If you lived on Golarion what god would you follow?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I pick Desna because she is goddess of 2 of my favorite things: dreams and outerspace.

Torag or Shelyn, or Brigh, or possibly an amalgamation of all three.

And let's throw Calistria in there just to make things interesting.

Abadar, Erastil and Sarenrae.

Cayden Cailean!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sheyln for sure.

I feel like Haagenti really gets the struggle of the common people, y’know?

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The afterlife is a massive scam. 'You' die as an entity when your life ends. Afterlife strips you down and turns you into the fabric of the plane. I'm not gonna waste my life suffering and sacrificing for the weak so I can go to Heaven and get f!&+ing processed. Gonna get my rewards while I'm here to enjoy them.

Asmodeus. Popular, powerful, has his own (awesome) country, Imp familiars are useful, lots of special rules and items.

Glory to the Prince of Darkness.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've got a multi-way tie...


"She doesn't care about me, and that suits me fine. A god should have bigger concerns."


A goddess whose concern with travel gels nicely with my own inclinations, plus she's a night-associated deity who's out and out benevolent.


As a lifelong Alaskan, I have a lot of love for the aurora.


Just dings my trolley.

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After doing some thinking, I would much rather worship Lamashtu if I lived on Golarion. Drive people I don't like crazy all day, then get messed up on Waters of Lamashtu mixed with wine, eat the freshest meat I can get my hands on, and have freaky sex with whoever (or whatever) holds still long enough all night. That sounds pretty good to my inner barbarian sociopath.

Blessed be the Mother!

None of them. All of them.

I would never limit myself to worshipping a single God/dess...that's just crazy talk. I would honor and respect them all, and in time of needed or before engaging in a major endeavor, give offerings to (a) specific(s) God(s)/dess(es) as deemed appropriate.

Nethys. You just have to learn magic and do whatever you want with it.

Nocticula. Not only is she now CN, but she's still also a demon, which means you can totally do a CN demonic ritual, become a succubus and bypass the whole 'dying and losing your memories', while being good!

On top of that, I just love her new domains and portfolio. Outcasts, artists and midnight? I'm a loner, writer and nocturnal, absolutely perfect! Add in the succubus part and it's just win win win win!

Tsukiyo (especially now that Faiths of Golarion is out) really really speaks to me on pretty much every level.

As a natural born critic and nerd, I'd maybe have to go with Sivanah, as she's the only one who teaches advanced critical theory.

From Inner Sea Faiths; "Sivanah’s priests teach that each text has four levels of meaning: the literal or surface meaning, the symbolic meaning, the personal meaning an author brings to it, and the personal meaning a reader brings to it. Somewhere in the combination of these four layers lies truth."

Also, illusion is fun.

Chucaro, Kofusachi, Arshea and Calistra all seem like strong options too.

Edit for formatting.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My new favorite deity (from Faiths of Golarion) is Gruhastha, the former follower of Irori who is basically a patron of reading.

Hellknight #685,340 wrote:

The afterlife is a massive scam. 'You' die as an entity when your life ends. Afterlife strips you down and turns you into the fabric of the plane. I'm not gonna waste my life suffering and sacrificing for the weak so I can go to Heaven and get f~@~ing processed. Gonna get my rewards while I'm here to enjoy them.

Asmodeus. Popular, powerful, has his own (awesome) country, Imp familiars are useful, lots of special rules and items.

Glory to the Prince of Darkness.

The first part's right . . . but Asmodeus is a scam artist too.

David knott 242 wrote:
My new favorite deity (from Faiths of Golarion) is Gruhastha, the former follower of Irori who is basically a patron of reading.

Gruhastha is called the Keeper as he keeps watch over Golarion until enough beings reach enlightenment, at which point the world would itself become part of Nirvana.

Well, here's a possible explanation for Golarion's disappearance. He must have gotten tired of waiting for enough people to reach enlightenment and accidentally leaned on the Merge button . . . .

Liberty's Edge

Maybe the most beautiful think of living in a world were the gods power is every day proved and that is polytheistic is that one god does not exclude the other.
There is not a (supposedly) Absolute Being. Absolute Visions of Reality between which you must choose (Not very serious to say: From Monday to Wensdey I’m Catholic, from Wednesday to Friday Lutheran, Friday Muslim, Saturday Jewish and Sunday I’m Indu.).
This beacause all this is Related to Absolute.

In Golarion Gods are not absolute. They are Powerful. They are Immortal. They are part of the Metaphisyc structure of reality, maybe. But not Absolute.

For this reason I would pay respect to all goods and revere there’s mejecstic nature. Even to the bad ones, the terrific ones and the ones that incarnates thinks I personally dislike.

Some god; more than one god at one time. I’ll venerate. Venerate but not worship. Venerate ethimologially has the same tooth of the goodness “Venus” and is related in many ancient languages to words related to “love”/ “desire” / “friendship”.
More than one god could be loved by me for what he represent: Nethys, Desna, Callisra, Abadar, Sarenrae, Irori, etc..
Some god I’ll adore. Adore but not worship. Adore in the etymology sense of *Latin AD-ORARE (AD ORIS), BRING TO THE MOUTH. That originally relates the mouth to its link with the soul. And it means to bring some god in the soul. It is something more deep than love.
But, anyway, ADORE, not WORSHIP, having what a god represent deep in my soul doesn’t mean blind following.
Even because I know this god is not the Ultimste meaning of Everything; but just ... SOMETHING IN WHICH MY SOUL IS MIRRORING.
What specific god I’ll Adore I think depends from the moment of my life and what I’m focused on at that moment.
In this very precise moment of my life could be Abadar, earlier in my life I could have adored Nethys or the Green Faith God.
This more-than-one-Religion attitude is something quite usual in the Far East, where religions (etymologically religion is rebind) are less Absolute not having one omnipotent God; were many people declares them selves Taoist AND Buddhist AND Shintoism or Confucian.
Even if I’m not from the Far East I like this attitude and I’m surprised in a world such Golarion, were many gods are proved real is more common in the common people.
This may make me be not a good Cleric; but, who knows maybe some god of Golarion would appreciate it.

Liberty's Edge

*the same root of goodness Venus

Liberty's Edge

*isn’t more common in the common people

Gozreh. Nature is my friend. Cayden Cailean is a close second. Anyone who would ascend his doggo to deityhood alongside him is worthy of worship.

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