Storyteller-Shadows-Multi-Game-Recruitment III


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1: A Reptoid covert agent in the guise of a gentleman lawman, drifting from parts unknown on a quest to rid the world of wrongdoers. In actuality he plans on bolstering his own technological power to prepare for the great invasion.

2: His quest begins in Alkenstar, working his way up to Numeria.

3:To the Ends of the Earth(trait), Stargazer(trait), Covert agent/Carefully Hidden(trait), Wanted!(drawback)

1) Tortured soul, driven by curiosity and pride, down a dark path. Now seeking some measure of redemption by using her talents to drive out evil (especially the undead).
2)Brevoy (Freelands)
3)Local Ties, Rostlander

I'll add those to Submissions as well but that will happen probably tomorrow. My WiFi is down until probably Sunday (yay free Tims WiFi!) and today is just a really busy day :p

1. Concept - Two sentences. Joseph is a Gunsmith with a very unique trait; he lost his arm in an accident and has crafted a replacement arm for himself that can transform into just about anything. The arm is HIGHLY customizable and Joseph is constantly tinkering with it.
Edit: think energetic, inquisitive teen out to explore the world for himself.
2. The Character Area of Origin. Joseph is from Torch. He is a Gunsmith there.
3. Drawbacks vs. Traits.
•Traits: Blighted Physology (Campaign), Caretaker (Faith),
Favorite Shape (Magic), Natural Shifter (Racial), Skymetal Smith (Campaign)
•Drawback: Lyin' Eyes
•Note: I took the Extra Drawbacks feat.

Edit: Also, I have never seen the movie, I might have to do some homework :)

Joseph Bonkers wrote:

I'll add those to Submissions as well but that will happen probably tomorrow. My WiFi is down until probably Sunday (yay free Tims WiFi!) and today is just a really busy day :p

1. Concept - Two sentences. Joseph is a Gunsmith with a very unique trait; he lost his arm in an accident and has crafted a replacement arm for himself that can transform into just about anything. The arm is HIGHLY customizable and Joseph is constantly tinkering with it.
Edit: think energetic, inquisitive teen out to explore the world for himself.
2. The Character Area of Origin. Joseph is from Torch. He is a Gunsmith there.
3. Drawbacks vs. Traits.
•Traits: Blighted Physology (Campaign), Caretaker (Faith),
Favorite Shape (Magic), Natural Shifter (Racial), Skymetal Smith (Campaign)
•Drawback: Lyin' Eyes
•Note: I took the Extra Drawbacks feat.

Edit: Also, I have never seen the movie, I might have to do some homework :)

No need to do the extra work, Gobo, what's posted here is just fine for my purposes. A handful more and I believe that will be everyone. As one can imagine, selections for this one are pretty tough...

1. Incredibly tiny imp with very big guns who loves nothing more than to ricochet around the battlefield shattering skulls with well-placed bullets. Very dedicated to thwarting evil, but not to the extent of moral myopia.
2. River Kingdoms
3. Traits:
River Lander from Kingmaker, Wary with Sense Motive from Daggermark
Adopted (Social) for the Gnome trait Excitable
Umbral Unmasking since I have no shadow.

It's late here. Will post in the morning. Sorry for delay

(bouncing between Tims ^_^)
I should have all the current descriptions up.
Edit: too late, works already done :/

Submissions wrote:

(bouncing between Tims ^_^)

I should have all the current descriptions up.
Edit: too late, works already done :/

My goodness you're quick! :-)

I should have you do all SORTS of stuff for me, free up more tome to RP! ;-)

There are 3 people who submitted that have yet to post in response to my DM request from last night.

I'll give them more time to do so. However, as I have my last table top game before I take spring/summer hiatus, I'll not be able to finalize selections until Saturday evening.

My apologies for the delay but I want to take extra time to ensure that the groups mesh well together and the data I am requesting is an easy way for me to do just that.

Hang in there folks!

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Due to RL issues I had a player drop from the Eberron table. I now have two spots open and will accept two instead of only one PC(s).

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Speaking if which, I'll rob you of 2 minutes to inform you that Electric Eye is mostly ready, apart from refining some backstory (which is in my head) and spending some coin.

I'd like to ask you how's about having taken the trait "Finding Haleen" from Legacy of Fire (and having turned it into "Finding Hal"). Hal's a senior Warforged who introduced E.E. to modern world and acted as a paternal figure. Also, seeing a lack of Warforged racial traits, is it ok to take Android traits? I haven't even read them (if there are some to begin with) but I guess some might make sense...

I would like to know whether the group is in specially good or bad disposition towards any House or faction, maybe I can include that in my backstory.

Finally, how's your approach to reflavouring some of the feats/abilities? At one point, I was going to be a Barbarian and was going to reflavour Rage as 'Combat Mode' and the like, I could do that with some other things (at least the names). Are you ok with that?

Electric Eye's skills don't seem quite impressive right now, but just next level he'll be able to add Int instead of whatever Characteristic to quite a bunch of skills, and in another level he'll be able to pick Talents, which will make him a Skill MAchine (pun intended). In his career, he'll probably pick another Fighter level or two to settle his combat capabilities and the rest will be Investigator levels.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Submissions wrote:

(bouncing between Tims ^_^)

I should have all the current descriptions up.
Edit: too late, works already done :/

My goodness you're quick! :-)

I should have you do all SORTS of stuff for me, free up more tome to RP! ;-)

Honestly? This has been fun, compiling and sorting all the data and doing the bookwork. If you have another need I could fill, just let me know. It might be fun! ^_^

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I keep forgetting my Doctor appointments. Would you like to be my secretary? I pay in cheesecakes and I promise no sex.

Working a bit more, before the deadline of today.

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Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Due to RL issues I had a player drop from the Eberron table. I now have two spots open and will accept two instead of only one PC(s).

Sorry to hear about the drop out due to RL, that's never fun, but gotta admit I'm also glad because I'm working on a PC and am hoping to get into this one! :)

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Jereru wrote:
I keep forgetting my Doctor appointments. Would you like to be my secretary? I pay in cheesecakes and I promise no sex.

Well if you promise no sex what's the fun in that?!

Submissions wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Submissions wrote:

(bouncing between Tims ^_^)

I should have all the current descriptions up.
Edit: too late, works already done :/

My goodness you're quick! :-)

I should have you do all SORTS of stuff for me, free up more tome to RP! ;-)

Honestly? This has been fun, compiling and sorting all the data and doing the bookwork. If you have another need I could fill, just let me know. It might be fun! ^_^

The Ruins of Azlant Recruitment already has 30 people interested and the AP does not come out till August, so maybe yes. ;_)

I'm looking forward to the FR recruitment, considering nearly half of your lycan game are interested in it.

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Dotting for Eberron ! Is there any chance you'd be willing to utilize the new Spheres of Might playtest? I have a Warforged Juggernaut in mind, using the Brute Sphere.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

The Ruins of Azlant Recruitment already has 30 people interested and the AP does not come out till August, so maybe yes. ;_)

I'd be happy to help compile data on Azlant. I won't even expect too many brownie points for it. :)

I've always wondered if GM's who have open submissions mind if one of the prospective players starts compiling the list of submissions.

CariMac wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

The Ruins of Azlant Recruitment already has 30 people interested and the AP does not come out till August, so maybe yes. ;_)

I'd be happy to help compile data on Azlant. I won't even expect too many brownie points for it. :)

I've always wondered if GM's who have open submissions mind if one of the prospective players starts compiling the list of submissions.

God no, it's so helpful. It takes so much time to do that and it's a giant pain when trying to keep other games running or manage looking through submissions. Unfortunately, no one ever wants to do that for my games so I have to do it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jon, The Evil DM wrote:
It takes so much time to do that and it's a giant pain when trying to keep other games running or manage looking through submissions. Unfortunately, no one ever wants to do that for my games so I have to do it.

Good to know. I'll keep that in mind when I see recruitment threads.

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Joseph Soltz wrote:
Dotting for Eberron ! Is there any chance you'd be willing to utilize the new Spheres of Might playtest? I have a Warforged Juggernaut in mind, using the Brute Sphere.

Not for Eberron. I prefer to keep the Eberron feel by utilizing 3.5 converted stuff, someone placed a link somewhere earlier in the thread for that.

I'd allow Spheres of Might in the Forgotten Realms Recruitment I will have up later this month though.

Jon, The Evil DM wrote:
CariMac wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

The Ruins of Azlant Recruitment already has 30 people interested and the AP does not come out till August, so maybe yes. ;_)

I'd be happy to help compile data on Azlant. I won't even expect too many brownie points for it. :)

I've always wondered if GM's who have open submissions mind if one of the prospective players starts compiling the list of submissions.

God no, it's so helpful. It takes so much time to do that and it's a giant pain when trying to keep other games running or manage looking through submissions. Unfortunately, no one ever wants to do that for my games so I have to do it.

Great for me as I have no physical form as a Shadow, any idea how many souls I need to consume just to do a single post? ;-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here's my ROTL submission. The open submission got my imagination going.

Julia Ovicus, Female human (Chelaxian) unchained rogue 3

CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 25 (3d8+9)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulson
Defensive Abilities blade sense +1, evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron starknife +4 (1d4+4/×3) or
silver starknife +4 (1d4+3/×3)
Ranged composite shortbow +6 (1d6+1/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +2d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Double Slice, Martial Weapon Proficiency (starknife), Two-weapon Defense, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits birthmark, dirty fighter, family ties
Skills Acrobatics +9, Appraise +6, Bluff +7, Craft (weapons) +6, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (local) +9, Linguistics +6, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7 (+8 to conceal a light blade), Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +7
Languages Celestial, Common, Goblin, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ hidden blade, rogue talent (combat trick)
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, arrows (40), cold iron starknife, composite shortbow (+1 Str), silver starknife, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, 76 gp
Special Abilities
Blade Sense +1 (Ex) +1 dodge bonus to AC vs. attacks made against you with light blades.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Hidden Blade +1 +1 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a light blade.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +2d8/+2d4 +2d8 damage with a dagger-like weapon if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Two-Weapon Defense +1 to AC while wielding 2 weapons. +2 when doing so defensively.
Travel Domain Desna:

Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.

Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

1st Longdtrider

Julia Ovicus is a woman of Chelaxian and Varisan decent. She came to Sandpoint two years ago from the River Kingdoms. Living in a village where the worship of Razmir was the main religion with a birthmark of Desna made for a hard life. The birthmark on her neck started to darken in her late teens, and became much more noticeable, It was noticed by a traveling merchant who told her about the temple at Sandpoint. At 20 she headed to Sandpoint after hearing about the Cathedral dedicated to several gods. She felt that a town that had one place to worship several gods was a place she might fit in.

Sneaking into the Razmiran cleric’s home she stole just enough gold to get her to Sandpoint. She traveled with a group of Scarzi to Sandpoint. For the last two years, she’s been taking odd jobs and working for Jubrayl Vhiski as little as she can get away with. It’s enough to keep her in knives, and a roof over her head.

She’s a tall woman with brown hair she keeps pulled back out of the way. Her clothing is in darker shades of green, brown and black. It’s easy to lose track of her because she stands so still most of the time. It’s a product of trying to be unnoticed by the worshipers in her home village. She does not do well with teasing, and will go out of her way to help someone who is being picked on or bullied. Her revenge tends to be creative.

I might edit a character for your rise game. I just need to go give blood first. The deadline is Midnight tonight right?

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Sorry for the delay, Paizo was down a lot today...

Also, before I post this, in case people didn't notice: Sphere's of Might has had a significant overhaul this week. The 'Dedication' feature has been flat-out removed. Please ensure you are aware of the changes this might have with your chararcter

With that out of the way:

1. Young, optimistic gunsmith and amateur gunslinger. Hopes to revolutionise firearms and firearm fighting.
2. Arcantos was born and raised in Rostland.
3. Traits: Bastard, Rostlander, Propitiation. Drawback: Improper Protocol

Teiidae wrote:
I might edit a character for your rise game. I just need to go give blood first. The deadline is Midnight tonight right?



Due to the site being down for a SIGNIFICANT portion of the day today, I will extend the Rise and Vengeance Recruitment deadlines to Saturday at Midnight EST.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:


Due to the site being down for a SIGNIFICANT portion of the day today, I will extend the Rise and Vengeance Recruitment deadlines to Saturday at Midnight EST.

This is awesome of you to do but... the suspense is killing me man!! XD

But patience is a virtue, thus patience I will have.

This robot is wierded out...
And we have to give blood to join??? Ah Nuts'n'Bolts! Does oil suffice?

Also, Fury of the Tempest added.
Has Piazo been down a lot today? It seems that it has been crashing rather frequently lately :/

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They had a node issue that mostly effected home computers and land lines trying to access the site. The site was accessible from your phone for example but not from your wifi. They corrected the issue with the internet company some hours ago so it's all good as far as I know.

This one was not paizo's fault. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Not for Eberron. I prefer to keep the Eberron feel by utilizing 3.5 converted stuff, someone placed a link somewhere earlier in the thread for that.

I'd allow Spheres of Might in the Forgotten Realms Recruitment I will have up later this month though.

Awwwww, that's a shame. What about a Warlock port of sorts? I'd, likewise, love to play a Warforged who uses his own arcane energies and the soul invested in him by the creation forge to beat the snot out of his foes,whether actually in melee or not.

Edit: To clarify, I'm speaking of Avowed, made by Forrestfire.

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OmniChaos wrote:

They had a node issue that mostly effected home computers and land lines trying to access the site. The site was accessible from your phone for example but not from your wifi. They corrected the issue with the internet company some hours ago so it's all good as far as I know.

This one was not paizo's fault. :)

Ah but from 6 to about 2 my time I couldn't connect to paizo and I was not connected to Wi-Fi. I was on via my phone at work.

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I am not a technical expert, just going off my own experience and a few others that talked about it. There was a thread made about it somewhere on the messageboards.

Like I said, when I used my desktop and wifi I got nothing. When I took my phone off the wifi and put it on mobile data I could pull up the site just fine. Maybe you had a different company or something.

Edit- Found it here.

Verdant Wheel

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Sphere's of Might has had a significant overhaul this week. The 'Dedication' feature has been flat-out removed. Please ensure you are aware of the changes this might have with your chararcter

Noted and read, thanks! Kiana would have been great as that new gunslinging Striker archetype, but ach well. Mostly the removal of Dedication is beneficial though!

Electric Eye wrote:
I would like to know whether the group is in specially good or bad disposition towards any House or faction, maybe I can include that in my backstory.

While I can't speak for Storyteller Shadow, in terms of actual in-game dealings with the Houses, House Cannith seems to be the major one involved with both tables, at least story-wise (thus far).

House Orien (2), Lyrandar (2), Deneith (2), and Tharashk (1) also plays a part in that many of the characters, past and present, are/were members of those houses; at least 2 more characters have mentioned the Dragonmarked Houses in their backgrounds.

Table 2 is involved with Members of House Lyrandar and Tharashk being missing. The Bloodrager is from House Lyrandar, as an example. All of the Warforged were created by House Cannith but none of the Warforged characters are official members of that house.

Ken Marable wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Due to RL issues I had a player drop from the Eberron table. I now have two spots open and will accept two instead of only one PC(s).

Sorry to hear about the drop out due to RL, that's never fun, but gotta admit I'm also glad because I'm working on a PC and am hoping to get into this one! :)

At least the chances of getting in has now doubled, so to speak. :)

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Timeskeeper wrote:
OmniChaos wrote:

They had a node issue that mostly effected home computers and land lines trying to access the site. The site was accessible from your phone for example but not from your wifi. They corrected the issue with the internet company some hours ago so it's all good as far as I know.

This one was not paizo's fault. :)

Ah but from 6 to about 2 my time I couldn't connect to paizo and I was not connected to Wi-Fi. I was on via my phone at work.

Even my phone was not connected.

Not sure if this is the thread or not but I heard you're doing an interest check for an evil, forgotten realms campaign. Super interested.

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Gramork wrote:
Not sure if this is the thread or not but I heard you're doing an interest check for an evil, forgotten realms campaign. Super interested.

That is correct, that Forgotten Realms Evil Recruitment will be up in mid June.


Tomorrow I will finalize the Kingmaker/Iron Gods group. Sunday I will be home alone (wife and kid at baby shower) so I will write the content for it). Looking at having the campaign up and running for Sunday.


The Wastelands game will be up and running between mid and late June.


Will finalize the selections for Hell's Vengeance and Rise of the Runelords tomorrow night after Midnight EST, which is when Recruitment closes.


Eberron has another week (shy of about two hours) to go.


Thank that's it for now :-) Time to get the hell to bed.

My PCs killed the Blood Baron of Waterdeep tonight, I gave them a severe beating though so they earned it!

Next Table Top game not till September...

Verra Vulcan wrote:

1) Tortured soul, driven by curiosity and pride, down a dark path. Now seeking some measure of redemption by using her talents to drive out evil (especially the undead).

2)Brevoy (Freelands)
3)Local Ties, Rostlander

Addendum: if you're okay with me having a drawback for the voices (done as haunting regret), then I would take Pragmatic Activator (Int for UMD) as an additional trait

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
One Drawback is allowed if it fits the theme of the character. That Drawback can be used to purchase traits outside of these lists. I created new Drawbacks as well.

Sadly I dont have a source link but a drawback for an extra trait is totally legal!


Hello again!

I'm putting together a PC for the RotR game. I was wondering whether you would allow the Deadly Agility feat from Dreamscarred Press, since you usually are quite open on 3PP things. It seems you're a bit less permissive with 3PP on this game, though.

Jereru wrote:

Hello again!

I'm putting together a PC for the RotR game. I was wondering whether you would allow the Deadly Agility feat from Dreamscarred Press, since you usually are quite open on 3PP things. It seems you're a bit less permissive with 3PP on this game, though.

Not familiar can you link it fir me? Will be busy till tonight and don't have time to search.

Deadly Agility

Basically, it's just like any other 'grace' feat, but with all finessed weapons and, most importantly, it doesn't mention being melee only.

Nitro~Nina wrote:
Noted and read, thanks! Kiana would have been great as that new gunslinging Striker archetype, but ach well. Mostly the removal of Dedication is beneficial though!

Your welcome, and agreed. The removal of Dedication significantly increases the flexibility and general play-style of SoM users. Through it has come with such a significant change to talents that it's important to double check them all.

You'll have to point out the new gunslinging Striker Archetype through, I can't see it anywhere.

Jereru wrote:

Deadly Agility

Basically, it's just like any other 'grace' feat, but with all finessed weapons and, most importantly, it doesn't mention being melee only.

I'll allow it.

I thought only melee weapons fall under weapon finesse, by extension deadly agility. Are their some that don't?

Well, the idea is that the dagger is a melee weapon... but can also be thrown. My intention is that, through Weapon Finesse + Deadly Agility I will be able to use Dexterity to hit and damage both in melee and when throwing them.

The basis of the PC is that and having level s in Far Strike Monk plus Weapon Master Fighter to, in the long run, use Startoss Style and Ricochet Toss to throw hard-hitting daggers and have them retur to my hand. I'll add in Ranged Trip also and some other tricks thanks to ignoring requisites with the Monk BOnus Feats.

When you throw daggers they become ranged weapons, their no longer melee. That's why you use Dex for atk rather then Str without any feats or abilities. Also weapon finesse makes a point of calling out melee in it's descriptive text. Unless the DM house rules otherwise or I am mistaken, pretty sure that's how it works.

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