Ventnor |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

You could take the following trait and be the creepy doll if you want to.
Creepy Doll
Glassy eyes and porcelain skin make some halflings look more like dolls than living creatures. If they cease moving and pretend to be a doll while they aren’t being observed, they can use the Stealth skill without cover or concealment. A successful Stealth check still allows other creatures to notice the halfling; they just believe the halfling is a doll, similar to the freeze universal monster ability (without being able to take 20). In addition, they take no size penalty on Intimidate checks against larger humanoids. The racial trait replaces keen senses and sure-footed.

Ben Martin 79 |

Can't do it until higher levels, but you can make soulbound dolls.
CL 7th; Price 4,300 gp
CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Construct, false life, lesser geas, magic jar, minor creation, soul of a living creature who dies or is slain during the creation process; Skill Craft (sculptures); Cost 2,300 gp.

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Homunculi are plenty creepy, what with their poisonous fangs and leathery wings. But they get even worse when they look like your kid sister.

Ryze Kuja |

What about a cursed companion/familiar? <laughs in evil DM>
Needful Doll
Slot none; CL 13th; Weight 1 lb.
Aura strong conjuration and illusion
When a humanoid creature picks up this ugly old doll, he triggers a horrible curse. Thereafter, the cursed doll considers that creature its owner. If the owner leaves the doll, it appears next to him the next time he sleeps.
The doll is vindictive. If the owner repeatedly tries to get rid of it or leaves it behind at home, it torments him with terrible nightmares in which everyone he trusts abandons him. If the owner destroys the doll, he has disturbing nightmares in which people he trusts murder him in gruesome ways. If the owner keeps the doll in a backpack or other closed container for much of the day, he has nightmares in which he slowly suffocates in a dark, cramped place.
The nightmares occur the next time the owner sleeps. This functions as per nightmare (DC 22); the doll is considered to have firsthand knowledge of the owner (or familiar knowledge if the owner has owned the doll for more than a week) and to have a body part. Regardless of how the owner abandons or destroys the doll, it returns the next night in the same condition as when the owner first found it. Using break enchantment or remove curse on the doll makes it unable to return for 1d4+1 days, though at that point, it returns as usual.
The doll is quick to forgive, however. If the owner treats it well for a day, carrying it openly and maintaining physical contact, the nightmares fade away until the doll feels that it has been mistreated again. The only certain way to get rid of or destroy the doll (short of miracle or wish) is to find someone who accepts it as a gift. If the owner dies, the curse is lifted, and the doll patiently waits until a new owner finds it, though if the previous owner returns from the dead before that time, the doll returns to his side.
Magic Items anatomy doll, ganji doll, hexing doll

Cevah |

Note: this thread was necroed.
What about a cursed companion/familiar? <laughs in evil DM>
Needful Doll...
There is a similar one from Occult Adventures: Haunted Doll.
You can even buy one.