Is there a "vorpal bunny" in PF?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

pretty much the above, I was wondering how to stat the Monster of Caerbannog for PF, and thought maybe it already exists... so, has something on that order been published? under what name? and in what bestiaryN

I do not believe there is unless its in some obscure source. We for sure need one.

Silver Crusade

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Murder Bunnies?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Drawing a blank on the name, but I recall seeing a bunny with antlers that looked very nasty in one of the bestiaries. My first thought was why there wasn't an entry in its decription calling it out as the guardian of the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch.

I'm sure someone with better memory will pipe up soon.

Silver Crusade


Honesty if anything I would call it a real high HD Mimic when I homebrew one for a game I usually give it a stupid high AC 4-8 attacks the ability to move around as it attacks and of course big pointy vorpal teeth. low hp and extra damage from holy attacks

Silver Crusade

Wheldrake wrote:

Drawing a blank on the name, but I recall seeing a bunny with antlers that looked very nasty in one of the bestiaries. My first thought was why there wasn't an entry in its decription calling it out as the guardian of the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch.

I'm sure someone with better memory will pipe up soon.

... or did you mean the Wolpertinger?

Rysky wrote:

No where near my envision of Caerbannog sadly.

I think hes going for this Dynamite rabbit

@ Wheldrak ; the jackalope or al mi raj (If I get what you saw correctly) is not deadly enough by half to be what I'm thinking of, I want something that will send them on quest for the HHGOA (since they won't have one early in the campaign).

@ Vidmaster 7 Spot on sir, this is indeed the monster of Caerbannog

Silver Crusade

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Rysky wrote:
Murder Bunnies?

With levels of Antipaladin.

Rysky wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Murder Bunnies?
With levels of Antipaladin.

Lol that is not bad ^^ just add vorpal Teeth and your set. weapon finesse mobility spring attack (heh) its size will bump its dex an ac up. It could work.

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The count shall be 3. Four is right out. I am surprised by the number of bunny monsters, but even more shocked that none of them just have sharp pointy teeth. Runs away banging 2 coconuts halves together. (Clip, clop)

Silver Crusade

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Murder Bunnies?
With levels of Antipaladin.
Lol that is not bad ^^ just add vorpal Teeth and your set. weapon finesse mobility spring attack (heh) its size will bump its dex an ac up. It could work.


Murder Bunnies are awesome. They also have racial feats that give them to bonus to damage when they or someone else nearby is under a Bleed effect.

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I'm pretty pretty PRETTY exactly 100% sure there has to be. Because there's this alchemist-discoveries/holy-bombs

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Huh, my group baleful polymorphed a fire drake once. It failed the first save but made the second. They wanted to keep it as a pet until I told them I was going to play it, and he was pretty mad about his bunniness.

Jader7777 wrote:

I'm pretty pretty PRETTY exactly 100% sure there has to be. Because there's this alchemist-discoveries/holy-bombs

the effects of that discovery don't match the awesomeness of the HHOA and it looks like it's in a completely different context (Champions of Purity, so Holy everything)... I keep waiting for an answer but guess I'll have to freestyle it and make my own stats...

The Exchange

Nevan Oaks wrote:
The count shall be 3. Four is right out. I am surprised by the number of bunny monsters, but even more shocked that none of them just have sharp pointy teeth. Runs away banging 2 coconuts halves together. (Clip, clop)

"Three shall be the number thou must count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shall thou not count, neither count thee two, excepting that thou then continue to three. Five is right out!"

I'm sure that's not verbatim, but I think it's pretty close.

Klorox wrote:
Jader7777 wrote:

I'm pretty pretty PRETTY exactly 100% sure there has to be. Because there's this alchemist-discoveries/holy-bombs

the effects of that discovery don't match the awesomeness of the HHOA and it looks like it's in a completely different context (Champions of Purity, so Holy everything)

Yes, the Holy Book of Weapons.

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Brawler/Unchained Rogue/Assassin
Boar Style w/ Vorpal Amulet of Mighty Fists
Victim of a baleful polymorph, failed save one, passed save two.

Now a bunny that death strikes after sitting there studying you in plane sight.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber



I love it!

Thanks for the other bunnies too, Rysky!

Now I have vorpal bunnies going snicker-snack as they go galumphing through my head!

Silver Crusade

You're welcome :3

If you get a chance I highly recommend picking up Murder Bunnies, it's an awesome supplement that was based on the very real manuscript illustrations of Bunnies murdering people.

Those monks were cray-cray.

Almiraj is a unicorn horned bunny creature that has to eat their prey while they are still alive because their horn turns their kills to stone.

The Exchange

DM Livgin wrote:

Brawler/Unchained Rogue/Assassin

Boar Style w/ Vorpal Amulet of Mighty Fists
Victim of a baleful polymorph, failed save one, passed save two.

Now a bunny that death strikes after sitting there studying you in plane sight.

That or a cyclops with the cyclopean seer oracle archetype who has been baleful polymorphed into a bunny. Sitting there with his vorpal amulet of mighty fists he chooses to make his attack roll a natural 20 with the cyclops flash of insight power. Then he uses the flash of insight revelation to confirm it with another natural 20...

Eh, just realized both are an immediate action. Oh well, still... wait til you roll a 20 and automatically decapitate the target.

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Klorox wrote:
pretty much the above, I was wondering how to stat the Monster of Caerbannog for PF, and thought maybe it already exists... so, has something on that order been published? under what name? and in what bestiaryN

Just give it the stats of your favorite dragon and move on.

Once an assassin diplomat of the Padishah Emperor, the Monster of Caebannog has been cursed by a varisian wizard during a failed assassination. Now he wanders the Inner Sea torn between self loathing of this pitiful form and the desire to return to his Emperor for an end of his suffering, whether that comes from breaking the curse or execution for failing his task.


Human monk (unchained) 2/rogue (unchained) 3/assassin 1
LE Tiny humanoid (human, polymorphed)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 23, touch 22, flat-footed 13 (+7 Dex, +1 natural, +2 Wis, +2 size, +1 dodge)
hp 42 (2d10+4d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +6;
Defensive Abilities evasion, Danger sense +1
Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +13 (1d3+7), bite +8 (1d3-3),
or flurry of blows +11/+11 (1d3+7)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks stunning fist (DC15, 2/day), sneak attack +3d6, death attack (DC 12)
Before Combat The Monster of Caebannog sits in front of it’s cave nibbling grass relying on his disguise to give him the element of surprise and permit time to death attack.
During Combat The Monster of Caebannog rushes around the battle using it’s acrobatics and stunning fist to stun enemies and then flurry of blows stunned targets. It will grapple enemies trying to flee.
Str 4, Dex 24, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +9 (+11 grapple); CMD 16 (+19 vs. disarm)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Piranha Strike, Skill Focus (Bluff), Deceitful, Dodge, Improved Grapple
Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +14, Climb +3, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +16, Disguise +11, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Perception +8, Stealth +24; Skill Modifiers Acrobatics +8 when jumping, Disguise +10 to appear as a rabbit
Languages Common, Kelish
SQ poison use, rogue talents (bleeding attack), Finesse training (unarmed), trapfinding +1
Combat Gear none; Other Gear masterwork light crossbow with 20 bolts, cloak of resistance +1, thieves' tools, belt of incredible dexterity +2, 489 gp,

An interesting way to do things DM Livgin, but I must admit that Snowlilly is closer to what I'm looking for... a polymorphed character might be forced back into natural shape with a dispel magic or AMField... I want a monster in itss natural shape... though, of course, given it's a BBEG, I can give him many of the feats and abilities you describe... and a vulnerability to Holy HandGrenades, of course.
Food for thoughts.

If you want them to fight it instead of the Grenade just making it snuff it. (cause if that is the case you don't need stats) they could have gotten a defective grenade and it only weakened the ill-tempered rodent instead.

there are obviously creative and thus copyright issues.

Azothath wrote:
there are obviously creative and thus copyright issues.

BTW we did this in our AD&D home game so I think the idea has been around. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

IMHO a creature which looks completely harmless and instantly murders your character makes for a terrible role playing experience.

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Rikkan wrote:
IMHO a creature which looks completely harmless and instantly murders your character makes for a terrible role playing experience.

Well, Tim the Enchanter does warn the PCs...

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DM Livgin wrote:
Rikkan wrote:
IMHO a creature which looks completely harmless and instantly murders your character makes for a terrible role playing experience.
Well, Tim the Enchanter does warn the PCs...

a) it's for PCs who already have some experience, sso they should survive the initial onslaught, if they are wise enough to flee

b) it's to introduce a sidequest for the HHGOA do they are up to snuff when it comes to facing the vorpal bunny again, and the dungeon whose entrance it guards, which holds keys for the main quest
c) If they don't get the clue when I put them close to a cave entrance with lots of corpses and an innocent bunny, they are not true geeks and deserve what will happen.

and yes, there will be a Tim the wizard to warn them too.

Well you could take the rabbit add a couple template (maybe Advanced and Fey) add the "Vorpal" quality and Voilà!

the rabbit has leaping charge and pounce... or flyby attack... it's awesomely silly... that rabbit's got a mean streak a mile wide... look at the bodies!

Glorf Fei-Hung wrote:
Nevan Oaks wrote:
The count shall be 3. Four is right out. I am surprised by the number of bunny monsters, but even more shocked that none of them just have sharp pointy teeth. Runs away banging 2 coconuts halves together. (Clip, clop)

"Three shall be the number thou must count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shall thou not count, neither count thee two, excepting that thou then continue to three. Five is right out!"

I'm sure that's not verbatim, but I think it's pretty close.

I did transcribe it from an audio file I have from somewhere I have of it a while ago - here it is:

almonds chapter 2 verses 9-27 'And the lord spoke saying "First shalt thou take out the holy pin then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three being the third number reached then lovest thou thy holy hand grenade and chuck towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. Amen"'

The Exchange

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dharkus wrote:

I did transcribe it from an audio file I have from somewhere I have of it a while ago - here it is:

almonds Armaments chapter 2 verses 9-2721 'And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chu...
[skip a few verses]
'And the lord spoke saying "First shalt thou take out the holy pin then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three being the third number reached then lovestlobbest thou thy holy hand grenade and chuckof Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. Amen"'

Someone could always make a conversion from the Arduin Grimoire version.

I don't remember reading that in Arduin Grimoire... remember which volume that was in? (so I don't have to read through the whole collection)

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