What's something weird that annoys you?

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I have a few things:

People who use solar system and galaxy to mean the same thing. There's a HUGE difference!

People who use "Unique" or "Simplistic" wrong

People who have the attitude of "The rules and laws don't apply to people in charge and they should be able to do whatever they want" (Which is an excellent description of the LE mindset IMO)

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The weather is getting pretty f&#*ing weird, if only there was something humanity could do about it!

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Yqatuba wrote:

I have a few things:

People who use solar system and galaxy to mean the same thing. There's a HUGE difference!

People who use "Unique" or "Simplistic" wrong

People who have the attitude of "The rules and laws don't apply to people in charge and they should be able to do whatever they want" (Which is an excellent description of the LE mindset IMO)

It seems to me, your problem is people in general.

Honestly, the weird s*$% people do doesn't bother me in the slightest, we all have our own quirks.

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When people at the underground train station don't keep left despite the bright yellow lines and keep left signs. It really disrupts the flow of foot traffic when people walk against the flow.

When people stop on the escalators and don't stand to one side to let people pass.

High pitched noises

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When I hear whispering on a tv show or movie. They amplify it so the audience can hear it, of course. But hearing whispers that loud has the same effect on me that nails on a chalkboard do.

Dark Archive

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My dog gets all excited and jumps around and whines for attention when my roommate comes home. When I come home, she stays on the couch and occasionally raises her head to look at me. (Other times she gives me side-eye, because she can't even be bothered to lift her head.)

I need a better dog. Man's best friend, indeed!

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Tender Tendrils wrote:
When people at the underground train station don't keep left despite the bright yellow lines and keep left signs. It really disrupts the flow of foot traffic when people walk against the flow.

It drives me bonkers when people do this in the supermarket. It's one of the reasons I try to be there when they first open in the early morning (7am).

People not returning their shopping carts to the return area and leaving them just strewn all over the parking lot.

When Dad plays Internet videos at nearly full volume on his notebook PC sitting on his lap while he also has the TV blaring. He does not have a hearing problem. He does have nice comfy headphones.

When people leave a mess in the kitchen after they prepare their own individual breakfast or lunch. The butter knife left poised hanging over the edge of the kitchen sink is particularly irritating.

The texture of coconut.

The vibrations/sensation transmitted through the spoon of undissolved sugar in hot tea or coffee grinding between my spoon and the bottom of the ceramic cup/mug.

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The 90s documentary on Netflix. It's within my living memory, I am not yet middle-aged, therefore no documentary necessary, now get offa my lawn!

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Being asked to repeat myself more then once. I know its my own fault but I get so annoyed after I say something the third time.

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Nothing. Ever.

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uuhh.. uneven floors....

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Sorry. Reflex.

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Dresses and jeans with fake pockets. They get your hopes up and then dash them cruelly.

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*as flying away* People with short tempers!!!!

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Scared Table wrote:
*as flying away* People with short tempers!!!!

Roll with it...

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People who wear headphones while they're driving.

Stereos exist for a reason.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
It drives me bonkers when people do this in the supermarket. It's one of the reasons I try to be there when they first open in the early morning (7am).

I don't, but not because it doesn't drive me insane - it's because I'm not awake until 11:30, current evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

(If you peruse the contents of my post, it's clearer that I'm not awake.)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
People not returning their shopping carts to the return area and leaving them just strewn all over the parking lot.

I force my sons and I to grab at least two every time we go anywhere, barring an exceptional circumstances (such as currently emergency-level sick behavior, or an employee or passer-by actually taking the cart back for us), we always put our cart back, even if that means walking all the way back to the store (because the kid-friendly carts do not fit in the "put carts here" place). Leaving carts around is both rude and mildly dangerous, and can prevent people from attaining parking spaces or leave damaged vehicles. No, leaving it "all the way over there" is not "good enough" those things can, in fact, roll. And, hey, anyone who cares about their car isn't going to be able to park in a space you've filled with daggum shopping carts.

*shakes fist, mutters about lawn*

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
When Dad plays Internet videos at nearly full volume on his notebook PC sitting on his lap while he also has the TV blaring. He does not have a hearing problem. He does have nice comfy headphones.

... but... but... but... if I, uh "he" puts on the headphones, how can I he hear the tv, too?

(For the record, I do not have nice, comfy headphones.)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
When people leave a mess in the kitchen after they prepare their own individual breakfast or lunch. The butter knife left poised hanging over the edge of the kitchen sink is particularly irritating.

Hey, now! That knife is put there on purpose! It knows what it did, and is now on a knife's sink's edge!

(Also, it might get used again!)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
The vibrations/sensation transmitted through the spoon of undissolved sugar in hot tea or coffee grinding between my spoon and the bottom of the ceramic cup/mug.

Oh, yeah. That and ice. Drives me up the waaaaaaaaaaall.

Yqatuba wrote:
People who use solar system and galaxy to mean the same thing. There's a HUGE difference!

But the Mario Galaxy games are so good, though...

(Though, yeah, it drives me nuts.)

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The general concept of money and the general concept of time.

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People who can't learn how to do Calculus annoy me.

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Sorry, man. I barely got through Algebra and Geometry in high school. I never took Calculus or Trigonometry.

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So... everyone prior to 1687?

Yeah, they were all wankers every one.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Sorry, man. I barely got through Algebra and Geometry in high school. I never took Calculus or Trigonometry.

Never apologize! People who look down on people for not knowing what they are lucky enough to know are the worst. The. Worst.

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Tender Tendrils wrote:
The general concept of money and the general concept of time.

I’m not overly fond of the general concept of concepts...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tender Tendrils wrote:
The general concept of money and the general concept of time.

Is this a philosophical-surfer-dude "Time, is like, so weird" thing, or a "Ugh I hate how society and our lives revolve around getting up at 6am" thing?

Because one of those is weird, the other is not. ;)

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People cheering, especially "woo" cheering, is extremely grating. It's probably one of the reasons I'm not very competitive. I don't want to be anywhere near an awards ceremony.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tender Tendrils wrote:
The general concept of money and the general concept of time.

Is this a philosophical-surfer-dude "Time, is like, so weird" thing, or a "Ugh I hate how society and our lives revolve around getting up at 6am" thing?

Because one of those is weird, the other is not. ;)

I agree, sleeping in until 6 am is weird.

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I find it very annoying when someone asks me to describe my games or my campaigns and then says, "That's nothing. You should have played in one my games or one of my friends' games." That goes beyond annoying, skips irritating, and runs straight into pissing me off.

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That's nothing, you should hear what people say that irritates me and my frie-... ooooohhhhh. Oh. Ooooooohhhhhhhhh. Right. Well this is awkward. Hey, look, a distraction!

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Tacticslion wrote:
That's nothing, you should hear what people say that irritates me and my frie-... ooooohhhhh. Oh. Ooooooohhhhhhhhh. Right. Well this is awkward. Hey, look, a distraction!


Also, I'm getting annoyed at how no one seems to be able to make a beverage-proof kehbyfdfsajfpzzzzzzzzzz

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Nearly everyone who uses the word "literally".

Dark Archive

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
The texture of coconut.

Ooh, yeah! I love me some Mounds bars, but a few minutes later, I have to sneak off and spit out all the coconut. I can chew it forEVER, but it's just too 'grabby' and makes me choke.

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People that don't take off their shoes when entering a house.

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Yyyyyyyyyyyyyeah. No one in my family but me feels that way, though, but at least my kids and wife (mostly) follow the house rule!

(So much vacuuming. I hate vacuuming. And not just because I also have to clean all the stuff off the floors, first.)

The Exchange

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Maths. Enough said.

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I love to vacuum, even with the beforehand floor cleaning.

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Come to my house. You can do both.

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People who say, "I want to be a game programmer." Then when you ask
them how much code they wrote in the past few weeks, they answer with
something like, "None but I read a Python book last summer."

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Oh! So we've talked, before? I didn't realize we'd met!

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1) When I forget my re-usable bags at the grocery store.
2) When I ask for paper, but the checker finishes checking before the sacker finishes sacking, and the checker starts using plastic bags.
3) When the checker uses ONE plastic bag for a loaf of bread and another ONE plastic bag for a bag of grapes.


4) That I briefly considered slowing everybody down to take the bread and grapes out of the plastic bags and putting them in a half-filled paper bag in my cart and leaving the used plastic bags on the belt in front of the checker. (I didn't, but I'm annoyed that I thought about doing something so douchey.)

Anyway, 1 and 4 are on me.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tender Tendrils wrote:
The general concept of money and the general concept of time.

Is this a philosophical-surfer-dude "Time, is like, so weird" thing, or a "Ugh I hate how society and our lives revolve around getting up at 6am" thing?

Because one of those is weird, the other is not. ;)

I agree, sleeping in until 6 am is weird.


There is no relating to you cap.

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The "strings" (phloem bundles) on bananas

Not being able to easily turn off/on Windows 10 Updates

Windows 10 updates now regularly being extra broken

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
The "strings" (phloem bundles) on bananas

If you do the trick where you open your banana upside down (squeezing the tip to split it, first), when you peel the skin back, most of those strings come away with the peel.

Of course, if you use this method, you encounter the little black nub at the tip of the actual fruit, and then you have to do your best not to imagine it as some weird, gastro-intestinal part of the banana.

Dark Archive

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Andostre wrote:
Of course, if you use this method, you encounter the little black nub at the tip of the actual fruit, and then you have to do your best not to imagine it as some weird, gastro-intestinal part of the banana.

Ugh, that part of the banana always reminds me of that part of the shrimp you want to remove before you eat it...

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I'm able to pop the top of the peel off a banana without bruising the actual fruit.

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You know what, I'm just gonna say it. Bananas annoy me.

Underwhelming taste, odd smell, and high maintenance in terms of disposal. As a fruit I find it completely overrated.

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They're my favorite fruit.

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Man, those people who are annoyed by bananas, not to mention those people who love the- oh, wait, dang it, that's everyone, again, isn't it. Hold on, now, I'll get this right...

Man, those people who open bananas by the bottom side up, not to mention those people who open it top side dow- dang it!

Uh... uh... I don't know, something, something, enjoy your dang fruit (or not), 'cause I'm super asleep, dang it! There! Nailed it! Aced the whole thing! 11/10, that's a keeper of a post that I surely won't regret in the morning, and no one would ever possibly mistake~!

(But you bottom-side-first heretics are almost as bad as milk-first heretics!)

Look, I don't know, this was supposed to be "funny" - which, I suppose, for a very eccentric "value" of the word "funny" it "might be," including "excessive" "use" of "quotations" for "reasons" - but I'm really mostly asleep as I fell asleep earlier, stumbled awake to find out what's happening with my family, found out they're all asleep, and decided to post here, for some reason. Also, you should all watch Galavant, unless you've tried it and didn't like it. Such a good show!

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"Milk first people"? Do whut?

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Oh? You haven't heard of people who pour milk into their bowl, and then the cereal? I didn't believe that was a thing, first, either.

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