Create Mr. Pitt |
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I am trying to cogitate a build for a mathemagician. I am wedded to nothing yet. Probably won't use the sacred geometry feat. I recognize that it probably has to be mostly fluff. So far bard or a sorcerer focusing on buffs and number oriented spells, but I also think it should probably be int-based.
Show me what you got!

avr |

The spells you may want might include Illusory Maze, Dimensional Anchor, Impossible Angles, anything involving extradimensional spaces or teleporting and the pit spells. Folding space seems like mathematical magic to me. That sounds like the sorc/wiz spell list. Int-based that could mean a wizard (probably conjuration/teleportation) or a wildblooded (sage) sorcerer, or perhaps a spell specialist arcanist.
For feats look at some metamagic - reach spell, extend spell, fleeting spell or tenacious spell could all be appropriate. Maybe toppling spell or point blank/precise shot if they like lining up shots like a snooker player.

Goth Guru |

The spells you may want might include Illusory Maze, Dimensional Anchor, Impossible Angles, anything involving extradimensional spaces or teleporting and the pit spells. Folding space seems like mathematical magic to me. That sounds like the sorc/wiz spell list. Int-based that could mean a wizard (probably conjuration/teleportation) or a wildblooded (sage) sorcerer, or perhaps a spell specialist arcanist.
For feats look at some metamagic - reach spell, extend spell, fleeting spell or tenacious spell could all be appropriate. Maybe toppling spell or point blank/precise shot if they like lining up shots like a snooker player.
Adding Bull strength, vampiric touch, and any other spells that add or subtract any ability points or hit points.

Cattleman |

First thing that popped in my head was Magic Missile + Toppling Metamagic (or w/e.)
Something about knocking someone over and being cocky about how you calculated it just sounds satisfying.
"Just the right amount of.. force"
"I knew that would happen.."
"According to my calculations.."
Not sure why I'm thinking solely of quotes you'd hear as you issue commands in an RTS game.. but either way, I imagine him basically sounding like Yuri Clones from Red Alert 2 or like (IG)Psykers from Dawn of War.
I agree with the first post quite a bit in suggestions. Another way you could go with it is really strange ways of accomplishing things; such as finding odd Physics loopholes. I can also see using Judo kinds of spells, or flavoring them as such (bull's strength for example) as you understanding or communicating how to push a body to it's limits or get the most out of an attack.

zza ni |

hmm. had to put it here. a homebrow 'mathmagican' was allready posted years ago as a 3.0 ed prestige class (joke class actuly) but i tink it's great ;)
edit: do note. this is not my creation nor am i asking for any credit for it. i just think other people would enjoy reading this.
-Prestige class by KSquared
"Stealing from a wizard's spellbook is plagiarism. Killing him for it is research."
-- Kyraxor Voltran, Wizard 7/Mathemagician 10
Sitting in the ivory towers far above the quotidian concerns of lesser beings, mathemagicians are spellcasters of the most aloof sort. They are usually found buried musing over arcane scrolls and proofs understood only to them.
Other wizards write off mathemagicians as borderline insane and not worth wasting breath on. But in fact, mathemagicians are merely misunderstood scholars with a particular zeal for numbers. To them, there is nothing so beautiful as the uniform curvature of a circle; nothing so powerful as an infinite string of decimals arising from an irrational number; and nothing as powerful as the dizzying power of an equation.
Not surprisingly, mathemagicians have few friends other than their own kind. They tend, however, to have tremendous egos, and many of the most powerful arch-mathemagi have authored some of the world's unusual and potent arcane spells. To that end, a major goal of many mathemagicians is to have their names spread far and wide as scholars of renown, and they'll frequently travel large distances and go to great lengths to gain an edge over their rivals.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d4.
Requirements: To qualify to become a mathemagician, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Abilities: Int 15+, ability to prepare and cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
Skills: Spellcraft 10 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, Knowledge (any other) 5 ranks.
Feats: Any one metamagic feat, and either Spell Focus (any school) or Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]).
Level BAB Fort Refl Will Special
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Signature spellbook (+2)
Publish or perish
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
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2nd +0 +0 0 +3 Burden of proof
Quillstaff (+2)
Crunch the numbers (1/day)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Research raider
Spell plagiarism
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
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4th +1 +1 +1 +4 Inflated ego
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5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Signature spellbook (+3)
Crunch the numbers (2/day)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
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6th +2 +2 +2 +5 Calculate probabilities
Quillstaff (+3)
Prolific copycat
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7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Improved research raider
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
8th +3 +2 +2 +6 Improved mathemetamagic
Crunch the numbers (3/day)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Broadened horizons
Signature spellbook (+4)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
10th +4 +3 +3 +7 Chaos theory
Quillstaff (+4)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
Signature Spellbook (Ex): Every mathemagician has a signature spellbook, which they designate when they first commit themselves to this path. They jealously guard it and are usually paranoid about letting other wizards come near their precious spell research; in fact, even letting another wizard see it would be virtually unthinkable, and is the sort of thing mathemagicians have nightmares about. The book's hardness improves by 10 and it gains an additional 20 hit points, and the mathemagician can always sense its exact location when he is within a 60-foot radius of it. If a mathemagician's signature spellbook is destroyed, he cannot designate another signature spellbook for one month.
When a mathemagician prepares any spell he has personally researched from his signature spellbook, his caster level is treated as +2 for that spell at the time of casting. This bonus improves by another +1 for every four levels the mathemagician acquires.
Publish or Perish (Ex): Even the most novice mathemagician has a healthy ego and understands the virtue of plastering his name everywhere. Consequently, mathemagicians have learned how to do this cheaply, quickly, and effectively. Starting at 1st level, a mathemagician is able to scribe scrolls at a 25% reduction to the base cost in gold, and it always takes him one day to scribe a scroll regardless of the base price. He still pays the full cost in XP. When scribing a scroll of a spell he has personally researched, the XP cost is reduced by 25% as well.
Crunch the Numbers (Su): By spending a full-round action to study an opponent, a mathemagician can analyze defects in an inferior opponent's strategies and movements. The mathemagician can add his Intelligence modifier to both his attack rolls and AC against that opponent as an insight bonus that lasts for 1 round per level. He cannot add more than the difference between his Intelligence modifier and his opponent's modifier. (Thus, this ability has no effect on an opponent that is equally or more intelligent than the mathemagician.) This ability can be used once per day, and one additional time for every three levels above 2nd the mathemagician has.
Quillstaff (Su): Novice mathemagicians quickly learn that the pen is mightier than the sword. Once per day per point of Intelligence bonus, they may transmute any writing implement into a +2 quarterstaff for one round per level. At the end of the duration, the quarterstaff reverts back to its original form. The enhancement bonus on the quarterstaff increases to +3 at 6th level and +4 at 10th level.
Burden of Proof (Sp): Mathemagicians are adept at making their opponents look like ignorant morons, simply by overwhelming them with a deluge of propositions and challenging them to prove that they're wrong. Hapless foes are forced to ponder the dense, impenetrable logic of these weighty statements. Effectively, a 2nd-level mathemagician can use slow at either the minimum caster level (5th) or his own, whichever is higher. He may do this once per day for every two points of Intelligence bonus he has acquired.
Research Raider (Ex): Practiced mathemagicians are talented at getting past the annoying wards of others equally as protective of knowledge. After reaching 3rd level, a mathemagician can use a Spellcraft check in place of a Disable Device check when working with traps on spellbooks, scrolls, or on any other medium that has arcane or divine writing of some kind on it or in it. He takes a -6 penalty to Spellcraft checks used for this purpose. This ability works even on magical traps.
Spell Plagiarism (Su): Mathemagicians are quite adept at copying from others, particularly on the fly. Starting at 3rd level, if a mathemagician makes a Spellcraft check to identify a spell or spell effect and he beats the DC by 10 or more, he knows enough about the spell to research it himself more cheaply. If research on the plagiarized spell commences within 7 days after the check is made, the gold cost for the research is reduced by 50%.
Inflated Ego (Su): Mathemagicians have a commanding presence in any room (or at least they think they do) by virtue of their superior intellect. Upon reaching 4th level, they can add double their Intelligence modifier to the result of any Intimidate or Bluff check. They may use this ability once per day for every two points of Intelligence bonus acquired.
Mathemetamagic (Su): Upon reaching 4th level, a mathemagician becomes more adept at manipulating the metamagical energies of arcane spells. The spell slot modifier of any prepared metamagic spell is reduced by one level. He may do this for one spell per day for every three points of Intelligence bonus he has acquired.
Calculate Probabilities (Su): Mathemagicians generally have a habit of thinking fast, but as their power grows, it becomes virtually second nature for them to analyze a situation in the blink of an eye. By 6th level, mathemagicians are able to enumerate all likely events over the next few moments in a fraction of a second and choose the most beneficial one. This manifests itself as a dodge bonus to AC and insight bonus to Reflex equal to the mathemagician's Intellect modifier.
Prolific Copycat (Ex): By 6th level, a mathemagician is so profoundly entrenched in his academic ways that he is able to copy texts with astounding speed. It takes him only four uninterrupted hours to scribe any scroll regardless of the base price. Additionally, each time a mathemagician would be entitled to add new spells to his spellbook as a result of increased levels (such as when he adds a wizard class level), he may add one additional spell.
Improved Research Raider (Ex): At 7th level, a mathemagician has gained enough experience to become quite talented at stealing the research of others. He becomes immune to the effects of sepia snake sigil and explosive runes, and can see past any secret page. Additionally, his penalty on substituted Spellcraft checks is reduced to -2.
Differentiation (Sp): As a mathemagician grows in power, he grasps the advanced secrets of calculus lore, enabling him to unravel even the most complex multivariate integral. At 7th level, the mathemagician can use disintegrate at either the minimum caster level (11th) or his own, whichever is higher. He may do this once per day for every two points of Intelligence bonus he has acquired.
Improved Mathemetamagic (Su): At 8th level, the mathemagician gains two extra uses of his mathemetamagic ability per day.
Broadened Horizons (Su): By the time the mathemagician has reached 9th level, his horizons have expanded and his spellcasting powers have increased considerably. For purposes of bonus spell slots granted by a high ability score, treat the mathemagician's relevant ability modifier as though it were improved by 3.
Chaos Theory (Su): The pinnacle of mathemagical achievement is cosmic control over the very forces of nature. By concentrating on creating small perturbations in the present, the mathemagician is able to create large, controlled effects in the future. If a mathemagician spends a few moments meditating prior to casting a spell, he is able to set up fortuitous spellcasting circumstances when the casting takes place. For each consecutive full round that a mathemagician spends concentrating prior to the casting of a spell, he gains an additional +1 to his caster level for that spell (+5 maximum).
edit: added alignment, hit dice.

pad300 |
As an alternative, there was a witch archetype, Dimensional Occultist, which would fit your flavor...
The archetype was kind of broken though, as it got the planar binding line without getting magic circle (for the containment diagram) (and they didn't give the witch Thaumaturgic Circle on it's spell list either...)

Jakken |

At the threat of derailing the thread (because everyone hates these feats) and annoying your fellow players (because they're a nightmare to work with), the Arithmancy/Sacred Geometry feats fit this build quite well

Azten |

While he did say Sacred Geometry is probably a no, Arithmancy is a really easy feat.
For literally using percentage and stuff in combat, an Android with levels in Slayer to get Blood Reader can allow you tell your fellow party members how much out of 100% HP something has left. Don't tell them the actual number for more fun.
Then you could also tell them how much percentage, on average, is lost if they manage to hit it and deal damage. Recalculating as things like Damage Reduction, Hardness, and Energy Resistance is applied/discovered.

Volkard Abendroth |

Mathemagician has no need to adventure for wealth or fame.
He can reshape the realm with his sliderule and amazing advances in engineering and architecture without ever placing himself at personal risk. The powers-that-be will shower him with wealth and peerage as recompense for the advances he brings to society.
To the plebeian masses, it's all magic.

Phntm888 |
You may also want consider the Mathematical Prodigy trait. Seems to fit the desired flavor nicely.