Euan's Second Darkness (Inactive)

Game Master Euan

Roll 20 Map
Treasure Sheet
Map of the Land of Black Blood

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Well, you're a powerful party with spells and abilities beyond my capacity to keep a close eye on. You may have any manner of ways of contacting the elves of Crying Leaf, and if not there are scrolls that could also be obtained (such as Sending, though that's a little short perhaps - not sure what you're trying to do exactly).

You also know the Queen and her retinue have contact with them as well and you could try that tack though the Queen seems satisfied to wait for the diviners and other sages to report back to her before delving further into the matter.

Kaylayne has requested that one of their druids come and visit her here, and was told it would be arranged, though no time was given. So an elf from Crying Leaf might be joining you before too long (though what's 'long' to an elf?).

So yes, there is a chance. :)

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne helps Dimi shop, taking her time to get comfortable in elven society. It is slowly dawning upon her that she is being offered a very rare experience: time in the elven world. Since there are so few travelers here, she recognizes the uniqueness of the experience and it humbles her.

She buys nothing yet, and sells the wand of false life as well. She has the inkling of something she might do to help Allarnon's suffering.

She returns back from the shopping trip and distributes gold and dust around.

* * *

In the morning, Kaylayne will cast Restoration and Detect Scrying, healing the tired bear and gaining some insight into the divinations of the elves. She will also ask to see Allarnon's amulet, intending to make some alterations to magics and provide some additional malice against any drow they might face in the future.

Begin crafting project, fast craft. DC15 vs. Autocheck of 20+.

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |

The next morning Allarnon's head clears a bit more. He rushes back down to the shop after spending the evening speaking with Kaylayne and finally realizing some of her abilities.

Once at the shop he alters and rescinds his orders, allowing Kaylayne to work her magics. Amazed that she was giving the ability to raise the dead, why did he not think she could also create magical items.

For the remainder of the day Allarnon feeds and heals Tarkir's wounds.

CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief inquires with his hosts for someone versed in alchemicals. He decides to use his time with the elves, however restricted, to learn something of the two vials he procured in Orvignato's bar. He also seeks new formulae to add to his own book, should they be made available. He'll leverage the rare vials to gain access, if necessary.

Otherwise, he reads, well into the night, by the light of his Light. He takes what is given, looking over Emerald Dreams, committing most of it to memory, for cerebral exercise.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

Dimitrio gathered his companions in a place and waited for Layne's signal that they were not being spied upon.

"We need to get word of our arrival to Crying Leaf. How about we buy a magical scroll and say that we need it to communicate to our tavern manager in Riddleport."

He looked for confirmation and advice, "What's available for doing that? Any spells you may know of?"

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief watches what appears to be some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder, as the dancer looks about with paranoia, deferring to the female, before asking about Crying Leaf.

"Were you distracted when the queen mentioned already having contacted Crying Leaf? Unless you don't trust the elves at their word?"

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |
Lief Anemoi wrote:

Lief watches what appears to be some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder, as the dancer looks about with paranoia, deferring to the female, before asking about Crying Leaf.

"Were you distracted when the queen mentioned already having contacted Crying Leaf? Unless you don't trust the elves at their word?"

Dimitrio shook his head, "You know Lief, I've been wondering about you lately. There's no denying you're smart but that common sense of yours sure could get an upgrade. Can't you concoct some sort of potion to help you out with that?"

He added, "Are you telling me that you trust these elves? These same elves that treat us as prisoners? Albeit in a golden cage, but we're still prisoners here."

He breathed out to calm himself, "Who's to say that they just told us they communicated with Crying Leaf but have done nothing of the sort. I think we need to make sure."

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

"When you resort to insult, Dimitrio, you show weak character. When you generalize, you show poor comprehension." Lief frowns, wondering how to continue.

"Who are 'these elves', Dimitrio? Are you only referring to Villastir and the Queen? There is a High Council here. There is a Royal Court. There are obedient guards. There are the citizen elves of Iadara. You've only dealt with a handful of them, and you mistrust from the start? You would be dead already, if they hadn't extended enough trust to hear us out, for having passed through an 'aiudara'. They have shown restraint and civility in our apprehension. They announced each and every spell cast against us for our audience with the Queen. They have allowed us relative ease of travel through the city, allowed you to make purchases, given us magic..." It's Lief's turn to shake his head.

"We're under the Queen's protection. We're her guests. I'll grant you that she's green, and dismissive, and likely beyond her depths in her office, but they must be given the benefit of the doubt here, as they did us."

"Do what makes you feel more secure, Dimitrio. I'm done asking you for your thoughts. I'm tired of your pettiness, of your hystrionics. If it makes you easier to live with, go out and spill seed. You need to do something to ease the pressure."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Ederin's Absence:

Stepping into the elven city, Ederin is overwhelmed by curiosity. He's eager to meet the Queen and hear what she has to say, and he's anxious to be on his way. He'd been away from home far too long.

As the party begins their audience with the queen though, his sense of the world around him begins to dull. Sounds become muffled and almost impossible to hear. As Lief addresses the young sovereign, he shifts in and out of focus. The colors of the world however, start to become more vibrant, almost overwhelming so. Ederin has to squint to even see ahead of him.

To his left he hears the roar of a young bear, simultaneously far away and right beside him. Tarkir? He wonders. Knowing Kaylayne had been preparing for the return of his spirit. Would old Deadeye let him return? Before he can consider it further Ederin begins receiving visions.

Riddleport in flames, it's buildings reduced to dust and rubble beneath a starless sky. Elves fleeing their homes in Crying Leaf, stumbling through the darkness. Yeah, I got it, the drow are bad news. He thinks to himself. That's why we're here. Another vision, similar to the first one he had in Riddleport when he received his magic, the eagle headed man holding an ethereal bow out in front of him, close enough to grasp.

Taking the weapon in his hands Ederin pulls back on the delicate string and an arrow appears between his fingers, perfectly balanced. He fires into the forest that has sprung up around him. Again and again and again, almost impossibly quick. Each arrow finds it's mark, exploding in divine light before the next appears in his hands, Ederin's aim is near perfect and time seems almost to slow between each draw of the bowstring. The strange humanoid beside him nods it's approval before fading into the background with a screech.

Ederin comes to in a bedroom somewhere in the elven city, his hands still pulling back on his bow and releasing arrows into one of the bedposts on the opposite side of the room. Nearly his whole quiver had been unleashed and each arrow is stuck in the wood just inches from the rest. Even as he becomes aware of his surroundings again he keeps firing, reveling in his new found speed and focus.

"I'm gonna need more arrows." He says to himself when he's satisfied. He pulls his arrows from the bed, recovering what he can, and drapes his sash over the damage a little sheepishly. Might have to pay for that.

Realizing he might have missed some developments while he was 'away' Ederin rushes out to find the rest of the party, and maybe a number of arrows as well. When he discovers Dimitrio and Leif bickering he rolls his eyes.

"Communicatin' with Cryin' Leaf ain't a terrible idea, but the kid is right, we shouldn't let the elves think we distrust them. It'll only look bad on us, yeah?" While he speaks he ruffles Tarkir's fur, smiling. "Good t' have you back with us mate."

I assume I'd be able to find 90 arrows and 4 adamantine blanches?

Roll 20 Map

Kaylayne does not detect any scrying for the next few days (at least) as she begins work on Allarnon’s new amulet. Allarnon relaxes with Tarkir, renewing a friendship only a few days cold - but thought to have ended forever. Lief is able to get most of what he requires (let me know an exact list when you get a chance) and whiles way his time in research. Dimitrio worries about contacting Crying Leaf. Ederin, back from his visions, is able to find just about any arrow he desires - as he may well imagine. Blanches are also common here.

You’re struck, repeatedly, by the contrasts, and similarities, here compared to the capital city of the drow. In both, there is beauty everywhere you look, though of differing kinds. It is clear they are from the same stock, but they do diverge rapidly from there. The harsh reality of the underdark isn’t present here, and the lightening of that load results in backs that are straight, but supple rather than iron hard, and a people who are peaceful rather than violent.

Thus do the first few days pass, peaceful and tranquil. You worry, at least a little, about what the Queen is actually doing, but there’s no good way of politely inquiring. She’ll contact you when she’s ready, and that will have to be enough for now. After all, it’s only been a few days, and she did say it would be a week before anything especial would happen.

Roll 20 Map

Early in the morning of Fireday, 23 Lamashan (this is the fourth day of crafting), there’s a polite knock at the door. When the party has roused enough to answer it, they find none other than Iaon Griffen, looking a little bewildered but eternally calm, standing on the other side with a young elven servant attending her. She sees Kaylayne and puts her arms around her in welcoming friendship and indeed greets you all warmly.

”We were so glad to hear of your safe return. Truly we feasted last night in your honor!” and you can imagine the feast indeed - much like the one just before you departed. What fun it must have been.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne wipes the sweat from her brow, her focusing becoming more strained as the long days of crafting take their toll. She ponders giving up, or asking for help with it, but then tries even harder.

No, you can't give up. He is one of us. He fought for us. His best friend died for us. Kaylayne, you will do this. For him. For his sacrifice.

Kaylayne, for at least 8 hours per day, will work on Alla's amulet.

* * *

"Ioan!" Kaylayne gasps warmly as her spiritual advisor finally arrives. She offers him a hug and ushers him inside. She will fix (or order) him a refreshment(s). "Come in! Please! Sit! I was so hoping you'd come!"

After Ioan is comfortable, she will relate the entire tale (with as much detail as she can recount) of what happened in the Underdark, including the change of the Other Kaylayne, and what lead them back to Kyonin.

When her story is told, she will ask questions of her own of Ioan...

"But...maybe you can answer some questions for us, Ioan...because we are somewhat confused..." Kaylayne asks as she slumps down in a chair next to Ioan. "Does Eviana know we are here? We had thought she might send word. And our reception by Villastir and the Queen have been...unusual. It's as if they did not know what we undertook on Eviana's behalf. I don't think they believe us still. Can you lend some insight?"

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Roll 20 Map

Iaon Griffen listens carefully and asks few questions. In the end she says, ”Yes, that’s nearly identical to the report we received in Crying Leaf the other day - an emissary of the Queens. You’ve met her? She’s dreamy isn’t she?” she says smiling, clearly believing that to be a good quality.

She praises the party for their efforts, and apparent success. She reiterates how wonderful it is that they are helping the elves in this matter - for the greater good.

She continues evenly, ”Eviana has been mopping up the remains of the war now that the gateway is closed. There were pockets of drow resistance of course, but even worse were the many and varied truly unwholesome creatures they encouraged and fostered. Things have been reasonably quiet for a short time now however - certainly compared to the wars end a few weeks ago. There is pressure from some on the council to cease the military campaign now that it’s apparently been won, but that will take weeks or months to decide.”

”There’s some talk, though quieter, of moving elves back into the city. Or whether it should be left fallow to the ages. Certainly Crying Leaf will continue in some form to guard over the site and see to it those who have an interest may visit it in safety. But of the far future who can say.” she says trying for the long view.

She changes tack, and tries to answer some of Kaylayne's queries, ”I only know Villastir by reputation, but he has an excellent one. Remember that the drow are, well, hidden, even from our own people. It’s not surprising they would be silent in the open with so many listeners and hangers on. The drow are a shame of our people, and no one wants to speak of them - and many fight hard to hide their very existence.”

”It was once a crime to even speak of the drow, something about promoting hysteria, but the Queen rescinded that law - a very unpopular move to many - or we couldn’t have this discussion at all. Well, not legally anyway.” she grins, clearly one to break the law now and again if it makes sense to do so. An elven trait indeed.

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Ederin listens to Iaon with a raised eyebrow, not really sure who this elf is, but she approached Kaylayne warmly enough.

"That's the elf solution to the drow problem? Ignore it? If you're people knew about 'em maybe you'd have more willing to fight 'em off. Then we wouldn't be sittin' here worryin' about what's gonna happen next." He groans a bit and shakes his head.

"Makin' it a crime to talk about somethin' as dangerous as them? Hysteria or not, you'd have to be an empty mug to think that's a good idea. At least that's one thing I agree with your queen on."

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |

Allarnon leans back as he listens on in rapt silence to the new woman who entered the room. Kaylayne seems to be very familiar with her.

Allarnon agrees with Ederin. "Ignoring the problem is what allowed them to become such a threat in the first place."

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

Dimitrio is glad that Eviana is aware of their situation. Hopefully, he'd be able to go home soon, especially if the elves chose to continue to ignore the threat.

He waited for word from the Queen to see what would happen next.

In the meantime, he checked on the wizard that was enchanting his blade to see how things were going...

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne listens as Iaon, the she elf, speaks and answers questions. She feel that her nagging doubts are being alleviated, and that Eviana knows of their 'success'.

She nods along as others opine and ask questions, trusting Iaon to help them as she had helped Kaylayne.

Iaon wrote:
"You’ve met her? She’s dreamy isn’t she?”

Kaylayne squashes a smile.

"Yes, she's certainly has her head in the dream," Kaylayne agrees mirthfully. "What do you think she still wants from us? Why hasn't she acted yet? What are they waiting for?" Kaylayne asks, the mirth fleeing as she gets a bit more serious.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief listens attentively as Iaon informs them of events in Crying Leaf, and the cautious optimism of restoring Celwynvian to its former glory. For that, he is pleased.

His displeasure begins to join Ederin's and Allarnon's, as she elaborates on elven discretion.

"I know that you are not obligated to defend the Court's proceedings, but we explicitly informed Villastir from whence we came, and the drow we encountered. Is it his fault that we were brought into the open? Shouldn't we have been cloistered with the in-the-know elves, regarding our report of the drow? No, it is not your question to answer. I do not mean to challenge all elves through you, Iaon. Like my companions have said, the drow seem to be focusing on Kyonin, so the problem is now Kyonin's. If they choose to ignore it, or minimize it to the point of impotency, I will regret very little should Allevrah manage her dark doings. The people of Kyonin will pay dearly for the blindness of their High Council and Queen."

Roll 20 Map
Ederin Valenta wrote:

Ederin listens to Iaon with a raised eyebrow, not really sure who this elf is, but she approached Kaylayne warmly enough.

"That's the elf solution to the drow problem? Ignore it? If you're people knew about 'em maybe you'd have more willing to fight 'em off. Then we wouldn't be sittin' here worryin' about what's gonna happen next." He groans a bit and shakes his head.

"Makin' it a crime to talk about somethin' as dangerous as them? Hysteria or not, you'd have to be an empty mug to think that's a good idea. At least that's one thing I agree with your queen on."

Allarnon wrote:

Allarnon leans back as he listens on in rapt silence to the new woman who entered the room. Kaylayne seems to be very familiar with her.

Allarnon agrees with Ederin. "Ignoring the problem is what allowed them to become such a threat in the first place."

”Oh yes, our new Queen will be a most auspicious ruler I think. She has begun reversing a lot of the isolationism common in our culture.”

Dimitrio Carini wrote:
In the meantime, he checked on the wizard that was enchanting his blade to see how things were going...

I think your sword should be ready today if I’m not mistaken. We’ll say it’s ready today for simplicity.

Kaylayne the Undone wrote:
"Yes, she's certainly has her head in the dream," Kaylayne agrees mirthfully. "What do you think she still wants from us? Why hasn't she acted yet? What are they waiting for?" Kaylayne asks, the mirth fleeing as she gets a bit more serious.

Iaon smiles and sits back a moment before replying, ”Why my dear, I forget you are not as patient as we elves. You have barely been here a few days and already you are itching for action. I cannot imagine the speed of the thoughts that must rush through your head to be ready so fast!”

”The Queen is, I am sure, considering your story. And from all angles. That sort of thinking should not be rushed, child. You would plunge the nation into anarchy and who knows what might result from such rashness.”

Lief Anemoi wrote:
"I know that you are not obligated to defend the Court's proceedings, but we explicitly informed Villastir from whence we came, and the drow we encountered. Is it his fault that we were brought into the open? Shouldn't we have been cloistered with the in-the-know elves, regarding our report of the drow? No, it is not your question to answer. I do not mean to challenge all elves through you, Iaon. Like my companions have said, the drow seem to be focusing on Kyonin, so the problem is now Kyonin's. If they choose to ignore it, or minimize it to the point of impotency, I will regret very little should Allevrah manage her dark doings. The people of Kyonin will pay dearly for the blindness of their High Council and Queen."

”Oh my. You have made many assumptions in your haste haven’t you. So you know, already, what the Queen and Council do not? - their actions in this matter? And further, you have decided that they will do nothing. OK, that is a possibility, and so, for sake of argument, let us say they do nothing.”

She shakes her head, ”You would, in that case, knowing what you know, also chose to do nothing. Two things strike me from that stance. One, you are therefor in support of the Councils decision and, reasonably, therefor support the Council and Queen.” she smiles. ”And two, that you would doom many thousands of souls to death.” she frowns.

”You believe this story of yours, and believe the conclusions you have drawn from it are the correct conclusions. And so you believe, unhindered, the drow will slam a star into the capital, doing so much damage that indeed all of Kyonin would die. Knowing that for a fact in your mind, you would sit aside and do nothing? You are less moral than I thought good sir or I misunderstand you.”

”But still, if your story is true to the last, I am sure the Queen’s keen intellect will see through to the end and we will rise up to crush this drow menace. Please be patient however, for elven lives are long, and we do not rush matters as grave as these. I can see there is some error in doing so, but there is error the other way too, furthered perhaps by our own natures.”

”Listen to me prattle on like I know things! Eviana insists that I am at your service - and so do I. What may I do to help you in furthering your plan? I am not strong politically, but I might be able to arrange another audience with the Queen if you like. Try to speed things along.”

It is clear that while she herself might not believe all you have said, it doesn’t matter. That you believe it is enough - and she will fight to make your voices heard.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne frowns at Lief's harsh words, having long ago given up on expectations that he would show control or restraint. Kaylayne tries to tone down the conversation somewhat.

"I'm so glad you've come, Iaon. I was worried for Eviana and the fate of the elves. I didn't understand what was happening here. I do not feel the need to rush the fact, I need more time to finish my work anyway. In addition, I wouldn't mind discussing more things with you in private," Kaylayne says, glancing at the men. "Later, though. I want to continue our discussions from Crying Leaf and explain the work I'm doing now."

Kaylayne smiles and takes another drink, finally beginning to relax now that more of her questions have been answered. She looks to see if any of the men are going to ask more questions.

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Ederin's frown stays plastered on his face as Iaon continues to speak. He paces the room shaking his head.

"Might be that if you'd heard the cry of thousands o' dyin' elves durin' the first Starfall, you'd understand why some o' us are so eager to get on. That portal is back in Cryin' Leaf, maybe you should step through it and witness yourself, eh?"

"You're people were pretty proactive when the dark elve's were here on the surface, but now we sit hear an' relax while they might be conjurin' another star to crash into the earth. We've seen the damage that does too, nearly lost my home to it, so yeah..."

He scratches his head and takes a moment to breathe, realizing he's not really sure what point he's trying to make.

"I don't know if meetin' with t' Queen again is gonna help, but if you could try an' get us some update on their position, jus' so we know somethin' is goin' on. Sittin' around here is makin' me anxious, an' no offense but this city ain't my home, an' I ain't keen to spend more time here than I need to."

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

Dimitrio smirked as Lief was schooled on his manners and impatience.

However, his satisfaction at seeing him reprimanded was short-lived because he too shared the same concerns.

He told Iaon in the most polite speech he could muster, "Listen Iaon, not meaning to disrespect your millennial culture or anything like that. However, the truth of the matter is that there is urgency in making a decision."

He sighed, "I understand that you do not want to rush and make the wrong decision but not rushing, as much as possible, could be something that the elves regret sorely in the near future."

He concluded, "If you think that getting another audience with the Queen will spur the elves to action then I would prefer that."

He looked at Shorty, "At the very least we'll get an update."

The bard then added, "What about the Queen's advisers. You yourself said that running the kingdom is not easy without help. Is perhaps to these advisers that we need to talk to?"

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF
Iaon wrote:

"Oh my. You have made many assumptions in your haste haven’t you. So you know, already, what the Queen and Council do not? - their actions in this matter? And further, you have decided that they will do nothing. OK, that is a possibility, and so, for sake of argument, let us say they do nothing.”

”You would, in that case, knowing what you know, also chose to do nothing. Two things strike me from that stance. One, you are therefor in support of the Councils decision and, reasonably, therefor support the Council and Queen. And two, that you would doom many thousands of souls to death.”

”You believe this story of yours, and believe the conclusions you have drawn from it are the correct conclusions. And so you believe, unhindered, the drow will slam a star into the capital, doing so much damage that indeed all of Kyonin would die. Knowing that for a fact in your mind, you would sit aside and do nothing? You are less moral than I thought, good sir, or I misunderstand you.”

Lief crosses his arms. "Yes. You misunderstand. I don't fault you for it, either. There is much here to misunderstand, for all the obfuscation promulgated by your elven society. The reclusiveness does nothing to open minds to the races that live shorter lives, and may wish to make the most of them." The young man stands, and moves from his current position in the room, to a more comfortable spot. Possibly a cushioned chair.

"I know nothing of your elven Queen and Council. I do not know, for a fact, that dark events are guaranteed to occur. Do not tell me what I know for fact. I can only fear that they will do nothing, given the knowledge we've shared. They have shared nothing of their knowledge of the drow, only taken our report. If they feign ignorance of the drow for the public's sake, then they insult us by publicly patronizing us for what we think we know of the drow. When we have seen for ourselves what the drow are, of what they are capable."

Lief leans forward, looking Iaon over, before continuing. "You think, even now, having returned from a suicidal run through Zirnakaynin, that we have chosen to do nothing. We've survived, and we've reported, Iaon. Yes, let's say the elves choose to do nothing. This time. They didn't, the last time Earth Fell. They opened gates, the smart ones fled for their lives. We know this. We spoke to them in the Armageddon Echo. But you know this already, as do the High Council, if they are at all literate. Once the signs of a second devastation arise, I can only hope that your people will take steps to avoid loss of life. Like before. For the destruction of cities, and the loss of literature, like the library of Celwynvian, this is a dear price to pay for ignoring a chance to prevent such catastrophe from occurring."

The young man sits a little straighter in his seat. "For an elf, you certainly understand melodramatics well enough to employ it to your argumentative ends. You would blame the five of us for allowing the destruction of an entire nation. That's rich. Who better to protect her own people than the Queen Herself, a woman-child who has the resources of a nation, than the five of us? Certainly she must see this through, for her investment. Are you suggesting that we are obligated to lay down our lives for the elves? You are a wholly selfish person, or I misunderstand you. Like Ederin said, this city, this nation, is not our home."

"I don't have a plan, Iaon. I will not speak for the others."

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

"Lief," Kaylayne interrupts. "I don't think Iaon is blaming us for allowing destruction of an entire nation. At least, I don't see how that is possible when it neither has happened, nor do we even have the ability or knowledge to save that nation. That just isn't right."

Kaylayne stands to stretch her legs.

"I don't know that we are responsible for saving Kyonin...or if we've failed or are failing. If they don't want to be saved, that's one thing. It's an entire other thing to assume that we have a way and the knowledge to do the saving, which we do not. We don't know enough to do anything."

Kaylayne nods to herself, thinking about stuff.

"It's one thing if they want our help, it's another if we know how we can help. However, that's not where we sit. I'd like to give it a few more days, to finish my work, then make preparations to leave here. If we know destruction is coming, then there is no reason for us to stay if the elves will do nothing to save themselves."

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |

Agreeing with Kaylayne. "Exactly! We have no idea what we need to do next to help. They don't believe us and haven't even tried to believe us."

Allarnon shakes his head in confusion at why the elves are acting like this. The elves of the Crying Leaf were by far more offensive against the threat. These elves fore some reason just pretended that it wasn't there. Is this some mind trick of the drow?

Roll 20 Map

Iaon smiles and says nothing further, feeling she is outnumbered, and that the truth is elusive with this group. She sighs, clearly distraught, and says, ”I’ll see what I can do to visit with the Queen and let Her know your impatience to have Her decide what to do next.”

”Let’s see what we can do.” She rises gracefully and with a whirl of robes, cloaks, and long gowns, strides from the room, purposefully headed toward the Queen’s hall, her servant trailing behind, struggling to keep up with his shorter legs and stride.

The party is left to their own devices for the day, though Iaon promises to return before supper to report her progress.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF
Iaon wrote:
"I'll see what I can do to visit with the Queen and let Her know your impatience to have Her decide what to do next."

"I certainly do not require further information from the Queen, Iaon. This matter is now her responsibility. I can indulge my studies while we wait for permissions to return to Crying Leaf."

Kaylayne wrote:
"Lief, I don't think Iaon is blaming us for allowing destruction of an entire nation. At least, I don't see how that is possible when it neither has happened, nor do we even have the ability or knowledge to save that nation. That just isn't right."

Lief almost raises a hand towards Kaylayne, for her interruption. He keeps his irritation focused on Iaon, at least standing while the woman leaves, and waiting to answer Kaylayne only when the elf is gone. "It's possible, when one is discussing hypothetically, Kaylayne. Based on a hypothetical scenario, constructed by Iaon, my morality is corrupt. Based on her hypothetical scenario, we have the necessary information to prevent Iadara's destruction. You know. Allevrah's travel to the Land of Black Blood? Perhaps you should let Iaon speak for herself next time."

Lief readies to leave for the city markets. He turns to the others before departing. "We are being kept here, because we have presented corroborating intelligence to these elves. It's the only thing that makes sense. Had our story of sharing tea with the First Daughter of House Azrinae been reasonably considered, we would have been politely ushered through a Gate to Crying Leaf at the first convenient instance, and forgotten about like so much rustling through the trees. I don't know what it is of our account that has forced us to stay, but stay, we must. I should be back before dinner."


Lief seeks out acquisitions of new formulae, before he returns to Crying Leaf. He looks to secure a new formula book, as well, so he may claim to have acquired said book in Kyonin. He'll also seek out book dealers, and peruse their collections, should the elves not prove too xenophobic.

Gather Information: 1d20 + 18 + 1d8 ⇒ (12) + 18 + (3) = 33

Roll 20 Map
Lief Anemoi wrote:
Iaon wrote:
"I'll see what I can do to visit with the Queen and let Her know your impatience to have Her decide what to do next."
"I certainly do not require further information from the Queen, Iaon. This matter is now her responsibility. I can indulge my studies while we wait for permissions to return to Crying Leaf."

Iaon looks a little sad and says, "I will tell the Queen your views." She speeds off.

You find, as you may imagine, quite a few book dealers, many of them dealing in what you would consider antiquities, but they view as a normal collection. So while access like this might be tough in a larger human city, here they are merely showing off their normal wares.

As with many collections, the dealers around the capital have much the same stock, having shared with each other to a great extent over the years. Still, they are all new to you though very elven-centric of course.

A new formula book is no problem, and you can even have one customer made given enough time.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne nearly pulls Iaon back to explain that the boy doesn't speak for all of them (if that wasn't already clear enough), but realizes that she doesn't know enough to know whether pushing harder or not would be a good or bad thing.

She goes back to crafting, working on Allarnon's amulet, and thinking about their situation.

She hopes to find private time to chat with Iaon after whatever happens with the Queen.

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |

Allarnon sighs and goes back to tending to Tarkir as Iaon leaves. Overly unsure of the fancy words used and severity of it all he just smiles, thinking that the conversation had gone nowhere but well.

"So we will be leaving soon?"

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
Allarnon wrote:
"So we will be leaving soon?"

Kaylayne shrugs, taking a break from her craftings. "I don't know. If we don't have movement by the time we finish here, we'll see if we can't get out of here. I have no desire to be here when the sky falls," Kaylayne says. She looks at Allarnon.

"I know this seems silly...but where are you from again? Is it likely to be safer there than here? Maybe we should go see your home, Allarnon?"

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

"I can only hope." Ederin grumbles when Al asks his question.

"I don't want t' be 'ere either. I want to be back home. Feel like I 'aven't seen Riddleport in a long time, jus' want to get back to a normal life. Runnin' the business, keepin' blokes in line. I wonder if Garry 'as crafted up any more new brews while we been away."

With his free time Ederin mostly just wanders. He has no desire to speak with the elves, which seems to suit them as well. He spends time with the rest of the group when they don't seem busy, finding it more comfortable to be with his friends and fellow Varisians.

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |
Kaylayne the Undone wrote:
Allarnon wrote:
"So we will be leaving soon?"

Kaylayne shrugs, taking a break from her craftings. "I don't know. If we don't have movement by the time we finish here, we'll see if we can't get out of here. I have no desire to be here when the sky falls," Kaylayne says. She looks at Allarnon.

"I know this seems silly...but where are you from again? Is it likely to be safer there than here? Maybe we should go see your home, Allarnon?"

Allarnon thinks for a moment. "I come from home of course." Come to think of it he never really heard a name called for it before. "There is an entrance in the Kyonin Forest that I came through. The Elders say that way back when long, long ago our people came to it when the sky fell the first time to protect themselves. I might be able to bring you if it came to the sky falling again. The Elders wouldn't be pleased at all as they believe this world is just out to conquer and destroy everything it touches. As far as I have seen since my time here they are not wrong." He grimaces as if going through a mental battle of morals in his mind. "But I trust you enough if you wish to go I can show you if it means life or death."

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

Dimitrio started whistling a tune, closely associated with Riddleport. He added some of his magic to it, just to make everyone feel good.

"I can whistle, even sing, without fear of reprisals. This elven city, while not perfect, is much better than the one below."

Dimitrio hangs around and tries to sample the artistic scene in the city unless someone has something important to do.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
Allarnon wrote:
"I come from home of course. There is an entrance in the Kyonin Forest that I came through. The Elders say that way back when long, long ago our people came to it when the sky fell the first time to protect themselves. I might be able to bring you if it came to the sky falling again. But I trust you enough if you wish to go I can show you if it means life or death."

Kaylayne smiles, unsure if what she is asking is wrong or imposing...she just assumes that she would be welcome in that other world.

"Well, yeah. I don't know for sure where to go from here. Obviously, getting away from Kyonin would be keen if the elves don't know what they are doing. And I don't see a reason to go back to Riddleport," Kaylayne smiles, looking down at the magics she imbues into the amulet. "Heck, I can't see going back into bar-tending after being able to do *this*, I don't see a need to swing swill anymore. Just need to find a place to set up shop, if that's what I'm meant to do."

Kaylayne's eyes dart around the room as if looking for someone who might disagree with that idea.

"Maybe, if you really don't mind, I'll visit your world for a bit. I don't be a menace. I promise, Allarnon."

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |
Kaylayne wrote:
"Maybe, if you really don't mind, I'll visit your world for a bit. I don't be a menace. I promise, Allarnon."

Hanging his head Allarnon thinks back of returning to his own life when this is over.

"It will be difficult, though it would be nice to return with someone and be able to talk about all of this once it is over."

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief finds himself enthralled by the book markets he encounters. So much so, that he begins to strategize about his return to Magnimar in the possession of several of these elven book collections. The first step seems easy enough- he'll need to acquire the means of porting them. He seeks out a magic shop, and attempts to purchase a Bag of Holding I.

With capacity secured, he spends several hours looking over the quality of the books, seeking to purchase only Masterwork sets, or books capable of bolstering mental skills(i.e. Book of War Prayers, Book of Puzzles).

In the next phase of downtime, he purchases a clean Formula book. For the quality of the Elves, he doesn't bother customizing it, as the basic work is likely exquisite by its nature. He then settles in, hoping to refine his crafting with the purchase of an Alchemist's Lab, now that he has the means of porting it around. For the importance in his work, he's willing to pay well for it, too.


Finding Ederin, he inquires about the man's take on their stay. "Alright, so our week is getting shorter. For our reception, I'm assuming you're not interested overstaying our 'welcome'. Will you be returning to Riddleport, after all this? Should we allow ourselves to be bought out from the Goblin? What's next for Ederin, Master Marksman?"

Roll 20 Map
Dimitrio Carini wrote:
Dimitrio hangs around and tries to sample the artistic scene in the city unless someone has something important to do.

It’s wonderful to be in a city that cultivates the arts as much as the elves. Dimitrio finds himself jigging down the street just from the way the wind hits various wind chimes here and there. Though owned by different people, shops, and even the community, they tell a musical story as you walk through town.

Certainly every public house has a musician of some sort, just messing about, enjoying themselves, as do many regular shops. Even the street performers have a quality about them not seen commonly elsewhere. It’s wonderful compared to the ‘shows’ put on by the drow.

Lief is able to make the purchases he requires, though he struggles a bit with the alchemy lab. There is so much equipment he’d just love to have, that getting out of the shop without filling the bag just with that was a challenge.

Just before supper Iaon returns as promised. ”Good news everyone! The Queen has agreed to meet with you to discuss your grievances, and to let you know where they are in their decision. She wanted me to convey Her apologies for your feelings. She said they’d try to do better.” she grins.

”Still, it may not be smooth. Her advisors seem to be leaning the other way, and were opposed to the meeting, especially so soon. The Queen suggested dinner, but was convinced otherwise…” she trails off a bit. ”So no date has been set yet for the meeting, but she is the Queen after all, so her advisors will come around and it should be quickly - even by your standards.”

She looks hopefully apologetic, but somewhat satisfied that there is some movement at least. She bolsters herself for what's to come.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief doesn't bother looking up, as Iaon returns. He is too busy assembling and disassembling various heating and cooling tubes from his new lab kit. He does, however, keep an ear open to hear his companions' response, and what obligations they commit the group to, regarding another painful audience with the Queen.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |
GM_Euan wrote:
Dimitrio Carini wrote:

”Still, it may not be smooth. Her advisors seem to be leaning the other way, and were opposed to the meeting, especially so soon. The Queen suggested dinner, but was convinced otherwise…” she trails off a bit. ”So no date has been set yet for the meeting, but she is the Queen after all, so her advisors will come around and it should be quickly - even by your standards.”

She looks hopefully apologetic, but somewhat satisfied that there is some movement at least. She bolsters herself for what's to come.

Dimitrio had acquired an elven flute and was diligently practicing. His natural musical ability shining through fairly quickly. taking a rank next level

He perked up when Iaon told them the good news, "Well, it certainly is better news than what we had before. The fact that they are considering another audience can only mean that they are taking this seriously."

He then asked, "Was there any discussion about us being able to to return home?"

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │
Lief Anemoi wrote:
"Alright, so our week is getting shorter. For our reception, I'm assuming you're not interested overstaying our 'welcome'. Will you be returning to Riddleport, after all this? Should we allow ourselves to be bought out from the Goblin? What's next for Ederin, Master Marksman?"

"Master Marksman, eh? Maybe I could use that." Ederin laughs as listens to Lief's questions. "'Course I'll be returning to Riddleport. Ain't another place like that for a man like me. 'Cept maybe the Shackles, but I ain't no seafairin' type."

He strokes the stubble on his chin and considers what life back home might be like. A few flashes of his visions flicker through his minds eye but he ignores them and looks back to the young man.

"I wouldn't mind keeping my share o' the goblin. Even if all it means is security. Place gets big enough, run by the right folks, might be able to turn that into a livin'. Cromarky knows I'm capable now, might look into being a Gendarme even. Keepin' peace around the city sounds better than killin' folk like I did for Zincher, probably pays a bit better too." He sighs and looks in the direction of Riddleport somewhat longingly. "Even if I jus' go back to runnin' in the streets again, I'd rather be in Riddleport. 'at's where everythin' makes sense to me. What about you kid? Back to sellin' books? Maybe settin' up an alchemy shop?" He raises the vial of stoneskin and winks as he tosses it back and feels it's effects on his skin. "You're gettin' pretty good with this stuff."

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
GM_Euan wrote:
”Good news everyone! The Queen has agreed to meet with you to discuss your grievances, and to let you know where they are in their decision.”

Kaylayne's head shoots up at the word 'grievances'.

"Iaon, just to be clear, we didn't and don't have any grievances. We have concerns. We want to do something to help or to be on our way. If we're rushing Her Majesty, she may summon us back. We don't mean to impose or be rude, truly."

Kaylayne looks annoyed that anything that *she* had said would be considered a grievance. She reflects internally in that maybe these elves are much more flighty and petty in their kingdom than 'in the real world' and they, perhaps, should mind their tongues more and be careful.

She, internally at least, will be more careful with her words. She returns her thoughts to Iaon.

"Well, thank you so much for doing that. We shall aspire to make a good impression and mind our manners, I'm sure," Kaylayne's eyes flit to Lief (wherever he might be during this discussion) and hopes for the best.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF
Ederin wrote:
"I wouldn't mind keeping my share o' the goblin. Even if all it means is security. Place gets big enough, run by the right folks, might be able to turn that into a livin'. Cromarcky knows I'm capable now, might look into being a Gendarme even. Keepin' peace around the city sounds better than killin' folk like I did for Zincher, probably pays a bit better too. Even if I jus' go back to runnin' in the streets again, I'd rather be in Riddleport. 'at's where everythin' makes sense to me. What about you kid? Back to sellin' books? Maybe settin' up an alchemy shop? You're gettin' pretty good with this stuff."

When Ederin consumes the vial, Lief jumps up from his table, and grabs the archer's arm. Pulling it closer, he studies the change. "No cosmetic alteration. Arm hair still remains supple, and yet..." Lief pulls a spatula with a a bladed edge, and begins to press it, gently at first, then more vigorously. He watches as its soft metal bends. Against skin.

"Brilliant." He pulls a jeweler's loupe, and presses it into his eye socket, for a closer look.

"There! Just beneath the skin's first layer! The flecks are almost skin-toned, but there's no mistaking the adularescence. Like opal... you could even compare it to noqual. That is remarkable. I don't think your skin can be cut unless something painfully strong, like adamantine, maybe diamond, were brought against you. That is... well, expensive, but..." Lief looks very pleased, as he straightens out his spatula somewhat.

"Yes, I think I'd enjoy that. Setting up a shop, or expanding my family's shop. There are quite the number of possibilities. It's not to say that Riddleport isn't also a good place to facilitate business. I think it could be that, if it weren't so violent, er, volatile. Perhaps Cromarcky will bring a change for the better... Who's to say? I'm not sure our dealings with the elves has made us better businessmen."

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |

Allarnon could care either way whether the Queen meets with them today or next week. He has Tarkir back and that is all that matters at the moment. Little by little he helps Tarkir back to his feet helping him limp across the vast room.

"We don't have grievances, we just want answers is all. And to be believed."

Roll 20 Map
Dimitrio Carini wrote:
He then asked, "Was there any discussion about us being able to to return home?"

"No, I'm sorry Dimitiro, I didn't bring that up. I thought you'd rather explain your reasons before the Queen herself, than through me."

Kaylayne the Undone wrote:

"Iaon, just to be clear, we didn't and don't have any grievances. We have concerns. We want to do something to help or to be on our way. If we're rushing Her Majesty, she may summon us back. We don't mean to impose or be rude, truly."

"Well, thank you so much for doing that. We shall aspire to make a good impression and mind our manners, I'm sure," Kaylayne's eyes flit to Lief (wherever he might be during this discussion) and hopes for the best.

"Oh, I am quite sure you are not aggrieved. But I used more pressuring language than that, trying to make it clear the drow threat is real and must be addressed head on. I relied more on Lief's aggression than a soft heart."

Allarnon wrote:
"We don't have grievances, we just want answers is all. And to be believed."

"Oh, I don't think anyone disbelieves you Allarnon. They believe you, and those that didn't trust in their magics which all pointed to the truthfulness of your story, or so you've said. As for answers, I have none - not yet anyway. Perhaps the Queen will have more."

"But now I really must rest. I've been going simply all day and I've my meditations to consider. If you require me please call on me, but otherwise I shall rejoin you tomorrow and we can converse further. Though perhaps by then you'll be conversing with the Queen herself!" she laughs lightly and warmly.

With that she makes her leave of you, and heads off into the evening.

Once again, food has been supplied and a cold supper awaits you at the sideboard. Alternatively you could head out to the pub for a hot meal.

Either way, when you finish/return, you find yourselves chatting on the deck, a dozen or so feet off the ground, enjoying the cool evening air, and the tinkle of music is not too far off.

More to come in the evening, but wanted to give you a chance to dine and chat.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF
Iaon wrote:
"Oh, I am quite sure you are not aggrieved. But I used more pressuring language than that, trying to make it clear the drow threat is real and must be addressed head on. I relied more on Lief's aggression than a soft heart."

Lief looks over, with a light frown. "Why would anyone discuss the drow with a soft heart?" With the remark said, he turns back to his writing.

When Iaon departs, Lief looks at Allarnon and Ederin, gauging their moods based on their faces. "More waiting, then."

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │
Lief Anemoi wrote:
"It's not to say that Riddleport isn't also a good place to facilitate business. I think it could be that, if it weren't so violent, er, volatile. Perhaps Cromarcky will bring a change for the better... Who's to say? I'm not sure our dealings with the elves has made us better businessmen."

Ederin laughs as Lief's alchemical obsession takes hold and again when he tries, poorly, not to insult Riddleport.

"Violent is right kid, and I don't think Cromarcky will change too much o' that. Don't much care if he does either, but if you set up shop I bet we could get it protected. Maybe make some alliances. Would be nice to have some friends around 'at care about more 'an booze and gold."

Ederin shrugs and turns his attention back to the conversation with Iaon, a conversation it seems, that he still has little interest in. The elf seems to have brought little in the way of new information and the short man just grunts and remains quiet until the visit has ended.

"Yeah kid, more waitin'. Might as well relax I guess."

As evening arrives, Ederin hears the sound of music and can't ignore his natural Varisian impulse to tap his foot along to the beat and hum. After a little while his curiosity overwhelms him and he drifts outside in search of whoever is playing the music. If he can help it, he doesn't get too close, just enough to hear it better and not interrupt whatever elven gathering is going on.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
GM_Iaon wrote:
"Oh, I am quite sure you are not aggrieved. But I used more pressuring language than that, trying to make it clear the drow threat is real and must be addressed head on. I relied more on Lief's aggression than a soft heart."

"Oh good, thank you," Kaylayne remarks, greatly relieved. "Then I shall begin to prepare for dinner. I wonder if you might come shopping with me? I have things to discuss with you and you might help me pick out something suitable for the experience?"

Presuming Iaon agrees, Kaylayne will go spend for a noble's outfit (-75 gp) while she discusses the changes of the Other Kaylayne to be the Other Drow and her experiences in the Underdark. She has no great spiritual quandary, but appreciates Iaon's ear and reflection upon her experiences.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief leafs through his new purchases, content to sit down for a good read. When the reading is done, he renews his alchemical studies, deciding to practice his productivity. Given time, he focuses on Antitoxins and Smelling Salts, something he's sure will find value in the Riddleport markets. When the reagants are set to simmer, he returns to his books, and works to scribe his new formulae into his book, which gets closer to capacity with each passing week. In the early evening, he grabs his sleep, before waking after two hours, and continuing his work into the early hours of the morning.

Grand Lodge

Completed Second Darkness AP
Rage 4/18 | Bullets: 20/20; CI 50/50; Silver 50/50 | Wands: CLW 50/50; 1/50 |

Allarnon contently munches away at the cold meal. Grabbing the tray he heaves a whole tray of berries and nuts down to Tarkir, many of them rolling off of the balcony to the ground below.

"Well Tark, we should go pick your armor up and make sure it fits."

As they are done eating Allarnon and Tarkir stride into the market to pick up Tarkir's newly crafted barding.

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