![]() I've been perusing fan-made Dragon Ball rpgs recently, and the above stands out as one of the better ones. It's a little rough around the edges, due to it being in 'public playtest', but it's more than serviceable. The only question is whether anyone would be willing to try it :) <- I'd be willing to GM
![]() I don't own Dungeon Worlds, aaand I'm pretty entirely unfamiliar with Pathfinder's Golarian, but here's my best attempt: Sen, a ronin from a distant land. Spoiler: Sen, the Undefeated
Level 1 Neutral Barbarian Outsider (Human) He looks about with shrouded eyes, his supple body unmarred by decoration. His samurai kimono is made of silks. STATS
HP 20/20 (8+Con)
// The Upper Hand
// Musclebound
// What Are You Waiting For?
// Unencumbered, Unharmed
![]() Far Beyond Humanity is definitely 'wild stuff', but it's also wildly cool stuff too B) Everything in there is great. Had we started with it, I probably would've made a Time Lord/-esque character, ala Doctor Who, which gives you an idea of what the expansion makes possible. Here are the official GM and Player sheets to help with keeping track of things; I highly recommend checking out the pregens/sample character sheets: http://www.uncharted-worlds.com/indexdownloads.html ![]()
![]() The Kingdom Building rules don't seem particularly suited for this sort of thing. They're meant to adventurers with a lot of money to spend, with the idea that they're hiring an indiscriminate number of people to build/etc for them. Not really for the PCs themselves getting in the dirt on their hands and knees to do the work themselves. My suggestion would be to split it--in true Dwarf Fortress fashion, into a round of 'Fortress Mode', followed by a round of 'Adventure Mode'. The game would start in Fortress Mode, where the players all take a turn being the Administrator of the Fortress. During this round, they direct the Fortress for one IC month, and have a list of actions that they can have the dwarves do that each take varying amounts of time. Once their time is up, the Fortress is handed to the next player, and so on. Of course, immigrants come in at the end of every month, giving the next player even more to handle, with merchants coming in some point, and so on. Once everyone has had their turn at Fortress Mode, there is a small timeskip where the GM gets everything sorted and settled down, and then the game switches to Adventure Mode. The players then either choose a Dwarf in the settlement to play as, or create a new character who comes in as a new immigrant/traveler. The game then plays like any normal Pathfinder adventure, with the characters starting at the settlement and only really having access to things that were set up there during Fortress Mode. Then the characters retire, the game goes back to Fortress Mode, and then rinse-repeat until the settlement fails or the goal is reached.
![]() Understood :) Just thought I'd put out my willingness to GM on a perm or temp basis in-case you weren't confident in running Uncharted Worlds. I've got a lot of different favorites, but personally I'd like to see this game be open in terms of setting. My addition to the aspiration is that the setting largely isn't established beforehand, allowing for a wide variety of situations and character types. i.e. Basic Setting first, then Character Creation, THEN the details. All I want from the game though is a locked down choice of system. I don't care about setting or anything else as much as I do the engine behind it, as that dictates a lot of how the game will unfold. Recommend you put up a poll or something. ![]()
![]() Recruitment has fizzled on my Star Wars game :'D So you've officially got me as a UW player or GM. I mightttt be willing to play some other system, depending on what it is, but my heart is set on finally getting into an Uncharted Worlds game. I own Uncharted Worlds, Far Beyond Humanity, Wild Jumps, 21 Jump Points, and Colonies. That's both official material and fan stuff, so you can tell I've been wanting to play this for a long time, haha. Wild Jumps is a free Fan Supplement btw, encourage those with UW to check it out
![]() Thanks for the interest, everyone! Recruitment is over today, as it's now Monday/June 4th. And unfortunately the game won't be starting as I don't have any players D: It seems like Uncharted Worlds isn't as widespread as I hoped. Maybe sometime in the future I'll open up recruitment again for this Jedi Service Corps idea, perhaps with one of the Star Wars RPG systems behind it :) In the meantime, I definitely recommend those interested to check out Uncharted Worlds, its expansion Far Beyond Humanity, and its upcoming expansion Carta Galaxia. ![]()
![]() Hi, Stalwart! This sounds EXACTLY like Uncharted Worlds, a PbtA-like ('like' because it breaks away from playbooks and several other common ideas) system that has the players build the universe as they play, right down to creating factions and the like. It's rules-lite and focuses very heavily on 'prompting', where the GM leaving gaps in the narrative for asking the players to fill. It's a system where a player can open a cargo pod and the GM often asks them whats inside; when you get attacked, its the players who say what Faction emblem is on the enemy ship; and so on. I'm not sure how else to sell it besides saying that it's exactly what you're looking for. It also has an expansion, Far Beyond Humanity, which deals with supernatural aspects (magic, cosmic horrors, etc.) and creating strange aliens. http://www.uncharted-worlds.com/ I'm currently attempting to run a recruitment for a Star Wars-based Uncharted Worlds game, but so far there has been no interest. I chose Star Wars in the hopes that the familiar setting would draw people in, but heh, no dice. I mostly want to play or GM an Uncharted Worlds game, so if recruitment over there fizzles out (it ends this Monday, June 4th), then I'll gladly come over as a potential UW player or UW GM. ![]()
![]() // INTRO
Typically these colonies–despite being in Republic or CIS space, and despite being made up of Republic or Separatist citizens–do not formally register their settlement with one goverment or the other. Nevertheless, if the Jedi Order is at least aware of one of these burgeoning colonies, they will often send members of the Jedi Service Corps to both support and watch over it. Elag currently has four Corps members supporting the colony there, one from each of the branches; Agricultural, Medical, Educational, and Exploration. Recently, thanks to the efforts of the Jedi and a committee of senators, the 'Elagians' (as they now call themselves) have decided to register with the Galactic Republic, making Elag an official colony. You are now onboard a Republic Transport, heading towards the Elag Colony, bearing Republic officials, a few Clone Troopers, additional Jedi Service Corps members, as well as shipments of equipment and supplies. The first of many supply ships, as the Republic seeks to solidify their new relationship with the colony. You, those with you, and the Elagians, have a lot of work ahead. // GAME SYSTEM, EXPECTATIONS, RULES, AND CHARACTER CREATION
Unlike most RPGs, Uncharted Worlds focuses very heavily on the GM leaving gaps in the narrative for the players to fill. It's a system where a player opens a treasure chest and the GM asks them whats inside. Thus a lot of whats going to happen in this game is going to be up to you guys, the players. That said, I would like to keep things clean and on the Clone Wars/Rebels side of content (meaning PG, with some PG 13 moments). The game takes place in 22 BBY, in the opening months of the Clone Wars, and as such the events of the Clone Wars animated movie or series have not yet taken place. I am looking for 4 players, but can make do with 3. If you want to join, post a completed character, with everything filled out except for Advancements, Workspaces, and Starting Assets (as the accepted players will fill these out together before the game starts). I mostly want Jedi Service Corps members, but I'll be looking at all character concepts equally, and I honestly wouldn't mind some Clones :D Note that, unless you choose one of the Supernatural Origins and/or Careers in Far Beyond Humanity (FBH), your Jedi or Force-Sensitive character will be limited in their Force abilities. If you do not own FBH, but still want some semblance of Force ability, I'd recommend taking Deduction (from Career: Academic OR Origin: Regimented) as a light form of Force Sense, or likewise twisting/re-fluffing other skills to be more Force-based. If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask. Recruitment will stay open until this Monday (June 4th), whereupon the four players will be selected <3 // GAME LENGTH
To ensure a completed, shorter game, I will be setting a cut-off date of 6 IRL months, on which the game will abruptly end if it hasn't reached a satisfying conclusion already. The players may keep playing past that time if they wish, but my time as a GM will be over. // WHAT IS THE JEDI SERVICE CORPS?
Spoiler: If you want to learn more about the Jedi Service Corps (JSC), read the Wookieepedia article on the subject, or watch some of the many videos that have been made on the Corps. I definitely recommend that you read the Wiki articles on the four branches within the JSC.
In this game, while the JSC does have a formal headquarters and offers formal training, the JSC as a whole operates very informally. Members are trained and then typically sent alone (sometimes in a group/team) to a world or some area of space to do their work, with their only oversight being an expected monthly report on their activities, alongside the occasional surprise visit from a superior. They receive a weekly stipend of credits, but lodging, food, and other such things are left up to them to figure out; the only exception being when they are working in a official capacity with the Galactic Republic, in which case they will typically share housing and workspaces provided by the government. Essentially, they are the missionaries of the Star Wars universe. Many JSC members are teens or young adults, who either failed The Gathering or Initiate Trials ('Washouts'), or simply wasn't/hasn't been yet selected by a Knight or Master to become their Padawan ('Hopefuls'). They're nicknamed Washouts or Hopefuls, respectfully. There are also a number of Padawans, and even a few Knights and Masters, who serve in the JSC either as a temporary deal–either to learn skills or as a sort of 'vacation'–or as permanent members. Although, with the start of the Clone Wars, many of these ranked Jedi may soon see themselves pulled back to the temple and then to the front lines. In terms of rank, Washouts and Hopefuls are 'Jedi', just a step above being a Jedi Initiate, but below Padawan. They hold no military rank in the Grand Army of the Republic, but may be temporarily granted rank by an officer. As for Lightsabers, Hopefuls likely have one and may choose to wear or wield it, but Washouts typically do not have them, as they either did not make one of their own because they failed The Gathering or proved themselves unworthy of wielding one by failing the Initiate Trials. ![]()
![]() Cool to see that people like Amir :D And awesome, Miss Moxie, if you're alright with the overlap, then so am I~ Any in-game drama or fun that might arise from it is fine by me. @CucumberTree
'Moat' could be your character slowing down the time of a missile or other threat, so that it comes to a near halt. 'Boost' is manipulating the environment through time travel to help a teammate. 'Construct' is your character producing an object from the past or future (dissolves at the end of the scene, because, well, you have to put it back :P). And 'Elemental awareness' is your character testing or researching something, then going back in time to deliver the knowledge to themselves so they don't have to suffer any consequences ("Yes, it turns out that the door really is booby-trapped!"). So on and so forth. @Infernal Zero
![]() Oh dearie, looks like Amir sparked some discussion. Here's some answers to the posed questions~~ The rulebook describes "perishing" as The Doomed as not necessarily being death, but absolutely the end of that character's story. So a character who perishes could die, but they could also become a villain/monster with no trace of their original personality, or run away and never be heard from again. In Amir's case, perishing might be him going through with the marriage and never being seen/heard from again, while confronting his doom on his own terms might be going through with it.. but making the girl move in with him in America, versus staying in Pakistan. Amir's Nemesis is tied very closely to his Doom, and is quite diabolical because, as BastianQuinn points out, it's not an enemy he can just punch away. The Nemesis, his family, does exactly what any normal family would do who's excited for an upcoming wedding. Picture this scene:
Really, any kind of interaction with his family, even noninteraction, will force Amir to mark his Doom Track. If things need to get epic and powerful, then his father can step in with his abilities, or even some kind of Ancestral Spirit. For example, if it looks like Amir isn't going to go through with it, *WHIZZAM!* Prince Almajheered Ahmed comes outta nowhere and is all 'BOI YOU BETTER NOT BE DIHONORIN YER FAMILY AND DISRESPECTIN OUR TRADITIONS. DON'T MAKE US SING YOU A SONG.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsAS9lp1W7g
There's a method to the madness behind Amir's power, which lets him only control sand that comes from Arabia/Persia. The Doomed's abilities are supposed to be tied into their doom, and in Amir's case, part of his doom is being forced to move to Pakistan. So not only are his family and traditions telling him to GO TO THE MOTHERLAND, but even his powers are pushing him in that direction (because his powers would be a lot more effective there). That, and, because Amir's sand can easily be taken away, it forces him to take advantage of his Moves and Doomsigns. Later in the game, it may be possible for him to learn to control other sand or generate his own sand, but until then, I'm fine with the current drawbacks :) There's quite a bit that can be done with sand, even if it's limited by how much he can carry around with him. Janus! Yes, that might've been my second choice. But the Janus is about more than just Mundane v Freak issues. The Janus wants to have two separate lives, and their struggle is figuring out which one is the real them and deserves more attention (as well as actually keeping them separate!). Spider-Man would run off to save everyone, but Peter Parker would let the police handle it and make sure he gets to class on time. Meanwhile, Amir and The Doomed is about circumstance or destiny preventing them from being who they want to be. Raven would love to be hanging out with her friends, but doing so could mean not making progress with defeating Trigon (Her Nemesis), and not to mention the risk of her emotions going out of control and bringing her doom closer. Amir wants to be the one holding the reins in his life, but tradition and family aren't so keen in letting him have full control. EDIT: Also! With the description of Miss Moxie's energy projection, it seems there's a bit of overlap between her and Amir's abilities, as they're both construct focused. This could be seen as an interesting and cool thing, as if they're both selected, they have something in common and could help each other with their powers. However, I'm also familiar with the issue of similar abilities causing players to step on each other's toes. So~ No worries! Because Amir is the most recently submitted character, I'll start working on figuring out a new powerset for him. ![]()
![]() I will have a character up soon, using The Doomed playbook. @Stalwart and Elsine
![]() I'm working on a Weird West/Fantasy Western 4-man, 2nd-level, one-shot adventure using the Pathfinder system (takes place in a temperate rocky desert, guns everywhere, etc.), where the party is a group of bounty hunters looking to bring in the notorious Sundown gang, dead or alive. I have most of the encounters written for this adventure, but I'm having trouble with the final battle, when the party finds the gang's hideout. If you'd like to whip up an encounter for this final battle, I would appreciate it if you made a map as well. Thank you for your time. ![]()
![]() Currahee Chris wrote:
I have long kept this doc saved for such a campaign. Bestiary Levels![]()
![]() If webbing is what you want, you can be like the real Spider-Man and make it yourself with Craft (Alchemy). Spider Sac. ![]()
![]() Since we're getting into the whole influence side of things, I'm going to post a rough draft of my The Transformed character. It's my hope that I'll have him finished by later today. Spoiler: ___________________
Hero ___________________ Hero Name: Deputy Adams/Atoms, AtomiCop Real Name (if different): Shaun Adams Abilities: Inhuman Might and Superhuman Senses [able to perceive wireless transmissions; such as from cellphones, computers, etc.; and see things on an atomic level] Look: Man, White, Strange Eyes, Untouchable Flesh, No Costume Once a young, athletically-built, tall caucausian male with short, unkempt black hair and blue eyes, Shaun Adams is now Deputy Atoms, a being of living energy in the form of a brightly glowing white-blue humanoid. The Deputy's atoms are constantly being split and re-formed by his body, making him an ongoing example of nuclear fission and fusion, and granting him extraordinary power. However, he fears that this process is not only making him unstable, but is also affecting his mind and his humanity. Making matters worse is the fact that many of those around Deputy Atoms fear that he is extremely dangerous and radioactive, further driving him away from normal human contact. But Shaun's discipline is strong and he has vowed to not only remain human, but also to use his powers to defend the world.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if they think you’re losing or gaining humanity. If they say losing, mark a condition and mark potential. If they say gaining, clear a condition and shift Mundane up and any other Label down.
Shaun Adams was a member of the Halcyon County Sheriff's Department Explorer program, which offered training and practical experience to teenagers interested in a future career in law enforcement. Polite, friendly and very quick to help, he was well-respected and liked by his community and fellow officers. During an attack on the city by Redshift, an organization of supervillains seeking to rule mankind, Shaun was on a ride-along with Deputy William Wakefield. When did you change? What caused it?
Who, outside of the team, is helping you understand your new body? Why don’t you just try to hide yourself away? Why do you care about the team? ___________________
Unstoppable: When you smash your way through scenery to get to or away from something, roll + Danger. On a hit, the world breaks before you, and you get what you want. On a 7-9, choose one: mark a condition, leave something behind, or take something with you. On a miss, you smash through, but leave devastation in your wake or wind up somewhere worse, GM’s choice. Wish I could be: When you comfort or support someone, if you tell them what you most envy about them, you can roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.
![]() My suggestion is a reflavored Drunken Master Monk, a Far Strike Monk, or a Gun Mystic Monk, each with reflavored Monk Vows. "Shiny and Chrome" is done with reflavored 'alcohol' in Drunken Master, alternatively done with some sort of potion.
![]() Reign of the Batman was already kind of done in the comics. Battle for the Cowl. Just throwing that out there. I think doing a We Are Robin-type campaign would be really cool. Your Code Blue campaign also sounds interesting. Personally, I strongly favor DC over Marvel. I've never played M&M before, so I'm not familiar with the system or anything. Likewise, I've never played Emerald Knights. Because of this, I'd prefer if we did a low PL game. ![]()
![]() I would prefer 3rd just because the M&M SRD is for 3rd edition. Might I tempt you though with this superhero expansion for d20 Modern? http://phoenixprojectrpg.com/ ![]()
![]() Awesome! Here's the fixes, Character Name: Hames Theothelm
![]() Very interesting Homebrew! I'm looking forward to seeing what the Badger Lords are all about. Here's my application, Character Name: Hames
![]() Okay, so this week hasn't been very good for me either xD And next week doesn't look good , what with Thanksgiving and family flying in. And as for the week after that, I really don't know what's going to happen. Since we're soon going to be bordering on a month without any updates, I think now would be the best time to call the game. Sorry guys, its been fun but I'm running out of steam for this, and as I'm sure you all know, time is at a premium during the holidays. Thanks for playing, guys~ Its been a good 5 months. ![]()
![]() Checking his backpack, Oscar makes sure he still has his C4 with him. It's right where he left it, tucked in at the bottom of the pack, all 4, 1-pound blocks of it, but without a detonator. In an attempt to improvise a detonator, Oscar gathers some tools from around the lab and begins pulling chemicals from a cabinets at the back of the room. This process will take one hour. What will Jet and Jerehmiah do until then? Giving you two a chance to do some stuff while Oscar's busy. ![]()
![]() To Oscar (anyone can read):
On the SRD, explosives can be found HERE. Detonators can be found under Equipment (General) HERE. There aren't any stats for Napalm or Hellfire, but if you kind find stats for those online, I'd be willing to let you have them.
EDIT: In other words, yes, you can use your plot device for explosives As for your Database Advantage, only if you're willing to spend an hour doing research (as according to the advantage). If you really want ensured destruction (as fire alone might not cut it), I imagine the best course would be to spend your plot device on C4, and then use your Craft (Chemical) to improvise a detonator (a moderate explosive, according to the C4 entry, which would take an hour to make). I'll need to know exactly what you want to do to destroy the lab. BTW, when it comes to creating a sleeper virus like you're asking, that will also take one hour. So I'll need to know exactly how you plan to spend your time. Current time is somewhere around 5:00 AM. Oscar's decoy alarm would have been dealt with by now, freeing up police officers around town. Outside the building, cars are beginning to travel the streets. The sun hasn't risen yet. Will post a full update later ![]()
![]() I guess the cat is out of the bag~ Dinosaurs everyone! And yeah, that isn't something I made up either, the Adventure actually calls for dinosaurs. Jerehmiah, I loved that first post. I even marked it as a favorite~ And, Jet, I'll give you a description of what's in the tube in short order. Don't read any of the previous spoilers. There won't be an update today, but I'll try to get something out as soon as possible (as always~). ![]()
![]() Oh wow, I never thought I'd have to refer to the Building Damage rules this adventure. Creating explosives will require Craft (Chemical). Setting (if it isn't a 'simple' explosive) and placing it requires a Demolitions check. Craft (Structural) has a synergy with Demolitions when it comes to 'identifying weak points' (i.e. placing explosives). If I haven't mentioned before, the Hillberger Technologies building is 2 stories tall. I should also mention that explosives are pretty dicey to work with, especially since no one in the group is trained. A single mistake on anyone's part has the potential to be 'spectacular', if you catch my drift. This goes doubly so in Oscar's case, as he has the potential to critically fail. ![]()
![]() So I've more or less thrown the adventure book over my shoulder at this point. We're so obscenely far off the rails that there's hardly any going back. xD This is probably why I've been having trouble posting as of recent, as I'm having to come up with stuff on the fly. I thought I might as well admit it~ By the way, I find myself continually impressed with Jet's build. I swear the guy can do anything xD I'm also impressed with Oscar's ability to pull whatever gadget he wants. After reading your latest post I was like, "Of course he has an iPad". xD (And sure enough, its listed as a 'Tablet' under Work Backpack). ![]()
![]() @Jerehmiah:
@Clone Jerehmiah - Pressing your hand hard against the glass, you scrape away the accumulated frost before looking closely at whatever is inside. What you see inside the tube almost overwhelms you, a creature that is very much unlike anything you've ever seen before.
Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences check (rolling for you): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
You correctly identify the face of the creature to be reptilian in nature, and even go a step further. You recall a book on science that you either read or flipped through a long time ago, one of the illustrations in said book, one of a dinosaur, looks particularly similar to the creature in the tube. You are, however, not sure what sort of dinosaur the creature is. While watching the dinosaur, you notice that it's twitching ever so slightly, as if disturbed. You wonder if it might be waking up from its cold sleep. @Prime Jerehmiah - The coast seems clear, for now.
@Jet - These cameras are supposed to have 8 defense, hardness 2, and 5 hp, but you'd destroy them all anyway if I made you roll for them xD The cameras are easily torn down. You wouldn't doubt that there's some sort of failsafe mechanism though. @Oscar - Tracking the signal, you find that all the data from the cameras is being streamed directly to Dr. Fulbert's phone, which is conveniently located in his lab coat pocket. EDIT: ![]()
![]() Those rolls xD Oh no~ Also, this update was a lot easier to write than expected! @Jerehmiah:
What is Primary Jerehmiah doing at this point in time~? @Leon Hatcher & Jerehmiah - Entering the immense dimly-lit chamber, the two heroes approach the final tube (on the revealed map, the tube/coffin closest to where the team entered). These tubes are constructed out of a hard metal, sans a small viewing port on one side, they also open on one side, making the large devices reminiscent of a coffin and its lid. The room itself is cold also, and you suspect that the lengths of piping across the wall, ceiling, and floor, are used to deliver the liquid nitrogen into the tube/coffins (will call them tubes from now on). However, as the other tubes are empty, only the final coffin is especially cool to the touch, still being pumped full of the liquid nitrogen. In-fact, this final tube is so cold that its viewing port is frosted over. You'll have to wipe it away before being able to see inside. @Leon Hatcher - Walking through the chamber, you catch something in your peripheral vision, noticing a little too late the cameras on the north and south walls (2 on each, 4 in all). The cameras seem to be tracking you and Jerehmiah. @Oscar Cray III: Easily done, you store the data both in your mind and on the PDA. You also download Dr. Fulbert's notes. From these notes, you can easily tell that he has been working on methods to clone dinosaurs from fossil samples, in order to make living weapons for the military. His work went better than expected however, and he was able to create four specimens through forced-growth technology.
The files also reveal that despite his best efforts to create brain-dead creatures, the 'weapons' retained their intelligence. Upon awakening, three of them broke out of their containment cells. He managed to hide from them but could not prevent them from reaching the outdoors. He quickly concealed the escape and attempted to recapture the creatures, but he failed. Thereafter, he watched the news, and his notes evince his increasing horror at the repeated killings. ![]()
![]() In a single flowing movement, Jet both knocks out Arthur and steps into the large metal containment chamber. As the scientist quietly slumps to the floor, the cloaked hero is already halfway inside, approaching the final coffin, his stride unbreaking. Jerehmiah follows close behind. Meanwhile, Oscar moves over to the desk and computer in the center of the room. ((Sorry for being sick and everything guys, its taken a little while to get back into the groove of things~ Anyway, this post was supposed to be longer, as I was just about to write the description and stuff for the containment chamber (something that I thought would take awhile), when I suddenly remembered something important xD. Also Oscar, I'll get to your actions right after this~)) [Everyone, roll Observe]