Found Potential Error in Play test Rulebook

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Creating this thread as a place to publish things i am confused about.

my first confusion point is

Page 48
Debilitating Bomb
Should the trigger be quick alchemy on a bomb instead of an elixir?

anybody else spot any Potential errors?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Yes that is an obvious typo there.

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Rapier deadly 1d8, but example for deadly trait then states master quality rapier deals 2d6 on crit. I imagine the example should say 2d8.

Spell Divine Decree, choose alignment, deal 7d6 to that alignment. Creatures of that alignment are unaffected. I believe it should be deal 7d6 to opposite that alignment.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

--Typo. p280: "Even though you can cast spells, the spell level of your cleric cantrips and domain is powers half your level rounded up." (I think "is" should be after "powers"?)

--Typo, p209: Presumably the entries for Charm's "success" and "failure" have been swapped.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

--Confusion p55: Draconic Rage says "When you are raging, you can make your conditional bonus to damage deal the type of damage of your chosen dragon’s breath weapon, rather than your weapon or unarmed attack’s usual damage type, which increases the damage by 1 (after halving for agile weapons, if applicable)."

Rage usually adds a +2 damage bonus to attack (halved for agile weapons). I haven't been able to figure out which of the following three possibilities is intended:

(1) it gives you a +1 damage bonus (halved if an agile weapon), of either the weapon's type or the breath weapon's type?

(2) it gives you a +3 damage bonus (halved if an agile weapon), of either the weapon's type or the breath weapon's type?

(3) it gives you a +3 damage bonus (halved if an agile weapon) of the weapon's type, or a +2 damage bonus of the breath weapon's type?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Porridge wrote:
--Typo, p209: Presumably the entries for Charm's "success" and "failure" have been swapped.

They appear to be correct to me. Note that this is the success or failure of the save vs. the spell, not the success or failure of the spell itself.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Porridge wrote:

--Confusion p55: Draconic Rage says "When you are raging, you can make your conditional bonus to damage deal the type of damage of your chosen dragon’s breath weapon, rather than your weapon or unarmed attack’s usual damage type, which increases the damage by 1 (after halving for agile weapons, if applicable)."

Rage usually adds a +2 damage bonus to attack (halved for agile weapons). I haven't been able to figure out which of the following three possibilities is intended:

(1) it gives you a +1 damage bonus (halved if an agile weapon), of either the weapon's type or the breath weapon's type?

(2) it gives you a +3 damage bonus (halved if an agile weapon), of either the weapon's type or the breath weapon's type?

(3) it gives you a +3 damage bonus (halved if an agile weapon) of the weapon's type, or a +2 damage bonus of the breath weapon's type?

Actually, I think it's supposed to be that it changes your Rage damage bonus to be +3 damage (if you make the damage bonus match your breath weapon type) or +2 damage (if you don't).

I agree the wording here is not great should be something like:

"When you are raging, you can make your conditional bonus to damage deal the type of damage of your chosen dragon’s breath weapon, rather than your weapon or unarmed attack’s usual damage type. Doing so increases the damage bonus by 1 (after halving for agile weapons, if applicable)."

(my suggestions emphasized)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Porridge wrote:
--Typo, p209: Presumably the entries for Charm's "success" and "failure" have been swapped.
They appear to be correct to me. Note that this is the success or failure of the save vs. the spell, not the success or failure of the spell itself.

Yep, that seems right. I was confused. :P

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Porridge wrote:
--Typo, p209: Presumably the entries for Charm's "success" and "failure" have been swapped.
They appear to be correct to me. Note that this is the success or failure of the save vs. the spell, not the success or failure of the spell itself.

Yep, that seems right. I was confused. :P

DarthMask wrote:

Actually, I think it's supposed to be that it changes your Rage damage bonus to be +3 damage (if you make the damage bonus match your breath weapon type) or +2 damage (if you don't).

I agree the wording here is not great should be something like:

"When you are raging, you can make your conditional bonus to damage deal the type of damage of your chosen dragon’s breath weapon, rather than your weapon or unarmed attack’s usual damage type. Doing so increases the damage bonus by 1 (after halving for agile weapons, if applicable)."

(my suggestions emphasized)

Yeah, that's a fourth option I didn't consider. I agree that this is a pretty plausible way of reading it.

If this is the typo thread, I made another thread for this but I guess it goes better here:

Meophist wrote:

Telekinetic Projectile is a cantrip that starts with doing 1d10 damage. Its damage "increases" to 1d8 + spellcasting modifier when heightened to 3rd. It then increases to 2d10 + modifier at 5th, 3d10 + modifier at 7th, and 4d10 + modifier at 9th.

The amount of damage at 3rd appears to be mistaken given the pattern, and should probably be 1d10 + spellcasting modifier.

Not a typo, but a potential issue that probably got left in between revisions:

Fighters are trained in all exotic weapons.

At 6th level, you can become trained in a single exotic weapon for a feat (and, also gain the critical specialization effect).

While there is an edge case, I guess, in 12th level X/Fighter MC, it seems highly odd.

Rogue weapon proficiencies are "Trained in all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and shortsword" (p. 119), but in the weapon tables on p. 181, the hand crossbow is a simple weapon. It's either misplaced, or the rogue weapon proficiencies were copied from P1e and hand crossbow needs to be removed from the list.

Also, the glaive in the table on p. 180 lists its damage as 1d8 but then has a trait of Deadly d8. If I understand the Deadly trait correctly, its die should be higher than the normal damage die.

Deadly adds the note die damage to critical hit damage, so the rapier on a crit would double its dice and bonuses, then add the deadly die to that. therefore 3d8 damage plus x2 bonuses with a rapier crit. I don't think it has to be higher. You may be thinking of fatal trait

Leng's Sting spell fails to do its poison damage from a success on each stage of the poisoned condition. This is contrary to how the other poison spells (Spider's Sting and Purple Worm Sting) work. It would only make sense if the drained condition could stack, which it can't.

Sovereign Court

Just because it hasn't been stated in this thread. While it doesn't say all characters are trained in "unarmored" from pregens and from the monk blog all characters are supposed to start trained in unarmored.

On page 116, under Twin Parry, it says you get a +2 AC bonus if neither weapon is agile. It should probably be if either weapon is agile.

Advanced Maneuver/Trickery/Arcana all say "half your level"; Advanced Dogma says "equal to your actual level". Not sure if this is a mistake or if Clerics are meant to be an exception.

chillblame wrote:
Deadly adds the note die damage to critical hit damage, so the rapier on a crit would double its dice and bonuses, then add the deadly die to that. therefore 3d8 damage plus x2 bonuses with a rapier crit. I don't think it has to be higher. You may be thinking of fatal trait

Okay, I went back and looked at the Deadly trait, and now I'm even more confused.


On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of

the listed size. This damage increases to two dice if the weapon
is master quality and three dice if the weapon is legendary.
For instance, a master-quality rapier deals 2d6 additional
piercing damage on a critical hit.

That example doesn't even make sense, does it? Because a rapier is listed as Deadly d8. So either

  • a master-quality rapier does 1d6 on a successful hit. On a critical hit, it adds two weapon damage dice of 1d8, for a total of 1d6+2d8 (vs. 2d6 for a putative rapier without the Deadly trait).

  • a master-quality rapier does 1d6 on a successful hit. On a critical hit, it does double damage plus two deadly d8s, for a total of 2d6+2d8 (vs. 2d6 for a putative rapier without the Deadly trait).

    Either way, a master-quality rapier shouldn't be doing 2d6 additional damage. Unless the table is wrong, and it's supposed to have the deadly d6 trait.

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