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Currently playing around with different ideas for a spiderman build. A monk or rogue seems like a good foundation, with their acrobatics. Also, there is a druid domain (frog) which provides the following:
Sticky Strike (Su): As a standard action, you can attempt a ranged touch attack with a sticky tendril against a target up to 15 feet away, then use the pull universal monster ability to pull the target 5 feet toward you. You gain a bonus on the pull’s combat maneuver check equal to 1/2 your druid level. If the target is larger than you, you may pull yourself 5 feet toward the target without making a check. The target can remove the tendril by making an opposed Strength check as a standard action, or by dealing enough slashing damage to the tendril (hit points equal to your druid level, Armor Class equal to your touch Armor Class). You can dissolve the tendril as a free action. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
I'm still rather new to all this, but it would seem as though these tendrils could be used to swing spidy-style, although only a limited amount of times.
Open to any suggestions.

BigNorseWolf |

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If webbing is what you want, you can be like the real Spider-Man and make it yourself with Craft (Alchemy). Spider Sac.

Errant_Epoch |
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The problem with Arachnid Wildsoul Vigilante is that you need to be 18th level to actually swing like spiderman. 18th freakin level, to essentially have a very limited, very slow (most likely), version of flight. The Fly spell is only a 3rd level spell, so you'll be web slinging along and have a bunch of 5th lvl wizards just quidditch on by you at a faster rate with no necessary anchor points. Speaking of anchor points depending on setting that 18th level ability would be pretty useless, In Golarion only a few places have more than one building that tall. Now some of the wording implies that you might be able to use the 12th level power to swing, but said power doesn't say that or give you any movement speed, so you'd be able to swing on it like any other rope but not necessarily be able to chain it along, and if your GM allows that type of movement, given that you can only use the 12th level power 3+con mod times you're going to have to have a discussion about how many uses swinging along properly uses. In short you'll run out fast. Perhaps if you combo the various abilities and items listed above you could gain enough frequency of use.
I'm sorry for going off on a tear that Arachnid Wildsoul template just frustrates the hell out of me.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |

The problem with Arachnid Wildsoul Vigilante is that you need to be 18th level to actually swing like spiderman. 18th freakin level, to essentially have a very limited, very slow (most likely), version of flight. The Fly spell is only a 3rd level spell, so you'll be web slinging along and have a bunch of 5th lvl wizards just quidditch on by you at a faster rate with no necessary anchor points. Speaking of anchor points depending on setting that 18th level ability would be pretty useless, In Golarion only a few places have more than one building that tall. Now some of the wording implies that you might be able to use the 12th level power to swing, but said power doesn't say that or give you any movement speed, so you'd be able to swing on it like any other rope but not necessarily be able to chain it along, and if your GM allows that type of movement, given that you can only use the 12th level power 3+con mod times you're going to have to have a discussion about how many uses swinging along properly uses. In short you'll run out fast. Perhaps if you combo the various abilities and items listed above you could gain enough frequency of use.
I'm sorry for going off on a tear that Arachnid Wildsoul template just frustrates the hell out of me.
It should not take that long to do what you want to do. I agree with you.

Errant_Epoch |

It should not take that long to do what you want to do. I agree with you.
Yeah, Capstones are great and all but the highest level character I've had in 3.X/PF only hit 16th (discounting three characters that started at 20th so we could try the "Epic" rules) so when I see peoples builds that function on it coming "online" at 12th I just consider that not worth playing.
The Arachnid Wildsoul does get some neat abilities earlier on, not to mention all the normal vigilante stuff it gets, but most of it uses the same 3+con mod pool of usage. 8-10 times per day is not often enough to be a characters shtick IMO. Great for those full caster early level back up powers, bad for a mid level combat/utility power.
The Spider Sac alchemy item is probably more helpful, but its range is only 10 feet and it's a one use item, so you'd have to produce a lot. It also weighs a pound and costs 30GP (although you'd obviously craft them and get the reduced price).
The frog domain power doesn't seem to work on objects but I could be wrong.
Spiderman is strong, agile, intelligent, perceptive, climbs walls, leaps far, and fights with his hands. Sounds more like a Monk, Brawler, or Ninja to me. Ninja especially will allow you to jump ridiculously high with the acrobatic master and high jumper tricks. Climb walls (but unfortunately not ceilings) with the Wall Climber trick. Deflect arrows could help rep "spider sense".

Protoman |

I vote Arachnid Wildsoul Vigilante and using the Cornerstone Crossbow to get around places and fluff it as webswinging, well more as webbing to a point and beelining towards it then rinse and repeat.

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Wildsoul archetype is... well, its faults have been explained above.
Using non homebrew, I believe the Witch would serve you better. Boost Web with metamagics, use Flight hex, and focus on spells that fit the spider motif. (Swarms, poison, etc)
Alternatively, I can see a mechanic based on the Summoner's Summon Monster. A spell-like usable X times per day that adds alternate spells as you level. Maybe start with Web Bolt at 1st, then add Web Shelter at 3rd, Web at 5th, etc? Maybe use stronger spells at higher levels such as Black Tentacles reflavored as webs that cut like razor wire, or even Emercency Force Sphere as represented by an ultra dense cocoon of webs.
Heck, this could be a great replacement for Vigilante Specialization. Maybe use that to rework Wildsoul.

AwesomelyEpic |

The Arachnid Wildsoul seems like it works for the concept, but this is Pathfinder, and there are about 80 ways to do any character. The Flowing Monk is focused on redirecting attacks, dodging, and generally nimble maneuvers, which fits Spider-Man's combat style well. Spider-Man didn't have webs naturally, so just use spider sacs (maybe with spring-loaded sheathes). For the whole dual identity part, you could take a dip into vigilante, or you could just use the alternate rules for creating another identity without being a vigilante.

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I actually have Spider-Man as my Lv16, I think unchained monk is the way to go, and if it was home-campaign I would make an adjustment to what I do and have a wand of web in a wrist sheathe. Maybe make it so they don't have to draw the wand, and then as they level make them do other spells. I.e. Web bolt, web shelter, etc. I use ki powers high jump, sudden speed, abundant step, wind jump, and branch runner. And my feats were into the grapple tree and dimensional agility so that I can tie people up. The idea is that I DD grapple and then pin or tie up in one round.

ShroudedInLight |

I would like to mention the spell Handy Grapnel which allows you to spend a Standard and then two move actions to move 50ft +5ft per level over to anything you can stick a grappling hook into.
While using the spell repeatedly is difficult the Unchained Rogue's Major Magic will give you up to 10 casts of it daily. An Eldritch Scoundrel has to wait till 5th level to get Major Magic but would then have a butload of casts of Handy Grapnel.

Captain Morgan |

Are you set on any particular race? Because a Vanara with the risky trouble maker trait gets all the right bonuses and a climb speed at level 1. Being a furry beast might mean people mistake you for Hank McCoy over Peter Parker.
As is often the case building super heroes, it very hard to do EVERYTHING a super hero can, if for no other reason than point buy limitations. You can make a guy who is incredibly strong and fast and good in combat, but also making him a scientific genius is tricky.
If you want to have a secret identity, obviously Vigilante is the only choice. Lethal Grace and Fist of the Avenger are pretty respectable damage boosters. There are talents to up your speed, get you a climb speed, faster stealth, and more.
Monk let's you inherently do a lot of that already or makes it easy to get. An alchemist can arguably do the most things off that list... But only by burning actions and resources. Still, sticky bombs is one of the best ways to web people up, you get to include Peter's intelligence, and can eventually reenact some of those 90s stories where he mutates further and grows more arms and stuff.

Scott Wilhelm |
There is the Robe of Infinite Twine. There is a level 1 Spell, Mudball: Ranged Touch Attack that Blinds opponents. Spiderman sometimes Blinds opponents with his webs. There are Tanglfoot Bags. There is the Entangle Spell.
I have a Grappling build Feature for Tying Up creatures that might look Spidy-like.