get back to watching Zo! reruns, and eating Doritos.)
pithica42 |
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What can you tell us about the shepherd moon Hibb, vis-a-vis the Bantrid and their recent discovery? I find the idea of this uninhabited and *stinky* moon suddenly having an entire species found on it only 5 years ago fascinating. Will future SFS and AP material touch on this? or is it exclusive to homebrew?
How populated is the city of Telataranas on Arkanen? Population numbers in canon sources are all over the place and some of them seem nonsensical, but since this is listed as the most populous city in the Liavaran system, having an idea of how big it is 'in canon' would be beneficial to scaling the rest of the system's inhabitants.
Dan Tharp Marketing Manager |
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ALERT! It's looking like Joe might not be able to do the show today. I'm scrambling right now, trying to figure out what else we can do and who's available. Stay tuned.
UPDATE! We're getting the one and only Robert G. McCreary on the show today. We're talking about the gods of Starfinder. Some behind the scenes info on the development and why some made it from Pathfinder and some didn't. If you have questions (sorry for the late notice!!), feel free to let me know. I'll be checking the board, as always, until about 2 pm Pacific.
Kishmo |
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Ooooh, the gods, and changes thereto, are a perennial favourite. I've got a few questions!
1) Are there any juicy stories from canon about the new gods, or older ones who used to be prominent but no longer are?
2) Can Rob tell us about some of the other/lesser deities of new groups in Starfinder? Like we know that Damoritosh is the chief deity of the Veskarium, but are there any others from that pantheon? Surely the skittermanders have some sort of patron saint of unintended consequences devil figure or something! Or, what's new and shaking in the Azlanti Star Empire's religions these days?
3) We all know* that Groetus is, objectively, the coolest deity in the expanded Pathfinder/Starfinder universe. What is everyone's favourite skull-moon up to these days? How does Groetus feel about The Devourer?
From a behind-the-scenes perspective, what's up with all of the gods who just want to watch the universe burn? Rovagug, The Devourer, I'm sure others. Even Groetus is heavily invested in that whole "end of all things" deal, although (from what I understand) less so with getting to the end, and more with shutting off the lights and locking the door once the end arrives.
* don't fact check this
Since a lot of these border on spoilers or "dropping new canon" territory, and we only get new info when both Rob and Owen are on stream, I propose that Dan gets a life-size cardboard cutout of Owen to occupy a chair so that Rob is free to share the juicy details.
Hmm |
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Sorry that Joe cannot make it, but hopefully we can get our Liavara show later. Still, gods are awesome!
4) With Songbird Station, we had a return of Shelyn to the pantheon. Are there any other deities in the wings waiting to return to Starfinder pantheon from Golarian's?
5) Is there any chance that we can get Shelyn listed as a Starfinder deity, so that SFS icon characters can actually worship her?
6) How did you make the choices of what new gods to include in the Starfinder pantheon, versus tried and true old ones?
7) When planning gods, did you try to pick ones that would match up with your mystic connections? Or vice versa?
8) Let's focus on the newer gods. Triune is hardwired into the Drift and Starship travel, but you have a number of deities -- Oras, Ibra, Yaraesa -- that are super cool but whose backstory is thin. Are there plans to enrich our understanding of the newer gods, and make them more real in the setting for players?
Dan Tharp Marketing Manager |
pithica42 |
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I'm assuming everything that's intelligent has at least the potential for religion/gods/philosophy/et al.
Caught a re-run of the show last night. It was excellent. Especially considering how last minute it was. If you hadn't pointed it out, I would have never been able to tell.
Still hoping for that Liavara episode, but I hope Mr Pasini feels better soon.
Dan Tharp Marketing Manager |
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If you hadn't pointed it out, I would have never been able to tell.
Still hoping for that Liavara episode, but I hope Mr Pasini feels better soon.
Agreed, Rob did an awesome job. I only mentioned it on the show because of the chance that someone follows this board, but missed the last-minute announcement. Wanted to make sure folks were up to date!
The Liavara show will be moved to the spot that Rob was supposed to be on, later this month. We will get that show on the air!!!
ograx |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Rob was alot more talkative and engaging when he was on the show this week, it was awesome!
Dan if you are looking to get your viewership up which I think with twitch being so popular these days is kind of a no-brainer for a compnay like Paizo I have a little bit of advice.
I'm not saying buy a superbowl ad or anything but maybe little card inserts like the X-mas cards Paizo sends out that you can toss in outgoing packages would be a easy cheap way.
I think if more people knew they had PF/SF streams available directly from Paizo they would definitely tune in.
Maybe some cross-promotion from the Glass Cannon guys???
Just my 2 cents.
Charli Poshkettle |
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"Ooh, ooh! Not just Glass Cannon -- though they are AWESOME -- but also Roll for Combat and and Cosmic Crit!" Charli Poshkettle jumps up and down in excitement. "Both are not only shows for Starfinder viewers, but both have discord channels that are official lodges for SFS Organized Play! And they are so nice! RFC even sells a T-shirt with me on it!"
Zo! |
"RFC even sells a T-shirt with me on it!"
Zo! mimes retching, and then realizes that the cameras are rolling.
Straightening his bow tie, he frowns. "The perky gnome is right. Even if they have the poor taste to put her on a shirt instead of the most awesome vid host in the Pact Worlds.... Go talk to the folks at Cosmic Crit and Roll for Combat!" Then he pauses a moment, tapping his finger on the counter.
"ACTUALLY, why don't you ask Stephen at RFC if he's willing to commission a Starfinder Wednesday t-shirt that people might be able to buy with my picture on it? That would get all your fans the ability to purchase a Starfinder Wednesday shirt, and have you collaborating with a Paizo Partner! Marketing... It's all about who you know, amirite?"
Kishmo |
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I would so buy a Zo! shirt! shutupandtakemymoney.jpg
Heck, as long as they had some style and aren't nerd-standard "black with a logo and an image straight copy+pasted from a sourcebook" I would buy twelve Zo! shirts. And really, I think we all know that anything Zo! agrees to grace the front of would have to be a cut above the usual style.
Owen K. C. Stephens Starfinder Design Lead |
Dan Tharp Marketing Manager |
Zo! |
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"With this statement from Chris Lambertz, it sounds likely that Paizo offices will be closed this Wednesday, which might mean no Twitch Starfinder Wednesday for the rest of us." The Pact Worlds greatest host adjusts his bow tie. "But fear not! I say we put on our own show for 'old buddy Dan' to come home to!"
Tell us about your favorite Starfinder characters (in character please) and show us why you love them!
Zo! goes striding into the audience, microphone in hand, shoving the sound equipment into sentient's faces. "You! Yes, you! Tell me about yourself -- now!" He leans in with a leer. "Ever been to Eox? Done a death match with spoons? What has been your scariest moment, and remember the Pact Worlds is listening!"
He looks into the camera. "Stay tuned, because after the show, Strawberry Machine Cake will grace us with their newest number!"
From off stage, everyone can hear, "Mmmmmph! Mmmmmph!" and pounding coming from a crate.
"They were hard to schedule, but I had them shipped in for the occasion!" He grins. "Now... Tell me about your FABULOUS selves! We want to know all about our fellow fans!"
Zu "The Friendly" |
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A male shirren wanders in and holds up his beloved spawn jar
Hey everybody, I'm Zu and this is my dear son Maz. He's just thrilled to be here with you guys and so am I. I really love you guys, you're all so wonderful. I'm a very artistic person, I'm all about stuff like painting and poetry, I spend most of my days composing sonnets, cooking gourmet food, performing hot yoga, and...killing people. For money.
Nate-17 "The Ace of Spades" |
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The sound of spurs fill the room and a pair of boots tap across the floor. A tall android smacks the red dust off his clothing before absently mindedly spinning his pistol.
Hey, howdy, how you doing? Nathan-17 at yer service. I dabble in law enforcement and treasure hunting. I'm always up for an adventure. Or a fight. Or an adventurous fight. Or all three. At once.
Regina Gauge |
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A muscular dark haired woman arrives, you stare at her as if you remember her...
Lemme guess, you're a sports fan? Figures. I'm Regina Gauge and yes, I am THAT Regina Gauge from the Brutaris leagues and the deathpits on Akiton and that obstacle course show that was only legal to watch on Eox. Yeah, I'm her and sure I'll sign your autograph but please don't ask me when I'm getting back in the ring. I'm doing corporate enforcement work now.
Martin the Brokentooth |
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A highly complex war bot is escorting a highly volatile black furred Ysoki. You get too close and the Ysoki puts his hand on his gun.
The warbot chirps I'm getting to that.
Anyway, I'm Martin and that's Scud and yes, we're a perfectly legal salvage operation. You know it's incredibly racist to assume that because I'm a ysoki that I'd be interested in some sort of illegal operation. Go to hell for thinking that. Not the nice, human hell. The nasty hell that La Po Shu runs.
Acid Burn |
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A tall dark haired man in technomancer robes arrives, you recognize him instantly
Many of you know me. Those of you who don't, I am Acid Burn, I'm here because those corporations that run this broadcast don't want me to speak the truth to you. These capitalist pigs want to keep you enslaved and indentured, but I want to free you. I want to help you shed those flesh prisons and fly free on the net. Technocractic disconnection and mental augmentation is the future of sentient life in this universe. Join the revolution!
Robert Roland "the Just" |
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A young solarion in the red armor of the Knights of Golarion appears
Hail and well met, I am Robert Roland, known as Robert the Just. I am a Knight Errant of the Knights of the Golarion and a Crusader Solarion in service to the Knighthood and the galaxy at large. I welcome you with open arms and thank you for your kind invitation to speak with you today. Thank thee for thine warm hearth.
Tsozok |
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A burly Vesk in Knight of Golarion armor arrives. It takes you a moment to realize that the Vesk is male because he appears to have been born with colorful markings like a female. It dawns on you that this is the Vesk equivalent of a man with a feminine voice or small feet. But this Vesk is tall even for other Vesk. It would be wise not to point this out to him.
Greetings, I am Tsozok, known as the Unbroken by some. I serve the Knights of Golarion and the galactic community at large. My doshko is yours to command and my loyalty is to all who live within these Pact Worlds.