Merellin |
So, Say I wanted to be a witch, Who does some off healing, And support, And messing with enemies in combat and a bit of buffs, What hexes and spells would you consider must haves? I know of Cackle and Evil Eye and Misfortune, But other then that, What would you recomend?
Oh yeah! And what Patron would you recomend for a healy/supporty/messy with enemy type of witch?

Darksol the Painbringer |

Cure Hexes would be mandatory if you want off-healing power. It does save you a lot of spell slots from healing, even if you can only target each party member once. (It's also great for fighting Undead too, and saves a bunch of spell slots that way.)
Evil Eye is fairly obvious for debuffs.
Fortune is great for buffing allies with what is essentially the Good Luck domain power. Rolling twice on a D20 and taking the most favorable result is pretty powerful. Used with Misfortune, it's basically a double-dip on an identical mechanic.
I know you listed Cackle, but you will want ways to make better use of Cackle. Getting a Cackling Hag's Blouse will let you use Cackle as a Swift Action instead of a Move Action 2/day, great for if you need to move, but also need to Cackle to extend your Hex durations. This stacks with a Corset of Dire Witchcraft, which gives you constant Mage Armor and treats one of your hexes as +2 Caster Level, chosen at the start of each day.
Flight Hex isn't strong starting out (because it mimicks Feather Fall), but once you hit 6th level, you'll get the ability to Fly (as the spell), and that's practically at-will in a combat scenario (unless your combats take more than 10 rounds or you're facing 6+ encounters per day). This will save your skin so much and give you so much versatility on the battlefield that you wouldn't know what to do without it.
Scar is useful for being able to apply Hexes to your allies without the need to touch them. Works perfectly with every single one of your hexes, especially your Cure hexes. Can also be useful on enemies if you can Scar them without them noticing.
That's off the top of my head, I imagine others will give you other options to choose from.

Trizcondronius |

I would advice to take a look at Beast-bonded archetype and its ever-lasting magic-jar which combined with a good choiche from improved familiar list (let'say something invisible) is a good option for dealing with some monsters and steal a better body for infiltration and physical stats.
Slumber too would bee a good option for big huge monsters with low will saves.
If story feats are allowed also take a look at the "deny the reaper" feats which gives you a good flexible life saving spell once you achieved the goal in the description.
Remember, there's nothing a witch can't do ;)

Merellin |
I have a question, How does the Beast bonded Witch get a ever-lasting magic-jar? I know at level 10 if the witch dies she can live in her familiar or take over a body as if using magic-jar with no receptacle but, I dont quite know what that means, Or how it becomes ever lasting. Sorry, I'm somewhat new to pathfinder and only real magic user I played before was a Alchemist who dident use many extracts, And a Oracle, Who mostly healed and buffed.

Trizcondronius |

As far as i've read in many threads (and if i remember right there was also an official answer) the fact that it has no receptacle makes it last forever.
Of course it can be dispelled, or you can be removed from the host body, but if you have your familiar near you it will be only a matter of time to get a new body. Furtherly if your familiar has hands and is allowed to speak you can continue using hex and spells from the familiar body, just pay attention to monsters that can pierce invisibility!
I used to play it with a Nosoi familiar btw.

andreww |
For regular hexes you cannot really go wrong with some mix of slumber, evil eye, misfortune, cackle and flight. Flight becomes less useful at level 9 when overland flight is available. Others are of course useful but those five are probably the staples.
For major hexes you cannot go wrong with retribution and icy tomb. Retribution is will based and non mind affecting, Ice Tomb targets Fort which isn't ideal but it does take an opponent out completely.
For spells I like to fill in my slots with buffs, utility and area effect spells. Stuff like investigative mind, heroism, glitterdust, hallucinogenic smoke, fear, etc. I also took rime spell on my witch to use with spells like frost fall, winters grasp and ice storm.

Louise Bishop |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, Say I wanted to be a witch, Who does some off healing, And support, And messing with enemies in combat and a bit of buffs, What hexes and spells would you consider must haves? I know of Cackle and Evil Eye and Misfortune, But other then that, What would you recomend?
Oh yeah! And what Patron would you recomend for a healy/supporty/messy with enemy type of witch?
Must Have Hexes:
Evil EyeCackle
Good Quality of Life Hexes:
Ice Tomb
Flight (If you're too lazy to make a Broom or take the spell..Its good but I just get my flight from elsewhere)
Ill Omen
Accursed Hex
Best Patrons:
Occult- I love this for dealing with Undead besides Cure spells. Command Undead is just golden ticket winner.
Time- One of the most powerful on the list
Shadow- Shadow line of Spells can be very nice thing to have.
Best Choices for a healer type Witch-
Herb Witch Archetype
Cauldron Hex- Pass out cheap potions for more healing/buffing in a day.
Healing Hex- Helps mid combat when needed and saves you preparing as many.
Evil Eye- a -2 or later -4 to AC or To hit can save Lives, Negatives to Saves helps if you have another controller or heavy caster in the group.
Fortune/Misfortune- I prefer Misfortune because your allies stay for the day but enemies change per encounter.
Patron- Ancestors, Agility, Endurance, all come to mind as having some team friendly buffs
Another option is looking at the Shaman Class for a support character who can heal and has access to Hexes. Very fun and powerful class.

![]() |

Given the stated things you want to do, a Shaman might be ideal for you. It's a very flexible class; the challenge is wrapping your head around all the different options.
For a witch, the Healing patron gives access to status removal spells. Healing hex frees up spell slots for other things. Later on, quickened Ill Omen is awesome.

Louise Bishop |

The Shaman you say? I guess I'l try to look into it a bit more. I havent looked much at the shaman, But it is a hybrid of Oracle and Witch, Two classes I realy wanna try as they seem awesome, So it should be good. I'l see if I can figure it out ^_^
It is not too terribly Hard to figure out. The hard part is all the options available to you and weeding out the bad ones.
The thing I like most about the class is the Wandering Hex and Wandering Spirit abilities to try out other options and picking which ones are best for the day ahead. It is a class if you are not happy with something the next day you can change things around and find out exactly what you like and what works best for you.