Solo A Star Wars Story


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Poster is out.

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Not digging Lando's hair divot, but otherwise looks good.

Oh, count me excited! I'm very curious as to how Disney/Lucasfilm is going to handle the pre-ANH Solo storyline.

Starfinder Superscriber

Oh nice!

Liberty's Edge

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The theme will be great

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Yes!! Welcome back, Mr. Williams! He truly is the most iconic composer for Star Wars films.

Dark Archive

Thanks Ron, but when do we get a teaser?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

I have fears for this. Fact that this comes out in...1, 2, 3, 4 months or so, and we have only seen some teaser art and few producion photos. I fear that Disney saw that they had a bomb in their hands, and are now on defense mode, with minimal preview material. I expect teaser soon, and maybe two fullblown trailers.

Disney appears to have had extensive production trouble with most of their movies so far. I am sure the lack of promotional materials is because they had to replace the directors, and it sounds like a lot of last minute rewriting/shooting had to happen

Lack of promotional stuff so far is because they don't want to cannibalise their own success with THE LAST JEDI so will wait until that dies down before launching the SOLO marketing blitz. They're also probably concerned about people getting bored of STAR WARS movies. I'm actually surprised they're holding this at May and not dropping it back until December.

Dark Archive

I’m very curious to the reason for this particular strategy as well, December seems to be good for them and they have their other cash cow Marvel gearing up as well.

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Ugh I am not thrilled that Emilia Clark is in this, I just don't think she is a good actress at all.

She's not an actress, she's a Khaleesi!

Liberty's Edge

Megatron777 wrote:
She's not an actress, she's a Khaleesi!

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

I don't think they will drop it to Christmas season, since that's when Mary Poppins Returns comes out, and that is gonna make a crapton of money then without some real competition.

Rosgakori wrote:
I don't think they will drop it to Christmas season, since that's when Mary Poppins Returns comes out, and that is gonna make a crapton of money then without some real competition.

I think they would have already done that if they were going to. There are promotional posters that have been spotted in the wild with the May date on them.

It would be amusing though. AQUAMAN, TRANSFORMERS: BUMBLEBEE (which may be interesting because of the lack of Michael Bay and the fact it features the original 1980s Bumblebee) and particularly MORTAL ENGINES are all in the December slot because STAR WARS isn't. If Lucasfilm moved it, those films will all be running for the hills to find another good date.

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Whoa Whoa Whoa, imagine if Michael Bay got to do a Star Wars movie...


I'm not going to lie, I'd totally see that. Disney doesn't know what they're missing. Just imagine what characters like Boba Fett and Jedi lightsaber fights would be like in the hands of Michael Bay. The Last Jedi wants us to forget the past. Who better to make Star Wars go in a completely different direction than Michael Bay? Give him a stand alone story and let the mayhem commence.

Megatron777 wrote:

Whoa Whoa Whoa, imagine if Michael Bay got to do a Star Wars movie...


I'm not going to lie, I'd totally see that. Disney doesn't know what they're missing. Just imagine what characters like Boba Fett and Jedi lightsaber fights would be like in the hands of Michael Bay. The Last Jedi wants us to forget the past. Who better to make Star Wars go in a completely different direction than Michael Bay? Give him a stand alone story and let the mayhem commence.

F&!@. Yes.

buys tickets

All I want is lots of Jedi vs. Lots of Sith. Why is that too much to ask?

Since it was almost exactly 6 months out I was kind of expecting to see the first Solo trailer opening for The Last Jedi, and was surprised it didn't. Looking forward to seeing this!

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Rosgakori wrote:

I have fears for this. Fact that this comes out in...1, 2, 3, 4 months or so, and we have only seen some teaser art and few producion photos. I fear that Disney saw that they had a bomb in their hands, and are now on defense mode, with minimal preview material. I expect teaser soon, and maybe two fullblown trailers.

1) Star wars doesn't need promotional materials. People are already going to see it.

2) There is a thing as too much hype. There have been more and more movies lately that have had all the excitement die out because of Trailers, teasers for trailers, Announcements about upcoming teasers, twitter messages about surprise announcements coming... and when the movies arrive it's all old hat.

I'm REALLy hoping we can get this to be the new normal. Throw out a trailer in front of a blockbuster or two... and let the hype build naturally. I really hate the way so many trailers have been revealing surprises and twists in them now...

Read an interesting story today noting that for the first time since 1977, an upcoming Star Wars movie is not guaranteed to win its opening weekend nor for that matter be close to the highest gross for the year: ffice-avengers-last-jedi/#637657c558d8

phantom1592 wrote:
Rosgakori wrote:

I have fears for this. Fact that this comes out in...1, 2, 3, 4 months or so, and we have only seen some teaser art and few producion photos. I fear that Disney saw that they had a bomb in their hands, and are now on defense mode, with minimal preview material. I expect teaser soon, and maybe two fullblown trailers.

1) Star wars doesn't need promotional materials. People are already going to see it.

2) There is a thing as too much hype. There have been more and more movies lately that have had all the excitement die out because of Trailers, teasers for trailers, Announcements about upcoming teasers, twitter messages about surprise announcements coming... and when the movies arrive it's all old hat.

I'm REALLy hoping we can get this to be the new normal. Throw out a trailer in front of a blockbuster or two... and let the hype build naturally. I really hate the way so many trailers have been revealing surprises and twists in them now...

I totally agree with this..I also wish movie trailers could find another trailer narrator guy like we had in the 70's and 80's:

"In a time of dark portents..

"In a land of fear and greed

"When s%!+ goes down, there is only one man..

Dark Archive

Range [Sniper?] Trooper from the movie

Black Dougal wrote:

Read an interesting story today noting that for the first time since 1977, an upcoming Star Wars movie is not guaranteed to win its opening weekend nor for that matter be close to the highest gross for the year: ffice-avengers-last-jedi/#637657c558d8

Beyond general market trends where more people watch stuff at home, a yearly or almost yearly star wars movie is going to do that. Making Star Wars into a series with regularly produced movies means it stop becoming an event.

justmebd wrote:
All I want is lots of Jedi vs. Lots of Sith. Why is that too much to ask?

because that doesn't sell well as a movie. Makes a kickass game, though.

All I want is lots of Jedi vs. Lots of Sith. Why is that too much to ask?

Because we have THE OLD REPUBLIC for that already. For a film you could do that but you'd need a focused storyline and interesting protagonists. KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC nodded in that direction but even that took place after the massive war and dealt with the aftermath.

Beyond general market trends where more people watch stuff at home, a yearly or almost yearly star wars movie is going to do that. Making Star Wars into a series with regularly produced movies means it stop becoming an event.

Yeah if you offered Disney $1 billion or even $800 million a year every year, or $2 billion once every ten years, they're going to take the former every time.

Black Dougal wrote:

Read an interesting story today noting that for the first time since 1977, an upcoming Star Wars movie is not guaranteed to win its opening weekend nor for that matter be close to the highest gross for the year: ffice-avengers-last-jedi/#637657c558d8

I don't see that being an issue.

On one hand, I DO think this movie will be the weakest of them all. Simply because Han Solo is synonymous with Harrison Ford. Not having Ford involved, (even to have him narrate this adventure to someone else may have helped had he not been killed off) really makes this seem more 'fan fiction' than anything else. Han Solo isn't Batman or James Bond... Threr was no book they tried to emulate. There's been ONE Solo and that actor's charisma created the fandom. Not to mention Billy Dee Williams (who they COULD have narrate...) who just oozes charm and made a 'traitor' character well loved... Any replacement has an uphill battle to be accepted. So yeah, I can see this being the weakest of them all.

All that said... the only real competition that Solo has, would be Avengers Infinity War. That is an event that has been teased and built up for 6 years and three 'phases'... So that's going to make a LOT of money. However it also comes out three weeks before Solo. Had they come out a week or so apart, I could see the competition, but the fervor will die down a bit on Avengers and Solo will swoop in and kill the 3rd and 4th week Avenger profits.

Dark Archive

More spiffy new LEGOs.

Kessel Run Millenium Falcon, Han Solo's Landspeeder. Interesting.

Dark Archive

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Now while we assume it’s Han who did the Kessel run record, it would be so much like the old smuggler of Lando did it and Han just omitted that fact.

Liberty's Edge

Trailer this Friday maybe.

Liberty's Edge

At this point I'm wondering whats coming out first. The trailer for this movie or the next Game of Thrones book.

It is expected (though no announcement has been made)to debut during the Superbowl on Sunday, with the full length trailer on Monday.

I am still really surprised the teaser trailer didn't show with The Last Jedi.

Dark Archive

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The trailer IS comming out on Super Bowl. That kid from the sitcom Happy Days is practically just trolling a few million of us fans at this point.

Dark Archive

I meant to say TEASER. Full trailer the Monday after Super Bowl.

I am probably a bad person for linking this. (NSFW - profanity.)

I am going to call in sick on Monday so I can watch the trailer

Liberty's Edge

Trailer for the trailer

Liberty's Edge

Full trailer

Looks like a heist movie. Is that

Maz Katana
Strapping into a gunner seat on the Falcon?

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

Emilia Clarke is Qi’Ra and Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the droid L3-37. Thandie Newton as “Val” and confirmation that Woody Harrelson’s character is Beckett in Solo: A Star Wars Story (Lucasfilm)

Dark Archive

New TIE is a gunship with a pod with dual cannons.


Dark Archive

Defensive Counter Measures.

Saw the trailers for Solo, Infinity War, and Black Panther. February, May, and <insert whatever month Solo releases in Canada> are going to be very exciting.

Dark Archive

Love the Retro !

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
That kid from the sitcom Happy Days is practically just trolling a few million of us fans at this point.

Arrested Development narrator: It turns out Opie Cunningham wasn't trolling you yet. But now that you put the idea in his head...

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My interest in this movie so far is like 80% just for Donald Glover.

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