Charon Onozuka |
18 people marked this as a favorite. |

As a GM, you have a lot to keep track of. You've got to manage the PCs, NPCs, Monsters, Treasure, EXP, and keep up with of all the new rules and rules updates associated with the playtest. To help, I've created a GM Sheet with numerous notes taken from the rulebook/bestiary and space meant for tracking various aspects of your players and campaign.
Sheet Features:
Consolidated Rules: When rules notes would tell you to refer to another part of the book, I've included those rules into the note as well to save time in referencing.
Current Errata: There is a link to the current update document on the main page and any changes are added into all of the rules notes throughout the sheet.
Party Tracking: The party tracking tab has room to record information about your PCs, including all skills used in secret checks or to establish DCs. There is room to track the languages known by the group, as well as spells known (important to know if a PC can automatically identify a casted spell). At the bottom of the tab is also room to record relevant information regarding any important NPCs in the campaign.
Skills: All uses of skills are listed with notes on the relevant rules text. Additionally, feats which improve skill uses or establish new skill uses are also included. And to make everything easier, tables such as the Skills DC table or Ordinary Skill Tasks tables are included right next to their associated skills.
Conditions: Player conditions are all listed with rules notes and space to list any PCs currently suffering from that condition. Room at the bottom of the tab allows for recording any afflictions such as poison or disease which are likely to come up in your campaign.
Environment: All of the environment rules from the Bestiary are included along with terrain conditions from the Rulebook. There is also space to track the current environmental conditions and penalties for your campaign and a space to forecast the next 2 weeks.
Modes of Play: Includes notes on all of the actions, tactics, and activities players can commonly use during each mode of play (encounter, exploration, and downtime).
Time Tracker: Includes space to track overall time since the start of the campaign, room & board, downtime activities, events over the course of a day, and includes tables for basic services and cost of living.
Treasure: Includes all of the wealth tables along with space to track how much currency and items you've given to the party thus far. Also includes room to list any items to be found in the campaign along with their associated identification DCs and value. Finally, there are many tables included for referencing different types of magical items and common DCs/pricing.
Experience: Includes a tab to track any experience points gained by the party along with tables related to experience rewards and building an encounter.
Statblocks: Include rough templates to track any custom statblocks you may need to reference for the campaign and includes handy rules notes on all monster abilities and weapon traits. Also includes many of the monster/hazard traits for easy reference, especially the few which have mechanical rules implications.
Playtest Tracking: Finally, the sheet includes a copy of the Doomsday Dawn GM Tracking Sheet so that you can have it right next to all of your other GM notes when running the Playtest Campaign.
As a final note, if you liked this google sheet be sure to check out my thread for my custom character sheet.
And as a bonus, if you get your players to use a google sheets character sheet, you can then ask them to share it with you and provide a link to view. Simply attach this link to their character's name in the Party Tracking tab and you'll be able to quickly reference anyone's character sheet in game whenever you need to, even after they've just updated it with new information.

Charon Onozuka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Wow, I expected a small sheet with table 10-2, conditions reference, and encounter building table. This is basically every mechanic of the 2E system (as opposed to its content like ancestries/classes) in a spreadsheet. Amazing job!
xD I actually debated whether or not to include "massive" in the thread's title, since I normally hate that kind of of selling language and how its prone to exaggeration.

Talsharien |

Used the sheet in my session on Saturday (runs for 9 hours this one so can get a little fatiguing with bookkeeping) and it is a great help.
I love the party language boxes which allow the GM to have a quick glance to see languages spoken by the party, nice. I did notice however that Acrobatics and Performance were missing from the skill list on the party sheet.

Charon Onozuka |

Used the sheet in my session on Saturday (runs for 9 hours this one so can get a little fatiguing with bookkeeping) and it is a great help.
I love the party language boxes which allow the GM to have a quick glance to see languages spoken by the party, nice. I did notice however that Acrobatics and Performance were missing from the skill list on the party sheet.
Thanks for the feedback!
Originally, skills were just meant to be those needed for secret rolls the GM may need to know without informing the player (my PF1 sheet just had Perception/Sense Motive). However in the PF2 Playtest, the increase of secret rolls and the inclusion of skill DCs has made it so that many, but not all, skills were included in this - which is what I had tried to include.
However, considering that you brought up the missing skills, I assume it would have been helpful in your game to have a reference to them as well? With the current format of the section, it wouldn't be too difficult to just include every skill in the next update of the sheet if people would find it beneficial. (Which would probably be later this week, once I have time to go through the 1.3 errata that should release later today.)

Talsharien |

It is handy sometimes to be able to see which character has the highest bonus in a skill at a glance. If I prompt a check, I generally ask the character with the highest (or sometimes lowest) bonus to roll first to avoid roll blockage :)
Great stuff though, really useful tool, it is getting run out again for my 2nd campaign tomorrow.

Charon Onozuka |

Updated for 1.3 Playtest Rules
In addition to the rules update, I also added a bunch of small features/fixes to the sheet (like including all skills on the party tab). My favorites are the Item Quality table on the Treasure tab (which combines the item tables from page 190 and page 370), and the new "Short-Term Skills" under Exploration Mode. The idea behind short-term skills is to collect many of the 10min skill activities that players are likely to want to do while in-between combat or while someone else is treating wounds.
This is amazing! Please keep it up and release one along with the full release of the game!
Thanks~ My current plan is to try to keep the sheets updated throughout the playtest within a week of new rules updates being posted. As for the full release, that'll probably take a bit longer, but I'll certainly be looking to make an updated copy for my own use and share it when I can.
Finally, if you like my GM Sheet, be sure to check out the Character Sheet I made for the Playtest: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs429qz?Online-Character-Sheet

Dragonriderje |

Gonna give this a shot Sunday for Heroes of Undarin. Currently I use two monitors and an iPad to keep track of everything. One monitor has roll20 full screen and the other is split between my pdf viewer and browser. And the iPad is my scratchpad for HP/conditions etc
My biggest pain is switching between PDFs for rules, monster stats, and adventure text and then on my browser switching between character sheets and tracking sheets. Hopefully this will help consolidate things and reduce the switching required!

Dragonriderje |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I used this document for my session Sunday and it worked great.
I ended up taking my GMPC’s character sheet (that I made on google sheets anyway) and adding it as a sheet to the document.
There are a lot of sheets on the document that I didn’t really use but that’s ok. I ended up using it more for reference than actually tracking things.
What I think I might do is take the section of the Skills sheet that details the actions you can take with each skill, and combine it with the Encounter Mode section of the Modes of Play sheet. That way, almost all actions someone can take in combat are on one sheet
The other thing I referenced a lot was the Statblocks sheet because it had the Monster traits, abilities, weapon traits, etc. so I’m considering copying that info over (and leaving the actual statblocks that I don’t use) to another sheet to consolidate. Perhaps the Conditions tab, in place of the custom Afflictions, Misc Conditions, and the tracking stuff.
So I’d have one Skills and Actions sheet and one Conditions and Traits sheet. I hope you don’t mind the personalization of your masterpiece! (And it is a masterpiece - I love the format)
I started resenting when I had to look up spells because I had to reference a much less user-friendly document.
Listing just the name of the ability/action/trait and having the info pop up on mouseover is a really compact and convenient design. I’d kill to have spells, feats, class abilities formatted the same way. I might even try doing some of that myself - if I can figure out how to do it!
Thanks again for the great resource.

Charon Onozuka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for the support and feedback everyone!
So I’d have one Skills and Actions sheet and one Conditions and Traits sheet. I hope you don’t mind the personalization of your masterpiece! (And it is a masterpiece - I love the format)
No worries! I consider my GM & Character Sheets to be "Templates," so adjusting what you need to suit your table is more than okay. While I obviously can only update my own sheets and not your modifications - I might borrow some of these ideas in future updates (in particular, adding some more skills to the Modes of Play tab), so thanks for that! Right now, I'm only using the sheet for my own run of Doomsday Dawn, so hearing how others interact with it is very helpful when trying to make it better.
I started resenting when I had to look up spells because I had to reference a much less user-friendly document.
I recently saw this resource which might help you there. I'm currently planning to try it out during my next session tomorrow.
Listing just the name of the ability/action/trait and having the info pop up on mouseover is a really compact and convenient design. I’d kill to have spells, feats, class abilities formatted the same way. I might even try doing some of that myself - if I can figure out how to do it!
I'd love to see it if you do! You can add a note to Google Sheets by just right-clicking a cell and selecting "Insert Note." Generally I've copy-pasted text from the rulebook/update PDF, and then tried to fix the awkward line-breaks so that it reads better in the note.

Charon Onozuka |

Updated for 1.5 Playtest Rules
Also made a few minor adjustments, such as adding a section to track character speed in the Party Tracker (been running Pale Mountain, realized I need a quick way to calculate group travel speed without asking players each time I forget).
Also implemented a first draft of Dragonriderje's idea of adding skill uses to the Modes of Play tab under Encounter Mode. Currently includes skill uses that take only 1-3 actions, but does not include the feats which improve those actions due to spacing concerns. I'll be looking into other ideas to move/reformat sections in future updates.

kpulv |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Would it possible to put links to characters that have used your character sheet into this one and have it fill out the character data directly from their sheets? (I actually thought on the cover that Player 1, Player 2, etc, actually wanted links to their character sheets for this purpose)
Thanks for both this and your character sheet! My group is using it on Part 3 and it's gonna make things a lot smoother.

Charon Onozuka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Would it possible to put links to characters that have used your character sheet into this one and have it fill out the character data directly from their sheets? (I actually thought on the cover that Player 1, Player 2, etc, actually wanted links to their character sheets for this purpose)
I actually recently learned a bit about how to import data from other sheets, so I updated the GM Sheet to be able to do this now. I had to add a new row for the URL link to be referenced & give Lore a full 6 rows instead of one - but it should work without issue. [Only updates from Main tab of Char Sheet at the moment, and does not include auto-filling languages. In the future, I'll be looking into if there is an easy way to expand this into being able to autofill for Companion Creatures, and if I can get it to autofill the Languages section in some way.]
I vaguely remember thinking about doing this previously, but for some reason it completely slipped my mind & I don't even have it in any of my planned update notes. So many thanks for bringing this up! I did a quick test using my current GM Sheet for Pale Mountain, and it already looks to be a huge time-saver and convenience feature.

kpulv |
Whooaa awesome :O
Will it work if each character sheet belongs to a different google user? Basically all of my players are sharing their sheet with me, but I know that getting the data from another google sheet can be really weird if its coming from a different user.
I've tried putting in the sharing link they've given me, and also tried the publish to the web url as well, but neither seem to be doing anything when I enter it into the url fields.
Edit: Okay I figured it out. You might want to actually remove at least one of the IFERRORs you have in the columns in the player stuff. When trying to get data from a sheet from another user, the error actually generates a prompt that you have to click a confirmation button on to allow the data to be imported, so if you suppress the error, that prompt never appears and it fails silently.

Charon Onozuka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alrighty, making a note of this for the next time I update (probably when I try to incorporate Companion Creatures as well).
Out of curiosity, did your players share their sheets directly with you? Or did they give you a link set to "anyone can view?" Since I didn't notice this come up during my quick test, but I know everyone in my group gave me a shared link set to "anyone can edit/view." Either way I'll be sure to improve it next update, but I'm curious to know where the difference happened to be.

kpulv |
Alrighty, making a note of this for the next time I update (probably when I try to incorporate Companion Creatures as well).
Out of curiosity, did your players share their sheets directly with you? Or did they give you a link set to "anyone can view?" Since I didn't notice this come up during my quick test, but I know everyone in my group gave me a shared link set to "anyone can edit/view." Either way I'll be sure to improve it next update, but I'm curious to know where the difference happened to be.
So I think what I experienced was maybe only sharing with my account, and not a link that anyone can view. Two of my players sheets had an error, and I had to remove the IFERROR to get the prompt to come up, but then my other two players sheets actually imported fine, so it might be the case that the latter two made their sheet viewable to anyone with the link.

Charon Onozuka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Had a bit more time than I expected, so I decided to update the Party Tracker again. Now it should be able to import the stats from a Companion Creature if you click the new checkbox underneath the URL row. Additionally, the Languages section has been redone and should automatically create a list of all characters with the listed language recorded on their sheet. I put in all the Common-rarity languages from the Playtest as default entries, but any of them can be changed and the list will update accordingly. (For my own quick test, I just added the three languages from Part 2 into the empty language boxes & it looked to update for my group appropriately.)
And obviously, if your group doesn't use my Character Sheet, all of the import formulas can be overwritten without harming anything on the Sheet.
So I think what I experienced was maybe only sharing with my account, and not a link that anyone can view. Two of my players sheets had an error, and I had to remove the IFERROR to get the prompt to come up, but then my other two players sheets actually imported fine, so it might be the case that the latter two made their sheet viewable to anyone with the link.
Good to know. I removed the IFERRORs on the alignment row so that the prompt should appear if the sheet isn't set to anyone can view. Otherwise, as long as that was the only issue the import function should hopefully work as intended now. (Though be sure to mention if it doesn't!)

Charon Onozuka |

Updated for 1.6 Playtest Rules
Since my last post, I've also reformatted the NPC & Treasure sections to have more areas to record relevant info. The goal for the Major NPCs section is to have enough info to be able to run social situations without needing to reference a more complex statblock.
Additionally, I've incorporated a bit more of Dragonriderje's ideas/customizations and copied the Weapon Traits & Monster Abilities sections into the Conditions tab. To do this, I moved/shrunk the Misc. Conditions section which I haven't been seeing any use with. As such, if anyone finds the new Misc Conditions to be too small, please comment with how you're using it so I can update the sheet better.
And my favorite change has to do with the Party Tracker. Now, the highest bonus from the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, and Religion skills will automatically have the text turn orange. This is meant to make it much easier to quickly find which bonus should be used when a character tries to Identify Magic, since it can use any of those skills and the player will want to use whichever is best. I also made a duplicate of the Name row just above skills to help reduce scrolling required to identify which character is best suited for a skill check.

Charon Onozuka |

Update 1.7.0 - no rules change
With update 1.7.0 of my character sheet, any GM's relying on the import function of the GM Sheet to fill in skills under the Party Tracker will need to update their Party tab on the GM Sheet if any of their players use the new Character Sheet. If you do not want to transfer your entire GM Sheet to a new one, you can click the arrow next to the Party tab on the new sheet, select "Copy to...", and then select your existing GM Sheet. This will make a copy of the tab into your existing sheet which can be used to replace the original Party tab.
Regarding additional updates to the sheet, the Spell Repertoire section on the party tab now automatically imports all spells from linked character sheets, deletes duplicate spells, arranges them alphabetically, and lists which characters know each spell. Note that this uses a hidden sheet called "SpellRep" to function, so please do not delete the hidden sheet.
Other minor updates can be viewed in the Changelog on the sheet.

Charon Onozuka |

I couldn't quite get the spell importing to work, but this is still a god send.
Hmm... After doing a fews tests of my own, I think this is the result of the import function not playing nice with tabs hidden by default after copying. If you open the hidden sheet, double click cell A1, and then hit enter, it should "wake up" the formula and cause it to work again even after re-hiding the sheet.
To help fix this, I've changed how the formula works in v1.7.1 and made the referenced cells hidden on the EXP tab (white text on white background) rather than on a hidden sheet. In the future, I could combine the formulas into just a single cell in the Spell Repertoire section, but for now I want to keep them seperate and easier to adjust while I see if I can make a few edits to improve the section further.
Additionally, while attempting to fix this I also made a few small edits to the Party Tracking section with formatting/organization and added a Resistances section along with a section for Spell DCs (by spellcasting tradition). Hopefully this makes it a bit easier to use in play while adding more relevant info for the GM. And of course, all new sections import automatically from linked sheets.
If anyone chooses to just copy the new Party tab into an older version of the sheet, then you'll want to copy the formula in cell AW5 on the EXP tab into the same spot on the older sheet to ensure that the new Spell Repertoire section works properly. You can then set the text color of column AW on the EXP tab to white to hide the unsorted information you don't need to see.

Charon Onozuka |

So my GM sheet is 1.6.1 currently, and my players are probably using various older versions of your character sheet, not sure which.
Can you explain to me like I'm a five year old how to import my information into your newest version and get those fancy new spell functions? Thanks!
Alrighty, so the easiest method would likely be to just replace the Party tab with the newest version and then copy over any additional info like NPCs/Notes which doesn't get imported from the character sheet urls. Afterwards, you'd have to place one formula in another tab and it should be good. This will get you the new tracking features without having to copy any info from the other tabs.
So first, open up the newest version of the GM Sheet and go to the Party tab at the bottom. Click the down arrow on the Party tab to open up a list of options. Since you do not own the sheet, the only selectable option will be "Copy to..." Select that option to open up a window to select your existing GM Sheet within your google drive. Alternately, on that pop-up window you can post a link to your existing GM Sheet in the box near the bottom where it says, "Or paste a web address here:"
After copying the Party tab into your existing sheet, it will appear as a tab called "Copy of Party" to the far right of your existing tabs. You'll probably have to scroll right to find it, but once you do you can click, hold, and drag the tab to the left until it is adjacent to your current Party tab. Copy the Player urls, and then any data that doesn't autofill from the original tab into the new copy. Ignore the Spell Repertoire section for now. At this point, you can delete the original Party tab and rename the "Copy of Party" tab to become your new default. Don't worry about the players using older character sheets, as the new skill formulas are made to check the sheet version number and apply the appropriate formula regardless of which version of the character sheet is used.
Finally, open the EXP tab on your existing GM Sheet. Copy the formula in the spoiler below into cell AW5 (immediately to the right of the "EXP until next Level" box). Depending on how many spells your party has, this will likely extend the tab a bit and be somewhat unsightly. To clean it up, select column AW5 and change the text color to white (the same as the background) to effectively hide the messy text.
After this is all done, go back to the Party tab and the Spell Repertoire section should now be filled in from your player's character sheets! (Or blank if they have no spells) Note: Currently spells with different capitalizations or a space at the end may end up counting as different spells for the Unique function. I still need to look into if there is a good way to make them counted as the same to prevent unneeded repeats.
If for some reason this doesn't work, feel free to post any more questions. In the worst case scenario, you can potentially PM an edit link to your GM Sheet and I'll try to see if I can find out what needs to be done to help (& promise not to mess anything up for you).

Captain Morgan |

Got it working! Thanks again. This is golden.
Question. Is the "current date" column in the time tracker especially useful to you? I have just been using it to mark the start date of the campaign so I know how much time has actually passed. Having to manually update the current date doesn't seem especially efficient for tracking that. But you may have a use for it I haven't thought of.

Charon Onozuka |

Good to hear you got it working!
To be fair, thusfar in the playtest scenarios I primarily only used the current date section to mark the year and didn't really use it further - as information about exact dates didn't seem to really be provided or influence anything.
The intention of the section was primarily for longer homebrew campaigns to help keep track of things like months and seasons that occured with the passage of time. Previously, I've found that games without a good way to track time typically ended up as neverending spring days with perfect weather as a default, until the party decided to rest or the GM/Plot determined that weather/seasons needed to exist somewhere.
In my own games, I admit I've only recently started to get better at tracking the passage of time within a day, and feel that it has helped improved the immersion. Specifically, I was overjoyed in Part 2 when I got to inform the party that the sun was beginning to set after everything they'd done in the day and it forced them to make a choice about their return journey. Do they continue travelling until nightfall and risk camping in known enemy territory? Do they pull a late night and travel in darkness at the risk of light sources announcing their presence and location? Or do they camp in a safe location to continue tomorrow at the risk of giving the rival group a chance to catch up to them? Suddenly time mattered within the game world, and the party decided to camp in safety and sneak down the next day rather than risk an unexpected Manticore encounter at night. After that, the players became more interested in asking what the rough time of day was after doing lengthy activities (such as multiple 10 min Treat Wounds) and became a bit more invested in the game world as a result.
So overall, part of my hopes with that area of the GM Sheet was to improve the ability of the GM to more easily track things related to time - especially daylight, seasons, and weather (with a forecast chart on the Environment tab) in order to make the game world feel a bit more immersive. Not to mention that I hope to eventually have events within my homebrew setting related to calendar dates, and would need a way to keep track of how long it is until they might occur. With all that being said, these areas of the GM Sheet are very much a 1st draft, so I am more than open to any comments about how they could be improved in the future if you have any ideas or past experience from your own games. (Especially since you are right in that manually tracking the current date could be a pain & there would probably be value in a section just to mark the start date of a campaign.)

Captain Morgan |

Good to hear you got it working!
To be fair, thusfar in the playtest scenarios I primarily only used the current date section to mark the year and didn't really use it further - as information about exact dates didn't seem to really be provided or influence anything.
The intention of the section was primarily for longer homebrew campaigns to help keep track of things like months and seasons that occured with the passage of time. Previously, I've found that games without a good way to track time typically ended up as neverending spring days with perfect weather as a default, until the party decided to rest or the GM/Plot determined that weather/seasons needed to exist somewhere.
In my own games, I admit I've only recently started to get better at tracking the passage of time within a day, and feel that it has helped improved the immersion. Specifically, I was overjoyed in Part 2 when I got to inform the party that the sun was beginning to set after everything they'd done in the day and it forced them to make a choice about their return journey. Do they continue travelling until nightfall and risk camping in known enemy territory? Do they pull a late night and travel in darkness at the risk of light sources announcing their presence and location? Or do they camp in a safe location to continue tomorrow at the risk of giving the rival group a chance to catch up to them? Suddenly time mattered within the game world, and the party decided to camp in safety and sneak down the next day rather than risk an unexpected Manticore encounter at night. After that, the players became more interested in asking what the rough time of day was after doing lengthy activities (such as multiple 10 min Treat Wounds) and became a bit more invested in the game world as a result.
So overall, part of my hopes with that area of the GM Sheet was to improve the ability of the GM to more easily track things related to time - especially daylight, seasons, and weather (with a forecast chart on the Environment tab) in order to make...
I've found your tracker really helpful for all of the reasons you mentioned, though I haven't really messed around with the environment tab. I feel like I need a good random weather generator for different parts of Golarion, haha.
But it has been golden for stuff like 10 minute treat wounds. My Ironfang Invasion game has a lot of time sensitive objectives right now, and this tracker has really made me feel like I have a handle on the passage of time.
The biggest additions I can think of seem like they'd be really hard to program in: something that can actually calculate the date and changes in sunset and sunrise seem like they'd require way more information than seems reasonable to expect, unless you can lift the forumlas from elsewhere.