Which underpowered but cool options from PF do you want to see show up in style to 2E?

Prerelease Discussion

I hope we can get some balanced new takes on:

Arcane Trickster
Unarmed Magus
Blaster Casters
Mystic Theurge
Low Templar
Knife Thrower

Bonus points if you don't have to hyper-specialize to the point where there's only one effective build for each option!

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I know kobolds won't be a core PC race "ancestry", but when they are introduced in the PF2 Bestiary, they need to be a mechanically viable option for PCs to play. I think kobolds are already highly flavorful, but if they suck mechanically, they won't get played. If a race/species/monster is intended to be an easy/not-too-challenging option for 1st level PCs, then do it with a template.

Likewise, no races/species with racial hit die just for the purposes of just extra HPs when they should just be a 0HD race from the get go. This means you, lizardfolk and gnolls. If they need to be tougher, again, that's what templates are for.

The NPC classes really need a little attention.

NPC classes...with the Variant Multi-Classing options. It gives them options and flavor.

A standard rogue that's not terrible.

Though, really, the easiest way to do this would just be to take everything from the rogue class, smush it onto the vigilante class, and then turn the dual identity stuff into a talent tree instead of a default feature.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:



I know kobolds won't be a core PC race "ancestry", but when they are introduced in the PF2 Bestiary, they need to be a mechanically viable option for PCs to play. I think kobolds are already highly flavorful, but if they suck mechanically, they won't get played. If a race/species/monster is intended to be an easy/not-too-challenging option for 1st level PCs, then do it with a template.

Likewise, no races/species with racial hit die just for the purposes of just extra HPs when they should just be a 0HD race from the get go. This means you, lizardfolk and gnolls. If they need to be tougher, again, that's what templates are for.

I agree.

I hope more than goblins become a core race.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:



I know kobolds won't be a core PC race "ancestry", but when they are introduced in the PF2 Bestiary, they need to be a mechanically viable option for PCs to play. I think kobolds are already highly flavorful, but if they suck mechanically, they won't get played. If a race/species/monster is intended to be an easy/not-too-challenging option for 1st level PCs, then do it with a template.

Likewise, no races/species with racial hit die just for the purposes of just extra HPs when they should just be a 0HD race from the get go. This means you, lizardfolk and gnolls. If they need to be tougher, again, that's what templates are for.

It sounds like they're using SF style character creation, so RHD are thankfully going the way of the dodo, is my guess.

Do want:
*More ability score swaps, such as Str to hit with thrown, Cha to will saves, Con to AC, Dex to damage, etc.
*Prestige Classes, good, interesting ones!

Do not want:
*Ineffectual combat styles and false/inferior options/Ivory Tower game design. Hardly anyone uses firearms or crossbows in PF unless they have a class which gives an ability score to damage. Harsk looked cool, but was conceptually hamstrung by not having 5 levels in Bolt Ace. At worst (IMO) a weapon option should have a separate abilities governing hit and damage with a comparatively accessible option to pick one of them.

I cannot begin to describe how badly I want Called Shots in the new pathfinder. I like the regular ones just fine, but like, making shooting me than damage would be cool

Sayt wrote:

Do not want:

*Ineffectual combat styles and false/inferior options/Ivory Tower game design."

Yeah, this. I know you said crossbows, and I agree, but I think the poster child for this is the game's bias against dex-based martials with no magic. Sure, by this point you can do it with the Swashbuckler and a deep dive into the Player's Companion line with almost any weapon, but it shouldn't be that difficult to reach the level of "It can be done."

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Honestly, making firearms easier to use would do a world of good... Needing Dex to Damage for them to be viable left them completely useless for my Iron God's campaign, and if they ever do an Alkenstar AP, they'll need it.
Cleric with a gun.

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I would love if my fellow reptilians and I could get better "player" stats. You mammals are so warm-blooded centric.

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