Still trying and still getting the empty folder. I also checked FAQ and found that sometimes internet explorer and default Windows unzipper gives this problems but this should not be the case since i'm using Chrome and WinRar.
I was looking forward to getting a good read to the rulebook while amazon ships hardcover to europe but it seems like i'll have to do it 'one file per chapter' which is annoying. is there any way i can ask for official support? Btw thanks for answering! :)
David knott 242 wrote:
If you mean the listed size in the 'My Download' page it is 60MB. When i download it however after the personalizing step it ends in an instant download of a 0MB zipped folder.
So sadly i wasn't missing anything from the text.
Good evening everybody
As far as i've read in many threads (and if i remember right there was also an official answer) the fact that it has no receptacle makes it last forever.
I would advice to take a look at Beast-bonded archetype and its ever-lasting magic-jar which combined with a good choiche from improved familiar list (let'say something invisible) is a good option for dealing with some monsters and steal a better body for infiltration and physical stats.
Slashing Grace: In the 2nd printing errata, what exactly does it mean that “You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied?” Can I use a shield? What about a buckler? Can I use flurry of blows? Brawler’s flurry? Two-weapon fighting? Spell combat? Attack with natural weapons? What if I throw the weapon? What about swordmaster’s flair?
Just copy/pasted from errata and i can exactly read "thrown attacks with a melee weapon"
Imbicatus wrote:
And I agree with you because when i chose to do piercing damage my halberd can't be treated as a slashing weapon. Now throwing a spear it's kind of different for me: it is a melee weapon that can be thrown so i can do a melee or ranged attack with it but it stays a melee weapon, while a Javelin for example stays a ranged weapon since i can't use it in melee without treating it as an improvised weapon.Since " Melee weapons are used for making melee attacks, though some can be thrown as well.
i suppose that a melee weapon stays a melee weapon when thrown and a ranged weapon stays a ranged weapon when use in melee as an improveised on; i mean, "Melee" and "Ranged" are weapon's identity , while you can do melee and ranged attack with virtually any weapon. Is there written somewhere that using a weapon in a different way shifts it in another weapon? if it would be so i could enchant a sword with ranged weapons enchantments that would activate when i throw it? xD' doesnt make any sense btw xD
I would like to have some clear answer to the main question, meaning with this that i would like some citation to a written rule that prevents me retaining this kind of bonus when throwing a spear for example. The need comes because the poor written text of "Impact" clearly doesn't give me a limitation on such an attack so i was looking for some rule outside of the enchantment text itself that could be more specific; thx however to the ones who already answered :P Btw should i FAQ it?
James Risner wrote:
Can you explain me how "strict RAW" is going to let it only affect melee attacks?
claudekennilol wrote: When you throw it it's an improvised weapon and doesn't get to use any of its special qualities. It wouldn't even keep its base damage die. I'd like to let you know that q weapon with a range listed on the table (like a spear o harpoon, when thrown is not an improvised weapon; moreover just to give some thoughts to those citing the strict RAW , from ultimate equipment: "Melee weapons are used for making melee attacks, though some can be thrown as well.Ranged weapons include thrown weapons or projectile weapons that are not effective in melee"
So, i know it can sound a little weird to hear a thread like this since impact is largely known as an improvement for melee weapons, however reading through the specifical text of the ability i found myself wondering.
as far as i know a thrown weapon, let's say an harpoon, is a melee weapon that can be thrown, and as i read in the text there isn't a specific kind of attack that activates the magic effect (ex. Melee, Ranged) it instead just says the kind of weapon that can be enchanted and that the effect is used when it strikes.
Hello everybody, I always thought that pathfinder didn't have any restriction on multiclassing and that one could also multiclass taking 2 prestige classes (satisfying both prereq ofc); that said , am i missing something? My DM is not sure about it and i can't find any clear rule that says that i can(not) ; the only clear clue i found is on the master spy 8th level death attack class features that states it's stacking with other death attacks class features that is only in the assassin class other than master spy as far as i know.
Hello everybody; i was reading up the crossbowman fighter archetype and found something that was not really clear about deadshot and greater deadshot; im from mobile and i dont know how to copy/paste this class feature text but for those who have the time to go reading i'm asking:
For the Familiar Form i got it exactly as you explained and that made me a little wrong cause i'm playing with improved familiar already; For what regards Twin-Soul I'm actually in a stone giant corpse and it's way more OP than any barbarian; Thanks for answering but BTW i'm hoping there will be some official clarifications other than personal judgement about this :P
Hi all ; I really would like to have some clarifications about the class features of this archetype ; i'm playing a 11th lvl beast-bonded witch and it's not very clear how some abilities should work : 1) Familiar Form: am i actually taking the form of a bigger version of my familiar getting only the bonus that i would get using Beast shape or am I going to be able to use this only if there's an animal creature that is a bigger or smaller version of my familiar? if so i'm totally wasting this class feature if i take the Improved familiar feat. 2) Is the twin soul class feature actually making a witch take over a body indefinitely?
James Jacobs wrote:
Ok sorry i'll do ; i'm not very skilled about the many section of the messagerbords :((
James Jacobs wrote:
There's nothing about Beast-bonded witch archetype in the FAQ section of Ultimate Magic I'll anyway annoy you with more rules questions: 1) is a Charging cavalier with a Lance multiplying his strenght on damage? Same question for spirited charge. 2)Is the range of a Firearm considered his first range increment?
Hi all, A friend of mine is starting a new adventure and, as long as my friends are too lazy to build up a good spellcaster, i'm the one who is gonna be it. The idea i had in mind was to merge an healing class with a tricky arcane one so that I could heal and also annoy some monster.
I still don't know the exact level of pc we're going to play but they'll be above 12th for sure; the question now is , do i get patron and domain bonus spells (not abilities) as i go further in the mystic theurge class?
I'm starting this thread because i wanted to have a general opinion about the use of the Synthesist without the application of any house rule; The ruling as i read is pretty clear , the only misunderstanding is about the following sentence: "While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can
This question came out because i created i PC for a friend that's playing a campaign (i'm not the DM)assuming that Synthesist feats were apllying to fused eidolon.Now at 12th level he his actually using multi-weapon fighting feat and exotic weapon proficiency feat to fight with four Large Keen Falcatas and his Character seems to be a little too Imba; this made me read the ruling with more attention. Did i get it right or is really the synthesist so powerful? |