Talutah's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I agree, It is much easier to explain to a player that a natural 20 improves the outcome of the roll by 1 step and a natural 1 reduces the outcome of the roll by one step. This boils down to giving a +10 bonus for a nat 20 and a -10 penalty for a nat 1

we learned that you have to be very careful with your animal companion. they have a very low AC and with most level 0 creatures having a +6 to attack, they seem to get crit quite a lot. That in conjunction with slightly lower hitpoints lead to a large amount of healing the animals.

my players started leaving their animal companions back for the first round of combat so that the enemies would be engaged and not focus on them. once the enemies are occupied, the animal companions could get in for flanking and triggering the Work Together state.

Great work thanks for making this public

I have started a spell list google sheet.
So far i have added all of the spells from the four spell lists.
I intend to fill in the rest of the columns with data from the play test rule book. Descriptions, tags, and other data is currently missing, but i still think it is useful as is so i am posting it.


Human Ranger Archer with Animal Companion

most of the later level skill and general feats can be any order

Can cover Roles: Ranged Striker, Monster Knowledge (as free action), Scout, Trap Finder/Disabler

lvl1: Str(12), Dex(18), Con(12), Int(10), Wis(16), Cha(10)
lvl5: Str(14), Dex(19), Con(14), Int(10), Wis(18), Cha(10)
lvl10: Str(16), Dex(20), Con(16), Int(10), Wis(19), Cha(10)
lvl15: Str(18), Dex(21), Con(18), Int(10), Wis(19), Cha(12)
lvl20: Str(18), Dex(22), Con(18), Int(12), Wis(20), Cha(14)

(8HP, Medium, Speed 25, Lang[common, *], A1: Natural Ambition)
Any Dex or Any Wis Background
(10HP, Perception(Expert),
Fort(Expert), Ref(Expert), Will(Expert),
Simple Weapons(Trained), Martial Weapons(Trained),
Light Armor(Trained), Medium Armor(Trained),
Signiture Skills(
6+int skills to trained)

*1: Hunt Target
A1: Natural Ambition(Monster Hunter)
R1: Animal Companion (Cat or Bird)

R2: Favored Aim
S2: Assurance (Nature)

*3: Weapon Expertice (Bows)
SI3: Nature to Expert
G3: Automatic Knowledge (Nature)

R4: Companion Bond or Scout's Warning
S4: Natural Medicine

AB5: Dex, Wis, Con, Str
A5: Skilled (Thevery, Medicine)
SI5: Stelath to Expert
*5: Trackless Step

R6: Full Grown Companion
S6: Forager

*7: Evasion (reflex and perception to master)
G7: Expeditious Search
SI7: Nature to Master

R8: Hazard Finder
S8: Foil Sences

A9: General Training (Trick Magic Item)
*9: Natures Edge
SI9: Stealth to Master

AB10: Dex, Con, Str, Wis
R10: Master Monster Hunter
S10: Swift Sneak (general, skill, Master Stelath, 7)

G11: Assurance (Stelath)
SI11: Thevery To Expert
*11: Wild Stride

R12: Incredible Companion (Nimble)
S12: Train Animal

A13: Haughty Obstinacy
SI13: Thevery to Master
*13: Weapon Mastery (Bows)

R14: Distracting Shot
S14: Quick Unlock

AB15: Dex, Str, Con, Cha
G15: Incredible Inititive
*15: Improved Evasion (reflex and perception to legendary)
SI15: Nature to Legendary

R16: Specialized Companion (Ambusher?)
S16: Assurance (Thevery)

A17: General Training (Feather Step)
SI17: Stealth to Legendary
*17: Masterfull Hunter

R18: Greater Distracting Shot
S18: Legendary Sneak

G19: Toughness
SI19: Thevery to Legendary
*19: Swift Target

AB20: Dex, Int, Wis, Cha
R20: See the Unseen
S20: Survey Wildlife

*fixed formatting hopefully

Human Ranger with Wolf Companion and Double Slice (rapier, short sword)
Half-Elf Cleric of Shelyn
Dwarf Druid with Bear Companion from Animal Order (ray of frost all star)
Gnome Sorceress (Brass Dragon Blood) (2x burning hands, lots of produce flame)

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Creating this thread as a place to publish things i am confused about.

my first confusion point is

Page 48
Debilitating Bomb
Should the trigger be quick alchemy on a bomb instead of an elixir?

anybody else spot any Potential errors?

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With a demonic bloodline, is the only way to gain access to a heightened disintegrate to use one of my two spontaneous heighten slots on disintegrate?
(assuming disintegrate is on the Arcane spell list and i only have access to the Divine spell list, therefore i can not take a heightened disintegrate as a normal spell known)

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This is how the structure of magic is coming together in my head
what do you think of this model?

Imagine a d4

Each face of the d4 represents a Magical Tradition
Each edge of the d4 represents a Class
Each point of the d4 represents an Anti-Node

Wizard is the Edge between the Material and Mental Faces
Cleric is the Edge between the Spiritual and Vital Faces
Druid is the Edge between the Material and Vital Faces
Bard is the Edge between the Mental and Vital Faces

Summoner is the Edge between the Material and Spiritual Faces
Oculist is the Edge between the Mental and Spiritual Faces

Each point is opposite to a Face
The point opposite the Spiritual Face is the Soulless Node
Wizards, Bards, and Druids are connected to this Node

The point opposite the Vital Face is the Lifeless Node
Wizards, Summoners, and Occultists are connected to this Node

The point opposite the Mental Face is the Mindless Node
Druids, Summoners, and Clerics are connected to this Node

The point opposite the Material Face is the Formless Node
Clerics, Occultists and Bards are connected to this Node

Bottom View from Vital Face
the other faces recede behind the vital face, but are mentioned here

{spiritual face}

....[Mindless Node]..-----Cleric----- [Formless]
..{material face}.Druid............Bard..{mental face}
....................................[Soulless Node]

*the ms paint and notepad versions of this diagram looked much better than this