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I prevailed upon the guys at Know Direction to have their recording of Lone Wolf/D20Pro/Syrinscape info seminar at Gencon to jump the queue and get posted earlier. Hopefully it goes up tonight or tomorrow on their website.
So at least we will get the information they shared at Gencon in some coherent form.

ShadowChemosh |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've noticed the "Starfinder GM" tab in the community file options, but haven't figured out what it does yet.
It converts Pathfinder monsters to Starfinder including converting Pathfinder skills to Starfinder.
For full details see THIS post.

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Brother Fen wrote:I've noticed the "Starfinder GM" tab in the community file options, but haven't figured out what it does yet.It converts Pathfinder monsters to Starfinder including converting Pathfinder skills to Starfinder.
For full details see THIS post.
That's impressive!

andreww |
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I like Hero Lab but, like others, am very, very sceptical of a subscription model.
Well, at least PCGen will have a Starfinder sheet "Soon". If its any good and I haven't heard something that I like from Herolab I'll almost certainly switch to PCGen and not ever get around to switching back.
Hopefully both sides realize that they're pretty much in a race :-)
This is pretty much where I am with it. I have no interest in an online only, subscription model and will happily look at an alternate system rather than go down that route. I have invested pretty heavily in HL to use in PFS, it's disappointing that it looks like I wont be able to do the same for SFS.
On the plus side, it looks like there will be less material to keep track of for SFS so something like HL is less necessary.

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For those who have listened to the seminar at Gencon via Know Direction, there is a big question mark concerning multiple licenses and how those are going to work with HLO. 40-50% of Herolab customers have multiple devices authorized. How that will work for simultaneous server access is "unknown". Rob Bowes said there would be an answer coming, but he didn't know just yet.
To be blunt, the whole of the success of their HLO product launch probably hangs on that issue.
My guess is that explains the silence better than anything else.
If you have not listened to the seminar yet and want more info, I urge you to do so.

Summersnow |
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For those who have listened to the seminar at Gencon via Know Direction, there is a big question mark concerning multiple licenses and how those are going to work with HLO. 40-50% of Herolab customers have multiple devices authorized. How that will work for simultaneous server access is "unknown". Rob Bowes said there would be an answer coming, but he didn't know just yet.
To be blunt, the whole of the success of their HLO product launch probably hangs on that issue.
Unless they gave a lot more information on if HLO will work Offline I would think that would be more likely to be the key point that determines HLO's success.
I don't think enough people are interested in a full time internet connection product, especially in areas, like con's, brick & mortar stores and other spots with no wifi to support the new business model.
If at the same time they even imply that eventually HLO will be the ONLY way to use all of the modules we've already unlocked the system may well be dead on arrival.

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I don't think enough people are interested in a full time internet connection product, especially in areas, like con's, brick & mortar stores and other spots with no wifi to support the new business model.
If at the same time they even imply that eventually HLO will be the ONLY way to use all of the modules we've already unlocked the system may well be dead on arrival.
While I appreciate that is your perspective, I suggest to you that playing in PFS and Cons can distort your perception of the importance of that element to the broad mass of Herolab users.
PFS, WiFi at cons and operating within a store is a matter which affects only a small minority if Herolab's paying customers.
In short, I think you are projecting your concerns on the broad mass of users. They are not the same thing.

F. Castor |

In the Hero Lab forums BJ said there was a sort of Q&A going on on her Facebook page before the actual FAQ comes. Checking that out, I found the following question:
"Will I be able to buy the Starfinder package for my desktop program, rather than use the subscription model?"
And the answers follow:
BJ Hensley: There's a reason!!
Aaron Beal: Indeed, HL online includes a lot of cool features I am sure you'll value for your SF game.
BJ Hensley: It's not just oh hey don't want to help you desktop folks out. Certain things like Starships in Starfinder are far better online as they are owned by the party as a whole. So it made sense to launch it as our debut system for Hero Lab Online.
BJ Hensley: Also it's not entirely off the table Ben Dowell. However, IF we do Starfinder in Hero Lab Classic it will be quite some time and it will not be as feature rich as HLO is.
That is... disappointing.

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Summersnow wrote:I don't think enough people are interested in a full time internet connection product, especially in areas, like con's, brick & mortar stores and other spots with no wifi to support the new business model.
If at the same time they even imply that eventually HLO will be the ONLY way to use all of the modules we've already unlocked the system may well be dead on arrival.
While I appreciate that is your perspective, I suggest to you that playing in PFS and Cons can distort your perception of the importance of that element to the broad mass of Herolab users.
PFS, WiFi at cons and operating within a store is a matter which affects only a small minority if Herolab's paying customers.
In short, I think you are projecting your concerns on the broad mass of users. They are not the same thing.
Actually I don't do Cons or PFS and hate the idea of only online.

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They have said on the unofficial Facebook post that Starfinder will be Herolab Online only and NOT the desktop program.
This is a tremendously stupid move. Even what small info they've revealed already has made it clear that Herolab Online is not a product I am interested in.
The new features are mostly useless to me. The online requirement is exceedingly burdensome, not even taking into account the new monthly fee.
I really hope the reason for all this silence is that they are reconsidering this.

Luke Spencer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hmmm... I'll wait for an official FAQ/further statements but looks like I'll be giving this one a miss unless they can say something that'll convince me, online only subscription services just aren't a thing I want to be spending out for. Looks like PCgen is gonna be the way forward, even though they have a slightly slower release schedule the slower release schedule for Starfinder should mean they won't fall behind all that much. I have to say this is incredibly disappointing to see a product I've seen hyped so thoroughly go this route.

ICTerify |
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This trickle of information is not, in my opinion, the best way to handle the situation. Lone Wolf should put out an official FAQ and then if they are confident in their product answer questions on their forum page. I do not expect them to come here, as they really cannot control the conversation flow as well as they can on their own forums. Lone Wolf needs to get out in front of this now or this is going to start turning off potential customers of their product before they can even get official information out.
As to what is being said, I am disappointed in what they are doing for both HLO and HL. I think if they were smart, the data sources for both HLO and HL would be the same on the back end and the front end would be a different interface. As someone who works in IT, I understand, the need to get adoption of a new offering is to offer something exclusively in the new format. As a customer of their product, I am disappointed that I have to have two different applications to run essentially the same product. Starfinder by Paizo has been billed that you can use Pathfinder things in Starfinder with some conversion. The way Lone Wolf is taking their product, for what little we know as this time, it is becoming more difficult for the customer to mix the two.
As I said in a previous post, I still do not see the “thing” for taking my existing Pathfinder HL and converting it to HLO when that option becomes available. So far, Starfinder is not yet the “thing” to bridge that gap. I will try to view what they offer when it becomes official, but I would have much preferred a side-by-side development model. I know this cost money, but if you are taking your product in a different direction than the current model, that is the risk and expense you have to make. Hero Lab has to make me want to buy their product, as I am a customer. However, they also have the right not to make me a customer by taking their software in a direction I do not like, just as I have the right to take my dollars to a company that will make software I want.
I have bought the Starfinder core rule book, so far what I have read is outstanding, and can use pencil and paper to play the game. I do not need HL to play Starfinder, will HL make it easier to play, yes but that is a convince factor in my opinion.
To end on a more positive note Lone Wolf up to this point, again in my opinion, has been a good steward to the Pathfinder community and their support of the current HL desktop has always been outstanding. I am more than willing to give benefit of the doubt to them on HLO, but they need get the “thing” out front and center.

Summersnow |
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Summersnow wrote:I don't think enough people are interested in a full time internet connection product, especially in areas, like con's, brick & mortar stores and other spots with no wifi to support the new business model.
If at the same time they even imply that eventually HLO will be the ONLY way to use all of the modules we've already unlocked the system may well be dead on arrival.
While I appreciate that is your perspective, I suggest to you that playing in PFS and Cons can distort your perception of the importance of that element to the broad mass of Herolab users.
PFS, WiFi at cons and operating within a store is a matter which affects only a small minority if Herolab's paying customers.
In short, I think you are projecting your concerns on the broad mass of users. They are not the same thing.
I don't goto cons and my store has excellent wifi. I was speaking to one of the most frequent concerns, outside of subscriptions, I've seen posted on the threads I've read on the subject.
So no, I'm not projecting "my concerns", but thank you for the display of arrogance and superiority to make a poster feel so welcome here.

Summersnow |
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I have bought the Starfinder core rule book, so far what I have read is outstanding, and can use pencil and paper to play the game. I do not need HL to play Starfinder, will HL make it easier to play, yes but that is a convince factor in my opinion.
While I agree to an extent, if Starfinder grows the way Pathfinder has at some point you reach such a mass of information and options its all but impossible to effectively use the game to its full advantage without something like Hero Labs.
I couldn't imagine trying to go through all the pathfinder sourcebooks I have to try and make a new character nowadays.
Well, actually I can, but thats why I use hero labs :-p

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I really just don't get their reasoning on all this. It seems like their "Big reason" for switching to Online-only is to handle shared party resources and effects.
I. will. never. ever. use. this.
It would require all people at the table to have HLO to do anything that HL can't already do! Not to mention it's completely unusuable at stores and conventions.
This is a textbook case of destroying the good in pursuit of the perfect.

Summersnow |

I. will. never. ever. use. this.
I'm not quite willing to go that far yet, there is too much missing information.
I'd really like to see the FAQ they keep promising, which SHOULD have been released BEFORE starfinder was, but which for some, inexplicable to me, reason hasn't been released yet.

Wei Ji the Learner |
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They were probably waiting to see how big of a 'splash' Starfinder was going to be before dumping any resources into the new platform.
Starfinder was a hit, so the presumption (however erroneous) was that people would be all tech-y and rich and able to afford buying into the New Thing.
They probably are not anticipating the exceptionally negative backlash from those who are not so gifted with money and tech.

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Now 48 a year and you still buy the data for 30-40 bucks per game system?
A sub for all game systems I could see, or buy the Data set, but both is the MMO try at MicroTranstions plus Subs.
After they get the money then comes the Feature is almost ready, for 2 years then, What Feature?
Can you share a link on this? I'm really, really interested in the details of what LW has to say.

Wei Ji the Learner |

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HLO Discussion ThreadI think that's what covers the points at a glance?
Ah, I've read that thread. I was hoping they had released some information that was more... substantive.
This really is a mess. They should have been ready to talk about this instead of dropping a bomb then telling us they need time to address everyone's questions.

Summersnow |

This really is a mess. They should have been ready to talk about this instead of dropping a bomb then telling us they need time to address everyone's questions.
Being good at designing character creating software unfortunately does not make one good at communication with the people who ultimately pay the bills, i.e, us.
At this point I haven't seen enough actual Facts about HL Online, especially how an online only version benefits the players.
I have however seen a lot of thoughts about the downsides of an online only version.
I'd like to know what the subscription price will be?
How often will this go up?
When it does go up do we get refund if we opt out of the subscription for data sets we can not use anymore?
Can we pause a subscription, say for a month or two if we are not going to be using the service (vacations, moving, family emergencies, etc)
Will data sets be reduced in price because they have income from subscriptions?
How long before pathfinder and other systems become HL Online only titles?
Why do we have to pay an additional fee to migrate to HL Online?
Will users be able to code custom content like we can for Classic HL?
All of this is stuff they should have considered and posted answers to before gencon.

Summersnow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for the link.
I find too many of the answers to be bright cheery PR speak that will eventually become false as time goes by.
A subscription to use advanced features with an offline mode for character creation and management might work, but "pay us list price for the ability to access a data pack so long as you pay us our monthly extortion fee" just doesn't work for me.
Unless they couple it with a 100% refund when they decide we've got to much invested to lose to start raising the extortion fee.

Summersnow |

Q: Who will be able to use Hero Lab Online?
A: Everyone’s welcome at the party! Hero Lab Online is a bowser based solution that’s been specifically designed for all common devices. We will support all the major browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and IE. Users will have character creation at their fingertips from a wide range of devices, including PCs, Macs, Linux, smartphones, iPads, and yes even Android tablets.
This answer really, really bothers me.
As GM I bought HLC and most of the Pathfinder content (until I took a break about a year ago), took my laptop down to the store and my group got together and made characters, updated characters, etc on my copy.
This answer makes me think each player will need an account and buy all the data packs?
I'm seriously thinking the entire reason for HLO isn't the advanced features, but more of a way to force every single player to buy every single data pack the group uses.
I'd be lucky to get my group to spring for the $2 a month subscription fee for themselves let alone the data packs we use.

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Q: Who will be able to use Hero Lab Online?
As GM I bought HLC and most of the Pathfinder content (until I took a break about a year ago), took my laptop down to the store and my group got together and made characters, updated characters, etc on my copy.
This answer makes me think each player will need an account and buy all the data packs?
I'm seriously thinking the entire reason for HLO isn't the advanced features, but more of a way to force every single player to buy every single data pack the group uses.
I'd be lucky to get my group to spring for the $2 a month subscription fee for themselves let alone the data packs we use.
That was the elephant in the room.
This issue is addressed directly in the FAQ. Short strokes, if you have multiple devices authorized on your Herolab Online they can all log on to HLO, simultaneously.
It works the same as the desktop version. Not a cash grab.
I expect this lies at the core of your concerns. If I am wrong and misinterpreted, you will no doubt correct me.
Which leaves us with an annual server fee for HLO of $25, Six months server access is free when you buy Starfinder for HLO. After that, the fee kicks is a, which is the part sticking in people's craw the most I expect.
Is the server access element of the subscription somewhat lessened by that free six months up front? Yes. Wholly mitigated? No. I am not sure what I think of it, tbh.
This whole thing is not the disaster people have been painting it as -- but LWD has nobody to blame but themselves for that. The Sound of Silence approach was just dumb, frankly, and all it lead to was angry customers whipping up their own fears, fed by a vacuum of info of LWD's making.
So while the overall product and its plans might not be for you, I will get it. I have no plans at all to switch over my Herolab desktop to HLO though. Nope. If HLO is the only way I can get it for Starfinder, I will do so for a time only for Starfinder and kick the tires.
LWD: Bottom Line: Good software; poor marketing and communication.

Magabeus |

What annoys me the most is that they advertise it will cost approx $2 each month and then go on to state that the conversion to online fee includes a 6 month free subscription which is worth 14.99.
Apparently they know very well what a subscription will cost AND they think we can not do simple math...

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What annoys me the most is that they advertise it will cost approx $2 each month and then go on to state that the conversion to online fee includes a 6 month free subscription which is worth 14.99.
Apparently they know very well what a subscription will cost AND they think we can not do simple math...
When assessing anything, it is a safe practice in all things to not attribute to malice or cunning that which can be readily explained by incompetence and human error.
It's a corollary to Occam's Razor. It's usually true.
They screwed up and you may be seeing the consequence of fluctuating plans and imprecise estimates, now showing rough edges as they work to get info out as the pressure mounted. I heard an annual $20-30 fee suggested for a subscription rate being floated initially. They clearly were not sure. Err on the high side? $15.00 for six months was a ballpark value for that. That is how you could get that value diffefence, innocently.
You can be annoyed by it, but they aren't trying to trick us, ok?

Summersnow |

Summersnow wrote:Q: Who will be able to use Hero Lab Online?
As GM I bought HLC and most of the Pathfinder content (until I took a break about a year ago), took my laptop down to the store and my group got together and made characters, updated characters, etc on my copy.
This answer makes me think each player will need an account and buy all the data packs?
I'm seriously thinking the entire reason for HLO isn't the advanced features, but more of a way to force every single player to buy every single data pack the group uses.
I'd be lucky to get my group to spring for the $2 a month subscription fee for themselves let alone the data packs we use.
That was the elephant in the room.
This issue is addressed directly in the FAQ. Short strokes, if you have multiple devices authorized on your Herolab Online they can all log on to HLO, simultaneously.
It works the same as the desktop version. Not a cash grab.
I expect this lies at the core of your concerns. If I am wrong and misinterpreted, you will no doubt correct me.
I suspect we are both reading the same thing and coming to different conclusions.
I understand if I have multiple devices I can log into my HLO account on those multiple devices. The fact that I should now be able to use my android tablets is a huge benefit.
My questions is, can one of my players log onto HLO, without an account, or data packs and access the character sheet created on my account for him?
I'm asking because it sounds like some of the main benefits require each party member to be logged into there own account running there own character to work.
If that's the case, would they also need to have the data packs associated with that character, or piggy back of mine as the "GM" account?

Summersnow |

Magabeus wrote:What annoys me the most is that they advertise it will cost approx $2 each month and then go on to state that the conversion to online fee includes a 6 month free subscription which is worth 14.99.
Apparently they know very well what a subscription will cost AND they think we can not do simple math...
When assessing anything, it is a safe practice in all things to not attribute to malice or cunning that which can be readily explained by incompetence and human error.
It's a corollary to Occam's Razor. It's usually true.
They screwed up and you may be seeing the consequence of fluctuating plans and imprecise estimates, now showing rough edges as they work to get info out as the pressure mounted. I heard an annual $20-30 fee suggested for a subscription rate being floated initially. They clearly were not sure. Err on the high side? $15.00 for six months was a ballpark value for that. That is how you could get that value diffefence, innocently.
You can be annoyed by it, but they aren't trying to trick us, ok?
What he said.
They are probably still trying to figure out what the server costs are going to be like and have to base the subscription fee off a projected number of users, etc.
I doubt they actually know, or will know how much its going to cost until some time during beta.
At best we can assume they are shooting for $2 a month and will let us know differently weeks or months after they figure it out.

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Q: Will there be a fully functional offline option for Hero Lab Online?
A: Not initially. Offline options are being explored, but it will be some time before we can truly focus on working that out. We have to bring you all the rules first!
Deal breaker for me. None of these new features are worth this MASSIVE inconvenience. Herolab is now basically only usable in my house.

F. Castor |

Could one of you fine folks quote the entire RAQ here, pretty please? LW's site is blocked from my work and I'd liek to read it over. :)
Q: How do we differentiate the “old” Hero lab from the new Hero Lab?
A: Hero Lab still has plenty of life left and will continue to evolve in various ways. To distinguish the two, we’ll be referring to the “old”, desktop incarnation as Hero Lab Classic and the new one as Hero Lab Online.
Q: Why are you having an Open Beta for Hero Lab Online?
A: Since Hero Lab Online is an entirely new product, an Open Beta allows us to solicit feedback and make adjustments where needed, plus this lets everyone test drive the system before making any decisions on purchase or migration.
Q: How do I sign up for the Open Beta?
A: Sign-ups for participation in the Open Beta will begin at some point in September. They will be posted prior to the sign-up period and will appear in our newsletter, on our support forums, and across our social media feeds.
Q: Do I have to migrate form Hero Lab Classic to Hero Lab Online?
A: Not at all, it’s completely optional!
Q: Will Hero Lab Classic cease to exist?
A: Nope! We know many of our users love Hero Lab Classic just as much as we do, and we will continue to actively support and enhance the program.
Q: Will you continue to release content for game systems on Hero Lab Classic once the game system is released in Hero Lab online?
A: If the game system already exists within Hero Lab Classic, then yes, future content will be made available in both environments and at roughly the same time within each.
Q: After I migrate, will my purchases show up in both Hero Lab Online and Hero Lab Classic.
A: So long as your purchase is available in both versions of the program, they sure will!
Q: Who will be able to use Hero Lab Online?
A: Everyone’s welcome at the party! Hero Lab Online is a bowser based solution that’s been specifically designed for all common devices. We will support all the major browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and IE. Users will have character creation at their fingertips from a wide range of devices, including PCs, Macs, Linux, smartphones, iPads, and yes even Android tablets.
Q: How much will Hero Lab Online cost?
A: Hero Lab Online prices won’t be much different than Hero Lab Classic and, in most cases, you’ll even be able to use your purchases in both Classic and Online! The cost of game systems and packages will remain the same across the two environments, and there will be a nominal fee of roughly $2 a month (US) for using the online service so we can keep the lights on for you.
Q: What happens if I stop paying the monthly fee for Hero Lab Online?
A: If your payment lapses, character creation will no longer be possible. But don’t worry, all your purchased content will be there waiting to resume use when you renew your account! And you’ll always be able to get your characters out, even with a lapsed account.
Q: How much data will Hero Lab Online consume? How will I use it at conventions and game stores?
A: Hero Lab Online caches everything locally and only transmits the data that has changed, allowing us to be very conservative in how much data we’re actually consuming. Use of Hero Lab Online will typically consume less data over the course of a game than browsing your favorite websites for a few minutes, making it extremely realistic to use via mobile connections.
Q: Why go online?
A: Bringing Hero Lab to an online environment allows us to support a diverse range of devices all over the world! It also has a plethora of added benefits that we simply cannot provide in desktop software. We love Hero Lab Classic just as much as you do, but to provide many of the awesome features our consumers want, we must be in a connected environment with a central server to manage things.
Most of the new capabilities we’ll be pursuing with Hero Lab Online are simply not possible in Hero Lab Classic. Starship combat involving the whole party, for example, would be impossible to manage in the current incarnation of Hero Lab.
Additionally, party loot management, interaction between players and GMs, and player-to-player collaboration are not possible in Hero Lab Classic (e.g. applying buffs, damage, effects, conditions etc.). Hero Lab Online will provide a robust, interactive experience, centered around these capabilities, that everyone can enjoy!
Q: Will there be some form of “offline mode” for just-in-case a user loses internet access (signal dropped, power outage, etc.)?
A: Our plan is to provide an offline view of your character for just such occasions. It won’t support modifications to your character, but it will work in signal loss situations to allow you to keep playing.
Q: Will there be a fully functional offline option for Hero Lab Online?
A: Not initially. Offline options are being explored, but it will be some time before we can truly focus on working that out. We have to bring you all the rules first!
Q: Will there be Starfinder support at launch?
A: Yes! Starfinder will be the very first system supported in Hero lab Online.
Q: Will Hero Lab Classic support Starfinder.
A: Starfinder is a unique system with various aspects that are much better suited to Hero Lab Online. Heck, that’s why we’re focusing on Starfinder first! Consequently, we will not be offering Starfinder in Hero Lab Classic, at least initially, as it wouldn’t be as powerful or enjoyable to use.
Q: Will other game systems like Pathfinder and Shadowrun be supported in Hero Lab Online?
A: Absolutely! Once we conquer space, we’ll get to work on bringing the other systems online as well.
Q: Will all the features of Hero Lab Classic be present in Hero Lab Online?
A: The end goal is for Hero Lab Online to have all the core Hero Lab Classic features plus an impressive array of new abilities. You won’t see everything in place on day one, but they’re on their way!
Q: I have already purchased Hero Lab Classic. Will I have to purchase Hero Lab Online separately?
A: You’ll need to purchase Starfinder (Hero Lab Online) separately at first. However, if you subsequently choose to migrate from Classic to Online (once the existing Classic game systems become available on Online), we’ll credit you the difference at that time.
Q: I already own Hero Lab Classic. Will I have to repurchase all my content for Hero Lab Online?
A: Absolutely not! Once we bring the other game systems online, Classic users will have the option to migrate all their content over to Hero Lab Online. Migration will incur a nominal, flat charge, to set up your account with the appropriate content, which we anticipate will be less than $20 dollars. This amount will be the same, regardless of how many game systems and add-ons you own. It will also include 6 months of server access ($14.99 value) as a thank you for supporting us in the past .
Q: Will Hero Lab Online be moving to an account system instead of a license system?
A: Technically, yes. But the reality is that there’s no practical difference between a Classic “license” and an Online “account”. You’ll have a login and password instead of using a license number and email address, thereby making your account more secure. You’ll login to your Online account to access everything instead of Classic verifying your license and key file when you launch it. You’ll similarly login to your Online account to purchase add-ons instead of using the license number and email address. All in all, the basic principles will be the same.
Q: How will my Hero Lab Classic secondary licenses transfer to Hero Lab Online?
A: In Hero Lab Classic, secondary licenses allow users to access their content on multiple devices. Hero Lab Online will employ a similar concept, allowing simultaneous access to your account from multiple devices (e.g. multiple family members). Migration from Classic to Online will convert your secondary licenses to simultaneous devices in the new environment.
Q: Will I need to pay a migration charge per license?
A: No, one migration fee covers the entirety of everything associated with a Hero Lab primary license.
Q: Has Rob slept yet?
A: Rob sleeps?!
Q: Will I be able to print my character?
A: Yes, you will to be able to print your characters in the near future.
Q: If I migrate to Hero Lab Online, can I come back to Hero Lab Classic?
A: You won’t have to leave at all! Even if you migrate to Hero Lab Online, you’ll be able to continue using everything you have in Hero Lab Classic.
Q: Will there be official Wizards of the Coast content in the future?
A: The honest answer is we don’t know. We’re absolutely looking into the possibility but can’t say anything for certain at this time.
Q: Is Rob an android in disguise?!
A: We have our suspicions. That whole “never sleeps” thing sure makes it seem likely!
Q: Will Characters from Hero Lab Classic work in Hero Lab Online?
A: Our goal is for characters from Hero Lab Online to also work with Hero Lab Classic, and vice versa, provided they are created for a game system that both products offer. Thus far, that appears to be achievable. Transferring characters will be a multi-step process, serving well in situations where you need an alternative, offline solution.
Q: Is BJ the one in charge at LWD?
A: We can neither confirm nor deny… Rob actually owns the company, but that doesn’t mean he makes all the decisions.
Q: Will Hero Lab Online support d20Pro and other VTT software the way Hero Lab Classic does?
A: Yes! With Classic, the only integration option for VTTs was to import the Hero Lab portfolio, with no ability to get anything back out and into Hero Lab. This approach will still be supported with Hero Lab Online. However, Hero Lab Online also provides a RESTful API that VTTs (and other tools) will be able to leverage for direct access to and manipulation of characters that persist on the Hero Lab Online servers.
Q: Will the text in Hero Lab Online be re sizable and does the window scale for different sizes?
A: Hero Lab Online is device aware. As such, the interface will be tailored to the device being used, including appropriate scaling of text and the layout of elements on the screen.
Q: Will all characters be hosted on the server?
A: Yes.
Q: Is Rob still alive?
A: Yes. Reports of his demise are greatly exaggerated. In fact, rumors abound that he was actually seen at GenCon. Of course, he then disappeared again…
Q: What sort of functionality will there be for the creation of custom content and will this impact the community packs?
A: Our intention is that you will be able to add your own custom content. Support for user-created data files to augment existing game systems has been designed into everything, as that capability is critical to the success of various game systems we currently support. That said, the details of exactly how and when that will be made available within Hero Lab Online are still being worked out. This primarily impacts the existing game systems in Hero Lab Classic, so we’ll address this topic in detail when we migrate those game systems to Hero Lab Online.
Q: What sort of functionality will exist between Realm Works and Hero Lab Online?
A: Characters and encounters will be defined as URLs in Hero Lab Online, which Realm Works handles smoothly, and there is already a “Hero Lab Link” snippet type built into Realm Works for just this purpose.
Q: Do you have plans to support organized play?
A: We sure do! But that’s top secret right now while we work out the details.

Summersnow |

HeroLab FAQ wrote:Deal breaker for me. None of these new features are worth this MASSIVE inconvenience. Herolab is now basically only usable in my house.Q: Will there be a fully functional offline option for Hero Lab Online?
A: Not initially. Offline options are being explored, but it will be some time before we can truly focus on working that out. We have to bring you all the rules first!
I wouldn't give up hope just yet.
LWD isn't completely stupid (or rather I hope not) and they need the users (addicts) to support the new system so I expect there will be some give and take until both sides find a happy medium.
They can't sell a product if no one uses it.

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HeroLab FAQ wrote:Deal breaker for me. None of these new features are worth this MASSIVE inconvenience. Herolab is now basically only usable in my house.Q: Will there be a fully functional offline option for Hero Lab Online?
A: Not initially. Offline options are being explored, but it will be some time before we can truly focus on working that out. We have to bring you all the rules first!
Home is the vast majority of the places that I game, but I want the option to go to my LGS and play with SFS. That is not possible with the offline mode being no edits. PCGen hurry the f up =)

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LWD isn't completely stupid (or rather I hope not) and they need the users (addicts) to support the new system so I expect there will be some give and take until both sides find a happy medium.
They can't sell a product if no one uses it.
Unfortunately, the world is LITTERED with startups who tried to change their product drastically, made a product they thought their customer base wanted, then it turned out they were wrong and they never got a second chance because too much money had been chucked into 'the next big thing'.

ICTerify |

After reading the FAQ, some of my concerns have been addressed about what HLO is and is not. I can see the “thing” that will eventually convert me to HLO should the product develop as they have said. On-line only access does not really bother me, as I am fortunate enough to play where Wi-Fi is available. I can see where this would be an issue for some, but sign-up for the Beta and give constructive feedback. If enough people request off-line access, it may come. While LWD have a ways to go with the product, by the time they are ready to convert Pathfinder over to HLO most of the features in HLC will be available in HLO. I also like the fact that you can still use HLC after you migrate. As with any product that is new things will change as development happens and feedback is received. Heck for all we know HLO could be a completely different product a year from now based on our feedback.
I will say their silence on the issue, was not the best thought out response. The FAQ should have been ready before the CON and dropped during the presentation. LWD did some harm to the HLO brand, but all this can be forgiven and forgotten if communication going forward with HLO is on point. Don’t play the silence game again.
I will eventually purchase HLO for Starfinder, but I do not need to purchase it yet as our group is not yet ready for it. We have a Pathfinder campaign in progress, which was just started, and several more lined up afterwards. Starfinder if played will be small one-off as we get used to the system.
I will still continue purchase data packages for Pathfinder and keep an eye on HLO.

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My questions is, can one of my players log onto HLO, without an account, or data packs and access the character sheet created on my account for him?
It sounds like, in order to access an electronic version of the character .por file, they would log on with YOUR account and YOUR password to access it in electronic, changeable form on HLO.
You could print it for him, or probably e-mail it to him in PDF form.
But in .por format, he would access that dynamic changeable file via HLO's browser through your account if you have multiple devices available to you.
Now, it may be that it is possible to download a .por file and email THAT to him, and he could upload it to his account and work on it that way. I don't know, they have not mentioned this. But there has to be a way to download a .por file as those need to be accessed by a VTT... so maybe?
Maybe not though. It might be that at least initially, the files flow only one way. You can download a .por file, but not upload one. So there's that. Basically - we're just speculating here, albeit with some solid info as we know that LWD is providing files for GMs to work with to import into D20Pro (because both Herolab Rob and D20Pro Tobias confirmed this at the Gencon seminar). So there is definitely going to be *some* files downloadable. In what form or format? TBD.
In this example, using the word "devices" is a paradigm only. The multiple "devices" for Herolab desktop when transposed to HLO is reduced to multiple simultaneous logins from *any* device, as there is no reliable ability for LWD to actually obtain **specific hardware info** of what is connecting to them via a browser.
To get that information over the web (and that level of security), they'd have to have their own app too, which defeats the system/device agnostic goal of accessing HLO via browser supported by any device independent of OS (PC, Mac,Linux, iOs, Android, etc.).

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As much as I dislike the subscriber and always-online model in principle, I'll probably buy at least the base version for Starfinder when it comes out (whenever that actually is). Whether I do any more than that hinges around how the license->account work. If each license translates to an account where I can have one that gives my players access to everything I've bought, then I'll migrate when that's possible (assuming adjustments and the combat tracker work).
It works for me because my group meets at (most of) our workplace and I use Roll20 for the map, so if the internet's down then the game night can't happen anyway. If any of the local game stores still supported Pathfinder and I was playing there, it wouldn't work as none of them have public wifi.

Furdinand |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
But every time i look at picking up HL to help out with character creation i balk at the extreme cost of getting all the packs to match my hard copies. i get that they need to make money to keep going but the cost just isnt worth it to me. I know a few players that use it and they are resigned to dropping down more money every time they want to make a new character... its just not for me. I will subscribe to all the Starfinder products but will be skipping out on HL again for this one.
I jumped into HL when the had a big data set sale. I'd keep an eye out for one.
That said, the packs that match your hard copies took work to create, if you have a lot of books then the packs took a lot of work to create. People should be paid for their work.
There are "free" products out there but you "pay" for them with reduced functionality, more work on your end, and development that happens at the speed of altruism.