Running and Jumping

Rules Questions

I am having an argument with a player about jumping.
Due to class and mythic ability he has a speed of 65ft.
Run feat and running makes that 325ft.
I am of the belief that because his base speed if 65ft, he gets a +16 to a jump check (+4 per each 10ft above 30 his 65 base speed is, and +4 for the running start)
He is arguing that he should have a +120 (+4 per each 10ft above 30 his 325ft running speed is, and +4 for the running start)

Sovereign Court

+16 is correct.

Could you help me explain why it is correct, cause I am having trouble doing so

"Faster Base Movement: Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet"

It's BASE MOVEMENT, which is your movespeed. NOT how far you're moving that round.

He gets a +12. There is no +4 for a running start. All not having a running start means the DC is doubled. So a 20' longjump is DC 20 with a running start, or DC 40 without a running start.

As for rules:


Faster Base Movement: Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet. Creatures with a base land speed below 30 feet receive a –4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed below 30 feet. No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round.

His base land speed is 65. 325 is a running land speed, not a base land speed.

It's a +12 to the check with a base speed of 65. Once he gets it to 70, it's +16.

(I've got a PFS cleric with a base speed of 40', the expeditious retreat spell, and the Run feat, so yes, I've done the math on that before.)

Now if I can just get him to understand you cant explain everything in a game with real world physics

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This isn't a physics game... most of what happens isn't possible... that is where the fun be :-).

In this case remind them they are going from 0 to ~37mph in basically no time... Same for when they stop.. picture the Roadrunner from the cartoons. Physics says, um... dead.

The Run feat adds +4 to jumping if you have a running start. 60 feet = +12.
Total mod of +16

Run Feat wrote:

Benefit: When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see Acrobatics), you gain a +4 bonus on your Acrobatics check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class.

Your base movement determines your bonus.
Your maximum movement in a round determines the cap for how far you can jump.


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