thenobledrake wrote: It is part of the rules of pathfinder Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 17 wrote: Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance. And since we're supposed to be able to tell the same stories in PF1 as PF2, it makes sense for people to use that in PF2 too. ![]()
Ravingdork wrote:
Well it would be nice, but sadly it is not able to do that. Quote: All creatures and unsecured objects in the area move towards the center, depending on their Reflex saving throws. This follows the rules for forced movement (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 475). Forced movement wrote:
Since the spell does not push or pull people, you can't push them off cliffs / move them in hazardous terrain, and combo'ing it with say a wall of fire doesn't work. ![]()
Follow the Expert wrote: A skilled character can help out less skilled allies who choose to Follow the Expert. This is a good way to help a character with a low Stealth modifier sneak around, Follow the Expert wrote: Choose an ally attempting a recurring skill check while exploring, such as climbing, or performing a different exploration tactic that requires a skill check (like Avoiding Notice). Yet, Follow The Expert, has the auditory and the visual trait. So your party member who is an expert at being sneaky / stealth / avoiding notice, needs to make noise and be seen so you can follow the expert in being unseen. ![]()
Well for martials effects are boosted mostly by things like class features and magic weapons (extra attacks through bab in PF1). So you could say:
Martials scale quadratically too. But honestly, that is just playing with words and maths that doesn't mean anything. In my experience, Martials in PF1 could keep up fine in damage with monsters as they leveled. Casters couldn't. Spells that did damage were a poor life-choice. That led to a huge amount of options being printed in supplements that greatly boosted spell damage, so you could do something like quadruple the amount of spelldamage a core caster could throw out (which is an insane amount of power-creep). That power creep is probably the reason why they nerfed damage dealing casters for PF2 from their core counterparts, which is a little silly. In my experience in PF1 it is different when it comes to effects that are not dealing damage (like utility / SoDs etc).
Martials couldn't keep up with the monsters, because martials usually didn't gain many new effects as the levels increased (mostly things boosting their in-combat damage). Casters could keep up with the monsters in this respect and even had some spells that felt plain broken with how powerful they were. ![]()
Jason: “There was a turning point that happened a few weeks in, folks started watching the twitch stream and live posting to the forums.” That’s when it started to break out a little bit. Yeah, as soon as people started posting about it on the forums, they started reaching a lot more people. I wonder what they could have done, instead of just barely interacting on the forums and mostly through twitch / facebook ....... ![]()
Starfox wrote: Even before 1.6, I felt goblin was the best class for a front-line cleric. +2 Cha is great and a -2 Wis on your dump stat is lovely! And this is patently absurd. Well that sorta makes sense, no? While playing race like goblins, who are expected to be killed on sight for every civilized society, being a healer can easily get you past that initial reaction.![]()
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Doesn't that mean the playtest is largely useless for spellcasters? Inflated saving throws make a huge difference in this edition with 4 degrees of success. Having the enemies save / critically save against your 3 relevant spells a day vs having the enemy fail / critically fail their save is huge. It is the difference between a caster feeling useful and powerful vs feeling like a weak nobody who'd be better replaced with a martial who doesn't run out of spell slots. ![]()
Freagarthach wrote:
prd wrote: In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell. So while under the effect of Polymorph any Object, Reduce person has no effect. Also, afaik a High Girallon is a magical beast, so reduce person would be ineligible anyway. And I don't think it actually qualifies for a permanent duration either. There is no such thing as poison resistance either, afaik and he only gains resist 10 to acid, cold and fire.Doesn't seem overtly powerful if you apply the rules correctly (but I agree the polymorph rules have always required some careful reading) ![]()
Xenocrat wrote:
Actually, you're mistaken. Fusion seals are a specific distinct item you can install fusions in. srd, not fully quoted wrote:
Tender Tendrils wrote:
Nah, a CR6 enemy is supposed to be equivalent to a single CR6 PC. An average encounter is supposed to be really easy. You can for example see that clearly on Page 389. Quote: Generally, the CR of an NPC equals the level of a PC with the same abilities - for example, an NPC with abilities similar to a 2nd-level technomancer would be CR 2.
blog post wrote:
I never encounter this myself in PF1. Players always fill their slots with the stat boosting items (big six etc). The only swift / immediate action items I see players use often is boots of speed.If the players get lots of consumables, they are often hoarded and not used, because they almost always take standard actions to use and are thus not worth using (not to mention the low DCs these items tend to have). Am I missing something? What are all these swift / immediate action items that dominate the playspace in dev games, that I never encountered, that are one of the main reasons for introducing resonance? ![]()
Rysky wrote:
Well, that is even worse in PF2, no? By merging the cloak of resistance with +armour and making +weapons more powerful, and the new crit system making +bonuses far more important, those items feel far more required than they ever did in PF1. Changing the math to try and keep you near the 50% mark, also means that if you don't get the upgrades at the exact right levels, you fall behind the expected curve incredibly fast (thanks again to the crit system) And they even set the skill DCs to include +skill items, making those mandatory too. While there were +skill items already in PF1, those never felt mandatory in actual game play, since you didn't need to absolutely max your skill bonus, but you have to in pf2 to hit the 50% success mark. It also feels like you'd be running around with far less magical items thanks to resonance and the new WBL system. -----
Many of those magical items already weren't very good in PF1, because of the required math items and because the items were usually very overpriced with incredibly low DCs at the levels you could get them at.
Lausth wrote: I dont get something.What exactly martials are having problems with that cant be solved by magical items? Because they have a gear limit (wbl in pf1). And they need to buy all their basic equipment like +x weapon, get their AC up etc. Then yeah, they can buy a ring that gives them fire protection to adventure on the plane of fire (if they are lucky enough to be able to find one, since the rules for finding specific magic items can make that quite tricky), but then they probably won't be able to fit a helm of underwater breathing in their budget for the other part of the adventure.Or whatever other problem pops up. Not to mention if they actually want to spend their money on pure background RP things, like building a castle etc. ![]()
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Yeah, that is exactly my point. Casters get class features to deal with those problems, while non-magical martials have to sit around / plead with their DM to fix those problems for them. Because non-magical casters usually don't or barely get non-combat class features![]()
Dire Ursus wrote: That's another thing I like in 2e. Sorcerers can actually learn spells from outside sources.They could do that in 1e too (though the FAQ ruling that you can't cast spells not on your spell list contradicted these rules, thus made it a bit wonky) PRD:CRB:Magic wrote: With permission from the GM, sorcerers and bards can also select the spells they gain from new and unusual spells that they come across while adventuring.
Franz Lunzer wrote:
Not just that, it is a survey asking people what they played. Which is not exactly the same thing as what people would want to play. For example, since "We Be Goblins" is a thing and "We Be Orcs" is not, I'd expect goblins to be played more often.
Biggest problem I have with the economy system is that players feel like they need to spend all the money on gear. And thus won't happily spend money on roleplay stuff. They dislike spending money on for example: bribing guards, buying apartments to live in, fancy stuff for their space ship which doesn't have any stats etc. ![]()
Wands of CLW have a learning curve associated with them. Thus new people to the game might not pick up on their use quickly. Making it hard to design adventures for a wide audience. Tracking the charges and rolling the exact healing numbers and calculating the gold costs / impact they have on WBL (Wealth By Level) is also a pain. If you want to have everyone heal up between combat, a method that doesn't need this much tracking / costs this much gametime would be better. ![]()
I'd like to see out of combat healing handled in one of these two ways: A) There is some kind of real cost / impact on the game and HP attrition is a thing. (For example, you take multiple days to heal up / can only heal up in a temple or something, that way it has a real impact on the game and the stories you can tell) B) Make healing ubiquitous and really easy (this way it is no hassle and encounter design can just assume everyone is always at full hp for every new encounter) I absolutely don't want the, you have limited resources for healing, but you can just sleep and regain them all with no real impact on the game, approach. It is boring, a pain to keep track off, and doesn't do anything good for the game at all. ![]()
bookrat wrote:
Then don't offer them +1 options. Just give them a choice between high / low / medium AC or something, give them set numbers for their levels and make sure they differ in other ways. Perhaps, deal more damage / have some DR, or give them unique actions they can take, etc. ![]()
Personally, it feels terrible in starfinder. Going from level 1 to level 3, my spell damage stays exactly the same, and I don't have any better spell slots to prepare better spells, yet enemies have a lot more hit points.
Quote: Generally, the CR of an NPC equals the level of a PC with the same abilities - for example, an NPC with abilities similar to a 2nd-level technomancer would be CR 2. An NPC usually has armour and a weapon each with a level equal to its CR, give or take a level, and possibly one or two more items of a level equal to its CR. Basically, CR and level are equivalent when it comes to encounter building. ![]()
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Agreed. And applying a fusion to a weapon does allow it to bypass DR if it was magical, but won't turn it into a magic weapon. And thus won't be able to deal half dmg to incorporeal creatures.![]()
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Quote: Weapons with fusions are considered magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Only the ghost killer infusion on a kinetic weapon is able to affect incorporeal enemies. Regular infusions count as magic for DR, not for affecting incorporeal creatures.![]()
Envall wrote: I disagree. To quote the book: Quote: Generally, the CR of an NPC equals the level of a PC with the same abilities—for example, an NPC with abilities similar to a 2nd-level technomancer would be CR 2. An NPC usually has armor and a weapon each with a level equal to its CR, give or take a level, and possibly one or two more items of a level equal to its CR. For more information on creating nonplayer characters, see the Alien Archive. Since NPC CR and PC level are supposed to be equal, comparing them at the same lvl makes sense ![]()
tldr: I feel like you rate Rattling Presence slightly too high.
Demoralize wrote: The duration increases by 1 round for every 5 by which the result of your check exceeds the DC. So if you give up your expertise die you increase the number of rounds a target is demoralized by 1 (or 2) rounds. But if instead of using this expertise, you just roll the dice, you have a significant chance of increasing the number of rounds anyway. And if you have a failure chance, rolling the expertise die gives you a chance of turning a failure into a success as well.If you have a succeed on the check by rolling a 1 on your d20 (a 100% chance of success), rolling your expertise dice gives you this chance on average of getting an additional round (averaging the possibility of more than 1 round):
If you actually have a chance of failure, the average amount of additional rounds you get from rattling presence quickly drops off, while the average amount of rounds from rolling your expertise die mostly stay similar. Thus the benefits from the Expertise Talent are very marginal. ![]()
oldskool wrote: I spend 2 feats. 1) Skill Synergy (Diplomacy added as a class skill, Intimidate for an insight bonus), and Skill Focus (Diplomacy). My Diplomacy will be a 32 and Intimidate a 31. Minor correction, but you can't actually do that. Quote:
Since intimidate is already a class skill, you get an insight bonus to diplomacy and intimidate instead. The feat is clear you either get 2 new class skills or a +2 insight bonus to 2 skills. Can't give you a class skill and a +2 bonus. ![]()
Looking at the Alien Archive (which I'm not allowed to use for PC options, yet) there is the Kyokor a [CR 20] with +4 cha and 39 intimidate.
20 (ranks) + 4 (cha) + 3 (class bonus) = 27 How as a PC are you ever supposed to get that additional +12 to match it? ![]()
I'm creating a soldier and looking at skills to take. It seems the skill DCs just scale too fast for my character to keep up. Let me give some examples. As a soldier my class tells me I need Str, Dex and Con. So I figured, I'd have something like 12 int and 20 Cha at high level. I take a look at the bounty hunter theme:
#1: Let's say I want to identify what I'm fighting and I meet a DM created Space Goblin King [CR14] at lvl 14. To identify it, I need 5+ 1½ CR (DC 26). If I roll a 20 +4 (jack of all trades) +1 (int), I have a total of 25, not enough to identify an equal CR space goblin (which should be peanuts imho). Let alone know any facts about it. Apparently the theme is useless? #2: I'm [lvl 20] know and put used all my skills ranks for identifying creates. Now I'm meeting the DM created Space Goblin Emperor of Goblin Kind [CR20].
To identify it, I need 5+ 1½ CR (DC 35).
That seems way too high to identify an equal CR Space Goblin as a fully trained, at identifying creatures character. I can't even identify rare creatures on a natural 20 (DC 45) #3: Well maybe soldiers have no need to identify creatures and it just doesn't work. Let me try training intimidate instead, it is a class skill after all and I invested a lot to get 20 Cha.
He, a dwarf with 4 charisma, has a defense vs intimidate of 15+ 1½ CR (DC 45).
Even if I grab skill focus for another +3, I'm still 4 short. Is there any point in getting skill ranks if you don't get a class based insight bonus in this game? ![]()
Ravingdork wrote: That limitation is only for things that apply specifically to unarmed strikes. Weapon specialization applies to weapons in general, and the second sentence applies to natural attacks. Ergo, the limitation may not actually apply. What? No. That is silly. Claiming the special weapon specialization doesn't apply to their unarmed strike is clearly not the intent. Vesks gain a special rule for their unarmed strike, the weapon spec clearly is supposed to benefit that unarmed strike. Thus it doesn't interact with Hammer Fist. Guess you made a mistake since they named the ability 'natural weapons' instead of something like improved unarmed fighting. ![]()
Soldier - Hammer fist wrote: These unarmed attacks don’t benefit from other abilities that apply specifically to unarmed attacks (such as the Improved Unarmed Strike feat). Vesk wrote: Vesk are always considered armed. They can deal 1d3 lethal damage with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn’t count as archaic. Vesk gain a unique weapon specialization with their natural weapons at 3rd level, allowing them to add 1–1/2 × their character level to their damage rolls for their natural weapons (instead of just adding their character level, as usual). Don't know about the ring, but the Vesk ability and hammer fist don't interact. ![]()
If I understand you correctly, you want to get sneak attack damage with the spell you cast? I do remember this faq which states ranged attacks don't benefit from flanking. Quote:
If ranged attacks don't benefit from flanking, I'd say you won't get sneak attack damage on ranged attacks, even if you flank (unless you qualify in some other way). ![]()
Kileanna wrote: Closest I remember is the Magus FAQ: Quote:
KingOfAnything wrote: The rules say that evil spells are evil acts. The rules say that evil acts change alignment. The rules say that the GM determines when alignment changes. The text suggests a number close to 2, but that is by no means a "rule".The rules also state that changing alignment is left up to the player. prd: atonement wrote: Note: Normally, changing alignment is up to the player. This use of atonement offers a method for a character to change his or her alignment drastically, suddenly, and definitively.
_Ozy_ wrote:
How exactly does counting from heel to toe work in game though? If I as a medium creature roll an acrobatic check of 0, I end up in the pit? And if I roll -1 I end up where I was? If a colossal creature rolls a result of 0, it moves forward multiple squares? ![]()
Poison Dusk wrote: I would say no, RAW, as you can't be under the effect of two polymorph effects at the same time. However, I would allow it as it is only the physical part that is polymorph. Also, what's the point if you can't use both? Technically, if I'm allowed to be very pedantic, no that is not RAW. The rules only state that you can only be affected by one polymorph spell at a time. Though I do think (and every table will rule it this way) that they meant to include polymorph effects, but by strict RAW they didn't. ![]()
One of the problems with limiting spell casters is that there is no real consensus what is actually too strong when it comes to spell casters. Lets look at core only for a moment. In my experience a wizard who only focusses on dealing damage is worse than a martial character. Usually does less damage (except against groups, which usually aren't a real challenge but can waste a lot of real life time), while having worse defences, limited spell slots and are thus strictly worse.
Also casters sometimes provide answers the adventure expect you to solve. How are you going to adventure in the underwater temple / other dimension / cloud castle? You need a caster.
Many spells casters have are single target only, which are actually terrible for the martial characters as well. Haste is a group buff and thus something I'll often cast, but fly is single target and preparing it 5 times so the entire party can fly is a non-starter. Making pretty much all polymorph spells personal only, means I can't cast them on the martial characters anymore and makes the disparity worse. And to me, non-casters are just terribly boring. Sure I can build an effective archer, but I'd be bored out of my mind only full-attacking every turn. ![]()
bitter lily wrote:
There are still other monsters who don't have such a line, cast as sorcerers and still get spells from other spell lists. Like say the Royal Naga "Spells A royal naga casts spells as a 9th-level sorcerer."
bitter lily wrote:
Well, keep in mind Gold Dragons have this bit of text:"A gold dragon can cast cleric spells as arcane spells.". And dragons cast as sorcerers. So just get a gold dragon to tutor you.Technically though, the FAQ, that prevents you from casting spells that are not on your spell list, also prevents gold dragons from casting the spells that they have in their stat block (and breaks other creatures as well). ![]()
Derklord wrote: Well check this out: James Jacobs Creative Director wrote:
Also, monks aren't supposed to be able to match a barbarian in a straight up fight. Jason Bulmahn Lead Designer wrote:
graystone wrote: Actually, Quote: You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with an elven branched spear sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon.