Flesh Golem

Captain Yesterday's Moneymaker's page

17 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


TOZ wrote:
Valuable and Cosmo don't belong in the same sentence. :P

G~#~$!n it!

Crumples up ransom note and throws it in the fireplace.

Looks like I need a new target.

I have you both beat, I have the Magic Mike.

I've gotten 15 stitches in my face in the last three years.

I should probably stop.

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Sorry man, my condolences!

Please accept Freehold's credit card number in lieu of flowers.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
My boss told me "Have a great day." So I went home.

I never see my boss. he is never here when I'm here. I am

ok with this. I consider it one of the perks.
I see mine occasionally, usually for just a few minutes. I don't mind because that means I'll be able to leave on time even if first shift is late.
Eh my boss never shows up on time so If I am seeing him here that means i'm already leaving late AF and am going to be in a bad mood no matter what.

My boss asks me to send him pictures every night.

I guess I don't have to, but I'm pretty sure he's putting them on his website, so I do anyway.

If given one free shot, who would you hit in the face.

Puts on glasses.

People wearing glasses are exempt, of course.

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I'll sell you some of mine.

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I tried eating ice cream last night, big mishtake!

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Yeah, I could tell.

Damn allergies.

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Tacticslion wrote:

EDIT: this is in response to Vankyrie's post, not CY's.


*squick face*

So, you're fine with me possibly having brain festering stitches.

No, no, it's fine, i get it.

Turns around to hide his sobbing.

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But then I wouldn't be so damned lovable.

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The sad thing is, if you just switch the stitches to the other side and this isn't too far from how I look now. :-)

The plus side, i've already been cast as a villain for three Bond films and two Captain America movies.

Bookends: Tome of All-Knowledge wrote:

You know how he got that, man?

I do...
I wish I didn't...

Has the corner of a car door quite obviously stabbed into his forehead.

Got what now?

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It itches so f+@!ing much right now!

Where's a dog cone thingy when you need it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You a!@#&&!! We had a deal, I cut off the brain from decision making and you keep me pretty.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Smoochie smoochie!