Interest Check: West End Games Star Wars game


Hey guys,

I just wanted to see if there would be any interest for a West End Games Star Wars RPG Play-by-post game. Most of the rules and what not can be found online at this point. I have some of the physical books but most of the information can be found on a wiki now too.

I really enjoyed the style of it and the more open-mindedness than the d20 version. I also just think it would be a fun experiment to try and use the d6 version vs a classic d20 version.

I ran a Real life campaign for about 6 months, meeting every week. So I became pretty familiar with how the system works and there are a few changes/tweaks I'd make to make it more service-able or run a bit more smoothly over PbP.

Anyways, would love to see what people think. I really enjoy the system and moved for work and so I want to continue playing in the system and figured I'd turn to my online community!

Just let me know if you'd be interested, if enough people think they would be then I'll open a recruitment in a few weeks.

When thinking of a potential character, please don't all be Jedi. My ideal time line would be during the Empire's occupation of the Galaxy. I could be convinced to for Old Republic time but right now the home brew campaign I have written out is for the Reign of the Empire.

The Dark Times are a criminally underrated adventure setting, I am incredibly interested, perhaps as an aging Clone Trooper.

Thrawn-Trilogy-History WEG Clone Wars!! ;)

Tried to do that once with two teams -- the players played one character in each team. First team was a no-Jedi/Force Grand Army/Navy of the Republic scout/infiltration/elite-strike team (SEALs kind of thing), while the other team was all-Jedi strike force. I just /really/ like the Thrawn Trilogy version of the Clone Wars -- fast-grown clones of Jedi that turned into Dark Jedi, forcing the Republic to hunt them down and, generally, not know which to trust -- and so basically targetting both.

And D6 is classic, released in 1987; d20 itself didn't come out until 2000, and d20 Star Wars not until later that year.


Interest!! Looking at Smuggler. Note that lots of (free!) D6 West End Games stuff at the Star Wars Timeline site.

.... I am so downloading all of this.

Hey GM Cody,

I've never played the West end games version, the closest I got was reading some the online material, like, fifteen years ago. I certainly would be interested in giving it a go, if you put something together.

Maybe there will be a smuggler that needs a Wookie mechanic...

I'd be interested in this, depends on how my current submissions turn out.

Very interested. I just got the call from my local game store that my 30 year anniversary edition came in. Would be a good way to get back into it.

It's very cool, but the one issue is that it is definitely "linear smuggler, quadratic jedi". Any ideas how to address that?

I am glad some people have shown interest already! My story line for the campaign would focus mostly on a group of smugglers/scoundrels. It has plenty of opportunities to pursue different paths, you could end up working with a new group of rebels, you could work with the Empire. Stay nuetral and work with both.

It's designed to be pretty open to what the group wants to do. My first group in real life went full Rebel good guy white hats.

@Philo, one of the biggest ways I found was simply limiting the source of learning new powers for the Jedi/force user.

Without a teacher the system makes it very costly to imporove.

You are right though, Jedi can become ridiculously overpowered at a sudden rate. One of my biggest tackles would be stunting that power curve. In my first game I had done a decent job eking out rewards for the Jedi player and then one day I gave a tad too much and their growth felt exponential. So it's something I'm aware of and am keeping in mind.

I am totally cool with limiting Jedi so long as Sith are equally rare. One of the things I liked about the Edge of the Empire system.

Thinking a big dumb frontline fighter is something I never did much of in Star Wars. Something like a Gamorrean bouncer.

The Wyrm Ouroboros wrote:
Thrawn-Trilogy-History WEG Clone Wars!! ;)

While the Thrawn Trilogy is some of my favorite Star Wars content (my wife and I are presently reading it together like the pair of gay nerds we are), I honestly think the new (or at least post AotC) EU's Clone Wars are far more compelling, in the films, books, comics and cartoons. If we wanted to marry the two concepts, I would be down for that (though I despise the naming convention for the clone Jedi).

Scarab Sages

Very Very Very Very interested!

The games and charectors I've played in this back in my army days.

Would we have access to some sort of ship early on? I would certainly be its pilot, If not any sort of fast and loose grey aligned fellow would be fun.

Only if you're the owner and have a load of debt to a crime lord you have to pay off. WEG SW is very 'archetypal'. :)

Scarab Sages

Oh of that im aware. One of the charectors i had was a championship level swoop racer who ran afoul of a hutt... something about fixed races... I was innocent I swear.... I mean I always won... except that one time. and really it wasnt me honest :P

Shadows of the Empire would be my sweet spot, though I dig Thrawn stuff too. Never got into clone wars or rebels so don't know much about that.

Regarding the ship question, you guys would acquire a ship fairly early on. Perhaps a bit slower because of the play by post environment but you guys would acquire a ship and then really set out on a galatic Adventure.

Hey! I love the West End Games system! I even played a brash pilot on these boards a year or so ago.

Rufus Griller, snarky pilot and all-around jokester.

It would be fun to dust him off and get flying again!

I would potentially be interested in this. Got to dust off my old books!

Just got my copy of the 30th anniversary edition. Has the first source book with it. I will reread it soon and be ready to play when you are.

This Sounds interesting, I love wookies so either that or Rodian Bounty Hunter

Interested. Please make a note in here when the application process starts.

I'll definitely be posting some more information come Monday. I am happy to see people are showing interest.

I will be doing an Imperial/Rebel time line game.

The time line for it will be around 3 months before A New Hope. So there is a good possibility that if the games lasts long enough we'll explore a new hope and the immediate aftermath of the dissolution of the Senate, the destruction of Alderaan and the destruction of the Death Star and what that does to the Galaxy and Empire.

The weakened state of the Empire after the Death Star's destruction proves to be a rather ripe time for the smuggler, scoundrel, slaver, bounty Hunter business.

Interesting. WEG Star Wars was one of the first RP games I ever played. I'll definitely have a look at the content and see if I can squeeze the classical failed Jedi (and his bottle of Corellian whisky).

Well, your imagery is right for it ... ;)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I was thinking similarly with a grizzled, drunken Corellian mechanic (and his bottle of Corellian whiskey).

Love GW's d6 system!! Very interested as well!!

Which books should I download? There seem to be a ton of different books uploaded in that page TWO recommended.

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