Interest Check: Icewind Dale inspired campaign


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Hi all,

I'm reasonably new to these forums, and haven't had much luck getting into any games (yet). I've noticed a drastic disparity between the number of players vs. GM's, and so I've decided to maybe run a game of my own.

I'm a huge fan of Forgotten Realms, and the Icewind Dale series was pretty much responsible for my discovery of dungeons and dragons. So, due to my familiarity with the story and the general lore surrounding the events which take place in IWD 2, I propose to run a campaign based loosely on the assault of the Ten-Towns by the Legion of the Chimera.

This is purely an interest check to see if there are any people who'd be willing to jump on board and have a go at this. I've drafted enough content to take a group of 4 to 6 adventurers up to around 3rd level; if there's a committed group and we're all still enjoying the story I'm happy to continue on.

I really just want the opportunity to practice my writing skills, get used to the flow of a PBP game and share my take on the story which is such a massive part of why I become so enamored with tabletop RPG's.

Please note this is not a recruitment thread; that will come later when I'm sure there is enough interest to warrant investing more time and effort into the idea.

I remember icewind dale very fondly.

Sovereign Court

I'm sure you'll have no shortage of interest. Are you floating the idea of running this as a Pathfinder game, or a 5th edition D&D game, or something else?

I am interested.

That is presuming it is a game I know, Pathfinder or 5th ed, though I know the second less well.

Sorry, I probably should have included that information in my initial post. I'd be using pathfinder rules, most likely core only plus a few little additions. I'm not terribly familiar with a lot of third party content, and I feel this is a pretty mammoth undertaking as is so simplicity will be my friend.

Grand Lodge


So IWd2 the RPG? Sounds pretty cool.

Dude I haven't gotten in any games yet but I have read so many forgotten realms books.I honestly would be ok playing just about any build as long as my character story and personality was my own. My favorite style of characters to play are utility characters(I love their weird uniqueness) but I also love ninja,sorcerers,and thieves. My favorite Stats to base my character off is charisma and dexterity (in that order).
I usually play chaotic good but I'm down for anything,although I'm not the best at playing lawful characters,lol.
I usually play characters with a friendly demeanor. I'm really excited to get a game going I hope we are a good fit. I've always wanted to try pathfinder it seems very fun.

Dotting for interest. I also love Icewind Dale. Those games bring me fond memories and the setting is great. So yeah. If i can manage I'll try get a character done.

Dark Archive

I'm not as familiar with Icewind Dale specifically, but forgotten realms was one of my entry points as well. Definitely interested.

I'd love to play in this! Love FR.

However I have a question, the cRPG IWD were much more combat oriented than others. Wondering if you are going that route as well, or doing something more story focused.

This sounds really good, I would love to join in! I personally would prefer a good mix of combat and story but that depends on everyone else.


Great to see this is starting to garner some interest. I'll probably leave this thread open for a few more days, if we can get another 3 or 4 expressions of interest I'll go ahead and put a recruitment thread up.

Mishima wrote:

'd love to play in this! Love FR.

However I have a question, the cRPG IWD were much more combat oriented than others. Wondering if you are going that route as well, or doing something more story focused.

Fantastic question; I know these games were very combat heavy, but I feel there was a lot of lore which would be wonderful to expand upon to create some really memorable storytelling moments.

Essentially I intend to follow the spirit of the game with allowances for the PC's to take drastically different approaches to solving problems. I loved the combat, and there were a few key key encounters I'll definitely include but there will be plenty of role-playing opportunities as well. Want to spend some time in Targos after the siege and help to rebuild prior rendezvousing with the Neverwintan reinforcements? Fine by me. Is there a drow in your party with ties to the Black Raven monastery? We can explore those elements of that particular character's story when you arrive.

I really want to put together an interesting party with strong ties to the region and setting, and allow the chance for these characters to pursue their own goals further to the overall campaign.

I'm definitely interested in this.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


SO interested! :)

I spent a lot of time in the Forgotten realms, very interested.

Grand Lodge

Interesting, I do have to say I love the Realms!

Sounds fun.

I think I'm gonna go ahead and make a recruitment thread tonight, there seems to be enough interest to warrant putting a game together

Grand Lodge


Sovereign Court

Ice and thunder!

Also interested. Been a while since I played the game, but I remember having tons of joy.

I can't wait to see everyone's applications, stay tuned!

On a side note, I'd really like to run a little in-character tavern scene as a part of my recruitment. I find it kind of annoying to see recruitment threads taken up by walls of in character text though, and I was wondering if it would be appropriate for me to open a discussion tab on this thread for that purpose. Any thoughts from you senior players?

Grand Lodge

hmmm would be interesting, to say the least.

Sovereign Court

How you use the subthreads is totally your call. I'm in one game where there are two parties, one party posts in Gameplay, one posts in Discussion, and both use Recruitment for comments.

Interesting for sure.

I find in-character RP during recruitment to be an odd phenomenon. I see players post in those multiple times a day, but when the actual game gets started and they are accepted they post once a week then drop off the face of the earth. I wonder if these boards just need a tavern RP thread for those kind of players to hang out in.

Jesse Heinig wrote:
How you use the subthreads is totally your call. I'm in one game where there are two parties, one party posts in Gameplay, one posts in Discussion, and both use Recruitment for comments.

That is a pretty cool setup. Have players ever jumped from one party to the other?

Sovereign Court

The Pale King wrote:

I find in-character RP during recruitment to be an odd phenomenon. I see players post in those multiple times a day, but when the actual game gets started and they are accepted they post once a week then drop off the face of the earth. I wonder if these boards just need a tavern RP thread for those kind of players to hang out in.

Jesse Heinig wrote:
How you use the subthreads is totally your call. I'm in one game where there are two parties, one party posts in Gameplay, one posts in Discussion, and both use Recruitment for comments.
That is a pretty cool setup. Have players ever jumped from one party to the other?

There was a crossover early in the campaign. Got pretty chaotic!

The idea of using this thread's discussion for the pre-game RP is interesting, though, because once the actual campaign thread fires up, that will all be archived and will not be cluttering up the Recruitment thread.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
GM Harm wrote:

I can't wait to see everyone's applications, stay tuned!

On a side note, I'd really like to run a little in-character tavern scene as a part of my recruitment. I find it kind of annoying to see recruitment threads taken up by walls of in character text though, and I was wondering if it would be appropriate for me to open a discussion tab on this thread for that purpose. Any thoughts from you senior players?

I'd agree on using this thread for RP discussion, or another recruitment thread that's not tied to your main campaign. That way, you can have one for RP, and one for the submissions/crunch.

OR you could set up something like a Google form for PC submissions, so that they'd be automatically sortable for you, and then the recruitment thread doesn't need to even contain that data. Make the spreadsheet of results visible (not editable) for the public, so that folks can check on what they put in. This is what I used to get character info for my group for Hell's Rebels:
- Used this Google Form
- Got these results

I don't know that I'd be able to play in this one, but would be happy to help set something up if you'd like. I have found that it's more fun to get people's character ideas, and then drill down on their number-crunching once I know they have PC concepts that I like. But your interests may vary - have fun!

That is one thing I never did like about these forums, the limited thread organization. (rpol is better if you want to organize threads and separate things out. Actually, rpol is just flat out better in 90% of aspects. Searchability is probably the one thing that paizo does better. And the community of course, but that isn't really a case of site design.)

Never played Icewind Dale. Is it anything like Balduers gate?

Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale are both set in Faerun. They are both in the Sword Coast region, though Icewind Dale is in the northernmost part and the Gate is much father to the south; you would hit both Neverwinter and Waterdeep between the two locales.

In case that geography description wasn't clear enough, I'm interested as helllllll

Baldurs gate & Baldurs gate 2 were about the last games put out under the 2E rules. Icewind dale & ICW 2 were put out using 3.0 I think.

Baldurs gate and it's sequel let you roam around and find adventure, assembling your party bit by bit as you found them. Icewind dale you created your party at the start and were put on a railroad. It was still a good game, but a bit too linear for me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Icewind Dale 3 was indeed created with the DnD 3.0 ruleset. It was incredibly linear compared to Baldur's Gate, there wasn't a lot of opportunity for exploration.

That's why I decided to use it as an inspiration for a tabletop (or in this case PBP) campaign; I love the idea of exploring the setting and creating some memorable story moments as opposed to wandering through the snow killing *ALL* the things.

@Jason Lillis, Thanks for providing feedback and offering to help; I feel that I may take you up on the offer in the next week or so.

@Jesse Heinig, I think I'm gonna go for it. Once the applications start rolling I'll use the tavern tab on this thread to practice / suss out submissions and I have this idea that would segue nicely into the beginning of the campaign for the chosen characters (If I can pull it off that is)

assembling your party bit by bit

Wait, you could have a party? I solo'd the entire thing. Strangely, the part I most remember is the final tower. Of course, I last played it years ago when it first hit gamecube.

TheAlicornSage wrote:
assembling your party bit by bit
Wait, you could have a party? I solo'd the entire thing. Strangely, the part I most remember is the final tower. Of course, I last played it years ago when it first hit gamecube.

But... But.. Minsc and Boo!

IIRC, u didn't get Minsc and Boo in IWD, but rather you created your six-PC party from scratch.

Correct. Minsc and Boo were in BG

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
TheAlicornSage wrote:
assembling your party bit by bit
Wait, you could have a party? I solo'd the entire thing. Strangely, the part I most remember is the final tower. Of course, I last played it years ago when it first hit gamecube.

You might be thinking "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance"?

There is a significant difference? As far as I know, Dark Alliance was just the title they added for console release with minor differences accounting for console limitations, such as lacking the full character creator. If there is more to it than that, cool.

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