***Ask Farael the Fallen Any Question here!***

Off-Topic Discussions

Go ahead and ask your questions, my friends. However, the answers may not be what you are expecting. There could be five types of responses:

1) I may actually answer your question.

2) I may answer your question with another question.

3) I may answer your question by typing in random letters and numbers.

4) I may use contemporary dance to answer your question.

5) I may find a way to answer your question that is beyond the so called limits of the human mind and imagination.

So with that being said, you may begin...


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Finish this sentence "It was a dark and stormy..."

And then if you could add on another 900 pages or so and sign it "By Captain Yesterday" that would be great.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Are you my mother?

What's up with these homies, always dissing my girl, why do they gotta front?

What did I ever do to these guys, that made them so violent?

Captain ? wrote:


It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...It was a dark and stormy...day.

Little Lost Bird wrote:
Are you my mother?

Are you my clone?

Rivers Cuomo wrote:
What's up with these homies, always dissing my girl, why do they gotta front?

Those homies never learned any proper manners.

What did I ever do to these guys, that made them so violent?

You didn't do anything. Its not your fault.

Shadow Lodge


Why have you never asked me any questions on my Thread?

If you have and I have forgotten...

Why have not asked anymore questions on my thread lately?

TOZ wrote:


Selene Spires wrote:

Why have you never asked me any questions on my Thread?

If you have and I have forgotten...

Why have not asked anymore questions on my thread lately?

I can't answer that question, because there's no acceptable answer. I will go onto your thread and ask you a question.

What's your favorite dinosaur?

If the color aquamarine was a food what would it taste like?

Do you like boobies? I love the blue footed ones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's your favorite dinosaur?

The Raptor.

If the color aquamarine was a food what would it taste like?


Do you like boobies? I love the blue footed ones.

I like the purple ones, because love is too strong of a word.

It was a dark and stormy night, when the captain said to his crew, "Tell me a story." And so the crew began, "It was a dark and stormy night, when the captain said to his crew...

The Sideromancer wrote:
It was a dark and stormy night, when the captain said to his crew, "Tell me a story." And so the crew began, "It was a dark and stormy night, when the captain said to his crew...

What am I paying you guys for? Seriously, someone tell me because right now I have no clue! The fish aren't going to catch themselves!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A kraken lashed the ship with a hurricane, snatching up crew and officers alike to eat those it caught feet-first. The loot spilling forth from the wreckage sank to the depths of Davey Jones' Locker along with the crew that drowned instead of being eaten. Everyone died horribly and became draugr or food. The End.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Lifts shirt.

Does this look infected?

Wearing a Fedora and obviously fake mustache, looks around nervously.

Got any mint, man? And a poodle? C'mon man, I just need one poodle to cuddle with my mint! Don't hold out man!!! S#*$! Nox is coming!! C'mon man, just act cool.

Candygram for Mongo?

Will you be a dear and check the inside of this oven.

What did I do to you?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You ever fight a dragon.

I fought a dragon! In the war! 1944.

Beat it with my cane! In the snow! Uphill, both ways! Damn hippie! Didn't know what hit em!!

How many Woodchucks can you chuck, if you wanted to chuck Woodchucks.

What are your top five favorite bands.

How many foreign athletes or celebrity names can you make up off the top of your head.

If given one free shot, who would you hit in the face.

Puts on glasses.

People wearing glasses are exempt, of course.

What number am I thinking of right now, dude.

Captain ? wrote:

Lifts shirt.

Does this look infected?


Barzillai Thrune, Mint Hater wrote:

Wearing a Fedora and obviously fake mustache, looks around nervously.

Got any mint, man? And a poodle? C'mon man, I just need one poodle to cuddle with my mint! Don't hold out man!!! S*#!! Nox is coming!! C'mon man, just act cool.

I have no mints or poodles.

Absolutely, A Delivery Person wrote:
Candygram for Mongo?

I only send telegraphs.

Selene Spires wrote:
What did I do to you?

You time traveled into the past and prevented my parents from going to their high school prom together, which wiped me out of existence.

90 Year Old Beggar with a Cane wrote:

You ever fight a dragon.

I fought a dragon! In the war! 1944.

Beat it with my cane! In the snow! Uphill, both ways! Damn hippie! Didn't know what hit em!!

No, but I flew on a dragon once:

the dragon ride

Captain ? wrote:
What are your top five favorite bands.

Metallica, Metallica, Metallica, Metallica, and Metallica

Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:
How many foreign athletes or celebrity names can you make up off the top of your head.

Charlie Sheen, Tim Robbins, John Stewart, Madonna and Farael.

Captain Yesterday's Moneymaker wrote:

If given one free shot, who would you hit in the face.

Puts on glasses.

People wearing glasses are exempt, of course.

I would break this monster's face and he's wearing glasses

Ted Theodore Logan wrote:
What number am I thinking of right now, dude.


captain yesterday wrote:
How many Woodchucks can you chuck, if you wanted to chuck Woodchucks.


Myrtle, Man Eating Cow wrote:
Will you be a dear and check the inside of this oven.

How about having a steak dinner first?

The Mad Comrade wrote:
A kraken lashed the ship with a hurricane, snatching up crew and officers alike to eat those it caught feet-first. The loot spilling forth from the wreckage sank to the depths of Davey Jones' Locker along with the crew that drowned instead of being eaten. Everyone died horribly and became draugr or food. The End.

No, this is The End.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
A kraken lashed the ship with a hurricane, snatching up crew and officers alike to eat those it caught feet-first. The loot spilling forth from the wreckage sank to the depths of Davey Jones' Locker along with the crew that drowned instead of being eaten. Everyone died horribly and became draugr or food. The End.
No, this is The End.

Every story needs a good soundtrack. ;)

The Mad Comrade wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
A kraken lashed the ship with a hurricane, snatching up crew and officers alike to eat those it caught feet-first. The loot spilling forth from the wreckage sank to the depths of Davey Jones' Locker along with the crew that drowned instead of being eaten. Everyone died horribly and became draugr or food. The End.
No, this is The End.
Every story needs a good soundtrack. ;)

Yes, true. Make it the soundtrack of the OTW. ;)

Farael the Fallen wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
What did I do to you?
You time traveled into the past and prevented my parents from going to their high school prom together, which wiped me out of existence.

Impossible I hate time travel.

Selene Spires wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
What did I do to you?
You time traveled into the past and prevented my parents from going to their high school prom together, which wiped me out of existence.
Impossible I hate time travel.

If you hate time travel, then you need to watch PRIMER and then you need to watch this video to explain what you just saw, and then you need to watch PRIMER again to understand it. It the best time travel movie ever made for just $7,000.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

....maybe...I like the Back to the Back to the Future movies and Time After Time...

What is your favorite dire animal.

Starfinder or Pathfinder.

If we add yeast and warm water, will you become Rarael the Risen?

C Yesterday, Spoiler Tag Police wrote:

What is your favorite dire animal.

Starfinder or Pathfinder.

The Dire Wolf

Limeylongears wrote:
If we add yeast and warm water, will you become Rarael the Risen?

It is possible that one day Farael will be allowed to return the Heavens after the heavenly war there, but he would retain his name.

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